Legion winning, not the best choice? (Full Version)

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King FrostLich -> Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 8:27:13)

Baby Yeti will quickly go rare before Christmas ends?


IMG tags removed. Please don't use them in posts. ~Mecha

drinde -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 8:35:53)

How come Cinderella doesn't create another Armor Hazard to wreck havoc among the Legion? She is a critter lover, right? Right?

Wootz -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 8:43:48)

Good choice if you are in for slavery.

Remorse -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 8:48:00)

Im Supried most people prefer legion over Exile.

One would think being a rebel is far better then fighting for a evil overlord sort of as a minion.

I sort of think of it as Star wars, Legion being the empire and exile being the rebels....

Gepard Acht -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 9:20:22)

^ then we would need baelius's son to patch things up

note that baelius already got part robotic feature

Remorse -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 9:36:00)

I think Darth vadar would be admin 11 xD

And oz being luke.

The evil chick would the the emprorer.

Exile leader would be obi one.

drinde -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 9:36:41)

Then what about Yoda?


He's small and creepy. [;)]

Gepard Acht -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 9:41:55)

^ as i remember yoda is suppose to be wise and not a cheap arms dealer and forever alone

Remorse -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 9:46:04)

^ Yoda is sort of forever alone.

He hides on a planet by himself so pretty much.

Lord Nub -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 9:46:52)

I think we need some added scenery for the side that's winning. Perhaps hanging some Exile dead bodies from the trees? Some Krampus lieing around with spears through their chests or perhaps cut into pieces by a Legionnaires sword?

Down with the rebels!! Your begging, bribing, and sigs will do nothing!! You will all die a painful agonizing death!! Especially that old fool that leads them...pshh she gonna die any day now without us having to anything anyway...

Think I might start waterboarding these Exiles to lead me to their bomb stash / weapons of mass destruction, then use them against them...

Buffy A. Summers -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 9:51:21)


Yoda Is Like A Monk Or Hermit... And Had To Hideaway To Keep The Knowledge Of The Jedi Force (Good) Alive... So That He Could Teach The "2nd Coming" Of The Chosen One... Luke.

Master/Apprentice... Just As The Sith, But For The Restorative, Creative Side... Good. All Things Must Have Balance To Bring "Order". This Was Luke's Purpose And Destiny.

Don't Even Get Me Started On The Star Wars Mythology. It Has Links And Ties To Many Well Known Religious And Mythological Pantheons.

~ Buffy

Gepard Acht -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 9:53:27)

^ so to sum it up, he's not forever alone :P

seangchea -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 9:58:26)

Pfftt u guys are a soo sad but legion ftw[;)]

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 10:06:30)

@Remorse I see Baeluis as Darth Vader. And Oz as Luke. And Mirv as Yoda.

supermasivo -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 10:24:40)

Im with Exile =P

ND Mallet -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 10:53:34)

I see those siggies I requested to be made are spreading like crazy. Once again, thanks go out to Mecha Mario for creating them, and thanks go out to Rabies and DillBagel for making the other 2 siggies I posted in the DNs of the 15th. Post of Dill and Rabies' sigs And the post of Mecha Mario's

I really hope Legion won't win this war. Those poor Yetis...D':

Dendavex -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 13:45:49)

How do you think the yeti's feel [:o]
By helping exile you could save a life(or afew)
Please join exile you wont regret it

Xx. Christian .xX -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 13:51:17)

Luke=oz Darth= amin 11 Mirv= yoda hank=Groglurk (the big slime)

nico0las -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 17:29:32)

@remorse forget Baelius, I follow alydriah. Also, I don't think us legionaires see ourselves as pawns. I think of myself as the "chaotic evil" side. Blatant disregard for the rules, just receive mission, blow stuff up, complete objective, move on.

I like the legion. At the end of the day, though, it doesn't matter. Should be nice if the legion wins, I'd like a reward.

Technical Time -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 17:34:37)

Wow, you guys really tryna hustle, I dont care if im Legion or Exile, not switching factions just cause Legion is leading or so.

FrostHS -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 17:37:02)

Nobody cares about the Yeti's. I like the idea of Exile bodies in the trees.

Retrosaur -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 18:26:05)

"Let's just be friends." Famous last words.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/20/2011 23:03:49)


better join fast ,b4 its too late [:D]

Sipping Cider -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/21/2011 0:22:35)

I would normally be all for Exile, being a rebel and all.

However, Exile has been winning the war since forever, so I get more of a rebel feeling on legions side actually.

Plus, since this is a game why not try acting the bad guy/slave owner?


Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Legion winning, not the best choice? (12/21/2011 0:28:42)

The war is still young, and as easily the gap has been created, it is equally as easy for it to be made-up and surpassed. Play the war, and see how this story unveils. We are now making history in the story-line, let the Warriors for both affiliations make their presence felt.

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