Tactical Merc (Full Version)

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DatGuardian -> Tactical Merc (11/17/2011 21:55:56)

I have weird interpretations, when i hear tac merc is oped all i hear is that the others are under powered O.o? i havent played in four months and my tank build wont work, heal is destroyed and they added balance issues that imo were not needed. what they SHOULD have done is make the OTHER classes stronger. Thoughts?

BlueKatz -> RE: Tactical Merc (11/17/2011 21:57:30)

If they buff everything, battle will spin around luck, where player win with a block, crit or firs turn

DatGuardian -> RE: Tactical Merc (11/17/2011 22:08:35)

That includes defense, and i am not doubting this is going for 5 focus. No heal loopers, no supports str is going to die soon, whats left O. o

ND Mallet -> RE: Tactical Merc (11/17/2011 22:10:51)

So instead of fixing one class by making it weaker, they should adjust every stat and class to make them equal to TLMs? They won't spend several months to years adjusting every class to make it equal to TLM when they could spend one month to three for fixing one class.

DatGuardian -> RE: Tactical Merc (11/17/2011 22:11:08)

Nope. Just buff them bye a few percents and its fine about a days work and they can make a player test relm no problem with the other servers offline all the time.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Tactical Merc (11/17/2011 23:16:33)


If they buff everything, battle will spin around luck, where player win with a block, crit or firs turn

*cough* seems to already be happening *cough*

Remorse -> RE: Tactical Merc (11/18/2011 1:48:30)


The other classes dont need to be stronger,
They have the fair layout of skills, it's TLMs with their cobination of mana regain, mana drian tanking and hp recovery as well as posion to go through tanks that have left them far to diverse to take down.

If they did make other classes stronger their would be no downside to builds and the only factor dtermining wins would be luck.

rej -> RE: Tactical Merc (11/18/2011 17:41:50)


If they buff everything, battle will spin around luck, where player win with a block, crit or firs turn

then we would have nothing to lose. that is allready how epicduel's battling system works. [8D]

nico0las -> RE: Tactical Merc (11/18/2011 21:37:41)

Here's the round up from my perspective.

When Delta was released, the three new classes each went in a different direction:
Tactical mercenary climbed straight to the top with the famous 125 health strength build.
Cyber hunter was more or less scavenging for scraps.
Blood mages kind of did their own thing.

Tactical Mercenary is regarded as Overpowered due to it's mix of hybrid armor, smokescreen, and reroute. They can debuff, regain mana, and have free defense.

Tactical has dealt with several nerfs over the past 4 months, and have done little to stop their rampage. The heal debuff was actually to kill support mercs.

Tactical is NOT Overpowered. Unfortunately, the community lacks, for the most part, the ability to make builds to beat them. Hence, a perfectly normal class was debuffed
because people couldn't handle it.

I read in an earlier thread that Nightwraith quoted this: "Tactical mercenary is an example of what a class should be."

@ green&aqw Exactly

AQWPlayer -> RE: Tactical Merc (11/18/2011 22:03:13)


"Tactical mercenary is an example of what a class should be."

Meaning that the class is good, while others are not, so all other classes are underpowered ;)

Stabilis -> RE: Tactical Merc (11/18/2011 22:05:54)


"Tactical mercenary is an example of what a class should be."

Funny they stole skills from the classics and they are "super" *eye roll*.

Remorse -> RE: Tactical Merc (11/19/2011 5:26:32)

If you think you are so smart nicolas create a decent build which can beat TLMs without luck and without starting.


Because they have a skill TREE which is NOT what classes should be based around!

And before you start blamming the communtiy for lack of creativity, maybe you should look in the mirror.

redxtra -> RE: Tactical Merc (11/19/2011 7:00:12)


i agree with ya there

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