[Archived] Advanced PvP Guide Corrections (Full Version)

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Technomancer -> [Archived] Advanced PvP Guide Corrections (8/17/2012 9:44:08)

Advanced PvP Strategies Guide

Guide originally owned by Wxo. A big thankies to him for putting this together. I would also like to thank the people of the official AQWWiki for supplying Class information and icons, and other general information that myself and the people who have assisted in this guide have built our information off of.

I do ask that if you use this guide as a reference to assist other members, please state it like this: "Taken from Jason3's Advanced PvP Strategies Guide."

This is a guide for those who look to get better at PvP. It will include tips on what to do in certain situations, how to prepare before a battle, and how to maximize your chances of winning matches. Below, you will find information on general PvP tips, class usage and rotations, team analysis and organization, and how to organize your own PvP match. This guide will even help those that already understand PvP, get better.

Though this guide was originally meant for already seasoned PvPers to get better, it has evolved into a PvP guide for everyone; from the beginners, to the experts!

Table of contents
(Click blue titles for a quick jump!)

[I] General Advanced PvP Tips

1. Vocabulary
2. Introduction to PvP
3. Bludrut Brawl Guide
4. List of items in Dumoose's Reward Shop
5. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

[II] Pre-Battle Preparation

1. Equipment
2. Builds
3. Mid-battle Tips (Hotkeys, Sliding, Defending the defense, Strategies for each class)
4. Recommended Potions

[III] 1 vs 1 PvP/General Weaknesses For Classes

1. Introduction to 1 vs 1 PvP
2. Item Rewards for 1 vs 1
3. 1 vs 1 Quests
4. Tips for 1 vs 1
5. General Weaknesses for Classes

[IV] Advanced Class Guides

____[IV:A] Melee Classes

________1. Berserker
________2. CardClasher
________3. Defender
________4. DoomKnight
________5. Dragonlord
________6. Dragonslayer
________7. Horc Evader
________8. Ninja
________9. Ranger
________10. Rogue
________11. Starlord
________12. Warrior

____[IV:B] Magic Classes

________1. Bard
________2. Chaos Shaper
________3. Chronomancer/ChronoCorruptor
________4. Evolved Shaman
________5. Healer
________6. Mage
________7. Necromancer
________8. Shaman
________9. Troll SpellSmith

____[IV:C] Hybrid Classes

________1. ClawSuit
________2. Guardian
________3. Paladin
________4. PaladinSlayer
________5. Vindicator of They

[V] Progress Log and Credits

Part I: General Advanced PvP Tips

Common PvP Vocabulary

  • Sliding: Moving while attacking. Sliding is useful to avoid being attacked.
  • Tanking: A single target with high defenses taking most of the damage in order for other players to attack freely.
  • Debuff: A status effect that has a negative impact on your opponent's stats.
  • Buff: A status effect that has a possitive impact on your character's (or a friendly target's) stats.
  • Build: The enhancements your have equiped. (See Trog's Useful/Recommended Class Builds Guide for more information on builds/enhancements.)
  • Room Hopping: Moving from room to room to avoid being attacked/killed.
  • AoE: Area of Effect. (Attacking multiple targets)
  • DPS: Damage Per Second.
  • HoT: Healing over Time.
  • Crit: Short for "Critical". Critical hits are in orange text.
  • DoT: Damage over Time.

Introduction to PvP

First off, Stats.
Stats are the building blocks for any build. Certain stats work exclusively for certain builds. For more information on Stats, refer to Coolboypai's guide to Stats.

  • Strength: Increases Attack Power, which boosts physical damage. It also improves critical strike chance for melee classes.
  • Intellect: Increases Magic Power, which boosts magical damage. It also improves critical strike chance for caster classes.
  • Endurance: Directly contributes to your total Hit Points. While very useful for all classes, some abilities work best with very high or very low total Hit Points.
  • Dexterity: Valuable to melee-based classes. It increases haste, hit chance, and evasion chance. Dexterity only increases evasion chance for caster classes.
  • Wisdom: Valuable to caster classes. It increases hit chance, crit chance, and evasion chance. Wisdom only increases evasion chance for melee classes.
  • Luck: Increases the critical strike modifier for all classes directly and may have some effects outside of combat. It is called Luck for a reason!
(Taken from http://www.aq.com/info/handbook/stats.asp)

Bludrut Brawl Guide!

Here's a basic guide to the current PvP map, Bludrut Brawl.


Bludrut Brawl. The 'backbone' of PVP. Matches can be quite long, fights can be tough.
Low levels are usually prey, and are attacked first in PvP Action. To dominate the fight I suggest you aim to be at 'the top of the food chain' so to speak. Taking into consideration the highest levels, Level 35+ should give you a great chance.

Classes and Enhancements

  • Dragonlord (Verified Class): Very good class to deal massive damage. It can also heal and attack two targets at once.
  • Ninja/Assassin (Non Member): One of the best Non Member classes. Very quick and access to a stun.
  • (Beta) Berserker ((Non) Member): Good (Non) Member class that can be deadly at low health.
  • Rogue/Renegade (And anything with its skillset such as Pirate, Alpha Pirate, Vampire Class, etc)(Non member): Best non member class. Lots of damage and insane evasion.
  • Healer/Acolyte (Non Member/Member): Not much of an offensive class, but it is one of the best healing classes in the game. Use his class to heal yourself, and your team mates.
  • Shaman (Non member): This class is amazing for PvP. It can hit very high, and can attack up to three targets at once.
Since Bludrut Brawl is about teamwork, it'd be useful to have a healer around. Classes that can attack more than one target are also very effective in this high-speed and furious environment.

Always make sure you have the best enhancements equiped for your level and set. For more about this go to this guide at the introduction. Make sure you have a Helmet, a Cape, and a Weapon so your enhancements can give you more stats. The more equipment, the higher the stats (except for Pets, Pets do not grant you stats if they are equipped). Before joining Bludrut Brawl, make sure you have the highest possible stats you can obtain from your current enhancements, and you have all of the needed equipment (Helmet, Cape, Weapon). Once you are finished, you are ready to fight.

Getting to know Bludrut Brawl

Now, before you can dominate, learn your environment and your enemies.

To win a Bludrut Brawl match you must kill the opposing team's Boss. Several factors combine to make him weaker.

First of all, the more Brawlers your team defeats, the less damage the Captain will do. In other words, the Captain will do more damage for each remaining Brawler. The Restorers function similarly. The captain will heal itself more for each remaining Restorer. So the more you kill, the less you have to worry about the captain healing.

Techniques to win!

Everyone wants to win. Now, here are the techniques. (here is a map for Bludrut Brawl)

Tell your team to attack Restorers, then Brawlers to raise your points quicker. The other team will be trying to do this too, so it's imperative that you gain the upper-hand early in the game.

Here are the enemies you will be facing:

Team A and B Brawlers (Depending on which team you are on. If you're on team A, you face the B Brawlers, and vice versa).. Level: 255. Average damage: 95-500.

Team A and B Restorers. Level: 255. Average damage: 95-400.

Team A and B Captains. Level: 255. Average damage with Brawlers alive: 400-800 non critical hits, critical hits being 1,000-1,400. Average damage after defeating the Brawlers: 200-400.

And of course: your enemies. Level 1-45. Damage can vary from 1-5,000.

If an opponent is running back and forth, use Rogue's ''Viper's Kiss'' skill on them so they will be poisoned when they run around trying to avoid you. Viper's Kiss inflicts 50% of your weapon's damage without landing a hit, so when your opponent finally stops running around, you will have him right where you want him.

Make sure you have potions equipped. See the Potion Section below for more information.

First one to 1000 points wins and gets 5-10 trophies based off of how many Brawlers you defeated.


  • When you enter the Warzone, Press the V-key on your keyboard to display health bars of every player around you. This makes picking off weakened and dying enemies so much easier!
  • Whenever an enemy player kills you, the enemy team scores 10 points. However, if you die by the hand of an enemy NPC, they get no points. So, if you're low on health and about to die, try and get yourself killed by an NPC rather than a player. Of course potions/healers are the more desirable option, but if all else fails, die by an NPC and don't feed the other team points!
  • Every defeated enemy NPC generates 5 points for your team per 5 seconds. So killing all restorers means you get 20 points "per tick". Every defeated enemy player grants your team 10 points per kill.
  • Sitting down to rest doesn't work (except in your team's safe zone). Asides from that, it doesn't matter whether you sit, stand, dance or whatever. You won't regenerate faster by sitting down.
  • The enemy team CAN NOT read your chat! Stop wasting time by starting every sentence with "Team A" or by insulting the opposing team. They cannot read it.
  • General defence strategy: When you're attacking several players who are busy fighting your restorers or brawlers, don't stand next to them. Stand right in the middle of them. That way, you're a royal pain for them to target, because they'll mostly just click their team mates or the restorers instead.
  • If you have trouble targeting a player, hit the ESC button to remove your current target, run past the enemy player and keep spamming hotkeys - as soon as you're in range, you will automatically target and attack him/her.
Items/Rewards from Dumoose
PvP Trophy Shop


Q: Is there a best class for Bludrut Brawl?
A: This is probably the most frequently asked question and Dragonlord is labelled to be the best. It is NOT. There is no 'best' class. They're all good in their own way. A section in this guide will include specific tips on how to beat them without problems.

Q: How do I access Bludrut Brawl?
A: Press the PvP button, and queue for PvP via the button.

Q: Can Non Members use (1 v 1) PvP?
A: Yes, they can. PvP is free for all players.

Q: How can I access 1 vs 1 PvP?
A: You can access 1 vs 1 PvP by joining /doomarena and speaking to Dumoose and then clicking "1 vs 1 Strangers". This feature will put you up against someone random. You can also access 1 vs 1 PvP by clicking the PvP button at /battleon's sidebar, and then clicking "DoomWood 1 vs 1 Arena".

Q: How can I duel a friend in 1 vs 1 PvP?
A: To duel a friend, type /duel (Insert Your Friend's Name Here). For example, if you wanted to duel me, you'd type /duel jason3.

Q: How can I reduce the lag in 1 vs 1 PvP?
A: First things first, I suggest you clear your cache. Also, turning off Pets, Capes, and Helmets from your Option Panel reduces the lag. Using non-animated equipment may also help.

Q: Is there a best class for 1 vs 1 PvP?
A: Each class is good in its own way. It also depends on your enhancements, and if they are the best or not. (to see which class handles which enhancements best, refer to Trog's Useful/Recommended Class Builds.)

Technomancer -> RE: [Archived] Advanced PvP Guide Corrections (12/21/2011 9:22:53)

Part II: Pre-Battle Preparation


1) Make sure you are wearing every kind of equipable item (pets not included). Every piece of equipment provides a boost in PvP, therefore you want to wear all the equipment you possibly can. This includes an amulet, cape, and helm.

2) Make sure you turn pets, capes, helms, and/or quality off/down. Also, close any high memory programs. PvP can slow down your computer at times, so it's ideal to dispose of anything that will worsen that scenario.

3) The smaller the equips, the better. It will make you harder to click if you are wearing little to no armour. Since helms and capes are now able to be toggled, you may wear any cape or helm you want, as long as you turn it off if you want to follow this tip. Bodiless Horseman Morph and Unarmed are great examples, as it makes your armor and weapon completely invisible. If you are looking for a weapon with a wider damage range that's also reasonably small, try something like the Frost Matriarch Sword.


Make sure you visit Trog's Useful/Recommended Class Builds Guide for information on how to use your class and what build you would prefer. This will greatly affect your playing style in PvP.

Mid-battle tips

Use Hotkeys

Hotkeys are the numbers 1-6 on your keyboard. These buttons allow you use your skills by pressing them instead of clicking them on your screen. This is especially useful when moving and attacking simultaneously since you don't have to move your mouse to click the skill icons. Upon mastering hotkeys, you won't even have to redirect your eyes from the PvP field. (Pressing 6 uses your potion, only if you have one equipped.)

Move while attacking

Though this skill is hard to master and can be broken through easily, it still gives a slight advantage in PvP. To do this, simply spam your auto attack while clicking away from your target. When you learn to do this quickly, you will be slightly harder to target. While this doesn't help much in a lot of cases, a little help is better than nothing. Please keep in mind that another seasoned PvPer will still be able to target you easily most of the time. Also note that this will completely destroy laptop users without a hardware mouse attached.

Heres a tutorial on how to slide.

Defend their Defense

If I'm not mistaken, every class , with the exception of No class, has a either a debuff, a skill that lowers your defences, or a skill that raises your own. These skills include Safeguard, Breaker, Onguard, Imbalancing Strike, Shadowblade, Seating Heat, ect. It would be a smart move to expect them and take defensive measures against them. Some defensive skills are too powerful to overpower, therefore you are forced to either run from them, or die. Some of these skills include Shadowblade, Breaker, and Footwork. These defences are limited, and are best fought against when ran from. All you need to do is run away until some of the time of the skill passes, then comeback when it's near its end. That way, you actually have a chance of winning. The only class that has a good chance to take a rogue head on without running is ninja. Warrior has a pretty good skill against the dodge, but that is not enough is that is the only hits the warrior is getting. When you have unavoidable skills against a dodging target, simply base your skill rotation around using them.

Although Prepared Strike isn't in the debuff category, it does have a strict limit. Since I'm on that subject, I'm saying you can use this limit to your advantage. Any stun attack lasts long enough to nullify prepared strike. Whenever you see it coming, simply stun your target and avoid the damage.

Playing Styles

There are numerous classes, styles, and strategies in PvP. To maximize your PvP skill, you must know exactly what your role is to your team.

  • Offensive: Attack the opposing team's players at all costs.
  • Semi-Offensive: Attack the opposing team's NPCs while clearing all threats in the way.
  • Hybrid Offensive: Attack your opponent, then defend.
  • Hybrid Defensive: Defend yourself/your teammates, then attack.
  • Defensive: Defend at all costs.

Most players take the offensive or semi-offensive strategy. Therefore, those that choose other strategies will fill vacant roles that are vital to the survival of the team. This is why teams that have players defending their Restorers and attacking at the same time tend to win against those that all take the (semi-)offensive approach.

Potions and Scrolls

Potions and scrolls greatly help in PvP. Most players don't use them, so it might throw your opponent off-guard. They give you an edge, especially when you are using them in a typical skill rotation that requires a brief pause to conserve mana.

With new potions in Reens Potion Shop in /join arcangrove, and Daily Potion Quests, they are now a lot more useful! Pick your potions based on your strategy. Here are some recommended potions for the different types of classes.

Fighter Classes

  • Viper's Blood
    Increases Haste and Crit Chance by 50%. This will make these classes fast and powerful! (Works best with a high amount of Luck)
  • Sparrow's Blood
    Increases Haste by 20%, Evasion by 50% and grants a HoT effect. This will make these classes strong, fast, evasive, and Resilient!
  • Health Potion
    This will help these classes last longer in battle.

Wizard Classes

  • Mana Potion
    Always carry these so that you have reserve mana to cast more spells.
  • Potion of Evasion
    Since these classes aren't very evasive and can take a lot of damage in just a few seconds, you'll need this to last longer.

Thief classes (This includes Ninja even though it's a Hybrid)

  • Viper's Blood
    Increases Haste and Crit Chance by 50%. Since these classes are already fast, you'll defeat your opponent in mere seconds because you'll be dealing many crits at a high speed.
  • Potion of Evasion
    Since these classes are already very evasive, you'll hardly take any damage since this potion grants you 50% more Evasion and 20% Haste.

Healer Classes

  • Health Potion
    Useful when your healing spell is still cooling down or when you run out of mana.
  • Potion of Evasion
    You'll need to last long so that you can help your allies longer! With an extra 50% haste, you'll be able to dodge a lot of attacks.
  • Mana Potion
    Very useful when you run out of mana. Since you are a caster class, you'll need a lot of mana to heal.

Hybrid classes (Except Ninja)

  • Mana Potion.
    Since most hybrids tend to use a lot of mana, you will really need this potion a lot so that you can use your skills more.
  • Health Potion
    Since some Hybrids don't last very long, you'll need this to heal you when you need it most.

These potions are just suggestions, you may change them if you want.

Technomancer -> RE: [Archived] Advanced PvP Guide Corrections (12/21/2011 14:20:34)

Part III: 1 vs 1 PvP

To get you started, first type /join doomarena, or click the button in /battleon that says '1 vs 1 PvP' (in the menu at the right). There, you will see two NPCs.

"You stand in the ruins of a once-great Arena. It is only fitting that its twisted rebirth host your descent into darkness. The losers who have came before you are now nothing more than research materials and spare parts. Are you so eager to join them? Yes? Then prepare for battle!"

Master of PvP warfare
"Welcome to the new Doomwood Arena, hero. Don't let my appearance disturb you. As the PvP Master for the realm I always wear the latest in Player Versus Player gear.
Here you can battle other heroes in single combat. Just the two of you."

To PvP with a friend, tell the person you would like to battle to type /join doomarenaa-####, /join doomarenab-####, /join doomarenac-#### or /join doomarenad-#### (where #### = numbers of your choice). They all take you to the same map, but different rooms, as shown here.
To PvP with a stranger, click the ''1 vs 1 Strangers'' button at the NPC Dumoose. It will then queue you for a 1 vs 1 PvP fight with someone random in the server you are in.

1 vs 1 Rewards from Dumoose's reward shop
DoomWood Arena Shop

1 vs 1 Quest(s)

Victory Most Honorable
Note: This quest can only be done once a day.

"Defeat 10 foes in single combat. Return to me once that have won ten 1 vs 1 PvP battles and I will award you with a 1 vs 1 PvP Trophy which you can use to buy 1 vs 1 PvP items!"

Items Required:
  • DoomWood Token x10


What I seemed to notice about 1 vs 1 PvP is this:

Fast Combat: It goes by really fast, so spam all of your best skills early. If you have lag before hand, try to reduce it, or the lag will end up costing you the match. Refer to the clearing your cache guide on how to get rid of the dreaded lag.

Lag: As said above, lag is a huge issue. I'd suggest turning off Capes, Pets, and Helmets to reduce Lag. Using equipment that does not have an animation may help reduce lag as well.

The best classes in 1 vs 1 PvP tend to be the fast ones. Those that can easily spam their skills to get a good damage output. Examples would be Dragonlord or Rogue. Basically, to succeed at 1 vs 1 PvP, you have to be fast. Do everything you can to keep lag away, spam your skills, and use classes that can deal damage fast.

Tips for 1 vs 1 PvP

Here are some of my tips for 1 vs 1:

  • Use U: If you press the button U on your keyboard before the battle you can see what class your opponent is using and you know what strategy to use. Typing /who and then pressing the 'enter' key or the 'send' button on the chatbox will also show the list of people in the room (your opponent) and what class he/she is using.
  • Sliding: I think Doomarenac is best for sliding. A powerful Mage or Shaman can be a real threat there. Make sure you have a class with good range, such as Ranger, or Mage/Wizard/Shaman.
  • Rogue/Ninja: These are nightmares in PvP. In 1 vs 1 they dodge and fight while you can't do anything if you're unprepared. Sliding is the best strategy against them. Stay away from them until Footwork (or similar moves) expire and then attack. Anything that keeps them from attacking or moving, such as Shaman's Elemental Embrace or stun moves can make Rogues suffer.
  • Class: Warriors (and anything with the same skill set as it, such as Beast Warrior and Pumpkin Lord) and Rogues/Ninjas (and anything with the same skillset as Rogue, such as Vampire, Alpha Pirate, and Pirate) are the most common classes in 1 vs 1. Try to use a class that can counter them.

How to Counter Sliding:

  • Counter 1: Ranged Attacks and Classes
    Go up against them with any class that has a ranged skill and let that be one of your main sources of damage. (Provided that the skill is Mana-efficient.)
  • Counter 2: Go with the Flow
    Copy their movement. Follow them wherever they go. If you seem them going to the right, click to the right. If they go left, click to the left, etc. Spamming your Auto Attack is NOT wise. You'll be running and stopping while the opponent is still constantly moving.
  • Counter 3: Stuns
    Stuns will keep the opponent in place for a short amount of time, during which you can freely dish out damage. Some classes with a good stun are Warrior, Ninja and Starlord.

How sliding works: Battle animation works the same way that emotes do. You can /dance and continue running around and everyone will see you dancing and sliding at the same time and you can keep doing that as you drag on the movement. The same thing happens with battle animation, producing the effect of sliding.

General Weaknesses for Classes

  • DoomKnight: Taking damage and the complete manipulation of range will kill most any DmK, really. Hopping stuns can throw it off it's damage track as well. Nerfs, range, stuns, anything really. It has problems with near anything you throw at it.
  • Paladin: It's lack of mana regen and it's ability to waste that mana so easily. Basically just keep hopping around and nerfing (if you have one) until their mana dies out from heals, the AoE and Zeals. Do whatever you can to stop Zeal's mana income and they're trashed.
  • Rogue and clones: Everything is in timing. Hopping often will destroy timing and lag will destroy timing.
  • Dragonlord: Nerfs throw off all sources of damage which is the centre point of DL. Stuns will also help, because you can't go wrong with the stun method--unless of course you waste all your mana with the stun. DLs will rarely use searing heat, because most likely, you opponent will hop too much to make searing useful.
  • Ninja/assassin: What a lot of people don't know about ninja is that if you debuff it then they hop it, they can't use the "first hit mana regain method" to restore all their MP. The debuff still technically keeps them in battle. It's also been noted that a DoT can stack thin air. Best way to kill a ninja is basically just manipulating them and using some blood bag as a shield for their Shadowblade. Since Shadowblade spamming makes you virtually invulnerable.
  • Mage/sorcerer: Stuns allow people to take advantage of a mage. DoTs also allow people to take advantage of arcane shield. If someone's using the ice and fire method you can go after them after they apply the fireball, since you're invulnerable to another ice shard until scorched wears off. If they're using the spamming ice method then they're a lot more complicated and you'd need to camp out the stun.
  • ECS (Evolved Claw Suit): It's all just crits to be honest. The way you deal with that is by nerfing those, but by no means do you want to allow them to stack naughty. Naughty stacking can be countered by camping, but naughty lasts very long. It'd be better to manipulate the damage you do without getting hit, or just nerfing those hits. If they're stupid enough to use the "Blitzen Blitz" combo it can easily be hopped off and that's a wasted 60 mana.
  • Healer and clones: Mana problems and it's weakness is basically damage. Therefore, all you really need to do is put them under constant pressure to heal and completely waste their inhibition. Most healers don't use healer right. You don't heal outside of clear mind and it's not about spamming heartbeat.
  • Shaman: They do low damage excluding dry lightning. Nerfing them would completely throw off damage output and stall the dry lightning, unless they're stupid enough to use it while crippled.
  • Berserker/Beta Berserker: Range. It's so easy to manipulate a Berserker. You can completely disregard almost every aspect of this class, because if you do it right, you won't be in the range for a Berserker to do anything to you.
  • Dragonslayer: Manipulating a stun or keeping under constant nerf, although you shouldn't really need either.
  • No Class: No Class only has one skill- Auto Attack.
  • Proto and clones: Let them kill their own mana.
  • Defender: Range and hops are its main weakness, I'd say. Keeping out of range of Retilation and getting all your damage in. Stunning as well, because it can throw off hops.
  • Bard: Stuns, because they can constantly spam every single move they have. Stuns would be the only way to disrupt that combo.
  • Cardclasher: Three things that can destroy a CardClasher; Sliding, Stuns, and a good Potion (for more on which potion is good for which class, refer to section II). I usually run down on mana after killing about 7 people, so it doesn't really have mana problems. If you play CC the way I do, I find myself hopping constantly. What helps with hopping is to stun, so stunning.
  • Clawsuit: Mana problems, so manipulate those. Let them waste their mana with what they think is the best DoT ever, when really it can be healed by passive regain with their mana lying in a crippled state.
  • Chronomancer: It's all timing. Hopping and waiting it out will work, but if you can nerf them as the DoT grows on you may actually be able to survive through it. Or if you can apply an On Guard type of buff. If you ever seen "Inverted Matrix" or something, on them then they're a punching bag at that point.
  • Starlord: By camping or hopping constantly. If they're gonna chain a stun and use that to their advantage and hop, then you have to camp. Can't go wrong with nerfing, if you can constantly keep them under a nerf while you're hopping or just out DPSing them it's manageable, but downright weakness? Probably just out-DPSing them would have the highest success rate.
  • Warrior and clones: Lag and hopping stuns. Nerfing towards haste can help throw off the second prep strike altogether if you manipulate hops too.
  • Ranger: Stuns really help, since you can manipulate those to keep them from stacking their first skill and get damage through at the same time.
  • Chaos Shaper: Stuns. This class is a beast if used right. You need to stun it early, and use your power attacks to get rid of it quickly.
  • NecroMancer: Again, stuns can ruin Necro. Stun early, heal often. If the person is good with this class, you could be done early. So, as I said earlier, Stun early, Heal often.
  • CardClasher: Three things that can destroy a CardClasher; Sliding, Stuns, and a good Potion (for more on which potion is good for which class, refer to section II.)

You'll notice it only really takes 1 of 4 things to mess up a class.
Hopping, mana regain, stuns, and nerfing.

Technomancer -> RE: [Archived] Advanced PvP Guide Corrections (12/21/2011 14:54:05)

Part IVA: Melee Classes

This section will consist of very detailed guides for each and every Melee class that is good in PvP action. Each guide will consist of a recommended build section, an explanation on the main rotation, and special occasion rotation adjustments. Enjoy!


Berserker is one of the best classes in-game. With its powerful attacks and crits you will see your foe's HP drop rapidly. However, this does not mean you are invincible.
Many Berserker players have a hard time with classes that can stun. A Berserker needs to hit or he can't get mana back, which makes a class that can dodge pretty difficult to handle in long battles.


  • Breaker


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 30 Mana
    Cooldown: 8 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Deals weapon DPS as damage and reduces opponent's damage output significantly for 4 seconds.

    Breaker is a great damage reducing attack, though it costs a lot of mana. Use it on heavy-hitting classes such as Berserker, Warrior, DoomKnight, ... .

  • Broadside


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 15 Mana
    Cooldown: 2 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Deals 70% of weapon damage, cannot be avoided but also cannot crit.

    Broadside is a great skill to spam. Combo it with Foregone Conclusion to deal lots of damage in a short period of time, and get more health back once Foregone Conclusion ends. You can use it often, but keep an eye on your mana so you don't run out.

  • Blood For blood


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 30 Mana
    Cooldown: 10 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Deals damage based on the difference between your current and maximum HP.

    This is the skill that makes Berserker awesome. Blood for Blood deals more damage the lower your HP is. Combo this with Foregone Conclusion to regain massive amounts of HP.

  • Forgone Conclusion


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 30 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Increases haste by 25% for 12 seconds. When the effect fades, you will receive a small percentage of damage dealt under its effects as health.

    This skill is really awesome. You attack 25% faster, and your skill cooldowns also come up faster. After the effect ends, you regain health back based on the damage you dealt. Even if the percentage is small, when comboed with Blood for Blood and Broadside, this adds up quite a bit. Use this when you need some extra damage, and to stay alive.

  • Furious / Resolute

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: Increases all damage done by 15% / Damage taken reduced by 10%

For the enhancements there are a few different setups you can try. Use whichever option suits you best. Here are some of the enhancement combos you can try.

4 fighter enhancements.
This will give you the highest auto attack damage and crit rate a Berserker can have.

4 thief enhancements.
Now we're talking speed and evasion. Your auto attack will be weaker and your crit rate is lower, but in return, you will attack faster and evade more attacks.

PvE and PvP

  • PvE:

    In PvE Berserker is a great damage dealing class. When facing non-boss monsters, you should just kill them off with Forgone Conclusion+Broadside, possibly including Breaker as well. Foregone conclusion will help you get back some health so you don't need to rest that much. And of course when your health is low use Blood For blood for a fast kill. There is not so much to talk about PvE. Most of the time when you are facing a newly released boss you are fighting with several other people, so you don't have to think about skill order or special tactics that much.

    If you want to solo a boss then you need a more tactical approach. The key is to use Foregone Conclusion's healing to make you stay alive. Use it directly after you have less than 50% health. Spam away Blood For Blood+Broadside+Breaker for a high damage burst so you get a lot of health back. Repeat this and you should be doing fine soloing bosses.

  • PvP:

    A lot of people ask me how to use Berserker well in PvP. The answer is simple: practice. Without practice you are destined to fail. All I can do is give some basic advice and techniques to make is easier to learn and evolve as a PvP Player.

    I am going to start by telling you the secret to kill a stun class. Don't use your Foregone Conclusion the first thing you do, because then they will stun you and your Foregone Conclusion will give you less health back. Use it right after they have stunned you. If you do so, you will be able to make the most out of Foregone Conclusion. This will make you regenerate more health and do more damage faster. If it is a Warrior that you are facing, use your Breaker when they are using Prepared Strike to mitigate their damage output.

    If you are facing a high dodge foe like Ninja/Assassin, you should try to use Broadside. Ninja/Assassin will use Thin Air, which will add 3% more dodge and 5% haste every time they are hit. Only use Auto Attack, then Broadside when Thin Air has stacked a bit to ensure a hit. Don't spam it too much, because you'll still want to hit your other abilities. Wait until your health is down to 50% and then use Foregone Conclusion+Blood For blood. Since you didn't attack too much, Blood For Blood should still have a reasonable chance to hit. If you can't take them out with that single big hit, spam Broadside until they die.


This class is unique. It comes with the code that you get when you purchase the AQW Anything Goes Card Game.


  • Deal


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 15 Mana
    Cooldown: 2 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Deals a new card to you and your opponent. Cards make you stronger and your target weaker. Cards have additional effects when Tap is cast.

    This move is entirely random, it can make or break the battle, but the cost is low and it's worth using if you have the chance. It has 3 buffs and 3 debuffs. (How to use it and why, will come later.)

  • Tap


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 25 Mana
    Cooldown: 2 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Tap the cards on you and your target, removing the cards and applying powerful effects. Power is increased by the Raise the Stakes stacks which are consumed.

    This activates the cards. Can also be used as pure DPS, without the cards.

  • Raise the Stakes


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 2 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Each cast of this spells makes the effect of tap and clash more powerful, but it also hurts you and leaves you more vulnerable. Stacks up to 4 times. Consumed by Tap.

    Inflict 50% damage to self increasing by 25% each time. In exchange it will make Tap and Clash 50% more powerful for each stack. Tap will consume Raise the Stakes if Deal is applied, but if not, you can spam both Clash and Tap, without having 'Raise the Stakes' fade.

  • Clash


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 10 Mana
    Cooldown: 6 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Deals damage to your target based on Raise the Stakes stacks, but does not consume them.

    100% Damage move buffed by Raise the Stakes. It's basically a second Auto Attack.

  • Stacked Deck / Beat the Odds

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: Luck increased by 15%. / Crit, Dodge and Hit chances are increased.

How to use

To PvP with CardClasher, there's a variety of things you can do. First of all, there's tap hopping. Tap hopping is exactly how it sounds. You make use of Tap's range and immediately roomhop. Tap --> Hop --> Camp --> Tap --> Hop through next door, ... . It's a good way to bait anyone, really and it can basically work against any class.

Another way to use CC is to use Tap for an easy target then close in with Deal, then use Clash and Tap then proceed to room hop. You may take damage on the way, but getting Deal in can make the battle go on forever or be over fast. Tap --> Deal --> Clash --> Tap --> Room hop.

Raise the Stakes trolling is a FUN way to use CC, but it's not exactly the smartest thing to do, especially against a stun class. In fact, against those classes, that could be the worst thing you ever do. It works by stacking Raise the Stakes as high as you want and spamming Tap and hopping so you don't get hit. Then you'll probably find yourself spamming Clash or Deal and Tap in a doorway. Tap Weakness, Tap Imposition, Tap Vitality, Tap Vigor are also amplified, however, those will remove Raise the Stakes. If you want to live, you would prefer to end Raise the Stakes with Tap Vitality which would give an extraordinary heal and a very high HoT.

There's also the method of camping Deal and immediately just spamming as many Deals and Taps as you can.

Class vs Class

  • DoomKnight:
    Stuns are something to watch out for, but ordinarily, you can beat a DoomKnight easily by tap hopping. The thing you want to do against a DoomKnight is hop the stun. If they follow you in the door, by that time the stun will have worn off, or be close to wearing off and you can quickly spam Deal and Tap to get even more DPS in.

  • Warrior:
    Same thing as DoomKnight. Except that you need to be even more careful about their stun. It's an extra second, so it won't wear off as fast and means they can get 1, or both, Prepared Strikes in. If that happens, you HAVE to rely on Tap hopping, because you need to clear distance. Tap hopping also means they'll be wasting On Guard if they activate it, which can be a lifesaver.

  • Rogue:
    Going against a Rogue, the only thing to do is wait until your opponent's Footwork has run out. Try to hit Fortitude as many times as you can; don't waste time tapping if you get Vigor. If you hit Fortitude or Vitality, tap them. After the Footwork runs out, just flat out Draw/tap.

  • Healer:
    The way to beat a Healer is to beat it down to make them waste their mana. Tap hopping only prolongs this fight, which is not something you want. The best to fight a Healer is head on. With Deal, Tap and Clash spam. Hopping to waste Inhibition and Clear Mind can be a lifesaver, but you really need to get the damage in to get rid of their mana straight away.

  • Ninja:
    Tap hopping. Wasting Shadowblade is priority number 1 and Tap hopping does it perfectly. Rush in and out of the NPC rooms so they can't abuse the range and auto target for Shadowblade and get the damage in with Tap.

  • Starlord:
    Tap hopping. If they successfully stun you, use the method under ''DoomKnight''. If they debuff, then keep room hopping and wasting their mana.

  • Dragonlord:
    Wing it with Deals and Taps. There's not much you can do, but if you're hopping and/or are out of range, they can't attack you and their Cursed Blood debuff is near useless. Asides from that, the only threat is Lifestealer, which can be avoided by manipulating ranged skills.

  • Guardian:
    Because all of their skills are timed, throwing them off balance by Tap hopping will destroy any Guardian.

  • Evolved Clawsuit:
    You don't want to play hopping with an ECS. Spam Deal and Tap, and don't let them stall with their Naughty spam hopping. If they use Arctic Stamina and attempt to take you head on, feel free to hop that off and make them waste their mana.

  • Shaman:
    If the Shaman lands Elemental Embrace, there's not much you can do. You don't want to wait it out, yet you can't do much. Though from my experience, you can still annihilate a Shaman pretty easily in Doomarena even if they do get an Elemental Embrace in. If they use it, keep close and dish out as much DPS as you can with Clash, Deal and Tap. Raise the Stakes can be useful here as well because you can't crit yourself at that moment, and you can get and exponential amount of damage in. Just kill them quickly.

  • Chronomancer:
    Don't stall, just fight. This is one of the few cases where you'll want to use Raise the Stakes for damage.

  • CardClasher:
    Depends on who's playing what way, but whoever camps more is gonna win for the most part.

  • Mage:
    Camp out Frozen Blood until it dies. If you can get in close then Tap --> Deal --> Clash --> Tap --> Hop. Note that trying to use the Tap hopping method may waste a lot of mana . Which you'll really need to fight back against a Mage.

  • Paladin:
    Do not let a Paladin camp, get as much DPS as you possibly can to waste their mana on heals. You can't control Deal or Tap, but spamming them will definitely give you the edge. Remember that Clash is like another Auto Attack too. That can come in very useful.

  • Defender:
    Tap hopping from range will completely trump their Retaliation hopping.

  • Necromancer:
    In Bludrut Brawl, Tap hopping will destroy them. Have them use Deadly Frenzy and let them drain themselves with their own DoT to save yourself half the trouble. Do your best to avoid Weaken as well.

  • Bard:
    Watch out for the debuffs while Tap hopping.

  • No Class:
    All the advantage in the world. Since they have only one skill, destroy them with your skill combinations.

  • Ranger:
    Ranger, obviously, has the advantage of range. A CardClasher's only ranged attack is Tap, which means you can just Tap hop with the Ranger if they're sliding. Stack Raise the Stakes if you can.

  • Evolved Shaman:
    They will most likely stun/freeze you. Try to keep the Fortitude running, so they're less likely to hit you. Otherwise, Deal/Tap.



  • Commanding Strike


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 10 Mana
    Cooldown: 3 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Deals moderate damage and forces the target to turn its attention to you for 6 seconds.

    All melee classes have a skill that is like a controlled Auto Attack/second swing. This is that attack. It can be used for quick damage to finish off weak opponents, to use excess mana while doing damage, or as an in-between skill while waiting for other skill cooldowns. (Also keep in mind that this skill will not focus the target's attention on you in PvP.)

  • Crushing Sweep


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 4 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Strikes up to two targets in melee range, dealing light damage. Also applies Crushed, reducing the target's outgoing damage by 15% and increasing incoming damage by 10%. Lasts 10 seconds.

    This is the attack that is most often used when waiting for the cooldown on Retaliation. It can also be used to finish off weak opponents when more than 1 enemy is present. Also, since it is a semi-ranged attack, it allows for better sliding and easy targeting. This isn't the type of skill you'd want to spam, but you can still use it fairly frequently.

  • Retaliation


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 25 Mana
    Cooldown: 5 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: If the target is a monster, deals damage based on the amount of damage that monster has done in the current fight. Deals moderate damage to players.

    This skill is the reason defender can be used on par with the other classes. Use as frequently as possible!

  • Defender's Oath


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 30 Mana
    Cooldown: 30 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Heals a friendly target for a small amount. Also applies Safeguard, absorbing all incoming damage up to an amount based on Attack Power. Lasts 8 seconds.

  • Veterancy / Founder's Mark

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: Critical strike chance increased by 10% / Endurance increased by 15%


  • Strength: Considering most of the defenders skills are physical damage based, its useful to use strength or luck on your weapon as defenders skills deals an amount is based on weapon damage.
  • Endurance: This, combined with your passives, gives you a large amount of HP, making you last longer in battle. And, with the added heal skill, giving you an even better chance against higher level bosses. This makes you pretty much the 'tank' of a group.
  • Luck: I enjoy using luck to increase the crit damage. Which can be useful when soloing bosses.

Useful Builds:

1 Fighter, 3 Luck
2 Fighter, 2 Luck
Full Fighter

Defender relies mostly on Endurance, Strength and Luck.

This class is best used with at least 3, if not 4 lucky enhancements. To increase the potential damage of Retaliation.

PvE and PvP

  • PvE:

    In PvE Defender is a great damage dealing class. When attacking non-boss monsters, you should just kill them with Commanding Strike, Crushing Sweep and Retaliation.
    Commanding Strike will do 75% weapon damage with a 3 second cooldown. When you get low on health in a battle use Defender's Oath, allowing you to absorb damage based on your attack power for 8 seconds. Most of the time when you are facing a newly released boss you are fighting with several other people, so you can become a healer and attacker.

    If you want to solo a boss then you need a more tactical approach. The key is to use Commanding Strike, Crushing Sweep and Retaliation to deal as much damage as you can and use Defender's Oath when your health drops below 50%. Spam Commanding Strike because of its 3 second cooldown and low mana cost. Keep repeating this and you should be fine.

  • PvP:

    Again, the best way to use this class is to spam Retaliation. Though it deals 'moderate' damage to players, the damage is still very decent, and can add up fast. If used while sliding/roomhopping, you can take a good chunk off of your opponent's health, leave/avoid them until it recharges, then come back to take the rest.



  • Soul Steal


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 10 Mana
    Cooldown: 3 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: A quick attack that applies Dark Wound on the target, dealing 100% of weapon DPS over time per stack, immediately healing you for twice this amount once stacked. Lasts 8 seconds, can be refreshed, stacks up to 5 times.

    This move will heal you however the cooldown for it has been nerfed, so it's hard to spam to heal yourself. The way to get around this is to incorporate dexterity into your build (Thief Enhances).

  • Soul Crush


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 10 Mana
    Cooldown: 4 Seconds
    Type: Physical/Magical
    Description: A quick attack dealing physical and magical damage, improved by the number of Dark Wound stacks on the target.

    This move gets weaker for every Dark Wound casted on the target, it also will do consistent damage meaning the damage it deals will be the same every time it's based on the weapon DPS.

  • Void Strike


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 10 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: A strong attack which deals weapon damage plus an amount derived from your current HP and MP.''

    This is the overall power move of DoomKnight.

  • Blood Offering


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 25 Mana
    Cooldown: 10 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: If Dark Wound is on the target, the caster will take additional damage per attack for 10 seconds, but will add some of the amount taken to their next autoattack. Otherwise, applies a 3 second stun. ''

    This move is rather unique. There are two options:

    1) Blood Rite buff: Activates if the opponent is affected by Dark Wound. This move buffs your Auto Attack. You will take increased damage BUT that damage will buff your Auto Attack. This move is a double-edged sword, most of the time it'll kill you, but it can do massive damage. Sometimes up to 900 non-crits.

    2) Stun: You will stun the enemy for 3 seconds if they don't have Dark Wound casted on them.

  • Aggression / Resolute

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: You deal 10% additional damage with physical attacks / Damage taken reduced by 10%

  • Doom Strike

    Rank Needed: 10
    Type: Passive - Small chance to activate on melee swing.
    Description: A darkness attack for about 50x your weapon damage.


DoomKnight's Base Stats at level 45!
Strength: 94
Intellect: 17
Endurance: 104
Dexterity: 76
Wisdom: 35
Luck: 21

  • Strength: A very important stat for a DoomKnight, it increases your crit rate and it increases your overall damage output. It also buffs every skill since they are all physical.
  • Dexterity: This stat increases dodge and haste. The dodging will keep your health up, while the haste will allow you to spam Dark Wound. Attacking faster also increases the damage output you get from Blood Rite.
  • Endurance: This stat is mostly for Void Strike. The more health you have, the more damage you'll get from Void Strike.
  • Luck: This stat is to increase your crit damage. It's a bit unreliable, though. You can't always depend on crits to save you. However, it's still a helpful stat for a DoomKnight, as it can make your crits EPIC! You can crit around 1,000 with Void Strike with a consistent weapon, if you set it up right.

Couple notes

1) PvP amulets buff void strike with more health.

Skill Chain

  • Blood Offering (stun) --> Soul Crusher --> Void Strike --> Soul Crusher/Room hop/Delay --> Stun --> Repeat

  • Soul Crusher --> Dark Wound --> Blood Offering (Blood Rite) --> Void Strike (Not recommended to use but Blood Rite can be fun)

Useful Builds

2 Fighter, 1 Thief, 1 Luck
Very smooth, very fast. Good for non-crits rather than crits. Feels like DoomKnight on steroids.

2 Thief, 2 lucky
Hits hard and fast. Useful for spamming your stun.

Full lucky
Not recommended.

2 Fighter, 2 lucky
Hits hard, crits hard, and often.

Class vs Class

  • DoomKnight:
    There is a 99% chance it's a Dark Wound spammer. (Extra Info)

  • Rogue/Renegade/Leprechaun/Pirate/Alpha Pirate:
    Spam whatever you can, and hope something goes through. Use whatever move that does go through as a start to see what you could pull off. Every move on Rogue is timed, so you'll definitely want to keep that in mind. Room hopping and sliding kills their offense!

  • Warrior/Warlord/Pumpkin Lord:
    Warrior is like DoomKnight but stronger. It's a battle of stuns and the Warrior's is one second longer. Their stun is always followed by Prepared Strike, and you don't want to be hit with that too much. This means stun them first, do all the burst damage you can, then room hop to avoid their stun/Prepared Strike combo. Always keep an eye on the doors; they can save your life. In case they activate On Guard, just wait it out.

  • Mage/Sorcerer:
    Try to avoid being debuffed if possible that will only lead to a fireball ripping out a large chunk of health. If they use Arcane Shield use that opportunity to stun them and Cast Dark Wound and let the DoT eat at their mana while you stay a safe distance away. Also, you'll notice that crits that go through Frozen Blood feel like normal crits, at least that's what I've observed.
    NOTE: Do NOT chase a mage. If you must, then camp them.

  • Healer/Acolyte/Witch:
    They're SO annoying. Make them waste Inhibition (which is where they'll get most of their mana regain from) as often as possible. Stun them when it's up, then follow the basic rotation. Once their MP goes down, it should stay down.''

  • Berserker/Beta Berserker:
    Do NOT let them use Blood For Blood, be a stun spammer do ANYTHING but you do not want to be debuffed and you do NOT want to be killed off by an overdone BfB (Blood for Blood) crit, basically preserve yourself and room hop whenever necessary, if you're hit by Breaker then hide behind your NPCs and wait it out, if hit by BfB and you live you should be able to get a stun in and crit off the rest of their Health, worst case scenario is you stun, soul crusher, void then room hop immediately.

  • Paladin:
    They aren't too hard. Hope for some crits to get their health down and they'll heal. Do it again and they'll heal again. Wait out Zeal and let as few hits go through as you possibly can and you'll win that fight.

  • Shaman
    My, my; they're so much trouble ... . However, there is a way to win. Hide behind your NPCs so they only have 2 attacks they can use (and can't 'manipulate their auto-target?'). If they use an AoE attack regardless, that's when you stun them and watch as they get mauled by your NPCs. A big problem still is Elemental Embrace. It nullifies crits, so if you plan on taking them on 1 vs 1, you'll want a non-crit oriented build. That being said, I also find using Blood Rite on Shaman to be pretty effective.

  • Ninja/Assassin:
    Wait out Shadowblade if it's casted on you and camp them. Use your stun plus the basic rotation, then room hop when you feel the need. Stick to trying to get your stun through, and don't let them abuse Shadowblade.

  • Bard
    Don't fall victim to the debuffs. Wait it out, be smart about it. DoomKnight suffers a lot without its crits. Don't let Dissonance stay active, but if Crescendo is on you, you must pursue them regardless of Dissonance. Do as much damage as you possibly can and hope for the best.

  • Dragonlord
    These guys are tricky. They'll hit you from a distance so do what every desperate DoomKnight does! Use your stun AS SOON as you can, then use Soul Crush then Void Strike and room hop. Wait for them to pursue you and stun them. Even if they're low, they should've maintained their mana so Lifestealer is still a threat. Spam your stun to try and keep them from healing and use whatever you have to finish them off.

  • Guardian
    Just use the basic rotation of stun, burst damage and room hop and you should be fine. There's nothing a Guardian can really do that's that threatening.

  • Starlord:
    This is tough but what you want to do is the basic rotation of stun, burst damage and room hop. But you can't account for any moves going through because of their dodge rate. Stick to the doors and do what you can. An AoE class won't chase you into a room with an NPC, so consider that a safe zone to rethink and stall for cooldowns.

  • Defender:
    You do NOT want to get crit by Retaliation, but there's only one way to fight them and that's head on. Use the basic stun rotation and you may find yourself putting out more DPS than the Defender can within those 3 seconds. The heal isn't really a problem and Safeguard lasts a small amount of time, so the only fear is Retaliation.

  • ProtoSartorium/Enforcer/Rustbucket:
    They're actually pretty underrated for their mana regain problems. They do a good deal of Burst damage but their mana regain has some issues. Be cautious when fighting them but you should win easily.

  • Dragonslayer:
    Dragonslayer is SERIOUSLY underrated, these guys wreck at 1 vs 1 with a Luck Oriented build. Bane of Scales is a weaker form of Breaker with RANGE, Talon Twisting is like a less suicidal Blood Rite and Scorched steel is like a ranged Decisive Strike. Impale is basically useless because the stun can't be relied on. Anyways, if you see a Dragonslayer you should be able to take them but don't underestimate them.

  • ClawSuit:
    Not too much of a problem because they have issues with mana regeneration. Just watch out for the stun on Rudolph's Revenge. If they're using Hearth's Embrace, just wait it out. You should be able to take them with ease.

  • Evolved Clawsuit:
    Don't let range take the better of you. Stick to the door and get the first strike. Don't allow them to spam Naughty, since the debuff lasts a long time. Use every opportunity to make them drain their mana. Make them waste Lump of Coal, Arctic Stamina and Blitzen Blitz with room hops and stuns. If they're out of mana, you can easily overpower an ECS.


One of the best Melee classes in PvP action ever. Best recommended enhancements I would say would have to be 3 fighter and 1 luck (on the weapon). This class is a verified class. To get it, you must have bought a Dragon Amulet in DragonFable and verified your account.


  • Cleave


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 4 seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Deals moderate damage to up to two targets in melee range.

    As stated above, it can hit up to two targets at once. This is normally an "in-between" skill. Mostly used as a quick means of damage while you're waiting for the cooldowns on your other skills. Most battles start with Heated Blade/Cursed Blade. It is also a great go to skill if you want to finish off a weak opponent, especially if they are trying to run away.

  • Heated Blade


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 15 Mana
    Cooldown: 4 seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Deals light damage and applies Searing Heat, reducing haste and hit chance by 5%, stacking up to 4 times and lasting 10 seconds.

    This is Dragonlord's base spam skill. It not only slows your opponent down and makes them miss more often, but it also does decent damage. This is your only skill that has a somewhat defensive effect, so it's best used as often as possible.

  • Lifestealer


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 35 Mana
    Cooldown: 10 seconds.
    Type: Physical
    Description: Deals damage based on the difference between your current and maximum HP, and heals you for some of the damage dealt.

    This skill is best used at low health, especially if you have the effect of Cursed Blade active. The health regain is fairly minor and cannot be depended on. However, the damage if great. If you are low on health, it would be a great idea to wait next to a door. An opponent will eventually have to come through. Using this along with Cursed Blade is likely to KO your opponent.

  • Cursed Blade


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 8 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Deals damage inversely proportional to your current MP to up to 2 targets. Applies Cursed Blood, increasing the target's damage taken by 12% for 10 seconds.

    This skill is the reason Dragonlords are considered a threat. It deals decent damage at high mana, which increases as your mana lowers. It also lowers your opponent's defenses, which is a great advantage when your opponent is being attacked by multiple targets. Since both this skill and Cleave hit 2 targets, these skills should be limited in use around your opponents Restorer/Brawler areas unless there are two opponents within range of you. If you'd like to attack a single Restorer, you should go to the corner of the screen where the range of this skill includes just one of them. Use this skill at every single opportunity you get! (Most Dragonlords start with this skill, but I usually start with Heated Blade before this skill to drain off a bit of mana and slow my opponent down.)

  • Furious / Resolute

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: Increases all damage done by 15% / Damage taken reduced by 10%

Class vs Class

  • Dragonlord:
    Most likely, they will start off by spamming Lifestealer and Cursed Blade. Counter them with the exact same method, but don't spam it. Spamming these will deplete your mana very quick. Use the combination once, and then let Cleave and Heated Blade pave the way to victory.

  • Rogue/Renegade/Leprechaun/Pirate/Alpha Pirate/Vampire:
    They will most likely start with Viper's Blood. If they do, use Lifestealer to counter. This will put you at decent health. Then, spam Cleave. If they're still at good health, use the Lifestealer+Cursed Blade combination.

  • Warrior/Warlord/Pumpkin Lord:
    These guys will try and stun you. Use the Lifestealer/Cursed Blade combination immediately, and then spam Cleave.

  • Mage/Sorcerer:
    You should watch out for Explosion and Arcane Shield here. If they use Arcane Shield, use Lifestealer to get yourself in shape for when the skill expires. Then, spam Cleave. And if you have enough mana at the time, use the Lifestealer/Cursed Blade combination.

  • Berserker/Beta Berserker:
    Blood For Blood will kill you. If they get a chance to use it, spam Lifestealer as many times as you can. While Lifestealer is on cooldown, use Heated Blade.

  • Shaman:
    These guys are a Dragonlord's worst enemies. They'll probably open with Elemental Embrace, meaning you won't get any crits. This negates the Lifestealer+Cursed Blade combination. Instead, spam Cleave and Heated Blade, using Lifestealer when needed.

  • Ninja/Assassin:
    These guys are tough. Watch out for their Thin Air skill. This raises their Dodge by 3% and Haste by 5% every time they are hit. Use Lifestealer to gain some health, and use the Lifestealer+Cursed Blade combination.


Dragonslayer is considered a specialized Warrior. This is due to its higher base damage range and unique way of dealing damage compared to the brute strength of most other classes. Usually underrated, a Dragonslayer can actually be more effective than most other physical classes because of this unique way. A quick note, watch your mana. Do not become hasty and waste all of it straight away, as that will likely put you at a disadvantage.


  • Bane of Scales


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 10 Mana
    Cooldown: 16 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Taunts a dragon, forcing it to attack you, while reducing the dragon's damage dealt with all attacks by 30%. Lasts 10 seconds.

    One of the most powerful nerfs in the game. It allows the Dragonslayer to take far less damage from its opponent. This, combined with the high health a Dragonslayer has, makes it very difficult to land a decisive strike on the Dragonslayer. Do not hesitate to use your mana on this ability.

  • Impale


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 30 Mana
    Cooldown: 12 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Causes 200% of weapon damage over 12 seconds, and has a chance of stunning the target for 3 seconds.

    The stun is pretty unreliable, so don't count on it.

    The DoT is based on your weapon damage which means depending on the weapon you use, will change this abilities DoT. Like normal auto
    attacks, the number of the weapon damage is randomly generated based inside the range of your current weapon. Then is multiplied by 2, further divided by the amount of ticks (which is 6), which gives you your damage per tick. If you use a default weapon range, this ability will deal more consistent DoT, however if you use a very wide weapon, it can deal both massive and miniscule damage. Also, the stun is roughly about 15% which makes the stun very unreliable. It is recommended not to use this ability unless you have mana to spare.

  • Scorched Steel


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 6 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: A fiery attack dealing 150% weapon damage.

    Like a Warrior's Decisive Strike, this attack will take the weapon damage and multiply the damage by 1.5. Again, you will see more consistent damage using a default weapon, while using a large range weapon will result in both very high and very low damage values. The attack has a wider range than Decisive Strike, allowing you to be further away from your target.

  • Talon Twisting


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 15 Mana
    Cooldown: 12 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: If used in combat with a dragon, 50% of the damage done to you will be added to your attacks. Lasts 8 seconds.

    A Dragonslayers main source of damage. For every point of damage you take, half of that will be added to your next attack. Meaning the more damage you receive, the more you'll dish out yourself. Note that the damage will not stack. If you take damage, then half of that will be added to your next attack. If you take no damage, no damage will be added. However, if you are stunned while the ability is active, the damage taken while stunned WILL stack.

  • Aggression / Resolute

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: You deal 10% additional damage with physical attacks / Damage taken reduced by 10%

Activation Combinations

Dragonslayer typically has two options to start the fight, and there are some consequences depending on which ability you apply first.

  • Talon Twisting - Bane of Scales - Scorched Steel - Impale (User's Preference) - repeat. (If the user strikes before the 30% Scales nerf, it allows the damage to be reflected, but will be normal damage.)
  • Bane of Scales - Talon Twisting - Scorched Steel - Impale (User's Preference) - repeat. (If the user strikes before Talon is applied, the damage will be nerfed but will not be reflected.)


Recommended: Luck and Fighter enhancements. Either can be used, but the preferred method of using a Dragonslayer is with a mixture of the two enhancements. Like all builds, the final decision is up to the user of the class.

A list of some other useful builds:

Full Fighter
Will allow critical strikes to happen very often, but the damage of those criticals will be normal.

Full Luck
Critical strikes will be rather rare, but the amount of damage resulting from landing one will be massive.

2 Fighter 2 Luck
A well rounded build. Criticals will be semi-average, as will the damage from said criticals. This is the preferred build of a Dragonslayer.

Class vs Class

  • Healer:
    The Healer will not win due to the Dragonslayer's nerfing capabilities rendering Heartbeat (the healer's main source of damage) useless. The Dragonslayer should come out victorious.

  • Mage:
    Mage is the notorious Dragonslayer killer since the haste nerf badly affects your cooldowns, making you a sitting duck. Apply Scales and Talon, time your Scorched Steels and hope for the best.

  • Rogue:
    Scales and Talon will never miss which means they can be applied against a Rogue. Use that, and attempt to do as much damage as possible, landing a few decent hits. Using Impale in this situation can be useful as well (despite its 30 mana cost), as it can't miss either. Do note that, if you are not dealing much hits, you won't be regaining that much mana.

  • Warrior:
    Warrior can be a hassle because of its ability to stun. Use Scales first, as most Warriors open with a stun, then use Talon to reflect Prepared Strikes, Decisive Strikes and Auto Attacks.

  • Ninja:
    Same as Rogue.

  • Bard:
    Bard is a decent Dragonslayer killer as well, since the 5% critical strike reduction means luck build Dragonslayers are at a big disadvantage.

  • Berserker:
    Berserker should be rather easy until it drops to its notorious low health situation. Use Talon when the Berserker gets to about half health in an attempt to reflect half the damage the coming Blood For Blood will deal. If you live through that, you should typically win.

  • Chronomancer:
    Chronomancer, like Berserker, should be no problem until a specific situation. If you see 4 Temporals go up, apply Scales at that moment to nerf the damage of Riftburn by 30%, which may or may not keep you alive. Attempt to deal as much damage to the Chronomancer before that happens to ensure you beat it before it beats you. Also, Talon Twisting will NOT reflect Riftburn damage. However, if Rift Collapse is used and you still live, that will be reflected under Talon's effect.

  • ClawSuit:
    Watch out for Rudolph's Revenge. Otherwise a Dragonslayer should win.

  • DoomKnight:
    Get a DoomKnight's health down as quick as possible. This will cause Void Strike to not be as deadly. They'll usually open with a stun. Apply Scales first before that stun to lower damage taken while stunned. Apply Talon and attempt to lower their health down to non-fatal Void Strike levels. If you get to that point, watch for stun, though you should win regardless.

  • Defender:
    Watch out for Retaliation and Crushed. Use Scales first to lower damage taken from these abilities and apply Talon. Due to Crushed increasing damage taken, the effects of Scales are minimal in this fight but are still helpful in keeping Retaliation at bay.

  • Dragonlord:
    A Dragonlord is actually very vulnerable to a Dragonslayer. Typically you should open with Talon then Scales and time Scorched at times to whittle down the health of the Dragonslayer. The attacks the Dragonlord lands will be both nerfed and reflected under these effects. The higher damage they deal, the more they are hurt.

  • Protosatorium:
    Not needed. Proto is underpowered and usually will not win unless you are very very unlucky.

  • Evolved Clawsuit:
    Apply Talon and Scales. Like DragonLord, the more damage the ECS deals, the more will be reflected. Watch yourself during the down time between when the abilities wear off and when the cooldown expires.

  • Leprechaun:
    Same as Rogue. However, you have a better chance here due to the longer cooldowns.

  • Starlord:
    Same as Rogue. However, apply Scales before Shearing stuns to reduce damage while stunned.

  • Shaman:
    Apply Scales right away to reduce the damage from Dry Lightning then apply Talon. However, a DragonSlayer will usually lose here if Elemental Embrace connects.

  • No Class:
    Same as ProtoSartorium.

  • Ranger:
    Apply Talons first and wait for Death Marks to stack while you are dealing damage. As soon as the fifth or fourth Marks stack, apply Scales to nerf the incoming DoT or direct damage. Note, Scales will nerf the DoT and the HoT.

PvE and PvP

  • PvE:
    Since two of its skills only work on Dragonkind, and there are few Dragonkind monsters in PvE, the Dragonslayer is usually of little use.

  • PvP:
    DragonSlayer is NOT built for 1v2 or 1v3 situations. Its strong point lies in typical 1 vs 1 or group vs group situations. But a good thing to note is, the more damage you
    take from any source will raise the damage you deal while under Talon which could result in you defeating one opponent with ease because his teammate is dealing so much damage to you.

Horc Evader

The Horc Faction class. To obtain it, you must reach Rank 10 for Horc Reputation, or purchase it for 2,000 Adventure Coins.


  • Whistle


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 45 Mana
    Cooldown: 16 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Calls a pet to your side or sends it into a rage causing more damage but making you take more damage too

    If you don't have a Battle Pet equipped, this will summon the Battle Boar to your side. Once it's there, this skill will increase your damage output but will also leave you vulnerable to attacks, making you take more damage. If they can hit you, that is. Once you get your dodge up high enough, you you shouldn't be afraid of using this skill (though keep an eye on you lifebar just in case).

    Enrage (self-buff) doubles any damage you receive.

  • Shadow Strike


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 10 Mana
    Cooldown: 3 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Your pet attacks your target causing Damage Over Time while also increasing your Dodge for a short time. Effect stacks up to 3 times.

    This is your go-to skill. It should be the first thing you do after summoning your pet. Once you have three stacks of Shadow Strike applied, you will have a weak-ish DoT eating away at your foe's life AND you will receive the benefit of having raised your dodge stat pretty high. Remember that you need to keep three stacks of this skill up at all times. Though the DoT alone won't kill your enemy so you need to balance it with the other damage dealing skills. Since it's built on the Warrior mana-regain model you will be getting mana every time you hit, or get hit. You won't be getting hit a lot, though, so keep an eye on your mana.

    The DoT "ticks" 6 times.

  • Smell Fear


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 15 Mana
    Cooldown: 5 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Your pet sniffs out your foe's weak spot greatly increasing you Dodge and Crit but slowing your attack speed for a short time.

    I'll leave it to you to decide when to use this skill. The dodge and crit are VERY nice to have, especially on top of the dodge buff from Shadow Strike but slowing your attack speed means even LESS mana coming in. It's a question of what you need at the time.

  • Hunter's Call


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 6 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: You decide to put an end to this fight quickly. You call out to your pet increasing you AND your foe's Haste for a short amount of time.

    There are various uses for this skill. If you just activate it without using any other skills you should get a lot of mana rather quickly for a short amount of time. You can also use it counter the slowing effect of Smell Fear, though that means your foe's attack speed is essentially doubled compared to yours. It all depends on how high your dodge rate is at the time.

  • Night Hunter / Shadow Wise

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: Increase Critical Chance by 10% / Increase Dodge by 10%

    Ranking up the class unlocks the ability to get crits more often, plus EVEN MORE DODGE ... . They call it the ''Evader'' class for a reason.

  • Smell Blood

    Rank Needed: 10
    Type: Passive
    Description: You sense that your foe is near defeat which causes a burst of incredible speed for a few moments.


This class is very, very useful in PvP. Why? Because it has great evasion, high attack power, and incredible versatility (the ability to adapt to certain situations). The class's main strategy is to retain as much health as possible by making your opponent miss while unleashing a barrage of attacks of your own. Most fights, you will have the skill "Thin air" active while tagging every available target with Shadow blade while moderately using Crosscut.


  • Crosscut


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 15 Mana
    Cooldown: 2 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Instantly attack twice, dealing extra damage.

    This is a skill I use whenever I have mana to burn, or want to do extra damage. It's a great "in between" move to use in a rotation. Against classes that are not a threat (i.e.: DoomKnight, Healer, Enforcer, etc.), I simply spam this skill.

  • Shadowblade


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 25 Mana
    Cooldown: 12 Seconds
    Type: Physical/Magical
    Description: Deals physical and magical damage, and blinds enemy for 6 seconds.

    I use this skill whenever a class poses a threat. This skill applies a blind effect that makes all normally unavoidable attacks miss. Though it costs 25 mana, this skill is more than worth it because it allows you to use a few Crosscuts. You can also combine this with Shadowburn to stun. Therefore Ninja can completely destroy any class that doesn't dodge this attack. Note that, while this is a powerful skill, using it too often will result in you having little to no mana to spare. You'll have to use Shadowburn and regain it all and risk making yourself vulnerable. This move should only be used once per player, as it is very mana consuming and would leave you to rely on Thin Air to dodge if you waste all of your mana on one target. Unless the class is a very high threat (i.e.: Starlord, Rogue, Berserker, Dragonlord) you don't need to use this more than once.

  • Shadowburn


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 5 Mana
    Cooldown: 6 Seconds
    Type: Physical/Magical
    Description: Deals light weapon damage plus magical damage, stunning any target afflicted by Shadowburn for 3 seconds, or returning 20 mana otherwise.

    This skill is what completes Ninja's adaptability. Why? Because it can be used for two different areas that Ninja needs more support in.

    After killing an opponent (especially if you used Shadowblade/Crosscut multiple times) you can be low on mana. This skill's first ability allows you to replenish your mana while inflicting damage. This skill is great to use while roomhopping. It is also great to use on NPC monsters such as Brawlers/Restorers. If you are in need of mana, jump in a Brawler/Restorer room, use the skill, and run out before it can damage you and you are 20 mana richer free of cost! That same strategy can be used in the often crowded center of Bludrut Brawl. Hop in, use the skill, hop out until you are ready to use it again, then repeat until you have enough mana to charge in with Thin Air and enough mana to make your opponent miss everything again.

    Its second ability is to stun your opponent. Use of the stun makes a BIG difference! Do not, I repeat, do not ever stun immediately after Shadowblade unless absolutely necessary. (Such as when you see a Warrior's Prepared Strike coming.)

  • Thin Air


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 30 Mana
    Cooldown: 30 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Raises dodge by 3% and haste by 5% every time you are hit. Lasts 30 seconds.

    This skill is pretty much self-explanatory. Keep this skill on at all times, or at least as much as you can.

  • Elusive / Incisive

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: Dodge chance increased by 15% / Critical chance increased by 15%

Skill Combination

  • Burning Blade Stun (defensive): Shadowblade then Shadowburn, stunning the opponent.

    *Important tactic: timing.* Most Ninjas completely waste their Shadowblades effect by using Shadowburn just after. Why not let them miss a couple of hits, THEN stun them? The key is timing. Use Shadowburn when the cooldown to Shadowblade is about 6.5/10 cooled. If you time it perfectly, you will get a ''+Shadowburn'' at the same time as ''-Shadowblade''. For extra usefulness, spam this combo whenever Thin Air is not activated so your opponent can't attack while you're more vulnerable.

  • Burning Crosscut (Offensive): Spamming Crosscut and Shadowburn. (2 Crosscuts for every 3 Shadowburns.)

    This will give you continuous damage because Crosscut attacks again, while Shadowburn replenishes your mana and does some extra damage.

  • Inferno Blade Cut (Hybrid): Shadowblade (blind), 2 Crosscuts, Shadowburn for more mana. Repeat afterwards.

    This will render your opponent useless while you're causing some serious damage at the cost of nearly all of your mana after 2 rotations.

  • Disappearing Act: Thin air, then Shadowburn. (Running afterwards optional.)

    Personally, Thin Air should only be use outside of battle, when you have mana to spare. Since it costs 30 mana, I always use thin air, attack the nearest target with shadow burn to regain mana, then attack/run. All of the above combination work VERY well with thin air active. Try to get it active when you are at half health+. It's not going to be as useful when you are at lower health.

  • Stun n' Run!: Shadowblade, immediate Shadowburn, run!

    Normally used in VERY tight situations. Situations when you are at low health and Thin Air is about to expire, a Warrior has a Prepared Strike coming and you have Shadowblade on them, etc.

  • Stun n' attack!:

    When both you and your opponent come down to the last little bit of health, going defensive is always the best choice. However, you want to stun them JUST after you blind them so they have no possible chance of victory. This tactic is great for dealing the finishing blow on any class, especially if they are running to the safe zone.

Class vs Class

  • Warrior:
    These will be a nightmare if they know what they are doing. You want to go defensive when it comes to Warriors, so try your very best to get the first attack because you know that Imbalancing Strike is coming. If they get you down to low health, Stun n' Run!

  • Berserker:
    Not very hard at all to beat. You can either go hybrid or offensive, then defensive to take them out easily. When they get to low health, Stun n' Attack! Ninja can burst more damage than Berserker at high health. You'll want to avoid their Blood for Blood/Foregone Conclusion combo, which deals heavy damage and heals them, with your blind and stun towards the end.

  • Mage:
    Quite tricky. The best tactic is to go defensive because mages can do deadly spells that can kill you in about 5 seconds. You want to avoid those 1000+ crits.

  • Rustbucket/Protosartorium/Enforcer:
    Not really a challenge. Pure offensive is enough to dispose of this non-threatening class.

  • Rogue/Leprechaun/Pirate/Alpha Pirate:
    This is a Ninja's worst nightmare. This is where timing means everything. I tend to spam all attacks since most miss and you can adjust your rotation based on landed attacks. You must time you stun with their Footwork. I normally use Thin Air at the same time they use Footwork. You will most likely be able to live through their most powerful attacks towards the end because of the powered up Thin Air. When your Thin Air is about to expire, stun them! That will make them miss their Footwork. Then switch to offense and kill them while they are vulnerable!

  • Ninja:
    Other ninjas won't be much of a problem unless they know what they are doing. You want to go defensive because that is the best route, given that they can burst damage just like you. Getting the first attack is key in these battles.
    If you don't get the first attack, and they unleash their burst (which they most likely will), you will have to go defensive, then switch to hybrid halfway through for the kill. If they dodge your hits, Stun (if possible) n' Run!


This class has the most unique attack animation in the game. As the name implies, it can attack from a decent range. It requires you to be Rank 10 for the Sandsea faction.


  • Mark For Death


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 5 Mana
    Cooldown: 1.5 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Deals light damage and applies Death Mark to your foe. Death Mark can stack up to 5 times unless consumed by a skill or allowed to fade, and reduces foe's damage up to 5% until consumed.

    Effect lasts for 10 seconds.

  • Scorching Arrow


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 15 Mana
    Cooldown: 10 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Launches a flaming arrow at your enemy, dealing moderate damage, also burning them with a fire Damage over Time (DoT). Fire damage over time can be increased by Death Mark.

    The DoT lasts for 5 ticks over 10 seconds. If you miss this skill, Death Marks will not be consumed.

  • Explosive Bolt


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 25 Mana
    Cooldown: 3 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: This arrow has an explosive tip which explodes on impact, dealing high damage. Nearby foes can also be caught in the explosion for minor damage. Damage increased by Death Mark.

    May hit up to 4 targets. This skill will consume Death Marks, even if you miss.

  • Vampiric Shot

    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 40 Mana
    Cooldown: 30 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: You fire a magic arrow inscribed with runes at your target, dealing moderate damage to them but also applying a HoT effect to yourself. Both Damage and Heal Over Time effects are increased by Death Mark.

    The HoT lasts for 5 ticks over 10 seconds. If you miss this skill, Death Marks will not be consumed.

  • Ranger Secrets / Target Vitals

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: Increases Dexterity by 15% / Crit chance increased by 8%

Class vs Class

Just to point out, this class is meant and used better in PvE (Player vs Environment) situations. I suggest you do not use this class in 1 vs 1 PvP Action.

  • Dragonlord:
    Keep out of range from these guys. Use Mark For Death and Scorching Arrow. Sliding helps as well. Do not get in range of a Dragonlord, since that could mean your defeat.

  • Shaman:
    Another long ranged powerhouse that is just as good up close. Use the same strategy that is used against a Dragonlord.

  • DoomKnight:
    You don't have to get as far away from these guys as you do from Shamans and Dragonlords, considering DoomKnight doesn't have any ranged attacks. You can get close, and spam Auto Attack and Vampiric Shot. If you are getting destroyed up close, go ranged, slide, and use Mark For Death or Explosive Bolt.

  • Rogue/Leprechaun/Pirate/Barber/Renegade/Alpha Pirate:
    Good range on these guys, try and counter them with Ranger's luxurious range by using Mark For Death or Explosive Bolt.

  • Warrior/Warlord/Pumpkin Lord:
    They will most likely try to stun you. Seeing as these guys hit slow compared to Ranger, stay back and hit them with Mark For Death and Explosive Bolt. If you notice they do not have enough mana to use their stun, you can move in for the kill using Auto Attack and Scorching Arrow.

  • Berserker/Beta Berserker:
    They will most likely start off with Foregone Conclusion. Stay outside of their range, attacking them with Mark For Death and Explosive Bolt while you wait for Foregone Conclusion to wear off.

  • Chaos Shaper:
    Sliding and ranged attacks can take out a Chaos Shaper. Do not use your melee fighting tactics on Chaos Shapers. If used right and enhanced to its best, its crits can kill a Ranger very quickly.

  • CardClasher:
    Use the same tactics as above. CardClasher and Chaos Shaper are both high attack, and frequent critting machines. Just stay back and hit them with your ranged attacks, Mark For Death and Explosive Bolt.

  • Guardian:
    Guardian uses its furious crits against everyone. Literally no time to build up Marks, just start off with Vampiric Shot and the DoT. Then, stack Marks and use Bolt. This should crit the opponent, effectively killing them. If not, keep stacking Marks and keep your DoT up.''

  • Starlord:
    Like Ranger, Starlord is also a ranged class. Keep it at bay by keeping your DoT up, and using Marks/Explosive Bolt.

  • Ranger:
    Not much to say here. Whomever stacks up the most Marks and DoTs will inevitably win.


Rogue is second only to Ninja, but easier to use!


  • Viper's Kiss


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 3 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Instantly causes 50% weapon damage, and applies a poison dealing additional damage over 10 seconds.

    Small DoT, lasting for 5 ticks over 10 seconds.

    The low mana cost, DoT and synergy with Opportunity Strike (increase in damage) means this is a skill worth having active at all times.

  • Opportunity's Strike


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 10 Mana
    Cooldown: 4 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Deals damage based on how much time is left on your application of Viper's Kiss. (less time means higher damage)

    As you can tell, this is a Rogue's main damage skill. A lot of Rogues will use Viper's Kiss, then try to time this skill to do the most damage. However, the best tactic would be to spam this skill so that it would get stronger each hit instead of waiting for that last one.

  • Stiletto


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 60 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Deals moderate damage, and applies Concealed Blade, causing your attacks to do more damage the lower your target's HP are (if below 40%) for 20 seconds.

    Does absolutely nothing when enemy HP is over 40%, but increases damage every time you attack when HP is under 40%.

    Ever wonder how so many people crit in well in the 3000s using Rogue? This is one of the reasons here. This skill is pretty much self-explanatory. An additional tip would be to use this skill repeatedly in long boss battles, since you can use it multiple times, even with the long cooldown.

    Stiletto + opponent at low health + wide ranged weapon + last second of Viper's Kiss + Opportunity Strike + crits + 1 or more luck enhancements = HUGE damage!

  • Footwork


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 25 Mana
    Cooldown: 30 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Increases haste and chance to dodge by 30% for 15 seconds.

    Exactly what it sounds like. Plus 30% evasion and haste for 15 seconds. This is what makes Rogue overpowered. The three skills above have great damage output, but being able to use them while rarely taking damage? That's insane!

  • Elusive / Incisive

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: Dodge chance increased by 15% / Critical chance increased by 15%

Activation Combinations

  • Dodging Attack: Footwork -> Viper's Kiss -> Opportunity's Strike (Spam) -> Stiletto when enemy HP is 40%
    Great for general attacks. Footwork makes you near unhittable, Viper's Kiss is mainly for the Opportunity's Strike. With Stiletto, you can get up to 600 damage per hit.

  • Annoying Tactic: Footwork -> Viper's Kiss -> Run -> Go back -> Viper's Kiss -> Repeat.
    Footwork for obvious reasons. Viper's Kiss keeps a steady supply of damage going. This basically ensures your survival, while at the same time annoying the enemy.

  • Mortal Wound: (When the enemy is at >100 hp left and decides to run) Viper's Kiss -> Wait.
    Viper's Kiss will kill the enemy, even when they run away. This also means you can already go and focus on other tasks.


Rogue crits quite a bit, so why not use some luck?
All skills are physical, so use thief or fighter enhancements. Thief is recommended because you gain both mana and health when you dodge. Timing is everything with this class.

Class vs Class

  • Ninja:
    You're pretty evenly matched, but I would say Ninja has a slight advantage. For this reason, use the Annoying Tactic.

  • Warrior:
    This is tricky. Use the Dodging Attack, until Warrior does his Prepared Strike, then tag him with Viper's Kiss and run for your life!

  • Mage:
    Just use the Dodging Attack and you should be fine.

  • Starlord:
    Use Dodging Attack and get in a room with Brawlers or Restorers. This will restrict him to only use Pulse Compression and Pulse Dilation, which pretty much guarantees your win.

  • Dragonlord:
    Use Dodging Attack.

  • Healer:
    Use Dodging Attack.

  • Rogue:
    This comes down to level, health, and rank.


Starlord is a verified class. Which means that, in order to buy this class, you must be upgraded in another AE game, MechQuest. The link to verify your MechQuest membership is here. Once you've verified that, join the /tower map in AQW. Inside, go to the far left until you see 3 shops. Click on the NPC ''Korin'' to buy Starlord.


  • Pulse Compression


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 3 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: A moderately powerful ranged attack. Applies Pulse Compression, reducing the target's haste by 15% for 6 seconds.

    This skill can be spammed because of its low cooldown. It deals decent damage, and also ties in with the other skills. Having Pulse Compression active on a target means Pulse Dilation will stun, and High Energy Arc will heal you. Just remember to keep an eye on your mana if you choose to spam this spell.

  • Pulse Dilation


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 25 Mana
    Cooldown: 10 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: If Pulse Compression is present on the target, deals heavy damage. Otherwise applies Shearing, a 3 second stun, but deals no damage.

    This skill is VERY important to Starlord users. If Pulse Compression isn't on the target, you stun the opponent (but deal no damage). I usually start off with this skill and stun the opponent and THEN use Pulse Compression. The 3 second stun gives you time to run away, deal heavy damage, heal with High Energy Arc, or just spam skills.

  • Energy Arc


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 15 Mana
    Cooldown: 3 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Emits a burst of energy that will hit up to 3 targets. Also applies Loose Energy, a moderate DoT, to each.

    This skill can be used to take out multiple enemies. It also applies Loose Energy (a DoT effect). This skill is especially handy against Mages who uses Arcane Shield because the DoT ignores Arcane Shield's effect. You can also spam this skill due to its short cooldown and its low mana cost. Remember that, since it's and AoE skill, it can cause you to collect unwanted monster aggro, which may lead to defeat.

    Also note that the DoT doesn't vanish when you die, which means that applying the DoT the moment you die may still secure you a kill if your enemy was very low on health as well.

  • High Energy Arc


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 12 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Emits a burst of energy that will hit up to 3 targets, dealing less damage with each bounce, returning part of the damage dealt as HP if the target is affected by Pulse Compression.

    This skill can be used as a normal AoE attack, though is best used in conjunction with Pulse Compression to get most out of it.

    When used against an enemy who has Pulse Compression applied on them, you are healed for a small portion of the damage you dished out with High Energy Arc. This heal isn't major, but it can help when you find yourself in a tight spot.

  • Evasive Maneuvres / Locked On

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: Dodge chance increased by 15% / Hit chance increased by 5%, critical strike chance increased by 10%

    In my opinion, these are some of the best passives you can get. You get 15% dodge on top of your already high dodge % which means you are VERY hard to hit/stun. The hit % increase means you will have a better time facing those pesky Rogues/Ninjas and you also get a 10% critical chance boost. This means you will be able to dodge most of your opponent's hits and land more hits yourself, with more of those hits dealing extra damage (crits).

Tactics and tricks for PvP

  • Stun and Run:
    When you are low on life and Pulse Dilation is ready, just stun your opponent and run. This isn't a complicated tactic but it can save your life. Just make sure Pulse Compression is not active on your target.

  • Pulse Explosion:
    This combo costs a lot of mana, but with the correct timing this mana will be put to good use. You start off using Pulse Compression on your target, then using Pulse Dilation. This combo applies a debuff and then deals massive damage if Pulse Dilation connects. And with Starlord's passives, connecting hits shouldn't be a problem. Use High Energy Arc to heal yourself a bit if needed.

  • Pulse Stun:
    This is used to stun enemies and deal damage fast. You start off with Pulse Dilation, applying Shearing, for the 3 seconds stun. You then follow up with Pulse Dilation and Energy Arc spam to apply a constant DoT and deal massive damage to your enemy.

  • Pulse Revenge:
    When you are low on HP and mana (lower than 100 HP), and so is your opponent, you should use Energy Arc. Should you die, or should they run, the DoT will most likely kill them regardless before they can heal. (Not taking account possible healer classes on the opposing team.)


Since all of the skills for Starlord are physical, I DO NOT recommend any wizard/healer/hybrid enhancements.

People use all luck because of the passive buffs for dodge % and crit/hit%. People also use thief (though that means losing out on higher crits), or a mix of thief and luck. I don't recommend fighter since I believe dodge is more crucial to this class. It's best to try some builds and see which one works best for you.


Warrior is one of the post powerful classes in the game, even if it's underrated. With 2 offensive and defensive skills plus an offensive and defensive passive, it is the only class that completely counters the Rogue class's Footwork (one of the most feared ... ). It is also one of the easiest classes to use.


  • Decisive Strike


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 2 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: A powerful strike dealing 150% weapon damage.

    This skill is basically self-explanatory. Used mostly whenever you'd like to do extra damage. This skill is often used in a combination with Prepared Strike to do a powerful 3-hit combo. I normally use this skill when I have extra mana after using prepared strike and stunning.

    Use of this skill is what separates a good Warrior from the rest. Since Warrior has decent, but not perfect mana regain, this skill is what most Warriors would waste their mana on since it's spammable. It's quite obvious that both Prepared Strike and Imbalancing Strike are important, but limiting the use of this skill maximizes your damage output. A lot of Warriors are left to spamming this skill to do what little damage they can after about 2 rotations. SAVE YOUR MANA! This skill should NOT be used if you have below 30 mana unless you would otherwise die.

  • Imbalancing Strike


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 30 Mana
    Cooldown: 10 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: A precise blow which stuns your opponent for 4 seconds.

    This skill is very useful since it disrupts the opponent's strategy and holds them in place for a Prepared Strike. This is a VERY decent move for using against other sliders/room hoppers. Why? Because it stops them in their tracks long enough for your Prepared Strike. Not only that, but it can incite your teammates to pile, or team up on your opponent to kill them before they have a chance to respond.

  • Prepared Strike


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 15 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Your next two auto attacks taken within 5 seconds will be powerful critical hits which cannot be avoided.

    A powerful attack that makes your next two Auto Attacks automatic crits!

    This is the skill that warrior is known for, and it is also why it is a force to be reckoned with. Two unmissable crits? The first things that come to mind would be to use this against those horrid dodge classes that you seem to barely get a hit on.

    It would be wise to include at least 2 or more luck enhancements in your build for the heavy damage. Because you're guaranteed to crit with Prepared Strike, anything that increases crit damage will see a lot of use.

  • On Guard


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 30 Mana
    Cooldown: 30 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Challenge your opponent, dealing 75% normal damage, and taking 50% damage from all sources for 10 seconds.

    This is a great skill and every battle (where your enemy is attacking you back), should be started with it. It is especially useful when you are up against two players as well. Most warrior ignore this skill, however, it is VERY important to include this skill in your rotation. Nerfing your opponent's damage output can be very disruptive to them, and possibly safe your life.

    This skill gives you a 25% edge on your opponent, and should be used when being attacked at all times. However, if not being attacked, it would be wiser to skip this skill, as you'll be wasting mana.


It's useful having an all-luck Warrior since you have a skill that is guaranteed to crit, making Warrior a powerful class.

Stun your opponent!
Always make sure to stun your opponent at the start of the battle. This gives you a chance to go all out for 4 seconds. Only use it if you have reserve mana, though.

Use Prepared Strike!
Prepared Strike, a Warrior's most useful skill, grants your next two Auto Attacks a 100% Crit chance. It won't miss either! Not only that, because Warriors regain more mana on crits, you're getting a lot of mana back so you can use more skills.

Class vs Class

  • Warrior:
    Interesting match, this fight tests how adept you are at using your Warrior class against the same class. Use your skills well, make sure you stun your opponent first before he/she stuns you. Use prepared strike often, and if you are in critical condition, use On Guard to lower your enemy's attack.

  • Mage:
    You won't have much trouble with this aside from the Ice Shard and Fireball combo. Stun the mage before he can attack you and just go all out!

  • Rogue/Ninja:
    This may be one of the hardest matches for a warrior, mostly because the rogue can dodge most of your attacks, except one!
    Stun the rogue if you can, if you miss, immediately follow up with prepared strike. Since Prepared Strike won't miss, you will be able to hit the Rogue with a critical hit.

    If you are up against a ninja, make sure you stun him/her before he/she can do that to you. Just follow the same procedure as above.

  • Healer:
    An irritating match. The Healer will just heal as much as he/she can. So you may want to start off by stunning them, rendering him/her unable to heal, then just go all out on attack.

  • Paladin
    Since a Paladin is a hybrid, it can both deal damage and heal itself. Just follow the same procedure as Warrior vs Healer and you can win.


Powerhouse Warrior
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter
Class: Fighter
Weapon: Fighter

Critical Hitter
Helm: Luck
Cape: Luck
Class: Luck
Weapon: Luck

Evasive Type:
Helm: Thief
Cape: Thief
Class: Thief
Weapon: Thief

Balanced Type:
Helm: Thief
Cape: Thief
Class: Fighter
Weapon: Fighter

Technomancer -> RE: [Archived] Advanced PvP Guide Corrections (12/26/2011 17:06:16)

Part IVB: Magic Classes

This section of the guide will list all of the Magic Classes that are good in PvP situations. Some are healers, while some can be as effective offensively as a Dragonlord.

Bard Class

Description: Music rocks your world, and the battlefield. Your special abilities allow you to stay in tune with those around you, whether your powers are used to heal or to hurt.

This Class randomly uses /dance, /dance2, and /airguitar while attacking (which may cause some lag).


  • Bodhran


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 15 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Drums of war inspire your allies, raising damage by 20%, haste by 15%, and their critical strike chance by 5%. Lasts 15 seconds.

    This is possibly the best buff in the game. It raises critical stats for almost all classes. This is a must have for all rotations. You always want to keep this buff on you. The 5% critical strike increases your mana regeneration (because Bards get more mana on crits). Just an overall great move.

  • Cantor's Lament


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 10 Mana
    Cooldown: 2 seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Deals moderate damage to target. Applies Crescendo, a DoT that gets stronger every time the target is attacked, lasting 10 seconds.

    Cantor's Lament is a great skill. The Crescendo DoT will be one of your main sources of damage. With its low mana cost, it can be spammed easily. It can also be cast from a distance.

  • O'Carolan's Reel


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 30 Mana
    Cooldown: 12 seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Perfect for skirmishes, brawls, battles, wars, and fighting in general, O'Carolan's Reel applies a Heal-Over-Time (HoT) effect to all nearby allies.

    This skill is helpful and can get you out of a couple tricky situations, but it takes up precious mana so watch out.

  • Dissonance


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 10 Mana
    Cooldown: 15 seconds
    Type: Physical/Magical
    Description: Reduces the target's damage and haste by 15%, and critical strike chance by 5%, and grants additional mana to attackers striking the target for 15 seconds.

    This is another important skill. Many classes depend on haste and crits to overpower other classes. Because of the haste reduction, it lowers the target's cooldowns substantially which can ruin a build or rotation and give you that extra edge. This is also another way to regain mana which is very useful.

  • Toured The World / Agitato Allegro

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: Wisdom increased 20% / Haste increased by 10%, Crit chance increased by 5%

Tips & Tricks

- Always remember to slide. Most players just use auto targeting, so they're not used to having to click a moving target, which can mean the difference between winning and losing. Don't be static. If you're standing in place, you're just an easy target.
- Remember to use your range (on Cantor's Lament) to your advantage. You don't have to take a heavy-hitting class head on.
- Roomhop when you have to. Running beats dying.

Class vs Class

  • Warrior:
    The best skill you can use against a warrior is Dissonance. Warriors need a certain amount of haste to get both prepared strikes off in time. If you take that away, you cut their most deadly skill in half.

  • Berserker:
    This isn't the best match up for a Bard. When fighting a Berserker you never want to give it a chance to hit a Blood For Blood on you. So if he's at low health, and you're at low mana, just Crescendo hop! Room hop whenever he casts Foregone Conclusion, or cast Dissonance and take him head on.

  • Rogue:
    The mighty Rogue class is no match for a Bard. Your debuffs should weaken him considerably since haste, crit and damage are pretty important for a Rogue. They'll still have dodge, but Crescendo's DoT can't be dodged. You should be able to wear him down easily.

  • DoomKnight:
    This is much like Bard vs Warrior. You will constantly be stunned, but DoomKnight, like Warrior, depends on a little haste and crit chance so use Dissonance and keep your Crescendo DoT up. The DoomKnight's hits will get weaker as its health goes down so just hang in there, and slowly wear them down.

  • Mage:
    I've always had trouble with good Mages that can slide. A crit on their combo hurts a lot. Try to bait them into using Arcane Shield. If it's up, stack Crescendo and watch their mana be drained. Without their mana, they're pretty much helpless.

  • Dragonlord:
    A common class in PvP because of its high crits. This class depends on crits and haste to regain mana. Once again, if you lower that, you can lower their mana gain, making them easier to kill. Be patient and wear them down. Just be careful when they're at low health. A lucky Lifestealer crit can still ruin you.

Skill Combinations

  • Hasting: Bodhran --> Dissonance --> Crescendo --> Auto Attack until Drums of War (Bodhran) fades --> Repeat.

  • Crescendo Hopping: Crescendo from afar --> Roomhop --> Crescendo from afar --> Roomhop --> Repeat.
    It may be the most honorable thing to do, but when you're at low health, you should take advantage of your range against melee classes.

Chaos Shaper

The first ever class to come as a bonus with Membership. If you have purchased 15 months of Membership, you get this pretty interesting class. Similar to CardClasher, it's pretty much a gamble what you can do. Ranging from good, to amazing damage.


  • Twist Time


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 30 Mana
    Cooldown: 16 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: The powers of chaos alter time increasing your attack speed or reducing the speed of your enemy

    One way or another, you're going to be attacking faster than your target. Useful for a quick boost, considering you Auto Attack every 2 seconds.

  • Chaos Fog


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 30 Mana
    Cooldown: 20 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: A chaotic fog stuns your target or weakens the target reducing the damage it does.

    The damage reduction is pretty useful against heavy hitting classes, weakening their damage output significantly. The other option is a stun, which is always useful. It can also be used to somewhat counter certain skills that you can see coming, like Prepared Strike.

  • Chaotic Touch


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 7 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: A chaotic touch that harms your target or heals yourself.

    Both are very high healing/damaging effects, and can easily turn the tide of the battle. Useful against your target's DoT when healed, or to counter a target's heal. Also useful to recover when Death Grip Backfires!

  • Death Grip


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 30 Mana
    Cooldown: 10 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: The power of chaos causes high damage to your target but might backfire and harm yourself instead.

    The skill has a 60% of hitting, 40% of backfire. It may do a large amount of damage, which could easily turn the tide in a PvP match. Don't worry too much about that backfire. It's a relatively minor DoT which lasts for 4 seconds. If you happen to get a backfire, the healing effect from Chaotic Touch should be enough to counteract that.

  • Chaotic Strength / Chaotic Focus

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: Damage increased by 10% / Crit rate increased by 10%

Skill Combination

There are some combinations that may shut an enemy down, but since you can't predict which of the effects you'll get, it can be quite hard to set up a decent combo.

Class vs Class

  • Chaos Shaper:
    Oh boy, this can be very difficult depending on what you get. If you want to be swift, use Chaotic Touch, and hope for a Harmful Touch, then use Death Grip and hope his/her death comes first. If you want to prepare for something like that use Chaos Fog and take advantage of whatever happens. Use Twist Time if you want to gain the upper hand on your opponent, even if they might use it as well (in which case, you'll cancel each other out).

  • Berserker:
    Amazingly enough, this is one of the easier battles. Use Twist Time, which will speed you up, or make them really slow. Once they get to their ''Blood For Blood'' phase (which they'll usually activate at around 50% health), just use Chaos Fog. Weaken will reduce their damage/healing, while the stun might give you enough time to finish them off.

  • Shaman:
    They'll most likely keep up their Elemental Embrace, so you can't crit. Twist Time whenever possible to slow down their assault or speed up yours. Also keep an eye out for Dry Lightning. Use Chaos Fog to counter that. If you're feeling lucky, use Death Grip. < Death Grip is a definite crit. But Shaman's EE removes crit. I wonder if it also removes crit that is essentially integrated in a skill. Check that.

  • Dragonlord:
    Not too difficult. Mostly know for their power, so use Chaos Fog and Twist Time often. Again, if you're feeling lucky, you can also use Death Grip.

  • DoomKnight:
    One of the easier battles if you're lucky. Use Chaos Fog and Twist Time. Death Grip if you need too.


Chronomancers are powerful time Mages who excel in drawn out combat. This class was obtained from ordering the 2011 AE Calendar. There has also been an AE calender for 2012, which gave access to ChronoCorruptor. Other than the name of the class, and the skills, there is no actual difference between the classes.

^ Though, apparently (just looking at the Wiki again), there are in fact differences. While the skills don't really differ much, the passives apparently do. I'm not sure if we could really just group them together like that. Skill combinations and such shouldn't matter, but I'm wondering if we should include ChronoCorruptor's Skill writeup as well ... .


  • Temporal Strike


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 5 Mana
    Cooldown: 2 Seconds
    Type: Physical/Magical
    Description: Deals light damage to the target and applies Temporal Rift to the caster, a stacking effect (up to 4) that other abilities rely on.

  • Rift Inversion


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 12 Seconds
    Type: Physical/Magical
    Description: Heals you for an amount based on the damage you've recently taken while under the effects of Temporal Rift (up to 40% of your HP) and consumes Temporal Rift. Applies Inverted Matrix, boosting haste but preventing Temporal Rift from being applied for 6 seconds.

  • Rift Collapse


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 30 Mana
    Cooldown: 6 Seconds
    Type: Physical/Magical
    Description: Deals damage based on the damage you've recently dealt while under the effects of Temporal Rift. Consumes Temporal Rift stacks.

  • Riftburn


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 50 Mana
    Cooldown: 16 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Places a DoT effect on the target based on the number of Temporal Rift stacks you have, and consumes those stacks. The DoT deals more damage with more stacks, and grows stronger over time.

  • Fall Back / Spring Forward

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: Dodge chance increased by 15% / Critical strike chance, Hit chance, and Haste increased by 5%

Skill Combinations

The skill selection I would advise, PvP wise, would be to only do up to 2 stacks of temporal rift, then rift inversion, another 2 stacks of temporal rift after the 6 second wait and then rift collapse. However, I would not recommend the use of this in PvP.

The only class, due to Chronomancer's need to use Temporal Rift for every skill, can't fight many classes, the only class I would advise you to take on when using Chronomancer, is No Class. (may be tested)

Evolved Shaman

Shaman's Evolved counterpart. Though dealing less damage straight up, it makes up for that by having better effects!


  • Freezing Flame


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 5 Mana
    Cooldown: 6 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Deals moderate damage and either burns your foe for damage over time or freezes your target in place, stunning them for 4 seconds. Effect increased by Elemental Grasp.

    AoE attack, hits 3 targets in range. Cold Burn DoT effect lasts 4 seconds (2 ticks)
    Great skill. In PvP, Frozen is much more useful than the 2 tick DoT. Around 50% chance for each. Will not apply an effect until the previous effect from this skill has worn off.

  • Furious Gale


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 10 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Deals heavy damage and reduces enemy haste while increasing yours for a short time. Effects both increased by Elemental Grasp.

    Currently, the damage isn't exactly "heavy," as it does the same damage as Freezing Flame, but the other effect, buffing your haste and nerfing theirs, is quite good. You should keep this skill going at all times.

  • Refreshing Rain


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 15 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Casts a Heal Over Time on yourself and nearby allies. Heal amount is increased by Furious Gale.

    Notes: Heals up to 4 friendly targets, HoT lasts 10 seconds.
    Unbuffed, it does 5 ticks of about 30 HP, plus an instant 150 HP, for a total of 300 damage healed.

  • Elemental Grasp


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 60 Mana
    Cooldown: 16 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Deals light damage to target and applies Elemental Grasp, negating all target Evasion and Critical Strike chance. This effect also makes the Evolved Shaman’s spells more powerful, and gets stronger the more spells the Shaman casts against the target.

    Exactly like the original Shaman's Elemental Embrace. Buffs skills in the same way, in that every extra spell increases the next spell's effectiveness.

  • Ancestral Teachings / Primal Fury

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: Increase INT by 15% / Increase Crit Chance by 8%

  • Elemental Storm

    Rank Needed: 10
    Type: Passive Ability
    Description: Small chance to greatly increase the power of an AoE ability.

    Its Rank 10 passive. Only works on the first 3 skills. Not to be relied upon.


  • Spellbreaker:
    Good for frequent crits, at the expense of some of the non-crit power as well as strength of the crits.
  • Wizard:
    Good for non-crit power and crit strength, at the expense of health and frequency of the crits.
  • Healer:
    Good for health and non-crit power, at the expense of frequency and strength of crits.

Activation Combinations

Evolved Shaman is a rather strategic class, with lots of variables. But:

  • In 1 vs 1 combat: Most of the time, use Elemental Grasp first.

    - If it hits: Use Furious Gale for quicker cooldowns and then spam Freezing Flame (though wait for its effect to fade first), and keep up Furious Gale. Use Refreshing Rain if health reaches around 50 or 60%. (Better safe than sorry!)
    - If it does not hit, use Furious Gale and Freezing Flame, your mana drop below 60. Once Elemental Grasp is available again, try to hit your opponent with it again.

  • In Bludrut Brawl: Personally, I wouldn't use this class in Bludrut Brawl, due to the higher mana costs and the slow-ish mana regeneration, but if you do, note that it's best if you use it as a support class.

    -Use Elemental Grasp only on Brawlers. Restorers can be killed too quickly for the effect to matter.
    -Whenever you see a green bubble over someone's head, use Refreshing Rain. This includes your own head.
    -In a room full of enemy players, use Furious Gale. You get a really good haste buff. Then, follow with a Freezing Flame. If you land Cold Burn, it's probably best to room-hop. If you land Frozen, keep on fighting, using more or less the same strategy.

Class vs Class

  • Ninja:
    Use Freezing Flame first. If the enemy is Frozen, you stand a good chance of winning. After Freezing Flame, activate Elemental Grasp as soon as possible, so that Thin Air will be countered. It takes a bit of time before it really reaches it's full potential, so using it early ensures that you can still land the hit. Do not cast any spells except for Refreshing Rain when you are blinded.

  • Berserker/Beta Berserker:
    He's probably going to use Forgone Conclusion. Counter that with Furious Gale and then start with the normal activations. Watch out for Breaker and Blood For Blood.

  • Warrior/Warlord/Pumpkin Lord:
    Just use normal activations and you should be fine.

  • Rogue/Renegade/Pirate/Alpha Pirate/Barber:
    Use normal activations. Watch out, it might miss!

  • Dragonlord:
    Counter Heated Blade with Furious Gale, and use Refreshing Rain when he's low on either mana or health. Lifestealer and Cursed Blade can hit pretty high in those situations.

  • Starlord:
    Pulse Compression reduces your haste, but Furious Gale will fix that. Otherwise, use the normal activations.

  • Ranger:
    You shouldn't meet too many of these, but if you ever do, make sure to stay within range. Also, if you need to slide, don't get parallel with him.

  • Shaman:
    In this case, also use Freezing Flame first before Elemental Grasp. Quite a hard battle to win, but the normal activation should give you a fighting chance, especially if Freezing Flame decides to stun. Don't forget the threat of Dry Lightning.

  • Evolved Shaman:
    It comes down to skill, enhancements, level, and luck. Do NOT get stunned.

  • Mage:
    Use Freezing Flame first. This is also quite a challenge. Obviously, counter Ice Shard with Furious Gale, and hope for some lucky stuns on Freezing Flame.

  • Healer:
    Energy Flow also reduces damage. Keep that in mind. Otherwise, stun and DoT, to counter Radiance.

  • Necromancer:
    Use Freezing Flame first and often, especially if you can land it right before Weaken is cast (which has a 5 second cooldown, so time about 4 seconds after each use).


One of the most underrated classes in the whole game. Designed for group vs 1 warfare (i.e.: Players vs Brawler)


  • Healing Word


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 30 Mana
    Cooldown: 6 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Heals a friendly target for a large amount immediately, and up to 3 additional nearby targets for a smaller amount. Applies Radiance to the first target, healing for an additional amount over 16 seconds, and restoring some mana to the caster when the target takes damage.

    Heals about 1x Spell damage to you, and about .5x spell damage to surrounding friendly players. Also give you mana, but not as effectively, because of its mana cost.

  • Heartbeat


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 12 Mana
    Cooldown: 2 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Deals 10% of current HP plus moderate magical damage to the target.

    ~10% of current hp, plus about .5x spell power to enemy. Very useful for spamming, with its relatively low mana cost and short cooldown.

  • Energy Flow


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 5 Mana
    Cooldown: 12 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Grants Mana to the caster each time the target takes damage for 12 seconds. Also applies Inhibition, reducing the target's damage by 30% for 8 seconds.

    VERY good. Essential skill for any battle. Without this, Healer devours energy.

  • Clear Mind


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 20 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Reduces friendly target's Mana cost by 50% for 10 seconds.
    Also another energy-saving skill. Use sparingly (mana cost and cooldown): wait until you NEED to use 2 Healing Words in a row badly.

  • Pure Hearted / Resolute

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: Increases healing by 10% / Damage taken reduced by 10%

Activation Combinations

For Healer, there really isn't any set in stone combination. You have to use your common sense, but there are some basic combinations that you can learn.

  • Normal, Group vs 1: Energy Flow --> Clear Mind --> Heartbeat and Healing Word (as many as needed).
  • Normal, 1 vs 1: Energy Flow (whenever possible), Heartbeat (also whenever possible), Clear Mind (sparingly) plus Healing Word whenever needed.
  • Quick Kill: Energy Flow --> Clear Mind --> Heartbeat (until dead). Though this is not as reliable.


A mix of Healer and Wizard enhancements is recommended. You could also use full:

  • Wizard:
    Lose some HP, and therefore, some of Heartbeat's effectiveness.
  • Healer:
    Lose some power, which is bad as well.

Note: Spellbreaker somewhat combines the flaws of both (full) Healer and (full) Mage. And, unless you use it with Lucky enhancements, even the crits are lower than usual.

Class vs Class

This class isn't exactly good at 1 vs 1, so this section won't be that useful. Usually, you should have a group of team members (at least two) and attack monsters, instead of other players. Remember, Combat Trophies depend on non-player monsters defeated.

So, against Brawlers/Restorers, use the normal group vs 1 strategy.
With a group against another group, use the normal, 1 vs 1 strategy, targeting your ally that seems to be taking the most damage.
In a 1 vs group situation, get out there!


Though Mage is one of the underrated classes, it can be very effective in PvP if put in the right hands. The class specializes in ranged damage. Being one of the only classes that can use all four of its skills anywhere (without much range restrictions) gives it a solid edge in PvP.


  • Fireball


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 6 Seconds
    Description: Hurls flame at your opponent, dealing moderate damage on impact, and dealing that same amount again over 10 seconds. Deals more impact damage if Frozen Blood is present on the target, but consumes the debuff.

    This skill can be very useful when combined with Frozen Blood to deal a lot of damage fast. It can also be used to stop fleeing opponents. If they have less than 200 health, use this skill so the DoT can finish them off. Fireball and Frozen Blood are the most used skills in the Mage's set. These are your main sources of damage in PvP.

  • Ice Shard


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 10 Mana
    Cooldown: 6 Seconds
    Description: Launches a freezing shard at your enemy, dealing moderate damage. If Scorched is NOT present, applies Frozen Blood, reducing their attack speed and power for 10 seconds. If Scorched IS present, deals increased damage but does not apply Frozen Blood.

    Slowing your opponent, and lowering their damage output can be very useful in PvP. If Scorched is present, you'll deal increased damage with this skill, but won't apply the debuff.

  • Explosion


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 15 Mana
    Cooldown: 3 Seconds
    Description: Causes energies within opponent to become unstable and burst forth, causing moderate damage to your target and light damage to surrounding targets.

    This skill is great in rooms without NPCs. Be careful when using it around NPCs, since you may cause them to attack you, putting you at a disadvantage. It's also good to use in crowded rooms when there's a large teamfight going on.

  • Arcane Shield


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 5
    Cooldown: 60 Seconds
    Description: Shields the caster, transferring most incoming damage to their MP instead of HP and reducing outgoing damage for 20 seconds.

    This skill isn't used that often because it's effective mana cost is quite high. It can still be useful in tight spots, though. Whenever you have to tank something or when you want to run and heal.

  • Hot Headed / Chilled Out

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: Magic damage increased by 10% / Damage taken reduced by 10%


First, sliding is VERY important with this class. The main point of the class is to attack without being attacked. Since you don't have to be close to your opponent to attack, you can slide outside of your opponent's range.

You'll want to use Ice Shard first, then Fireball for some decent damage or to deal the killing blow. For enhancements, these work well:

Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Armor: Wizard
Weapon: Luck/Wizard/Fighter (If you want a little melee damage)

For 1 vs 1:

Ice Explosion: Spam Ice Shard and Explosion. You can get some 400+ crits without the need to use Fireball, so you can keep the Frozen Blood debuff applied (which can work well on Rogues if you slide well). Use Arcane Shield to save you if needed.

1K Fireball: Ice Shard and Fireball, hoping for a big crit.

Spam Ice Shard (plus Explosion, if you have enough mana). Use Arcane Shield when the opponent has less than half HP and finish with Fireball. Not necessary to slide. Don't use this against stunning classes, though.


Necromancer is great at PvP action. The preferred enhancement for this class is (full) Wizard, since Necromancer gets its power from Intellect and Wisdom.


  • Summon Minion


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 45 Mana
    Cooldown: 16 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Summons an undead minion to your side or sends it into a frenzy doubling all damage at the cost of health.

    This skill summons your minion, a Skeleton Battle Pet. Or, if you already have it (or another pet) summoned, it will increase your damage tremendously. Great for dishing out heavy damage. Use this, then use Weaken right after for some good damage (and healing).

  • Weaken


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 15 Mana
    Cooldown: 5 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Weakens the target lowering damage and draining some of its life and healing you for the same amount.

    Use this skill after using Summon Minion for good damage. This is Necromancer's healing skill. Use it when you're in danger of dying. < More info (debuff)

  • Infect


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 0 Mana (converts a portion of your health into mana)
    Cooldown: 3 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Infect yourself, damaging your health to restore mana.

    Use this skill only if you are in dire need of Mana. Otherwise, this skill only hurts you.

  • Command Undead


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 6 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Order your pet to attack doing increased damage.

    Use this skill only if you have a Battle Pet equipped. Otherwise, this skill is rather useless in action.

  • Death's Strength / Death's Speed

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: Damage increased by 10% / Haste increased by 10%

Class vs Class

  • Necromancer:
    Chances are, they will try to attack you with their battle pet. Just spam Summon Minion, then Weaken for some good damage, somewhere around 600. If they do not attack you with their battle pet, use the skill combination of Summon Minion and Weaken for good damage, as said above. If this does not kill them, spam Weaken.

  • Warrior/Warlord/Pumpkin Lord:
    Watch out for these guys. As usual, they will try to open with a stun. If they successfully stun you, heal yourself with Weaken. Then, continue to spam Weaken. Sliding with these guys can be effective.

  • Rogue/Renegade/Leprechaun/Pirate/Alpha Pirate/Vampire:
    Most likely, they will start off with Viper's Kiss. Counter them with Weaken, so you can gain some health, and do some damage. Then, spam Summon Minion+Weaken.

  • Mage/Sorcerer:
    Arcane Shield is what kills a Necromancer in combat. Use Summon Minion+Weaken, then if you have a battle pet, use Command Undead. If your battle pet isn't working as planned, go back to spamming Weaken.

  • Dragonlord:
    Watch out for their Lifestealer+Cursed Blade combination. This is deadly to a Necromancer. Counter with the Summon Minion+Weaken combination. Then, spam Weaken to finish them off. Do not slide with these guys, since they have ranged attacks.

  • Shaman:
    Start off with the usual Summon Minion+Weaken combination. Then, spam Weaken to keep your health up and to deal some decent damage.

  • Ninja/Assassin:
    Just spam the skill combination of Summon Minion+Weaken and you should be in the driver's seat. If they get ahead of you, start to spam Weaken.

  • Healer/Acolyte/Witch:
    Open out with the skill combination of Summon Minion+Weaken. Then, if you have a battle pet equipped, use the Command Undead skill. If you don't have a battlepet equipped, spam weaken.


Shaman may be hard to get, but it's worth it! It's pretty much a glass cannon class. It can dish out a lot of damage. This, coupled with its AoE skills, make Shaman pretty useful in PvP. The downside is that Shaman consumes a lot of mana and dies fast. Though even if you may not survive every battle, you will have taken out a huge chunk of the enemy's HP, possibly leaving multiple opponent's severely weakened. Meaning someone else on your team can finish the job. A good Shaman, if ignored, can take out an entire room of players.


  • Ancestor's Flame


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 10 Mana
    Cooldown: 4 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Deals moderate damage to up to three targets, and applies Scorched Spirit. Damage increased by Elemental Embrace.

    It deals a good amount of damage to up to three targets. It also applies Scorched Spirit. By itself, this is useless, but Shaman's second skill, Hydrophobia, heals you for a portion of the damage dealt to targets that are affected by Scorched Spirit.

  • Hydrophobia


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 15
    Cooldown: 4 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Deals moderate damage to up to three targets. Any damage caused to targets affected by Scorched Spirit will heal the Shaman for a portion of the damage dealt. Healing increased by Elemental Embrace.

    Like Ancestor's Flame, this skill deals moderate damage to up to three targets. Though, again, this skill is not as useful by itself. It's best used when Scorched Spirit is applied because then, it will heal you based on the damage dealt. The more enemies hit, the more you'll be healed. < Verify (damage from SS or AF for more healing?)

  • Dry Lightning


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 40
    Cooldown: 16 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Deals heavy damage to the target. Damage increased by Elemental Embrace.

    Shaman's most useful skill. Although the mana cost is high, this skill can deal a very high amount of damage with the right enhancements.

  • Elemental Embrace


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana cost: 60
    Cooldown: 16 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Deals light damage to target and applies Elemental Embrace, negating all target Evasion and Critical Strike chance. This effect also makes the Shaman's spells more powerful, and gets stronger the more spells the Shaman casts against the target.

    A must use against Dragonlords and Rogues. Why? Because Elemental Embrace negates the target's crit chance and evasion. This means your opponent cannot land a crit on you, OR dodge your attacks and spells. What's even better is that it increases the power of your other spells. Increasing more with every spell cast. It will also increase the heal power of Hydrophobia.

  • Ancestral Teachings / Primal Fury

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: Intellect increased by 15% / Crit chance increased by 8%


Heal as much as you can!
Considering shaman can die fast when pit against a powerful opponent, you may want to continually use Ancestor's Flame and Hydrophobia. This will heal about 70 HP so if you do this 5 times, you can recover 350 HP. It may not seem much, but it just may be enough to keep you alive!

Dry them up!
One of the first skills you should use is Dry Lightning. You can take out a good amount of HP this way.

Embrace your Enemies. Elementally!
Although Elemental Embrace is not the best to use all the time, it will save you from Rogues, Ninjas, and Dragonlords. You'll completely negate their evasion and crit chance, making them weaker and more susceptible to your attacks. Of course, you'll have to hit the actual skill first. Missing won't apply the debuff.

Carry a Mana Potion!
The title is self-explanatory. It's very useful to carry these around considering Shaman uses a lot of mana.

Class vs Class

  • Warrior/Berserker/DoomKnight:
    A hard fight to win. You may lose a lot of battles to these guys but there IS a way to win. You'll want to use Dry Lightning first to take ..., then use Ancestor's Flame and Hydrophobia to keep your damage up. If you're lucky, you can take them out before they get a chance to retaliate.

  • Mage:
    Tricky battle considering Mage is a hefty damage dealer itself. Just stick to the basic rotation of Dry Lighting followed by Ancestor's Flame/Hydrophobia. You may also want to start off with Elemental Embrace, since those crits can hurt a lot.

  • Rogue/Ninja:
    Probably the Shaman's thoughest battle. This is where Elemental Embrace comes in handy. You'll pretty much have to rely on it to do anything, so if it misses, you're likely done for. If it hits, though, they can't dodge or crit anymore, so you can go on the offensive. Dry Lightning, Ancestor's Flame/Hydrophobia and you should win. However, keep in mind that, even if they can't dodge/crit anymore, a Ninja can still stun and/or blind you to stall for time. Finish them while you can.

  • Dragonlord:
    The Shaman's worst nightmare. You HAVE to use Elemental Embrace first (which is why it's handy to be carrying a mana potion around). If it hits, just go all out. Use two sets of Ancestor's Flame and Hydrophobia, then use Dry Lightning to finish the Dragonlord off.

  • Healer:
    An irritating fight. Shaman is not so strong on the physical side so the Healer has a chance to heal itself. Just use Dry Lightning, Ancestor's flame and Hydrophobia.

  • Shaman:
    A match of experience. This setup tests each player's skill in using Shaman. You know your opponent will use Dry Lightning first, so be prepared. You, of course, need to use Elemental Embrace first (because a Dry Lightning crit could be pretty bad), then go all out with your spells. Use a mana potion if you need to.

  • Everyone:
    Now this is what Shaman was made for. Although you probably won't survive, you can deal high amounts of damage to up to three people. Skip Elemental Embrace for this and just use Dry Lightning first. Then just use Ancestor's flame and Hydrophobia until you die or win!


The Powerhouse
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Healer/Wizard
Class: Wizard

The Evasive Caster
Helm: Spellbreaker
Cape: Spellbreaker
Weapon: Spellbreaker
Class: Spellbreaker

The Shadow
Helm: Thief
Cape: Thief
Weapon: Thief
Class: Thief

Balanced Type
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Spellbreaker
Weapon: Wizard
Class: Luck

Troll Spellsmith

The Troll faction class. You can obtain this class by getting your Troll Reputation to Rank 10, or by purchasing it for 2,000 ACs.


  • Energy Arc


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 35 Mana
    Cooldown: 10 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Calls on the power of electricity to arc from one foe to the next, slowing all of their attack speeds.

    This is a really nice first skill for a few reason. First off, unlike similar 'bouncing' attacks (like Starlord's High Energy Arc), this attack doesn't weaken as it arcs from one target to the next. Each enemy receives the same amount of damage. Similarly, they are all slowed for the same amount. Of course, if you're not careful you will have an entire room of monsters on you and then it won't matter HOW slow they attack.

  • Frostflame


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 25 Mana
    Cooldown: 5 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: A freezing fire that will cause moderate ice damage and slow your enemies with a chance to stun them.

    This is a GREAT skill. The damage is moderate but at a 5 second cooldown, you end up causing a LOT of damage. The stun is always a nice treat but the slow stacks with the slow from the first power causing your foes to attack you at a crawl.

  • Focus Energy


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 0 Mana (converts a portion of your health into mana)
    Cooldown: 16 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Convert your own energy into mana but slows your attack and lowers your damage for a while.

    Like the Necromancers of DoomWood, Trolls have learned to consume their own lifeforce and convert it into much needed mana. By itself, that can be dangerous enough, but the added speed and damage debuff will make you think twice before using this skill. It can be a lifesaver but only if you have the skill to see when its needed.

  • Weakness Sigil


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 5 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Stacks up to 5 times. Heals you for a little bit, increases the effectiveness of all other skills and increases your chance to crit on your foe with each stack.

    There are various uses for this skill. If you just activate it without using any other skills you should get a lot of mana rather quickly for a short amount of time. This skill is flat out AMAZING. It speaks for itself but in case you missed it... it is a SELF-HEAL with a 5 second cooldown that makes ALL of you other skills stronger with each stack AND raises your chance to crit on a single target. It keeps you alive and seals your foe's fate at the same time. It's the best reason to rank up that I've ever seen.

  • Empower / Shift Fate

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passive
    Description: Magic Damage increased by 10% / Crit Rate increased by 10%

    Ranking up the class unlocks the ability to get critical hits more often, while also doing more damage overall. In short, this is a massive buff to the entire class.

  • Troll Control

    Rank Needed: Rank 10
    Type: Passive
    Description: Random chance to double your attack speed for 10 seconds.

    Similarly to the Horc Evader, this rank 10 passive will have you breaking into a spellcasting frenzy, giving you the chance to burn your fow down before they know what happened. Since you can get mana back rather easily, feel free to spam away!

This is a great class in general, whether for PvP or for soloing. Similar to Mage and Shaman, this class has a great multi-target spell. The first skill is always useful for starters. It deals the same amount of damage to all enemies hit, may crit, and it slows down all enemies. Use this skill as much as possible. Whenever Energy Arc is on cooldown, use Frostflame. The slow effects from both skills stack, meaning your enemy's attack speed will be down by a lot. Frostflame may also stun your opponent, which is also pretty useful. In any battle, you should try to stack Sigil as much as possible. This amazing skill not only heals you for a small amount, it also powers up your other skills (as well as its own healing potential). Only use the 3rd skill when you really need it. It takes a pretty big chunk out of your health in exchange for giving you your full mana back. Best used when you already have Sigil stacked a few times, so you can quickly heal the damage done.

In short, you'll always want to keep Sigil stacked as high as possible. This increases you damage output with Energy Arc and Frostflame by a good bit, and also increases the health gained by using Sigil. Use Focus Energy only when needed, and when you feel it's safe to use.

Technomancer -> RE: [Archived] Advanced PvP Guide Corrections (12/27/2011 13:31:39)

Part IVC: Hybrid Classes

Hybrids; a mix of Magic and Melee skills. Can be the most dangerous classes in PvP action.


A heavy hitter in PvP. ClawSuit lost some of its shine when Dragonlord came along, though it's still very powerful. Many of its skills are very mana draining, but are still efficient enough to get the job done.


  • Jacknife Frost


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 4 Seconds
    Type: Physical/Magical
    Description: A quick attack that deals physical and magical damage and inflicts the target with Frostbite for 4 seconds.

    The ClawSuit's third skill, Rudolph's Revenge, will stun a target afflicted by Frostbite. You should only be using this skill when you really want the stun. The combined cost is 50 mana, so you may want to hold on to that to use some other skills instead. Save this for when you need the stun, and have enough mana to use Rudolph's Revenge as well.

  • Santa's Claws


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 30 Mana
    Cooldown: 12 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Shreds the opponent's armour, causing heavy physical damage over 12 seconds and increasing all damage done to target by 10% for that duration.

    A useful skill to keep up. Provides a DoT and an increase in damage, allowing you to set up some heavy hits with Rudolph's Revenge.

  • Ruldoph's Revenge


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 30 Mana
    Cooldown: 8 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: A powerful attack dealing 200% weapon damage, OR stunning the target for 5 seconds if they are afflicted by Frostbite.

    The strongest attack in your arsenal. Combine with Santa's Claws for a very powerful hit, or stun someone for a long time if combined with Jacknife Frost.

  • Hearth's Embrace


    Mana Cost: 40 Mana
    Cooldown: 6 seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Reduces your incoming damage by 50% and outgoing damage by 25% for 8 seconds.

    Your defensive skill. While it doesn't heal you, reducing your opponent's damage by half can save your life. Note that it also lowers your damage output by 25%. Use Santa's Claws to try and counter that, and don't use too many skills while the effect is active.

  • Furious / Northern Fortitude

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: Increases all damage done by 15% / Reduces all incoming damage by 5%

Class vs Class

  • Warrior:
    Most Warrior's start with Imbalancing Strike, then Prepared Strike for major damage. So if you see it coming, use Heart's Embrace when he's about to stab you. After that assault, keep up Santa's Claws on your target and periodically use a stun combo.

  • Healer:
    A Healer's main goal is to outlive you through massive healing. Keep applying Santa's Claws. Use a stun combo when their health is low enough so you can go on the offensive and finish them off with Rudolph's Revenge. If he's going kamikaze, you shouldn't have too many problems.

  • Rogue:
    A pretty tough battle, but it can be won. Try to land Santa's Claws before they start using Footwork to get as much damage in as possible. Footwork means you'll have to resort to defense. Don't use any abilities while it's up, since it'll usually just be a waste of mana. Whatever you do, try to finish them off before you drop to 40% health. That means they'll trigger Concealed Blade, which could easily kill you even with Heart's Embrace.

  • Ninja:
    Not too hard, just watch out for Shadowblade's blinding effect or the possibility of a stun. Don't worry too much about using Heart's Embrace before the stun, since it only lasts 3 seconds.

  • Berserker:
    A class that can get more dangerous with every blow you deal, which can be though to handle. Use Santa's Claws for a while, because they will most likely use Broadside and Breaker until about half their health is gone. That's when they'll use Foregone Conclusion, which will heal them after a while based on the damage they dealt under the effect. Which means they'll continue their onslaught until they get even lower, which is when they'll start using Blood For Blood (potentially very dangerous). Prepare to use Heart's Embrace at that certain point to try and counter that, or use a stun combo and try to finish them off before the effect ends.

  • CardClasher:
    Prepare for the worst, as this can be a very easy or a very hard battle. Keep an eye on the cards above your head, as well as theirs. For them, a sword will increase damage, a shield defense, and sparkles mean a HoT. For you, they mean a damage debuff, defense debuff, and a DoT. Also note that they might start using a skill that drains their health, which will then be used later for more damage. Keep an eye out for that as well, though they most likely won't use the damage aspect until they've used it 2 or more times. For cards, keep applying Santa's Claws, for the health drain attack, set up a stun combo and dish out as much damage as you can (or continue using Claws and then Heart's Embrace after 2 or more casts).

    Also note that the health draining skill acts like an attack, which means they can actually crit themselves, leading to a very easy victory.

  • Rustbucket/Enforcer/Protosartorium:
    Stun them During Event Horizon, and calmly stay away until it ends. At that time, bury them.

  • Chaos Shaper:
    Stick to the usual, for the most part. Heart's Embrace isn't a bad idea. Chaos Shapers will usually either destroy you, or itself.

  • Dragonslayer:
    They're just as slow as you are! Santa Claws. Stun. Auto Attacks. This class isn't a threat to you in the hands of most players.

  • Shaman:
    Rely on Santa Claws and Rudolph's Revenge. You have to gamble on this one, because you need them to die fast before you just randomly blow up from a big crit.

  • Evolved Shaman:
    Your victory depends on how often you get stunned. If not too often, treat them just like Shaman.

  • Evolved Clawsuit:
    Your little brother. It's faster, but it requires some stacking and alteration to be effective. Moving around is helpful. Also remember that you have a ranged attack. (<Which one?)

  • Mage:
    Wait for Arcane Shield. Try to stun them as late in the fight as you possibly can. Otherwise it's about Jack Knife and Santa's Claws.

  • Ranger:
    Just get in close and hit them. Stunning helps.

  • Dragonlord:
    Heart's Embrace, stunning, Auto Attacks. There's really not much you can hope to do in this fight. Dragonlord has you outclassed in every way, and can debuff you where it really hurts (haste and hit).

  • Guardian:
    Put Heart's Embrace up, because Keen Strike is coming. Stun them if Guardian Shield comes up, and try to respond to that with Santa's Claws whenever possible.

  • Defender:
    The usual. Stun them if they put up Safeguard.

  • Starlord:
    You usually won't hit them, but they can hit you. Open with Heart's Embrace. Try to get close and deal some damage. They're dodgy, so anything involving Rudolph's Revenge will be more of a gamble.

  • Chronomancer:
    Don't let them finish stacking Temporal Rifts. Stun early and as often as possible.

  • Necromancer:
    If you're up against a Frenzy Necromancer, just put up Heart's Embrace and Santa's Claws first, then stun. Santa's Claws is especially good against those Necromancers because of their self-DoT. For the average Necromancer, though, spamming Weaken will be their prefered method of attacking. The less time they spend attacking means the less time you're debuffed by Weaken. Stun them as often as possible.


This class is definitely underrated compared to its verified counterparts (such as Dragonlord and Starlord). It's more based around crits than anything else, making it somewhat inconsistent, but potentially very deadly. It is also the hybrid of the verified bunch, gaining benefits from quite a few enhancements. Also keep in mind that Guardian regains mana in a unique way. The amount regained increases with the amount of damage you deal with a crit, relative to your own total health.


  • Guardian Rage


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 15 Mana
    Cooldown: 4 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Furiously bombard your opponent with strikes. Damages and cripples your target, reducing outgoing damage by 5% for 10 seconds. This effect can be stacked up to 3 times.

    The Guardian's goto second auto attack. It deals slightly more damage than a regular auto attack and can nerf your opponent's damage output. This, combined with the low mana cost and cooldown, means it's a skill you can (and want to) spam.

  • Keen


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 8 Seconds
    Type: Physical
    Description: Use the pointy end of your weapon for stunningly sharp attacks. Applies Keen, increasing critical strike chance by 15% and has a chance to stun the target briefly.

    A Guardian's ace in the hole. This ability means you will be landing a lot of crits, almost regardless of what enhancements you have. The stun seems to occur around 20% of the time, so it's not that reliable. Keen can be applied indefinitely assuming every Keen connects (if you miss, Keen will not be applied).

  • Guardian Light


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 25 Mana
    Cooldown: 15 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Empower yourself. Releases blinding damage if your weapon is Keen, otherwise increases your resistance to incoming blows.

    A Guardian's defensive ability, which may also be used offensively. When your weapon is Keen, you'll deal a set amount of damage, based on your spell power (therefore unaffected by weapon damage). The defensive side of the ability decreases damage taken (based on spell power as well). As a note, you must still hit the enemy, even if your attempt to put up the shield. Like Keen, missing the ability means you won't activate the effects.

  • Guardian Blast


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 35 Mana
    Cooldown: 15 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Calls forth mighty dragon flames to scorch your opponents.

    Like Guardian Light, this ability also relies on your spell power. Can be used for some extra damage when facing a single opponent. It may hit up to 3 targets, so it's best used hitting multiple targets in a teamfight.

  • Red Shift / Dragon's Might

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: Haste increased by 10% / Strength and Intellect increased by 10%

Activation Combinations

Guardian only has two real sets of combinations. The effectiveness of each is reliant on the build of the Guardian. However, depending on the situation, there could be
multiple other ways to use the abilities.

  • Keen --> Guardian Rage --> Guardian Light (Attack) --> Guardian Blast --> Repeat.
  • Guardian Light (Defense) --> Keen --> Guardian Rage --> Guardian Blast --> Guardian Light (Attack) --> Repeat.


Guardian does not have a recommended set of enhancements as mentioned. Due to its hybrid nature, it can benefit from multiple enhancements.

A list of some useful builds:

  • Critical Damage Guardian:
    Mostly luck. Allows for massive crit damage. It does, however, lack spell and attack power, so your non-crit attacks won't deal as much damage.

  • Hybrid Guardian:
    Mostly Hybrid. A well rounded build which increases all aspects of the Guardian's strength. This build doesn't focus on crit damage, meaning Keen's strength will be somewhat lessened.

  • Magical Guardian:
    Mostly Wizard. The abilities that rely on Spell Power will greatly benefit from this build build, meaning Guardian Light and Guardian Blast will be your primary sources of damage. This build will negatively affect the Guardian when it comes to physical attacks and crits, given the lack of strength. Crits can be somewhat fixed with Keen, but your Guardian Rage and regular auto attack won't be hitting that high.

  • Critical Strike Guardian:
    Mostly Fighter. Will cause the Guardian to deal frequent crits and deal increased physical damage. However, this means the abilities based on spell power won't be too useful. Crits won't deal that much damage either.

  • Thief Guardian:
    Mostly Thief. Will allow the Guardian to apply its shield indefinitely through the battle as well as causing haste to skyrocket. However the damaging capabilities of this build are very low. It is more for a slow but steady kind of approach.

Class vs Class

  • Healer:
    Guardian should come out on top most of the time unless the Healer manages to dodge some attacks or is experienced. Getting the Healer low on health from the start will make
    Heartbeat useless and will force the Healer to use precious mana to heal (to still maintain damage output through Heartbeat). Keep applying pressure, forcing them to waste their mana on heals until they run out.

  • Mage:
    Mages can be tricky to deal with due to their debuff and ranged attacks. Keen is a necessity if you want to beat a Mage. Typically you should shield yourself first to reduce the damage of their Ice Shard/Fireball combo. After that, use Keen and attempt to lower the Mage's health before the Scorched effect fades (which would allow them to repeat their combo). If they use Arcane Shield, unleash everything you have to eat away at their mana, dropping it to 0. A Mage without mana cannot fight back.

  • Rogue:
    Rogue is a gamble every time. You should apply your shield and pray that Keen connects. If it does, spam away on the abilities and hope they connect and crit for the most part. Usually in this situation, you're on your own.

  • Warrior:
    Warrior is also a tricky class. For the most part, you'll want to apply Keen immediatly after stuns so you can get the most out of the effect. Apply a shield whenever you can to reduce Prepared Strike's effectiveness.

  • Ninja:
    Same as Rogue.

  • Bard:
    Dissonance will lower your haste by 15%, and your crit chance by 5%. Keen can fix the crit part, but the haste debuff can still be troublesome. Apply your shield whenever possible, as well as Keen, and hope for some crits.

  • Berserker:
    Berserker should be no problem for the Guardian until its health drops. At which point Blood For Blood becomes deadly. Lower the Berserker's health with Keen and other abilities and apply your shield when the Berserker's health drops to that danger point to lower the damage of Blood For Blood.

  • Chronomancer:
    Chronomancer, like Berserker, should be no problem until a specific situation. Typically your should attempt to deal as much damage as possible to the Chronomancer to hopefully kill it before it can stack 4 Temporal Rifts. Once they get up to 4 stacks, and Riftburn is applied, you'll most likely be dead. Kill them before they kill you.

  • ClawSuit:
    Watch out for Rudolph's Revenge. Otherwise a Guardian should win.

  • DoomKnight:
    Get a DoomKnight's health down as quickly as possible. This will cause Void Strike to not be as deadly. Usually a DoomKnight will open with a stun. Try to get your shield up before the stun to recude the damage received while you're stunned. After it fades, apply Keen and keep lower the DoomKnights health. If they don't go for a second stun and switch to Dark Wound/Blood Rite instead, you should usually win.

  • Defender:
    Watch out for Retaliation and Crushed. Attempt to shield and Keen before the Defender can apply Crushed. The shield should cancel out the Crushed effect, meaning your damage will remain as normal. Hope that Retaliation doesn't crit. If not, you should be fine.

  • Dragonlord:
    As usual, lower their health at beginning of the fight with Keen and other abilities. Try to put up a shield when their mana and/or health gets low to prevent damage taken from Lifestealer and/or Cursed Blade.

  • Protosartorium:
    Not needed. Protosartorium is underpowered and will usually not win unless you're really unlucky.

  • Evolved Clawsuit:
    Depends on the ECS user. If they use Naughty, use your shield and then Keen to recude Naughty's damage, as well as the heavy damage following from Check The List (Lump of Coal). If they go for Nice, apply Keen and attempt to deal as much damage as possible before the ECS can apply the damage reduction from Check The List (Blitzen's Blitz) or Arctic Stamina.

  • Leprechaun:
    Same as Rogue. However, you have a better chance here due to the longer cooldowns.

  • Starlord:
    Same as Rogue. However, attempt Keen between Shearing stuns to allow maximum effectiveness of the ability.

  • Shaman:
    Apply a shield straight away to lower damage intake and apply Keen. Attempt to deal as much damage as possible in that timeframe. However, if Elemental Embrace is applied, the Guardian will lose 9 times out of 10.

  • No Class:
    Same as Protosatorium.

  • Ranger:
    Attempt to burst them down before they can get 5 stacks of Death Mark up. This should cause them to use those stack on Vampiric Shot, to improve the HoT, rather than on a damaging ability. Apply your shield if you're hit with the DoT to recude the damage.

PvE and PvP

  • PvE:
    Guardian's should just apply Keen and attack the monster to kill it as fast as possible.

  • PvP:
    Guardian is NOT built for 1v2 or 1v3 situations. Its strong point is a typical 1 vs 1 or group vs group situation. You may get lucky in a 1 vs 2/3 situation, but those will usually end in a loss for you.



  • Abolish


    Mana cost: 10 Mana
    Cooldown: 2 Seconds
    Type: Physical/Magical
    Description: A quick strike dealing weapon damage plus magical damage. Also grants Zeal, allowing mana regeneration when dealing or receiving damage for the next 10 seconds.

    This skill can serve as your quick damage skill, seeing as it has a low cooldown, and a low mana cost.

  • Healing Word


    Mana Cost: 25 Mana
    Cooldown: 6 Seconds
    Type: Physical/Magical
    Description: Heals a friendly target for a moderate amount.

    May heal up to two targets. A simple heal, which can be useful to keep yourself alive. If you use it on yourself, it will also heal the person around you that's the lowest on health. If used on someone else, it'll heal them and still heal the person who's lowest on health as well.

  • Exorcise


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 15 Mana
    Cooldown: 6 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: A light based ranged attack, high damage against undead enemies.

    This move is consistent and strong, it will crit about 700 on its own and higher with empower. It's well worth the mana as it hits so many targets and if you were to use it on weak NPCs and paired that with Zeal you would have fantastic mana regain! That was the strategy on Pally in Darkovia. It has had a nerf though as there are no real weak NPCs in BludrutBrawl. The Mana Cost is heavy though, so it's best to be conservative with this move! There's also another thing, if you miss the original target with Blinding Light it won't cost you ANY mana, so it's not a bad idea to aim it at a Rogue! However, this isn't a skill you'd want to use on any less than 4 opponents in the room, being that it costs 2/5 of your mana when pally is already extreme with mana regain.

  • Blinding Light


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 40 Mana
    Cooldown: 7 Seconds
    Type: Physical/Magical
    Description: Deals damage to all enemies in range.

  • Noble Mark / Contemplative

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: Endurance increased 15% / Crit chance increased by 5%

  • Ultimate Heal

    Rank Needed: 10
    Type: Passive
    Description: Fully heals all friendly targets on screen. Small chance to activate on melee swing.


  • Strength: This'll buff every one of your moves and make your auto attack hit harder. Since Paladin is not really a spam class, you won't be using your abilities that much and mostly rely on your regular auto attack for damage. Fairly important for a Paladin.
  • Intellect: Considering Paladin is a hybrid, this stat will buff your abilities as well. Though since it doesn't buff your auto attack, you shouldn't prioritize this stat too much.
  • Dexterity: For dodge and haste. You probably want to take a few more hits so you get more mana regeneration through Zeal. You won't be spamming abilities too much to begin with, so haste is not that important.
  • Endurance: Combined with your passive, this gives a huge amount of health.
  • Luck: Definitely helps when you're fighting crowds of people and using Blinding Light often. Your second passive also makes this stat somewhat more reliable.


  • When facing many targets: Empower --> Abolish --> Blinding Light --> Scroll of Fireblast --> Healing Word (if necessary)/Blinding Light.

  • 1 vs 1: Empower --> Zeal --> Healing Word (if necessary) --> Blinding Light

Useful Builds

Note: These are builds I've tested, but I will personally use full luck because I like the erratic damage.

1 Fighter, 3 Luck (hits hard and feels a bit more stable than full Luck)
Luck Weapon, Fighter Class, Luck Helm, Luck Cape.
Fighter Weapon, Luck Class, Luck Helm, Luck Cape.

Full Luck (What I use)
Luck Weapon, Luck Class, Luck Helm, Luck Cape.

2 Fighter, 2 Luck (Hits somewhat hard, not much of a difference in how often it crits
Fighter Weapon, Fighter Class, Luck Helm, Luck Cape.
Luck Weapon, Fighter Class, Fighter Helm, Luck Cape.


This class can only be obtained by buying both of the mod packs for the Battleon card game. A very decent class for PvP. Can stop certain types of healing, which can be deadly to some classes. Potentially devastating if given the chance.


  • Decay


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 12 Mana
    Cooldown: 4 Seconds
    Type: Physical/Magical
    Description: A quick strike dealing both weapon damage plus magical damage. Applies Decay which stacks up to 5 times. First stops all healing then applies a progressively worse DoT.

    A quick and relatively weak strike. The DoT and strike damage is weak unless you are buffed with Undead Power. Though the effect says it can block healing, it only blocks certain types of healing. It can only block HoT's (heal over times) and direct heals (heals that show a green number) so skills like Lifestealer and healing ''passives'' (i.e.: Rogue, Starlord, ... that heal when dodging) are not affected.

  • Dark Energy


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 15 Mana
    Cooldown: 7 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Condenses dark energy into a solid projectile and launches it at your enemy.

    It is ranged and deals a good amount of Magic Damage. The damage is decreased by targets with high INT stat. This is your go-to skill, but if you haven't self-buffed and your opponent has a good deal of HP left, it's time for you to bail and wait for this skill to cool down after each use.

  • Dark Grip


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 35 Mana
    Cooldown: 15 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Darkness grips your enemy, reducing haste and increasing all damage they receive.

  • Undead Power


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 45 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: For 10 seconds your damage is increased by 60% and your dodge rate goes up providing a decent amount of cover from incoming damage. Once again, solo adventurers will be glad to have this power but it also makes this class ideal for team play.

    A great skill to have. Undead Power increases your, or a friendly target's, dodge rate and buffs your damage output by 60%. Which is a very good buff. It last long enough for you to get 2 Dark Energy shots in, but it has a very long cooldown, so use it wisely.

  • Dark Power / Dark Mark

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: Increases strength by 15% / Increases critical chance by 5%

  • Voiduminance

    Rank Needed: 10
    Description: POW

    Small chance to do massive damage. Not very reliable, so don't count on it.

Class vs Class

  • DoomKnight:
    Watch out for the stun. If you get stunned right after you activate Undead Power, you're done for. Use Dark Grip and try to get him to stun you. Activate Undead Power right after the stun fades and use Dark Energy.

  • Paladin:
    One of the easiest fights ever. Keep using Decay. Don't spam it, just don't let it fade. Then Dark Grip, Undead Power and spam Dark Energy.

  • Rogue and Clones:
    Start right off by debuffing them with Dark Grip. Slide/roomhop if they use Footwork. When that fades, use Undead Power and Dark Energy.

  • Dragonlord:
    These guys are very hard, so start by debuffing them and buffing yourself, using Dark Energy after. When they get low on health, slide to avoid Lifestealer and use the range on Dark Energy to your advantage.

  • Ninja/Assassin:
    This is a pain. If you're hit with Shadowblade, don't use Undead Power. Otherwise, debuff them and attack away.

  • Mage/Sorcerer:
    The usual strategy of Dark Grip, Undead Power and Dark Energy. Only use Decay if he uses Arcane Shield, so the DoT can eat away at his mana.

  • Evolved Clawsuit:
    If you're fast (which is really what you have to be to survive as a PaladinSlayer), this is an easy fight. The basic tactic should make them go down rather fast.

  • Healer and Clones:
    Another easy fight, even moreso than Paladin. Use Decay (again, don't spam it, just don't let it fade), then Dark Energy to take away that early Heartbeat power. Debuff, buff and attack after.

  • Shaman:
    If you're hit by Elemental Embrace, you're likely done for, so charge him with a debuff/buff and Dark Energy.

  • Evolved Shaman:
    Save Undead Energy for right after a Freezing Flame, to try and get the most out of it. Otherwise, same as Shaman.

  • Berserker/Beta Berserker:
    Debuff them, buff yourself and take advantage of the range on Dark Energy.

  • Dragonslayer:
    Basically the same as Berserker.

  • Protosartorium and Clones:
    Nothing special about it, just do what you always do.

  • Defender:
    Take advantage of your Dark Energy and slide when he uses Safeguard.

  • Bard:
    These guys are hard. Use Decay to counter their HoT, then debuff/buff and use Dark Energy.

  • ClawSuit:
    Not that hard, the basic strategy should do.

  • Chronomancer:
    Just debuff him and use your range to avoid Riftburn.

  • ChronoCorrupter:
    Same as Chronomancer. Be wary of his Shiftburn, though. A 6 seconds stun means trouble.

  • Starlord:
    The ranged stun can be a problem, so debuff him right away. After the stun, go for Undead Power and take him down.

  • Warrior and Clones:
    Try to keep track of his stun and roomhop/slide to avoid Prepared Strikes and you should be fine.

  • Ranger:
    Try to debuff them early, so they can't really do much to you.

  • Chaos Shaper:
    Don't get too close, use your range to win.

  • Necromancer:
    Don't even bother using Decay. It doesn't stop Weaken's heal, so just try to use your range to avoid as much damage as possible.

  • CardClasher:
    Use your range and roomhop. Don't let him get close and your should be fine.

  • PaladinSlayer:
    Can be very hard. You can try and let them waste their mana by roomhopping.

  • Guardian:
    Not much of a challenge, just debuff and charge him.

  • Horc Evader:
    This one can be a pain. Roomhop to avoid the increased damage from Whistle. Or slide and take advantage of your range. They don't have any ranged skills themselves.

  • Troll SpellSmith:
    If they have a lot of Sigil stacks, just roomhop, Dark Energy/Dark Grip, roomhop again. If not, buff yourself and take them out fast before they do.

Vindicator of They

The special class from AQW's 3rd Birthday Event. Can be obtained by collecting 90 Vindication Tokens, or by paying 2,000 ACs.


  • Super Taster


    Rank Needed: 1
    Mana Cost: 15 Mana
    Cooldown: 5 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Summons a Super Taster to bite your foe, causing a DoT and slowing your enemy for 6 seconds.

    One of the strongest DoTs in the game. If paired with the DoT from Mass of Incandescent Gas, the damage can be devastating.

  • I Just Want Your Half


    Rank Needed: 2
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 3 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Take a small amount of you foe's life force and heal yourself for a small amount.

    Don't spam this. It eats up mana pretty fast. Only use when absolutely necessary.

  • We Want A Rock


    Rank Needed: 3
    Mana Cost: 20 Mana
    Cooldown: 10 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Petrify your opponent for 4 seconds but applies a DoT to you.

    The DoT is small, do not fear it. Use it at the start of the battle to gain an advantage.

  • Mass Of Incandescent Gas


    Rank Needed: 5
    Mana Cost: 30 Mana
    Cooldown: 10 Seconds
    Type: Magical
    Description: Create a tiny SUN causing massive damage. Applies a DoT and reduces the damage the enemy does for 10 seconds.

    This is for nuking. Try to petrify the opponent, then use SUN to one hit people. Or, as mentioned above, use the Super Taster and SUN DoT combo. Use this attack well!

  • I've Got A Fang / Hot Cha

    Rank Needed: 4
    Type: Passives
    Description: Increase Damage Output by 20% / Increase Haste by 20%

  • Can't Keep Johnny Down

    Rank Needed: 10
    Type: Passive
    Description: Randomly, on hit, fully refills your mana.

Class vs Class

(MoIG= Mass of Incandescent Gas)

  • Dragonlord
    Though battle. Start with We Want A Rock to petrify them. Use MoIG after that, regardless of whether or not it hit. If you don't finish them off quickly with MoIG, you'll have to watch out for the Lifestealer/Cursed Blade combo. Try to petrify them whenever possible.

  • Rogue and clones:
    They will most likely start with Viper's Kiss for the DoT. Use the same strategy as you would for Dragonlord. MoIG whenever you can.

  • Berserker/Beta Berserker:
    Rather easy. Start off with Super Taster for the DoT, then petrify them. MoIG afterwards.

  • Ninja/Assassin:
    These guys can get you with their range. Petrify them so they can't move around, then finish them off with MoIG.

  • VoT:
    Battle of the ages. Most likely, your opponent will be using the same strategy as yourself (namely, petrify/MoIG). Try to hit them first with petrify. If you manage to land that first blow, you should have a higher chance of winning than your opponent. Super Taster and MoIG should do the trick.

  • CardClasher:
    Start with petrify, followed by Super Taster and MoIG. If MoIG misses, be wary of their damage output. If you get low on health, use petrify to keep him from attacking, then heal yourself with I Just Want Your Half.

  • Shaman:
    Same strategy as always, petrify, Super Taster and MoIG. Keep their range in mind if you failed to petrify them.

  • Chaos Shaper:
    These guys can be tricky if the user is experienced. Make sure you follow the normal strategy. If he's not dead after that, and you still have mana left, hit him with another MoIG.

  • DoomKnight:
    Same as above. If the user is experienced, it will be a tough battle. Normal strategy should knock him out. Slide if you need too.

Technomancer -> RE: [Archived] Advanced PvP Guide Corrections (12/27/2011 13:32:42)

Part V: Progress Log and Credits

This is the list of every update since the start of this guide in July of 2010.

Progress Log:

(July 7, 2010) Guide Started. Table of Contents, and part of the general tips finished.
(July 13, 2010) A few things added/proofread, wiki links updated.
(July 29, 2010) Adding a bit more tips, added PvP vocabulary.
(August 22, 2010) Spellcheck/Grammatical fixes. More tips added. Class guides started with 3 guides.
(August 24, 2010) Formatting done.
(November 4, 2010) Added BludrutBrawl & Warrior Guide. Added Best Class list. Couple of miscellaneous fixes.
(December 22, 2010) Additional information added to Warrior guide. Reordered Best Class list. Rogue guide Added.
(Feburary 7, 2011) Spelling corrections. Added Healer, Potions, Shaman, and Bard Guides. DoomKnight Guide update.
(May 19, 2011) 'General weaknesses for Classes' section added. Fixed Bard Skill Icon Pictures.
(May 20, 2011) Added Dragonslayer Guide.
(May 20, 2011) Added section III, 1 vs 1 PvP .
(May 22, 2011) Added the '1 vs 1 Tips'.
(May 22, 2011) Fixed missing skill icons for the Rogue, Paladin and Ninja Guides.
(May 23, 2011) Added the Guardian Guide.
(May 25, 2011) Added more tips to the 1 vs 1 tips.
(May 27, 2011) Updated Table of Contents. Changed guide sections, put 1 vs 1 section as Number 2, and put Class information as 3.
(June 13, 2011) Updated Table of Contents. Added an extra section, for a total of 4. Changed some formatting. New format coming soon.
(June 16, 2011) Re-written version of the BludrutBrawl guide added.
(July 3, 2011) Changed format. Added quickjumps in Table of Contents for easier guidance.
(July 4, 2011) Added Dragonlord to the Advanced Class Section.
(July 5, 2011) Added Necromancer to the Advanced Class Section.
(July 7, 2011) Added Hybrid Classes section and Ranged Classes section. Updates coming.
(July 20, 2011) Added CardClasher and Chaos Shaper to the Advanced Class Section.
(July 22, 2011) Added Chronomancer to the Advanced Class Section.
(July 28, 2011) Added Ranger to the Advanced Class Section
(July 29, 2011) Removed the Ranged Class Section due to the fact most classes have some type of ranged attack.
(August 4, 2011) Added the Evolved Shaman Guide to the Advanced Class Section.
(August 16, 2011) Updated FAQ section, adding 4 new questions and answers!
(August 16, 2011) Updated the buffed version of Paladin and DoomKnight.
(September 12, 2011) Added Defender to the Advanced Class Guide section. One class to go!
(October 28, 2011) Updated CardClasher and Ranger's Class vs Class.
(December 5, 2011) Added Horc Evader to Advanced Class Sections, updated Table of Contents.
(December 6, 2011) Added Troll SpellSmith to the Advanced Class Sections.
(December 10, 2011) Added PaladinSlayer to the Advanced Class Sections.
(December 17, 2011) Added Vindicator of They to the Advanced Class Sections.
(December 19, 2011) Updated some skill notes.
(December 22, 2011) Updated more skill notes.

Without these wonderful people, creating this guide would've been a long and hard job. Thanks to all of you!


Thanks to Rhenroh for the spell check!
Thanks to Solo 26 for the Mage Guide!
Thanks to Dragons Bane for the Warrior Guide and flaw correction!
Thanks to Bluekatz for the formatting and flaw corrections!
Thanks to Damasa and Noiro for the DoomKnight Guide!
Thanks to Rima for the Berserker Guide!
Thanks to WALI for the Starlord Guide!
Thanks to Solo 26 for the BludrutBrawl Guide!
Thanks to Knight of the Dragon for the Warrior, Shaman, and Potions Guide!
Thanks to Alaina for the title spelling correction!
Thanks to Shards Superior for the Rogue Guide!
Thanks to Berserkerkitten for FAQ addition!
Thanks again to Damasa for the Paladin Guide!
Thanks to Shards Superior for the Healer Guide!
Thanks to Pisonmyhands for the Bard Guide!
Thanks to Damasa for the General Weaknesses for Classes!
Thanks to Veonyx for the Dragonslayer Guide!
Thanks to Fighterlord_965 for the 1 vs 1 Tips Guide!
Thanks to StealthyCupcake for the Skill Icon for Passive Skills!
Thanks to Veonyx for the Guardian Guide!
Thanks to Knight of the Dragon for the updated Tips in the 1 vs 1 tips section!
Thanks to Laos for rewriting the BludrutBrawl section!
Thanks to Valnus for reminding me to add AoE and DPS to the Vocabulary, and for typos!
Thanks to Fabri17 for some Mage Tips!
Thanks to ChaosElemental for the ClawSuit section!
Thanks to Damasa for the CardClasher guide!
Thanks to ChaosElemental for the Chaos Shaper guide!
Thanks to Aeonarial for the Chronomancer guide!
Thanks to Shards Superior for the Evolved Shaman guide!
Thanks to Sutto for the Defender Guide!
Thanks to Talisa for updated Class vs Class for Clawsuit!
Thanks to ProblemSolver1026 for additions to Ranger and CardClasher's Class vs Class!
Thanks to Problemsolver1026 for Horc Evader and Troll SpellSmith guides!
Thanks to Santos for the PaladinSlayer guide!
Thanks to The Cow Says Moo and Phostastic for the Vindicator of They guide!
Thanks to Wxo for updated skill notes!
Thanks to Silveis for fixing/updating skill descriptions and notes!

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