Ice Draconic Blade Z (Full Version)

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Balu -> Ice Draconic Blade Z (12/11/2011 11:33:56)

Ice Draconic Blade Z

Also see Ice Draconic Blade, Guardian Ice Draconic Blade

Level: 14Z
Power Level: 46
Price: 700 Tokens
Sellback: 630 Z-Tokens for 48 hours; then 350 Z-Tokens
Location: Z-Token Weapon Shop and Dragonslayer Class Shop

Type: Magic
Element: Ice
Damage: 6-19
BTH: 6

  • Against Monster Category "Dragon", Fire Element, The weapon deals 125.35% Base, Random and Stat damage on all player attacks and player specials.
  • Against Monster Category "Dragon", Non-fire element, The weapon deals 117.175% Base, Random and Stat damage on all player attacks and player specials.
  • Against Monster Category "Drakel/Dragonkin", Fire Element, The weapon deals 117.175% Base, Random and Stat damage on all player attacks and player specials.
  • Against Monster Category "Drakel/Dragonkin", Non-fire element, The weapon deals 114.45% Base, Random and Stat damage on all player attacks and player specials.
  • Against anything else, the weapon deals 103.55% Base, Random and Stat damage on all player attacks and player specials.

    This magical, mighty copy of the great Dragon Blade uses Icestone to stabilize the dragonsbane!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Basic information thanks to AVA. Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Corrections thanks to In Media Res, GASKAL, ArchMagus Orodalf and Tzar469.

  • Balu -> RE: Ice Draconic Blade Z (12/11/2011 11:35:15)

    Ice Draconic Blade Z

    Also see Ice Draconic Blade, Guardian Ice Draconic Blade

    Level: 74Z
    Power Level: 85
    Price: 5,150 Tokens
    Sellback: 4,635 Z-tokens for the first 48 hours; then 2,575 Z-tokens
    Location: Z-Token Weapon Shop and Dragonslayer Class Shop

    Type: Magic
    Element: Ice
    Damage: 8-26
    BTH: 11

  • Against Monster Category "Dragon", Fire Element, The weapon deals 125.35% Base, Random and Stat damage on all player attacks and player specials.
  • Against Monster Category "Dragon", Non-fire element, The weapon deals 117.175% Base, Random and Stat damage on all player attacks and player specials.
  • Against Monster Category "Drakel/Dragonkin", Fire Element, The weapon deals 117.175% Base, Random and Stat damage on all player attacks and player specials.
  • Against Monster Category "Drakel/Dragonkin", Non-fire element, The weapon deals 114.45% Base, Random and Stat damage on all player attacks and player specials.
  • Against anything else, the weapon deals 103.55% Base, Random and Stat damage on all player attacks and player specials.

    This magical, mighty copy of the great Dragon Blade uses Icestone to stabilize the dragonsbane!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Basic information thanks to AVA. Write-up thanks to UltraGuy. Corrections thanks to In Media Res, GASKAL, ArchMagus Orodalf and Tzar469.

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