Zaphira -> RE: Unhidden; Book One: Ruined (12/2/2011 21:36:20)
CHAPTER TWO: WAFFLES AND WORDS WITH FRIENDS The next morning, I awoke to bright colors painting the sky and a rising sun that blazed in my sensitive eyes. Noticing a pink quilt sprawled across my body, I smiled and hoped my mom was still in a better mood. Carefully picking it up and placing it on my right arm, I leaped out of the tree and landed in the dirt. "ERIC!" I yelled. I heard a rustling in his tent as he groggily stumbled out, approaching me after an exaggerated, slow trudge across the patio. "What?" he groaned, blinking sleep out of his droopy blue eyes. "I dunno," I responded blandly, my expression blank but my sly grin slightly visible. "I just wanted to wake you up." He shrugged and began ambling oh-so-slowly towards the back door. Glaring, I rushed forward and swung it open, easing Eric and I inside before slamming it behind us. Tossing the bubblegum pink quilt on the back of the mahogany leather couch, I began making us some frozen waffles. I hummed a few rocks songs to pass the time as they toasted. As I began spreading on the creamy butter, Eric voiced his thoughts. "We need to figure out what that strange man meant." "I know," I agreed. "I hate mysterious prophecies." "I'm calling Nick over to help me. He's an honor student." Eric proclaimed, punching his friend's number into his cell phone. "Nick? Hi, it's Eric. Can you come over? Yeah. Ok. Awesome--" "Ask him to bring Jordan!" I cut in quickly. "Oh, and bring Jordan, too." Eric added. "Ok. See you!" By the time he ended the call, the waffles were done and we were devouring them in seconds, syrup dripping down our chins and butter coating our lips. Wiping his mouth and taking a sip of milk straight from the jug, Eric switched on the television and flipped to MTV. He stared at the screen for a few minutes, engrossed in the dramatic story that played before him. I joined him in watching the episode that was portrayed until the doorbell sang out. Jumping out of his seat on the comfy couch, he darted hastily for the front door and opened it, revealing Jordan and Nick Young. The siblings followed Eric into the family room where I was dwelling at the moment. We exchanged a "Hello," or two, but immediately got down to business. "So, what's wrong?" Jordan asked. "Unless you really truly want to hang out, you'd never invite me over, especially if Eric said so." I quickly explained our midnight experience. "He must've been speaking alien." Nick laughed. "And you said he was an honors student," I grumbled. "Well, anybody want some waffles?" Multiple hands raised, so I set to work doing that. When they were finished, each friend took time to munch on theirs, thoughtfully sharing possible options and taking swigs of milk as they went. "Maybe they're decoded. Perhaps they stand for something?" Jordan offered through a mouthful of waffle. Syrup stained her shirt and a delicious mixture of whipped cream, syrup and butter tricked down her messy chin.