New armor (Full Version)

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darkorbitED -> New armor (12/23/2011 8:43:57)

What are the stats of the new armor?cuz my we won't work

Buffy A. Summers -> RE: New armor (12/23/2011 9:16:45)

Armor Stats For Both Are:

+9 E/P Res.

11 % Frost Bite

+6 Dexterity

+4 Tech

+ 8 Support

hardcore59 -> RE: New armor (12/23/2011 12:03:20)

not to get technical but ^Frostbite Frost Aura: If a person strike you the armor has 11% chance of casting frost frostbite on the impact of the strike

Question answered. In the future, please post questions in the EpicDuel Q&A. Remember, you can always check item stats at the EpicDuel Wiki. Locking up.~Ashari

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