301st Staff (Full Version)

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Jay -> 301st Staff (12/5/2011 2:24:20)

301st Staff
A weapon from the Swordhaven Armory. Who would abandon it out in the wilds though?
(No DA Required)

Location: Swordhaven Forest
Price: N/A
Sellback: 200 Gold

Level: 42
Damage: 53-69
Element: Wind
Bonuses: Crit +2, Magic Def +3, Pierce Def +3, Melee Def +3, WIS +4, END +4, LUK -1, INT +4, Bonus +2
Resists: Wind +3, Stone +3

Rarity: 10
Item Type: Staff
Damage Type: Magic
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon


Also See: Dull 301st Staff, Royal 301st Staff, Regal 301st Staff

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