Goony -> RE: Strongest Class to Weakest Class (12/16/2011 18:55:29)
Strongest to weakest heh... The game seems to be revolving around dexterity at the moment. There are two main factors; firstly, as there seems to be an endless smokescreen, to manage the block factor and also to enhance skills. It appears to me that average dexterity with Varium Level 34 is 90+ Tactical Merc - Passively returns energy, can reduce defense and increase block chance, returns health and has great skill tree with many options. Is susceptible to debuffs and resistance attacks Cyber Hunter - Best energy regain, very flexible as long as you have good dexterity and has a great malfunction, cheapshot/massacre combination Bounty Hunter - Best of the old classes due to smoke, bloodlust, shadow arts, reflex/energy returns Blood Mage - While fun to play with bloodlust, deadly aim and zerker there is way to much smoke in this game to see a way clear to play with any effectiveness Tech Mage - Malf, reroute and it seems supercharge is making a comeback as this skill improves with dexterity ;) Mercenary - Woot... We have ummm, errr, hybrid... Yay :(