Basicball -> RE: Battles these days. (11/19/2011 7:06:35)
@Basicball, first off, your a power abusing TLM so of coarse you wont notice the power being abused hiding behind your extreme defences. i've met people with way higher defences them me, and not just once. I m not power abusing TaM, if you think i am, you clearly do not know me. and last but not least: i'm definitely not hiding ... secdonly, Yes you do have a tank build every TLM does basically they can achieve the same defeces as other classes who pile all their stats into tech and dex but instaed pile it into str. other mercs can do that as well, and it's not as op as you think, if you have 13 less defence out of dex, you're certain to hit less times. i was a BH before, and i did just as well as i do now, people should realise that other classes are very good as well ... forthly, no I didnt miss the balance changes wat I did miss is any change that has occured of this issue They aleady nerfed TaM 3 times before, the problem i that people tend to want to destroy it as a whole, which is a wrong mentallity all together and finnaly Im getting sick of replying to TLMs who are obviosly influenced by their bias. you have to be kidding me, not all TaM are the same, acctually, you are being racist with that comment... personally, i have plead for a TaM nerf before, i always go for what is better for the game as a whole, not for what's better for me - whch can't be said of everyone in this forum -. so don't call me biased, unless you havea beter reason then 'you're a TaM'