=MtAK= Onwards to the garden of madness! (Full Version)

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Travis Touchdown -> =MtAK= Onwards to the garden of madness! (12/4/2011 8:47:04)

Well, it's taken me a few months (I suppose you COULD call this fashionably late), but the time has come! Welcome to the nightmare! my Meet the ArchKnight (MtAK) thread. I'll be your host for the evening (or morning. Or afternoon. In fact let's just go for the entire day/week/millennia), Travis Touchdown. For those of you who have never witnessed a MtAK prior to today (or have just forgotten-- it has been a while), here's how it works: This is your chance to meet the team! your friendly neighborhood ArchKnights (in this case, me), asking us questions about ourselves. In turn, we (in this case, me again) respond to the best of our abilities. The end result? PROFIT! A better understanding on your part about the people who work to keep this forum clean, and (hopefully) a whole lot of fun for all involved.

Now, I've watched MtAKs in the past, and I think I've got a pretty good idea what works best for both the AKs and for you at home. So, I've tailored my rules appropriately:

1. You may ask as many questions as you wish (well, to a reasonable degree), in as many posts as you see fit so long as you respect the forum rules towards double posting and all that fun stuff.
2. In return, I reserve the right to ignore any questions I deem to be too personal, too silly (and believe me when I say that they would have to be more than a little silly to get that reaction from me), etc.

This is my edit colour. This is also the colour I'll be using to respond to your questions.

For those of you reading this, just click the "Reply" Button. Let the MtAK begin!

drinde -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden on madness! (12/4/2011 9:22:21)



Can I own this page? :3


How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

= or > than the wood that a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could not chuck wood.

That is all now, OR IS IT! Nope it isn't.

In which case I shall await what's next.

Find the next post!

Technically speaking, the next post would be directly below this one...

[You found meh. Cookeh.

Hey! You were supposedly supposed to be in the next post.

megakyle777 -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden on madness! (12/4/2011 9:32:06)

Hidere. I have just one question and thus would appeciate a long answer[:)].


I felt like it? :P

brad paisley fan -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden on madness! (12/4/2011 9:47:04)

Wait a minute, haven't you always been an AK in this forums section???

Oh right...you're fashionably late.....

1) So what took you so long?

Long story. See, when I first started writing up my main MtAK post, my inner perfection kept telling me that it wasn't quite right. And then things got busy, and when they got unbusy I wasn't sure if I was up to it... repeat the last two until the last couple of days, when I finally had time to sit down and write it up again and eventually told my inner perfectionist to be quiet because it was good enough. :P

2) Do you like country music?

Not as much as some other genres.

3) Do you know how to play guitar?

No, regrettably, though the thought of learning how has crossed my mind on more than a few occasions...

4) if so, how do you do an upstroke?

Well, you said "if so", so since it's not so, I don't think I can answer. :P

5) Who is your favorite singer/artist in the whole wide world??

Say what people will, but Green Day. Especially during live performances. They are excellent showmen.

Kito Domi -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden on madness! (12/4/2011 10:42:56)


First off:

What are some of your favorite hobbies? I want to assume football from your name, but one can never be sure.

Actually, I deplore football. :P I stole borrowed my username from the main character of one of my favourite series. Video Gaming is my biggest one, though I do love music.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Time control. Hypotheically speaking, in a showdown with any other superpower, it would come out on top. You could go back in time and stop your nemesis from ever gaining theirs. Time paradox? What time paradox?

Favorite brand of potato chip?

Lays. Salt and Vinegar especially.

If you were stuck as one animal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Ooh, that's a toughie. I've always liked cats, so that's one possibility.

That's all. Thanks! [:)]

No problem.

P.S: Won't your purple editing colour and my orange text look totally funkadelic? Jussayin'.

Guess we're about to find out. Audience, what do you think?

UltraGuy -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden on madness! (12/4/2011 10:45:21)





Good bye! :)

Adios, amigo. That didn't take long.

We'll meet again (in the forums!) :D

I'm sure we will. On good terms, hopefully. :P

Corvus Corax -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden on madness! (12/4/2011 12:06:41)

Hey Trav! Finally your MtAK! Are you excited?
Heheh, oh yeah.

Since you've been an AK for a while, is it what you expected it to be?
Well, so far, nothing has exploded, I haven't had to make anyone disappear, and all of my limbs are still intact. Take from that what you will...

Ah, just kidding. I haven't been disappointed.

What's the best thing from your perspective about being an AK?
Probably the same thing that was there before I became one-- the community. I love this place, and the main reason I decided to become an AK was to make sure it stayed the great place that it's been in the time I've been here.

What's the most difficult?
Deciding when to finally release my MtAK thread. :P

If you got a wrapped gift from your best friend, what do you think would be in it?
Something that would explode as soon as I opened it. :P But in all honesty, a gift card from some major gaming chain. My best friend knows that I often seek out games that he hasn't even heard about.

Would you rather ride in a helicopter or a formula 1 race car?
The race car. Well, wait. That depends on what type of copter we're talking about...

Would you rather have a stable high paying job, or win a 5 million dollar after taxes lottery?
Stability is key. Honestly, if I ever get into my dream job and happened to win the lottery, I'd probably just store it somewhere with high interest and keep working.

Your left hand suddenly turns everything into Skittles. What just became Skittles?
My face. I was just grooming my moustache...

If you were trapped in an elevator, would you rather have people trapped with you or be trapped alone?
I'd prefer to be alone. Not only is it likely other people would panic, but I don't like sharing the elevator to begin with.

And finally, were my questions odd enough for you?
Heheh. They were certainly unique.

Gratz again Trav!

Fish -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden of madness! (12/4/2011 13:06:32)

Hi Travis!


Congrats. Teh AKship!


I have only one question for you.


Which would you prefer to be, a Beast-master or a Warlock?

Really depends on the parameters on what they could do. In general I would lean towards the Warlock, since it revolves around my skill instead of on the AI, but under the right conditions I might go with the former.

Congrats. again.

Thanks, again.


See ya.

Varen6398 -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden of madness! (12/4/2011 13:15:39)

Hi there!

Hello there!

So you're the new AK around here?

Well, technically, I'm the second newest one here if memory serves... speaking of which, we'll have to prod a certain somebody to do their thread once I'm done... eheheh.

So onto the questions!

All right! Let's do this!

What is your favourite AE game?

AdventureQuest. I've tried pretty much all of them (haven't touched PvP or HeroSmash since I've been disappointed with the other MMO efforts), but AQ is still the best as far as I'm concerned.

Mince pies or Christmas Pud?

Never have had either... Mince Pie sounds better though.

Winter or Summer?

Winter, hands down. I have incredibly high cold tolerance and very low heat tolerance. Besides, you can't go wrong with snow days, and all of the holidays.

Well that is all I guess...perhaps I will see you around!

I'm sure you will.

Mritha -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden of madness! (12/4/2011 14:02:41)

WOOOOOOOO another purple AK!! :D *glomps him excitedly* Congratulations again on being knighted! :)

Ain't Purple grand? Thanks.

How did you come up with your forum name? The touchdown part makes me think of "CARDINALS JUST SCORED A TOUCHDOWN!!!" Ooooo did it come from football? What is your favorite team?

Travis Touchdown is the main character (I wouldn't say protagonist, since he would be a villain in just about any other work) of the No More Heroes series (which I love). He quickly became one of my favourite fictional characters of all time, and the series is crazy as it gets. (Fifty+ foot chicken-shaped shopping cart lazer cannon. 'Nuff said.) When I decided to join the forums, I realized the name wasn't taken, so I figured I might as well use it. And it stuck. :P

What is your favorite soda?

Good ol' Coca-Cola.

When Eukara asked you to be an AK, what was the first thought that popped in your head?

"Um... I think I need a moment to think about it." Actually it ended up taking a couple days to make a decision. :P

Favorite song?

Either "Holiday" or "The Static Age", both from Green Day, the latter from the version from their most recent live album. The atmosphere is surreal.

Tis all for now, congrats again and have fun in the OCC! :D

See you around. It's always fun here. Except when it's not. But those times pass quickly.

Helixi -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden of madness! (12/4/2011 14:05:19)




*checks cake for flaming rhubarb*

*throws puppies*

Nuuuu! What did they do to deserve this fate? D:

What's the best thing about being an AK?

As noted above, the community. I've had quite a good time here in the past couple of years, so it's nice to help make sure it stays that way.

How did Eukky tell you?

Good ol' PM.

Are you at all active in L+L?

I do a bit of fanfic for AQ events now and then, but admittedly, no. I do a fair bit of original writing on my own time, but I'm intentionally keeping it away from the internet for now in the event that I decide to use it as a plot for my personal gaming projects.

I has title!

Yes you has.

Your opinion on Mr. Aurelio Voltaire. GO!

Now that I think of it, I need to listen to more of his stuff...

*poofs out*

*begins spychecking immediate area*

Xplayer -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden of madness! (12/4/2011 14:37:49)

I guess my nagging did some good after all :P
I will not confirm nor deny that any nagging had any part in my decision to finally do this. *shifty eyes*
No question limit? ARE YOU INSANE?
Okay time for some real questions:

1. What's your favorite TF2 class?
Engineer, though I'll play anything other than Sniper and Scout under most circumstances.

2. What video game has the best soundtrack?
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest. Mining Melancholy, Flight of the Zinger, Stickerbrush Symphony, the fact that the death music changes depending on the level... David Wise is a musical genius.

3. Who will win the Stanley Cup this year (unbiased opinion is NOT necessary)? Sabres
Too early to tell. I hate to say it, but the Bruins are making a successful Cup defense look like a real possibility. Of course, the Leafs aren't doing too badly... here's hoping they at least make the playoffs this year. Finally.

4. What... is your favorite color (or colour, whatever that means :P)?
Blue! No, yell- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh...!

And now that I've climbed out of the Gorge of Eternal Peril, I would have to say Dark Purple.

5. Why are touchdown called touchdowns if when you touch the ball to the ground on a catch it isn't a touchdown? Why is it called a "try" in rugby if you actually have to touch it down to the ground?.
I have absolutely no idea.

6. Answer your own question about "Travis" here.
As a matter of fact, Sun Tzu really did say that.

7. Which pony is best pony (even if you don't watch the show or have only heard of it through what you've seen on this forum)?
I don't watch the show (in fact I don't know most of the characters), and the closest I have to experience with the subject is a few YouTube clips that have found their way to my suggestions, but I believe the one that I've come to like the most is the one named Fluttershy.

Seven is a nice number of questions (read: I ran out of ideas). See you around!
Very well. Just watch your back. There's a spy creeping around here...

netosmar -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden of madness! (12/4/2011 15:12:35)

Yay, a MtAK! I love interrogatingasking questions to our fellow AKs.

Yay! I love turning the tables answering questions!

Must resist... abusing... the no question limit.


So, do you like Sandvich?

I'm more of a Steak person myself...

Who is your favorite character ever?

By this point, I would have expected it to be obvious. :P

Is there anything you'd like to blow up right now?*hides Rocket Launcher*

*hides his own Rocket Launcher* Well, I just blew up the moon (to be fair it was staring at me funny and muttering something about "three days"), so I think I'm good for now.

If the world was about to be invaded by evil aliens, who would you call to save us(fictional characters included)?

Let's see... just to name a few, Travis, Scott Pilgrim, and the Predators. The lattermost would fight the aliens by themselves, then Scott and Travis would finish them off.

Do you like randomness?


Do you have any hidden power that we are not aware of?[>:]

Mysteriously enough, whenever I finish someone off, I sometimes get one of five random power-ups. If anyone else is experiencing similiar effects, I'd like to compare notes.

Meh, I guess I will stop here. FOR NOW. Or not.

I guess I will stop here as well. FOR NOW. Or not. There are more questions below.


Fare thee well...

Shadow Jester -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden of madness! (12/4/2011 15:48:10)

Heeeeey There.


Do you like cookies?

My computer once asked me if I wanted to delete my cookies. I got a new one the day after.

I'm completely random. A bit weird too. I don't mind it

The madness spreads!

How do you like being a AK so far? Is it the power?

It's been good so far.

Do you like your editing color?

To be honest, I'd like it to be a bit darker, but this works for now.

Have fun being a AK. ;D

Will do.

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden of madness! (12/4/2011 16:37:59)

/me senses an AK

I feel a presence, one I have not felt since...

Oh haiii, Travis Touchdown :3

A DragonUltraMaster draws near!

How's you?

Current diagnostics suggest that I'm doing well.

Dunno why I got here, but here I am just for you! You've gotten my attention. I'm listening. Say what you haev to say and I'll remember it. I'll write it down. I'll tke notes of evereything you'll say from here, this thread. YOUR MtAK!!

Ah, good, the scribe has arrived.

Okay, enought fooling :P

Aw... well, will have to put that welcoming cake back in cold storage.

Congratz on the AKness, even if it's late or not, hope you're enjoying it!

I have been, thanks.

How's Eukara btw :3

The dragonflies suggest that she's doing just fine.


Color trap ACTIVATED!! ... wait, I said this in the wrong area. DO'H!


Grixus Faldor -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden of madness! (12/4/2011 21:43:05)

Hiya Travis!


Belated congrats on being an AK :)


How are the shackles?

NO SHACKLES CAN HOLD ME! Well, except for the ones they've got down here...

Elaborate the soul capturing process for us laymen ;)

I'm afraid I wouldn't know. All I remember was getting mugged in the parking lot of the No More Heroes motel, then waking up in a cell somewhere under REDACTED.

I brought cookies and shackle warmers!

*crafts into Scrap Metal* Now I'm just one scrap away from making a hat!

Favourite book(s) and author(s)?

Admittedly I don't do a lot of leisure reading, but Bernard Cornwell is one of my favourites. Gotta love Historical Fiction.

Favourite movie(s)?

I'm a comedy person. Can't go wrong with a good laugh now and then. Monty Python and the Holy Grail, as well as The Benchwarmers never cease to crack me up.

Favourite game(s)?

I can't narrow it down to even a small list, so I'll go with Genres. I'm into Platformers (especially 90's-style), RPGs, Strategy games, and certain First-Person Shooters. (*cough*Teamfortress2*cough*)

Favourite AE game(s)?


Favourite staff member(s) and NPC(s)?

If I named favourites amongst the staff, I'm sure at least one of them would conspire against me. As for NPCs, I'd have to go with Nightbane, may he rest in peace.

Favourite game(s)?

Hmm... having a case of Deja Vu here... :P

Pi or 42?

Easy. Pi is just a formula for a circle. 42 is the answer to everything, including the formula of a circle. Effectively, Pi does not exist. Right?


Be seeing you.

Watashig -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden of madness! (12/4/2011 22:03:16)

Good day to you, sir.

And to you as well.

Densoro -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden of madness! (12/4/2011 22:30:19)



You are the loser!


Nah, not really. Congrats xD Love all the NMH references in the OP.

Thanks. XD Would you believe that I actually cut a whole bunch of them out from when I originally started writing it?

What's your favorite beam katana?

Either the Rose Nasty or Peony. Depends on the situation.

Do you have enough swords, No More Hero?

I'm just going to say "I like swords" and let your imagination fill in the rest. :P

Would you like some sword lessons? :3

I'm good.

Can you turn into a tiger and bite people's heads off? o:


Too tired to think of more questions...Sword practice today left me well and truly drained, so take care, man xD

That I shall. Same goes for you.

sean.2 -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden of madness! (12/4/2011 23:57:16)



So, played any wickedly awesome games lately (other than AE's, duh!)?

But of course. I don't tend to play games UNLESS they're wicked awesome. Ehehehe.

Would you rather be burnt to death or frozen to death? Oh, and I'm talking slowly...

I'm of the mind that the former would be quicker and overall less painful, so that one.

That was a bit morbid. Lets think positive: what's the one thing that always makes you smile, no matter what?!?

I don't there's anything that makes me smile with 100% effectiveness. Though I suppose tape would, assuming I applied it so that my mouth would always be in a smile...

I totally edited this question in, but don't you love the edit button on these forums? I myself personally thinks its awesome, lets me fix my grammar and what-not. Whats your fav button??? :D

The explosion button. Somewhere, something explodes impressively with no basis in reality whatsoever...

Mmm, yeah, that's all! Oh, actually, I do have one final question.


It all began when I stumbled upon that shiny red "Do not press" button. I, of course, pressed it, not once, not twice, but as many times as I could before it broke...

I bet you were expecting "why"...actually, I'm not sure what you were expecting there. Or maybe the surprise was spoiled because I didn't stick it in spoiler tags. I'm sorry *cries*

Don't cry!

Anyway, umm, gratz for having lasted this (well, months isn't that long now that I think about it...) long with at least some of your sanity still left. Here's to the next few...I dunno, lets say years! :D

What is this sanity of which you speak?

BlackAces -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden of madness! (12/5/2011 0:00:49)

Hey Travis!

About time you made an MtAK :P
Maybe... *sniff* maybe. Well, actually, certainly. :P

Anyway that's it from me no questions have fun! :D
Well, that was easy. :P That I will. Take care.

Yammka -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden of madness! (12/5/2011 0:25:58)

This is no time for pleasantries, Touchdown. Let's get to this before I turn ugly.
Ooh, you can turn ugly? Is that like some transformation ability?
Who is Travis Touchdown?
He's a puzzle, wrapped in an enigma, shrouded in riddles, sprinkled lovingly with intrigue, express mailed Mystery, Alaska, and LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU! But it is too late.
*sigh* Of course you would answer like that. Take a gander at being serious, would you?
Why. So. Serious?
Blast it, Touchdown, this is no time for your silliness! Answer the blasted question!
*blasts the question with several tons of nitroglycerin* There, it's been blasted REAL GOOD now.
How's my feigned hostility working out for you? Is it amusing?
Now that that's out of the way, if you were to have children what would you name them? Both your top male and female names, please.
Hmm... a tough one. I've always liked the name "Erin" for girls... but boys are a bit tougher. Tempted to go with "Travis" just because I can, but...
Do you like where you live? If not, or if you just feel like answering the question anyway, where would you want to move to?
I like where I live, but I'll likely have to move elsewhere in the near future for education/employment reasons.
Who is your favorite inspirational figure from history? And why?
Shakespearicles. He wrote poems, invented the rocket jump, and negated the need for stairs! But to be entirely serious for just a second, I have a good respect for Samuel de Champlain.
Barack Obama: Great president of the greatest president?
I assume you mean "or"? Either way, too early to tell. I refuse to judge someone as truly "great" until after the long-term effects of what they've done is apparent.
What is your favorite kind of cake and/or pie?
The talking pie (please don't kill it). If anyone happens to know what I'm referencing, you have my undying love for the next 1.356 seconds.
Does this dress make me look fat?
Oh, sorry, wasn't looking.
Oh, right, the eyes on the back of my head. Really need to start remembering I have those.
I'm confused. Am I a woman or a man?
Hmm... after through observation, staking my reputation, I would deduce that... HEY LOOK! A penny! It's shiny. Soooo shiny... *thud*
Do you swear, under oath, that you have answered all of these questions and replied to all statements with the truth and nothing but the truth?
Insert a question you want people to ask of you (but don't for whatever reason) and answer it here:Are you insane?
The only thing seperating insanity and genius is the level of success.
Congratulations, Travis Touchdown. I salute you. *salutes vigorously*

megakyle777 -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden of madness! (12/5/2011 3:38:34)


I felt like it? :P


Well, you feel like surviving after getting mugged in a parking lot and waking up in a cell somewhere under REDACTED.

Or did they just get you so much that you thought you wanted to?

I've had my mind blown so many times over my life I'm not entirely sure if that type of psychology still works on me... or does it? We may never know.

Also, that was totaly not a long answer.[>:]

To be fair, I couldn't resist. :P

Ashari -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden of madness! (12/5/2011 3:57:09)

Aha! You've finally made your MtAK!


A bit late (but so is this thread), but congratulations Travis! :)


How's Eukky been treating you so far? Hope the Dragonflies haven't been eating your lunch! :P

So far, so good. As far as the Dragonflies go, I've been able to tame them to a degree. Gundi doesn't know it yet, but his lunch is soon to be forfeit...

Well that's it for me. Good luck in the OOC and of course, have fun!

See ya!

Womba -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden of madness! (12/5/2011 4:19:50)


You may ask as many questions as you wish


Oh, hey! It's the Kool-Aid Man! Could you readjust your aim and hit the cage next time?


(well, to a reasonable degree)

Awww... man....

Do it again! With vigor!

Well we'll all see how long you last against my onslaught. >:P

*Travis uses Iron Defense!* *Travis's defense increases sharply!* At your ready.

Do you watch My Little Ponies: Friendship is Magic?

Beyond the occasional short video that somehow finds its way into my YouTube suggestion box, no.

Whose yer favorite Pony?

I believe her name is Fluttershy.

Are you a wizard?

*puts on his wizard hat*

Have you ever broken a bone? if so... which one? And how bad was the break?

Not yet, but I've had a few close calls. I've got soft tissue damage on my right elbow from a bad hit in Hockey, came dangerously close to breaking my neck the same season when I was hit from behind and slid into the goalpost, have a recurring pain in my right ankle from a painful sprain a few months ago, and nearly had a skull fracture a couple years back when I knocked down a heavy certain pole. I've been very lucky. Or it might just be because I drink WAY too much milk and it's a calcium thing.

Do you agree that massive alien robots that turn into various vehichles are awesome?


Sci-fi, Medevil Fantasy, or some weird fusion of the two?

I prefer Medival Fantasy, but a fusion of the two can be quite fun if the focus is on the Mediveal part of it.

Are you getting tired of my questions yet?

Not yet.

And it they just keep goingandgoingandgoingand-....

*chases the Energizer bunny with a chainsaw*

Did the Dragonfly Horde steal your soul?

That require me having a soul to steal! Muhahahaha... but in all honesty, no. Not yet at least...

I hope not...

Did Ponies steal your soul?

Now that you mention it, I felt a little darker after I saw Ganondorf's horse in Ocarina of Time...

Of these 4 genres, which type of Art is your favorite? (Song, Pictures, Movies, or Writing)

Ooh, that's tough. It really is. Gotta lean towards Song and Writing, but Movies are a close third.

In music, do you prefer the Lyrics or the Melody?

Another tough one. I do love good lyrics, but I also am into a lot of instrumental stuff. I guess I'd have to say the latter.

What is your worst EndOfTheWorld scenario?

Assuming that there's no hero to stop it, consumption by a Phazon-esque material.


Assuming the same properties as Phazon, it could be harnessed into power before driving the exposured to insanity. Fun.

Dungeon Crawlers or Puzzle Solvers... Which do you prefer?

Dungeon Crawlers. I actually don't care much for Puzzle Games... I prefer Action with a healthy dose of strategy.

I prefer a mix of the two... running around a labyrinth killing stuff isn't fun... avoiding and deactivating deathtraps in a labyrinth while killing stuff is fun!

A combination of the two isn't bad, I guess, so long as it doesn't mean areas that are nothing but puzzle (or ones that you have to solve a puzzle while being harassed by annoying Mooks).

Have you ever played GoldenSun? If so... what's your favorite Dungeon in the series?

Sad to say I haven't played it yet, though it is on my list of RPGs to play someday.

Back to those Dragonflies... is your cage comfy?

Yeah. Oh, and entertaining. They occasionally throw a few bad users they need "disposed of" my way and watch what happens. Fun for all involved!

And those shackles?

I'm not chained to the wall or anything... they're more like Power Absorbers. Or bomb necklaces that prevent me from leaving instead of blowing me up if I do.

What have you done to pimp your shackles out?

I've had a couple of the resident smithies add some weapons into them. Makes the mauling more fun.

And your cage?

I've got a mini-fridge, a couch, a computer, a TV, and a game console, plus ultilities.

Eh... so why... *cringe* purple?

Why not purple? It's a regal colour, it's a combination of Red and Blue, and it's often used to represent EVIL!

Eh... I got nothing else... your suffering shall continue on page two (if your thread gets that far :P).

*Notes that thread has already reached page two* Bring it on!


You call that an evil laugh?

Bahaha... MWUAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! (Oh and belated gratz)

Now that's more like it. (And thanks)

Brownie -> RE: =MtAK= Onwards to the garden of madness! (12/5/2011 5:59:02)

Hey Touchdown.
Not a lot from me, 'cause I haven't been around much recently so I haven't seen much of you...
I do have to be dissappointed in the forum for not having made a Sheogorath joke yet given the title.

So I guess, gratz on the AKship and may there be cheese for everyone?

Let them eat cheese! *arranges the OOC to be crushed by a giant wheel of Mozerella*

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