RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (Full Version)

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plebster -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/29/2012 17:40:02)

Just got overload on my lvl 6 and I am very dissapointed :(

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/1/2012 14:04:56)

Seems that Fire Lash may be fixed, soon.

He thanked me before leaving, after he came back.

... Hopefully, this will fix the annoying combo of Fire Lash, Chuddling Rash, Fashion Sense, and either Surge and Pulsar Power, or Pandora's Grace and something else, which very well could also be Pulsar Power...

blank452 -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/2/2012 7:49:27)

The annoying thing with reducing haste, and I have no idea if it is a bug/feature/part of the game engine, is that when affected by a haste lowering skill, Grav Warp is the most extreme but easiest to see this "thing" with, not only does the global cooldown get reduced but also skills that are off cooldown get put back on if the haste reduction would put the cooldown back far enough so as to have it on cooldown rather then off.

Best to give an example:
If Death's Touch, cooldown 90sec, has only just come off cooldown and the user gets hit with Chudling Rash, DT will get put back on cooldown, but is hidden from the user as they see it as off cooldown.

Again, I want to stress I have no idea if this is meant to be the case or not, but if a skill is off cooldown, then even if hit by lowed haste that skill should still remain off cooldown, and only when used should it be affected by the lowered haste, not before.

Zeuzt -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/2/2012 8:38:08)

Yes I think that's how it's supposed to work

but I understand it's confusing the haste thing

I mean Gravity Warp's cooldown gets reduced by about 20sec or more cause of the haste boost

at least that's how my foes killed me [:(]

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/2/2012 15:07:05)

i want to stress this with all my heart

haste buffing or debuffing isnt set in stone by it lower/increases my haste by 10, 20,40 secs no its counted by %s, if you cant do % math i understand why its confusen, and in most cases its easyest to learn how suneficent those numbers are when you see them first hand on your own screan while watchen a power reload

edit: alright i was disconntioned 15 times in one hour due to soo many ppl usen haste debuffers on me.....the discontions happen when sudden changes in haste happen thats it, this is getting old real fast

Plasma Charge -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/2/2012 18:58:45)


The haste disconnects is being looked into but from what I'm aware(which could be far from the reality)
the problem is in the main engine and so will take a while to find.

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/2/2012 19:09:08)

I think what causes it is when you try to use a skill right when your haste drops and you lose the ability to use that skill.

Plasma Charge -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/2/2012 19:13:35)

You may have a good point there I've noticed the skills being locked before but I'll
mention it to Dumoose so we can get some testing done on it!

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/4/2012 6:03:19)

@sir knight thats what im talken about, it only happens when sundden changes happen and you want to use said powers in your build *throws his paws in the air with excitement*

@ plamsa thank yooooou so much for at least leting someone in the genrule public know they ARE IN FACT looking into that ^-^

i know this is somen else to add on thier list of problems but also it involves haste, this is about teh cooldown meter in your powers, after you click say pusalr power (instent haste buff of around 40%) and you let it re load with haste buff active..and then someone or some thign lowers your haste while haste buff is still shows you can click the skill but when i do it it says not ready yet...i feel they should fix the visle aid of the cooldown meter so it wil lre adgest its self to the proper place of how long it will take till it says hey click me im ready to work again :D

i hope that made sense :l

Chuck the Awesome -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/13/2012 22:32:11)

This is exactly what happened to me all the time after I used warrior spirit. It moved the cooldown back 1/4 of it's cooldown. I hope they will fix this bug soon.
~Chuck Awesome

blank452 -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/14/2012 4:45:45)

Seemingly that happens when the haste skill has finished, and other skills are still on cooldown. The cooldown of the other skill, say Reen' Rampage at 35sec cooldown, will have the cooldown reduced to let's say 28secs when the haste buff of 20% from Warrior's Spirit is active.
However, WS is only active for 15secs, so during those 15secs the cooldown of Reens' is 28secs but once WS had ended, Reens' cooldown will go back to 35sec as no haste buff is active. As 15/28 is ~>50% and 15/35 is ~<50% then the cooldown of Reens' will "jump back" once the haste buff has finished.

I don't know if this works out with the maths of the game engine, but from a few quick tests, that is what it seems like it is doing. I'll try to get some actual numbers next time.

Chuck the Awesome -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/15/2012 17:37:56)

I should add on to my current statement. This also happens after a status effect ends. When Beleens end it sets all my skills that were cooling down back to 3/4 right before they are available. I think this is more of a glitch. Sorry about the confusion.
~Chuck Awesome

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/17/2012 0:07:34)

its not a glich its just another coden error that was never looked in to

Spartas_Warrior -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/17/2012 0:37:06)

How do u get things like fasion sense i dont see where the rank 35 medic thing is

plebster -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/17/2012 5:51:49)

Click on your HAldroid then on medals and they are gold, you should see where they are. Hover the curser over a medal to see what you need to do to get it. For rank 35 medic you need to get a medic medal 35 times. To get one, you need to heal at least 3000 in one game od pd or 3vs3

Spartas_Warrior -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/17/2012 11:54:11)

Thanks man ^^

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/17/2012 15:59:58)

Link: It's not a bug, it's just that when the cooldown effect ends if they skill isn't ready then it'll look like it reset a bit as the rate of cooldown is changed.

Removed reply to deleted post. ~Ashari

plebster -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/17/2012 17:49:37)

Yay just beat polistar! I'm at lvl 19 btw

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/18/2012 14:02:12)

Me telling you to watch your language isn't mini-modding.

How about you read the rules and quit being ridiculously immature on the forums?
For someone who claims to be an ex-archknight all the time, I can completely see why they would fire you.

Phoenix Myth -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/18/2012 17:09:53)

I wasn't fired I quit. Just ask them. :)

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/18/2012 19:18:01)

shadow lord bugs and gliches are differnt...what im talken about is a visle effect glich that happens aroudn the bases of haste and cooldowns when you try to use a skill

FBI -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/19/2012 4:07:17)

I'm so happy they nerfed STUPEFACIO :)
The people that had STUPEFACIO used to own you, like tally.. But still Tally is still good, because she had STUPEFACIO for ages and she has experience with it :)

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/21/2012 18:38:58)

fbi that is incridably old news...

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/21/2012 19:12:51)

Tally still destroys in PvP, I don't see any reason to talk about fellow players when they're not around to comment...

Anyways yeah, old news is old.

plebster -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (3/21/2012 19:16:43)

@fbi ya know, people can get it back down to 15 sec cooldown with a few haste buffs, with warrior spirit and pulsar beam, you get it down to about 18 seconds.

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