Sniega Lielgabals Series (Full Version)

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Thiefboy109 -> Sniega Lielgabals Series (12/23/2011 19:04:23)


Sniega Liegabals -8C

Level: 8
Price: 2400
Sellback: 240
Location: Sniega Lielgabals Shop

Equip Slot: Front Arm
Damage Type: Ice
Damage: 26-30
Hits: 2
Energy: 12
Cooldown: 0
Bonuses: None
Special Effects:
  • After first use, second use has an extra 20 bonus, with each use after that having 20 more bonus than the previous.
  • After first use, second use does +75% damage, with each use after that doing 25% more than the previous hit. (Ex: 3rd use does 100% extra, 4th does 125% extra)

    Combos: None

    Description: Highly damaging frozen missiles get colder and more damaging with each weapon usage, and with practice they are more and more likely to hit their target.
    Images: Sniega Liegabals -8C, Attacking!

  • Thiefboy109 -> RE: Sniega Lielgabals Series (12/23/2011 19:05:32)


    Sniega Liegabals -14C

    Level: 14
    Price: 16800
    Sellback: 1680
    Location: Sniega Lielgabals Shop

    Equip Slot: Front Arm
    Damage Type: Ice
    Damage: 37-41
    Hits: 2
    Energy: 21
    Cooldown: 0
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • After first use, second use has an extra 20 bonus, with each use after that having 20 more bonus than the previous.
  • After first use, second use does +75% damage, with each use after that doing 25% more than the previous hit. (Ex: 3rd use does 100% extra, 4th does 125% extra)

    Combos: None

    Description: Highly damaging frozen missiles get colder and more damaging with each weapon usage, and with practice they are more and more likely to hit their target.
    Images: Sniega Liegabals -14C, Attacking!

  • Thiefboy109 -> RE: Sniega Lielgabals Series (12/23/2011 19:06:38)


    Sniega Liegabals -17C

    Level: 17
    Price: 20400
    Sellback: 2040
    Location: Sniega Lielgabals Shop

    Equip Slot: Front Arm
    Damage Type: Ice
    Damage: 41-45
    Hits: 2
    Energy: 26
    Cooldown: 0
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • After first use, second use has an extra 20 bonus, with each use after that having 20 more bonus than the previous.
  • After first use, second use does +75% damage, with each use after that doing 25% more than the previous hit. (Ex: 3rd use does 100% extra, 4th does 125% extra)

    Combos: None

    Description: Highly damaging frozen missiles get colder and more damaging with each weapon usage, and with practice they are more and more likely to hit their target.
    Images: Sniega Liegabals -17C, Attacking!

  • Thiefboy109 -> RE: Sniega Lielgabals Series (12/23/2011 19:07:49)


    Sniega Liegabals -21C

    Level: 21
    Price: 25200
    Sellback: 2520
    Location: Sniega Lielgabals Shop

    Equip Slot: Front Arm
    Damage Type: Ice
    Damage: 26-30
    Hits: 2
    Energy: 32
    Cooldown: 0
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • After first use, second use has an extra 20 bonus, with each use after that having 20 more bonus than the previous.
  • After first use, second use does +75% damage, with each use after that doing 25% more than the previous hit. (Ex: 3rd use does 100% extra, 4th does 125% extra)

    Combos: None

    Description: Highly damaging frozen missiles get colder and more damaging with each weapon usage, and with practice they are more and more likely to hit their target.
    Images: Sniega Liegabals -21C, Attacking!

  • Thiefboy109 -> RE: Sniega Lielgabals Series (12/23/2011 19:09:12)


    Sniega Liegabals -26C

    Level: 26
    Price: 31200
    Sellback: 3120
    Location: Sniega Lielgabals Shop

    Equip Slot: Front Arm
    Damage Type: Ice
    Damage: 53-57
    Hits: 2
    Energy: 39
    Cooldown: 0
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • After first use, second use has an extra 20 bonus, with each use after that having 20 more bonus than the previous.
  • After first use, second use does +75% damage, with each use after that doing 25% more than the previous hit. (Ex: 3rd use does 100% extra, 4th does 125% extra)

    Combos: None

    Description: Highly damaging frozen missiles get colder and more damaging with each weapon usage, and with practice they are more and more likely to hit their target.
    Images: Sniega Liegabals -26C, Attacking!

  • Thiefboy109 -> RE: Sniega Lielgabals Series (12/23/2011 19:11:56)


    Sniega Liegabals -34C

    Level: 34
    Price: 40800
    Sellback: 4080
    Location: Sniega Lielgabals Shop

    Equip Slot: Front Arm
    Damage Type: Ice
    Damage: 62-66
    Hits: 2
    Energy: 51
    Cooldown: 0
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • After first use, second use has an extra 20 bonus, with each use after that having 20 more bonus than the previous.
  • After first use, second use does +75% damage, with each use after that doing 25% more than the previous hit. (Ex: 3rd use does 100% extra, 4th does 125% extra)

    Combos: None

    Description: Highly damaging frozen missiles get colder and more damaging with each weapon usage, and with practice they are more and more likely to hit their target.
    Images: Sniega Liegabals -34C, Attacking!

  • Thiefboy109 -> RE: Sniega Lielgabals Series (12/23/2011 19:14:45)


    Sniega Liegabals -39C

    Level: 39
    Price: 46800
    Sellback: 4680
    Location: Sniega Lielgabals Shop

    Equip Slot: Front Arm
    Damage Type: Ice
    Damage: 67-71
    Hits: 2
    Energy: 59
    Cooldown: 0
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • After first use, second use has an extra 20 bonus, with each use after that having 20 more bonus than the previous.
  • After first use, second use does +75% damage, with each use after that doing 25% more than the previous hit. (Ex: 3rd use does 100% extra, 4th does 125% extra)

    Combos: None

    Description: Highly damaging frozen missiles get colder and more damaging with each weapon usage, and with practice they are more and more likely to hit their target.
    Images: Sniega Liegabals -39C, Attacking!

  • Thiefboy109 -> RE: Sniega Lielgabals Series (12/23/2011 19:16:04)


    Sniega Liegabals -45C

    Level: 45
    Price: 54000
    Sellback: 5400
    Location: Sniega Lielgabals Shop

    Equip Slot: Front Arm
    Damage Type: Ice
    Damage: 72-76
    Hits: 2
    Energy: 68
    Cooldown: 0
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • After first use, second use has an extra 20 bonus, with each use after that having 20 more bonus than the previous.
  • After first use, second use does +75% damage, with each use after that doing 25% more than the previous hit. (Ex: 3rd use does 100% extra, 4th does 125% extra)

    Combos: None

    Description: Highly damaging frozen missiles get colder and more damaging with each weapon usage, and with practice they are more and more likely to hit their target.
    Images: Sniega Liegabals -45C, Attacking!

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