RE: Rating points leaderboard (Full Version)

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Battle Elf -> RE: Rating points leaderboard (12/7/2011 7:24:46)

@Endtime I agree with you that if we had one leaderboard it would be very elite, but we don't and never will. I disagree when you say

it only trivializes the accomplishment of being on a leaderboard

This would only make sense if all the leaderboards were a giant mash and you could only get one achievement "The leaderboard achevo"

With different leaderboard, you get different achievements. For example we all know its usually a lot harder to get "1v1 champion" then to get something like "War kills" or "Rising star"
Even within the community we have higher respect for players who have conquered the hardest leaderboards

Thanks for all your feedback everyone :)

rej -> RE: Rating points leaderboard (12/7/2011 17:38:39)

^Yes i got that, but unless they hand out the achievment for all players who allready have over 45k rating points or so, it would make most of the competitive community very angry.

Battle Elf -> RE: Rating points leaderboard (12/7/2011 18:03:59)

@rej I suggest that the achievement also go for anyone who makes it into the All Time Rating Points, kind of like what happened with juggernaut.

rej -> RE: Rating points leaderboard (12/7/2011 20:00:12)

^that's still only 15 players, compared to my suggestion which would include hundreds.

Battle Elf -> RE: Rating points leaderboard (12/7/2011 21:08:47)

@rej If you used your strategy I would say more like +60,000 rating points :)

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