[DF] Rising Phoenix (Full Version)

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TitanDragonLord -> [DF] Rising Phoenix (12/24/2011 9:05:37)

Dedicated to A Phoenix Risen

Chapter 1

It was a cold night, a bitter wind was blowing from the Northlands. It was cold standing up, and painfully so when lying down, and I knew if I didn't stand up soon it would become very painful indeed. I slowly began to rise, crouching on my right knee as I did so. The fog was so thick I could barely see a few feet in front of me, and the forest became more and more dense with every step I took. A lightning bolt cracked high above my head and without warning rain began to flood down. Within a few seconds I was soaked through and I was colder than ever. My senses were dulling, I couldn't hear and I couldn't see and with every second that passed time seemed to be moving slower. My heartbeat was slowing and I tumbled to the floor. I began to stand up again only to slip and crash to the ground, unable to bring myself to stand again. I lay there and waited for death or unconsciousness to take me, whichever came first.

Fireballs were spinning past me as I hid among the rocks with the other soldiers. They were armed to the teeth with a range of weapons, from maces to bows and arrows. The sky was a swirling vortex of crimson as I gave the order to charge. We poured over the rocks and hit the castle walls hard. We charged at the portcullis where a large group of undead stood guard and hacked down anyone who attempted to enter the castle. Waves and waves of both undead and human clashed on the fields in front of the castle. Wherever I looked there was just more and more undead every second. My group began to advance on the portcullis when things started to go wrong. The undead trapped us in a pincer movement but the worst was when I looked into the portcullis itself. A warrior wearing large black armor wielding a black claymore was slowly walking towards the group. I watched in awe as he raised his left hand and released a huge ball of dark energy on the battlefield. I was sent sprawling into the dirt as I heard cries of pain ringing through the battlefield as one by one they were hit by the magic power.

I awoke screaming, the same nightmare every day for three weeks, and everything happened exactly the same way every time. I wasn't able to control what I said or did, and every time that black armored warrior would tear apart the soldiers fighting alongside me .The first thing I noticed was that I was lying on a fresh bed of straw, in some kind of hospital built up with wooden walls and a large tapestry of a phoenix hanging off the wall. The second thing I noticed was that I wasn't dead, which was a nice surprise considering how I had felt in that forest. I tried to stand up but my knees buckled and I fell and hit the stony floor hard.
''Don't try to stand up, you've hurt yourself pretty badly,'' called a voice from the other side of the room. I shook my head and pulled myself back onto the bed as a figure began to approach me. A girl with a long katana hanging from her belt, and as she approached she began to pull out a small crystal which glowed a dim green color. She placed it onto the table next to me and I could feel healing energy flowing from it and curing my injuries. I noticed my longsword leaning against one table leg, it was good these people picked that up, that was one of the only things of value I owned. She looked at me with sympathetic eyes. My blonde hair waved against my shoulders and I laid back into the pillow. The door creaked to my right and I turned to see a bulky warrior stride in, wearing large plated armor with an emblem of a phoenix on the left breastplate. He walked over and spoke quietly to the girl, and after a quick conversation he came and sat down next to me with a bunch of papers. I saw a detailed physical description of me, blonde neck length hair, light blue eyes, pale skin, about six feet. They had even gone into the trouble of finding my weight.
''My name is Sainsbo, I'm one of the leaders to this guild. That girl who was treating your wounds was Veranex, she's one of the other leaders to the guild and she is an excellent healer. We are A Phoenix Risen, you probably haven't heard of us, we generally work in the background to make life around Lore better. Now, what's your name?'' Sainsbo spoke slowly, making sure I picked up on everything. I looked up at him and spoke quietly.
''My name... is Altarion.''

Me and Sainsbo talked for an hour, and in that time he'd been trying to find more about me, but I kept avoiding his questions until he supposedly gave up and led me out of the hospital wing and down a corridor, Sainsbo escorted me down the stairs, asking me questions less about my life, but more about my combat skills and magic capabilities. I found it strange but I answered him honestly, trying not to make myself sound better than I was but with every answer Sainsbo seemed satisfied. He led me outside into a large wooden stadium where a bunch of people were practicing against each other. There was one man standing at the back of the stadium which Sainsbo was heading towards. He looked up at me and Sainsbo approaching and stepped forward to greet us. He wasn't wearing a shirt revealing his pale skin and he wore black trousers. He also wore a pair of leather gauntlets, showing that he preferred hand to hand rather than working with a weapon. Sainsbo turned to me and greeted me to Morgenstern, who quietly offered a handshake.
''Meet Morgenstern, he's the third captain of A Phoenix Risen and he will test your fighting skills for us,'' Sainsbo said.
''My fighting skills? Why do you guys want to test my fighting skills?'' I replied quickly, Sainsbo gave a small smile, telling me to trust him and led me over to the weapons rack. I chose a longsword and an iron shield and got ready to fight.

The sword was obviously blunted but I was surprised when I saw Morgenstern wasn't using a weapon, although he was unarmed a confident look was spread across his face. I slowly stepped towards him until we were circling each other in the middle of the stadium. A crowd had gathered around us, chanting encouragement for both of us. I swung my sword at Morgenstern who darted out of the way and kicked me in the small of my back, sending me sprawling into the dirt. I jumped up and swung again. Morgenstern ducked and rolled close to me before springing up and punching me in the chest, sending me falling backwards. I slowly got up again, and roared as I gave one last attack. Morgenstern sprung to my left before grabbing me by the throat and slamming me into the ground.

I was hurt all over, Morgenstern apologized for beating me so badly as he threw me a potion. The crowd gave out a cheer as Morgenstern pulled me to my feet. It dawned on me there were no winners and losers in this arena, only friends who helped each other get stronger, friends which I didn't have. I turned away, hoping it would make the wash of loneliness disappear. I began to walk out of the arena, followed closely by Sainsbo.
'You didn't do bad kid, you might be able to take some of the younger phoenixes here,' Sainsbo said with a smile. He began to ask about where I was going to go after I left the camp, and honestly I didn't bother hiding my life story anymore.
'I woke up near a castle 2 years ago, I guess I was around 13, but no matter how many times I go back to the place where I woke up the castle is gone, as if it were a mirage,' I said to Sainsbo, who prompted me to carry on, 'since then I've been all over Lore, travelling from city to city, getting into crime to get food. Things have been rough for the last week, I haven't ate for 3 days and last nights storm...' I trailed off, shuddering at the memories of the night before.
'You've probably been in a few fights I guess then? No one travels Lore for 2 years without a couple of problems,' Sainsbo spoke with a sympathetic confidence, had he once had a problem like his?
'Yeah, I got my longsword off a Guardian in Falconreach, he caught me stealing from the market so I hit him with a fireball, snatched up the sword and ran. I fled the town and managed to get to Swordhaven after a few days of hiding,' I sighed, but Sainsbo seemed impressed, I remembered how hard it was it take down a Guardian, and I also remembered how hard it had been to evade them for 4 days as well. Sainsbo led me back towards the tower which reached high into the clouds. On the top of the tower a thick plume of smoke was twisting into the sky.
'What's with that smoke Sains? Shouldn't someone be checking that out?' I asked Sainsbo, who gave a small smile and said I would see it soon enough.

Sainsbo led me up the tower, until eventually we were at I could only describe as an amazing view. From the top of the tower I could see the whole camp. To the left were 3 large buildings, and to the right was the training area. On top of the tower were three large braziers, forming a triangle. I noticed that Morgenstern and Veranex were also on top of the tower with me and Sainsbo.
'Altarion, the three of us have decided that we'd like you to join A Phoenix Risen,' Morgenstern said. Veranex and Sainsbo nodded as he said this. I had no idea how to respond, I didn't have family up until that point and I could give up the chance to join one. I nodded and Sainsbo led me to the center of the tower, then he, Morgenstern and Veranex all climbed into a brazier each, unaffected by the raging flames. The world began to spin around me as bursts of fire erupted from the top of the tower. My ears rang and I collapsed to the floor. Before unconsciousness took me I saw Sainsbo's brazier explode in a bright light and fire reach up into the sky.

Credits: TitanDragonLord - Lead Writer

TitanDragonLord -> RE: [DF] Rising Phoenix (6/30/2012 17:59:13)

Chapter 2

Will one day be wrote

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