(DF) Fallen Star C&C Thread (Full Version)

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Starstruck -> (DF) Fallen Star C&C Thread (11/18/2011 0:46:36)

Fallen Star - A Character Backstory

Er...yes. This is my first L&L. I hope you all enjoy it ^_^ I'm going to work really hard on this, though probably not as hard as Pirates vs. Ninjas. That one hurt my hands D: and I don't know if it's legible or not. Er...anyway.

Please tell me what you think of this story. At the time of posting, I actually don't have any chapters typed up, but this...this is it. I can't wait to show my writing to the world!

So I've been hearing a lot about this thing called "character backstory". It seemed like a good idea to me, so I decided to pick up the pencil and write a few pages.

...Well, it ended up as more than that, and adding insomnia into the mix means I have a little spare time and a good idea of what to do with it.

Anyway, this story fits in nicely, in my opinion, with the next chapter of Dragonfable coming up; with a name like Elemental Unity, it's hard not to, heh. Add that to a work in progress I'm creating, entitled M U S E, and you have a wildly gripping (to write, at least) backstory and tribute to a very nicely designed game. I made sure to write it in a very archaic style, as well, but that could level off later in the story as the thing gets less packed with information about this guy and more of a backstory.
For titular options, I must say that "Origins" has been cliched to death. Thus, I endeavored to find a nice title that wasn't in use already and fit in with the name of my character; Fallen Star worked nicely, and thus was born something that has absorbed the past several hours with frantic writing, and the only reason I am typing it now is because my pinky hurts where my tripod grip crushes it against the page. I'm beginning to worry that this story will rapidly overtake Pirates vs. Ninjas when it comes to my NaNoWriMo story...nah. It couldn't possibly. I've filled notebooks with Pirates vs. Ninjas, and I think I already won, heh.

Er...please tell me if my personal fantasies get in the way, especially with Terpsichore (*cough*andEuterpe*cough*), of a good solid read. I turn 16...today, actually, and sometimes the hormones do their thing, especially when it comes to descriptions, heh. Fortunately, the hero of this chapter only appears, like, twelve XD

Starstruck -> RE: (DF) Fallen Star C&C Thread (11/18/2011 1:25:18)

11/18/11: Added Chapter One. Happy birthday to Starstruck! :D

Please tell me what you think of it. Spot typoes, make comments, critique, make predictions; as a writer, I usually ask my critical readers (read: Mom and Pop) to tell me what they think is going to happen next, and then decide if I like that or not, heh. Sometimes the story will take shape under my hands, but oftentimes there are more people involved than just one. :)

blankmaskara -> RE: (DF) Fallen Star C&C Thread (12/7/2011 19:56:04)

So far, so good, I believe. The words you used guide the reader a lot more into visualizing what you visualize, and the descriptions of the characters are embedded within the chapter sequence deeply enough to prevent the story from hitting a rock, and lets it flow along quickly.

Starstruck -> RE: (DF) Fallen Star C&C Thread (12/9/2011 21:11:58)


The words you used guide the reader a lot more into visualizing what you visualize
Thank you! I tried to make it almost blinding with detail, as vivid as I could - it's great that you had such a great image in your mind. It means I did my job right [8D]

blankmaskara -> RE: (DF) Fallen Star C&C Thread (12/9/2011 21:34:59)


it means I did my job right

Yes. Yes you did.

Varen6398 -> RE: (DF) Fallen Star C&C Thread (12/20/2011 6:22:14)

Your story is great! Much description is a great way to head off the starting line with a story. One thing I must mention is that the next chapter of DF is not named 'Elemental Unity', but 'Elemental Dissonance'. I will read through it properly soon!

*Edit*Nice! The descriptions add great depth to the story so far, and the character builds are great! I always thought of you as the water sort of person rather than fire. You know, with the turtle avatar, the water based character in RP (Hounds of Galere) and the general atmosphere that you convey. If that is a plot point (why he is fire now, and not water) then that is very interesting. I can't wait to see more of your writing!

Quick question: I saw you wrote something about NaNoNiMo (or something like that...). What is it?

Starstruck -> RE: (DF) Fallen Star C&C Thread (1/8/2012 22:47:10)


Your story is great! Much description is a great way to head off the starting line with a story. One thing I must mention is that the next chapter of DF is not named 'Elemental Unity', but 'Elemental Dissonance'.
Could have been a typo or it could have been faulty information. Both are plausible and to be honest I'm not quite sure why I wrote that.


Nice! The descriptions add great depth to the story so far, and the character builds are great! I always thought of you as the water sort of person rather than fire. You know, with the turtle avatar, the water based character in RP (Hounds of Galere) and the general atmosphere that you convey. If that is a plot point (why he is fire now, and not water) then that is very interesting. I can't wait to see more of your writing!
All will be made clear when Clio gets her turn. You'll meet all of the Muses and most of the characters in Chapter One here and then we'll move on to the main story. I'm glad you like it! :D I like to hear that people appreciate my writing.


Quick question: I saw you wrote something about NaNoNiMo (or something like that...). What is it?
National Novel Writing Month is an annual event in which a 50,000 word novel is written over the course of one month. I don't think I won...but you never know. Next year I'll be sure to type it XD

Next Muse is Calliope. Not my favorite Muse (Euterpe is best Muse) but I like her a lot anyway. Are you curious as to what her areas of jurisdiction are? ;o well, you'll just have to wait until I'm finished.

Starstruck -> RE: (DF) Fallen Star C&C Thread (10/30/2012 22:16:36)

OKAY SO I am just getting to the next chapter of this now after like ten months. I'm not quite sure of my original plan for this so it should end up being slightly discombobulated, which is perfectly normal. I think.

OMG I started this a whole year ago and I only finished Chapter 1. Better get working >_.._<

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