Sorceress555 -> RE: =MtAK= Shreder (UCaG) (12/19/2011 15:07:49)
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Luvverly thread of MtAK! Oh no! He's found it! So, Shreder. Time for THE INTERROGATION ROOM. *smiles evilly* Oh, by the way, congrats on your new position. Thanks! So what's your favorite book(s)? Artist (like El Greco, Rembrandt, that category)? Favorite MMORPG? I have too many favorite books to list here; I like Monet; and I don't really play MMORPGs. I'm countin' those as three questions, so here's a fourth. Ya live in China? (If I'm right on that count, then it's cool! I visited China a year or so ago, and it was pretty I'm half Chinese.) I live in China, though I'm not Chinese. My parents work here. In January I move back to the US though... You interested in turning your fantasy games into stories? 'Cause you should try it. I'm making up whole fantasy worlds and plots every hour... I have given the idea some thought... I might try making Illusionary into a story once (IF) I finish the game. Do you like CHEESE? *mouth waters* Cheese is yummy... Don't you think that if you blew up brad paisley fan's school, he could still get homeschooled, find another school or--best of all--educate himself through the library and other wonderful education resources? Perhaps, but it would cause him and many other people a great deal of trouble. Plus I might get arrested for terrorist, which is never all that great... Why do people seem to be so fascinated by My Little Pony these days? *glares looks pointedly at Xplayer* To be honest I really don't understand it either... Well, I'm running out of questions so here comes randomness. That means really random questions questions that are even randomer than my previous ones. I don't think "randomer" is a word... [;)] What is the meaning of the universe? All of the Above. Why did Chuck Norris do it? Because the chicken crossed the road. When Rukbat is in alignment with Jupiter and Uranus, will a major species suddenly go ext...raterrestrial? All of the Above. Are you a Pernese (translated as, "Are you a huge fan of Anne McCaffrey's series about the dragonriders of Pern?")? I've heard of that series but never read it... Do you daydream about once every half-minute like I do? Not usually that often, but yes, sometimes. What's your favorite thing, considering? All of the Above. Will this forum ESSPLODE if I ask sixteen questions? It might... Like this? *Extra Question Terminated* That's it. Merry Christmas, Jolly Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah, Lucky Chinese New Year's, Magical Undead Snowmen Day and whatever else you guys celebrate! CELEBRATE ALL THE HOLIDAYS!!!