Morningstar Pulverizer (Full Version)

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BlackAces -> Morningstar Pulverizer (12/8/2011 3:52:46)

Morningstar Flail
Morningstar Pulverizer

Also see other Morningstar Mastercraft items:
  • Weapons:
  • Armors: Lineage Z, Lineage, Pedigree, Origins, Inheritance, Legacy, Tradition, Bloodline
  • Pets: Homely Eye Zpy, Homely Eye Spy, Ugly Eye Spy, Apalling Eye Spy, Beastly Eye Spy, Disgusting Eye Spy, Horrid Eye Spy, Hideous Eye Spy
  • Misc: Badge Z, Badge, Brand, Mark, Token, Insignia, Hallmark, Emblem

    Level: 120
    Power Level: 120, Mastercraft
    Price: 580 085 1,057,378 Gold
    Sellback: 290 043 704,918 Gold
    Location: Today's Event: Morningstar Set! The Morningstar Clan!

    Type: Melee
    Element: Earth
    Damage: 22-33
    BTH: 15

    Hits: 2
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Earth
    Damage: 660% Base and Random each
    Stats: No normal stats; 446% Lucky Strike damage each
    BTH: +50
    Rate: 20%

    5% of the time when doing a normal player attack or Special, the weapon deals double Void damage.

    When wearing the full Morningstar set (Weapon, Armor and Helm), the Special becomes one hit and deals 120% of the total listed Base, Random and Lucky Strike damage. If the hit connects, it attempts to Daze* the monster (1 round, 75% chance of not acting). Earth-element monsters are immune to this effect**. The monster gets a +20 bonus to its save***:
      Level: [PLvl] vs MonsterLevel
      Major: [Major] vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

      For [PLvl], you use the Power Level of whichever Morningstar item you have equipped with the lowest Power Level. [Major] is based on [PLvl]:
      Level	11	45	60	70	90	105	120	135
      PLvl	45	45	60	70	90	105	120	135
      Major	105	105	140	170	200	200	200	200
    *The Devastating blow has your foe seeing stars!
    **Monsters aligned with Earth are immune to this spell's effects!
    ***Your foe is shaken but shakes off most of the dizzying blow!

    This weapon of the Beaumont clan will only occasionally show you its true power!


    Image and description thanks to UltraGuy. Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Write-up thanks to big E. AI thanks to Mordred. Additional thanks to big E.

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