=AQ= Frostval War Stories and Poems Commentary (Full Version)

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superjars -> =AQ= Frostval War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/20/2011 18:12:11)

=AQ= Frostval War Stories and Poems

Here is where you can discuss each other's war stories if not in the war thread in the game forum.

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =AQ= Frostval War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/20/2011 19:39:21)

Mine is prophetic, but since Lore is in a free will universe, the prophecy may not come true. It's just an idea. :P

Elryn -> RE: =AQ= Frostval War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/22/2011 11:15:45)

I have put a little something up though I do not know if I will be able to write something consistently throughout the war. I tried to describe the sound that always buzzes in my ear when war approaches since I included it in the story. Bear with me.

Kinzdor -> RE: =AQ= Frostval War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/22/2011 15:35:36)


Sierra_Nocturne -> RE: =AQ= Frostval War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/22/2011 18:01:02)

I like Elryn's, as usual. Let's go warmongers!

Phrixus -> RE: =AQ= Frostval War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/23/2011 14:01:27)

There are some very good stories here! I'm hoping to possibly write a bit of a war story but work and travelling for Christmas seems to want to belay that.

I did manage to scribble down a measly poem however. Pesmerga took it off a scribe when he and Neche took followed a war party into a makeshift Jotun and Royal Frost Guard barracks.

Happy writing to all!

The Lone Elf -> RE: =AQ= Frostval War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/25/2011 13:11:37)

Posted mine. I hope you will like it.

Muchiha -> RE: =AQ= Frostval War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/25/2011 13:45:30)

Some comments and thanks

ArchMagus Orodalf: Your poems are fantastic and creative as always!

BlackAces: Your characters have such good chemistry and yet have such great character traits that make each of them standout.

Elryn: You have created such a unique individual. Wise, powerful, only matched by his care for Lore and its future.

Travis Touchdown: I am always excited to read about Death's Kid. Kind and extremely dangerous. I like it [:D]

kinsvlle: Fighting spirit is necesary for battle. Your character's dedication is commendable. [;)]

Sierra_Nocturne: Your character never ceases to amaze me. Just reading the descriptions on how you defeat those monsters in your story send chills down my spine. [8D]

Phrixus: I hate Jotuns, epecially Shivites. The Lvl 150 ones can really get on your nerves xD. This inspired me to beat more Jotun monsters to the ground. Great poem my friend!

Deathex 1V: The interaction between your two characters is hilarious. Cheered me up a bunch. Thank you for writing this story.

The Lone Elf: Please tell Algern that I send my thanks for his bravery in making sure the citizens were safe. Although, the part where the two warmongers beat Chillax by themselves...is questionable [:D]. It would take the combined effort of Adventurers and Guardians such as yourself to bring this creature down don't you think? Overall, wonderful story.

And a big thank you to Eukara Vox for making this thread [:)]

For the majority of people on this list, I have read most if not all of your stories. Tales of loss and despair, of pain and suffering, to hope and triumph. Please continue to tell your stories. See you all on the battlefield.


Helixi -> RE: =AQ= Frostval War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/25/2011 21:14:01)

Whether Orodolf's was intentionally made like that, it made me laugh. I like it a lot. I skimmed the rest of the thread; Sierra_Nocturne's, Elryn's and Travis Touchdown's stood out as the best ones, in my opinion.

Muchiha -> RE: =AQ= Frostval War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/26/2011 14:14:49)

....Thanks Helixi >.>

Helixi -> RE: =AQ= Frostval War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/26/2011 15:19:27)

I meant no offence Muchiha. I simply meant that I read the entire thread and those appealed to me the most.

Sierra_Nocturne -> RE: =AQ= Frostval War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/29/2011 20:53:54)

Thank you very much, Helixi!

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