Your Favorite Ability (Full Version)

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Sipping Cider -> Your Favorite Ability (11/25/2011 17:31:53)

Mine is Assimulation. Has great graphic effect so I use it even when my enemy is out of energy.

Also very great since it takes out energy and still does damage at the same time, with a small energy boost as well.

What is your favorite ability?

Rayman -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/25/2011 17:36:01)

BloodLust because it help me survive and i love it

supermasivo -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/25/2011 17:38:40)

Reroute =)

edwardvulture -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/25/2011 17:39:46)

my fav is multi-shot because it can be effective at level4 with a CH

nico0las -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/25/2011 18:57:56)

EMP. I can't tell you how many times it's saved me.

Master Volcon -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/25/2011 19:00:02)

blood shield, never have a build without it. :)

but in all seriousness hybrid. i cant have a build without it

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/25/2011 19:01:07)

My favorite has to be SuperCharge. Aesthetically, very amazing to watch. It is one move I always enjoy viewing over and over. Hazard Husks + Mage+ SuperCharge= fun

Sauerkraut -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/25/2011 19:13:16)

Surgical Strike, especially when unexpected.

Wootz -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/25/2011 19:32:00)

Massacre. Since I can still hit 60 damage on someone with 30-40 resistance :P

drinde -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/25/2011 20:21:01)

EMP. No EP means a hard time recouping. Unless they can spam STR effortlessly. <.<

Gepard Acht -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/25/2011 20:22:48)

EMP saved me countless times, and sometimes i just want to see low lvl's faces when their last hope is gone xD

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/25/2011 20:26:04)

Assimilate ive made builds around that skill

64big -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/25/2011 21:00:52)

Gotta agree with Reroute.

FrostHS -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/25/2011 21:50:20)

EMP, fun to watch people get mad about it

Master K -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/25/2011 21:59:15)

Can't argue with Venom strike. 8-9 damage each turn for 5-6 turns. Fear my sting, for it will be your end.

xxomegafaustxx -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/26/2011 2:54:51)

Overload. I enjoy smiting my opponents with a bolt of thunderous rage (:

ansh0 -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/26/2011 2:57:34)

^Thats 3 turns, sir.

My favorite has got to be Bloodlust,why? Simply because you get hp back, opponent's hp down, also it is passive which gives it an edge against frenzy, it's little brother.

~black spidey

rene196 -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/26/2011 3:03:04)

EMP. i like when people start swearing when i drain their energy.Then they ragequit.[:)]

drinde -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/26/2011 3:12:09)

I applaud that last bit.

Assimilation is also one of my favourites, since it can really annoy others. [:)]

ansh0 -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/26/2011 3:34:17)

For TM's reroute

For TLM's frenzy

For mercs hybrid armor

For TM's assimilation

For BH's massacre

For CH's static charge

For BM's fireball

Arcanis -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/26/2011 6:33:34)

Field medic. [;)]

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/26/2011 6:46:58)

Super Charge , because it looks cool

Jekyll -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/26/2011 7:11:06)

Assimilate - Imagine poking your staff into random people. How cool is that? Pity it got removed from blood mages :(

axiel -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/26/2011 8:38:25)

if i had to say 1 skill.... as a tech mage id say REROUTE *was tm for 2 years*
as a bounty it would be BLOOD LUST *been a bounty for 1 and a half months now* (and currently still am)
and as a merc would be hybird.
cyber hunter = melf or masacare (optional)
tlm reroute or hybird (optional)
and blood mage would be bezerka or blood lust (also optional)


If i had to say 1 out of all the classes it would be... REROUTE for its ability to use different skills in each few rounds :D

Sparticus -> RE: Your Favorite Ability (11/26/2011 9:20:54)

The ability to log out. Try it some time.

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