(HS)Live Wire! (Full Version)

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montyXmonty -> (HS)Live Wire! (12/25/2011 17:45:56)

Live Wire: Issue 1: Finally, Some Action

Zander had been living in Pleasanton for at least a week now! Excitement was nonexistent here. He did the occasional odd job, such as settling feuds between warring old women, but that paled in comparison to his old gigs. He missed getting into fist fights with petty criminals and zapping robots to bits.

“If only there was more to do here.” Zander said after letting out a sigh. He hated waiting around. He was reading a newspaper and sipping coffee while sitting at café. He began to tap his fingers against the table. Impatience was soon turning into boredom. Then there it was, a scream, every superhero’s warning that trouble was nearby! Zander quickly grabbed his bag and sprinted down the street.

“Hey! You didn’t pay for that!” The waiter shouted after Zander.

“Sorry! Put it on my tab!” Zander shouted back.

“But you don’t have a tab!”

Zander slipped into a deserted alley way and quickly changed into his superhero uniform. He hid his normal clothes behind the dumpster. He zoomed down the street towards the scream. He was nothing, but a blur to the common eye.

Amperage made it to the scene. Off into the distance he could see a large, purple machine speeding away. Amperage chased after it. He was close enough to see who the culprit was. Of course, it was none other than Mr. Purple. Amperage had heard about him, a low level threat. Just as Amperage was going to fly over the machine, Mr. Purple zapped him with a suspicious ray. Amperage began to fly slower and slower before coming to a complete stop and tumbling to the ground.

“Ha! Your flight is disabled!” Mr. Purple shouted before cackling.

Amperage had no time for this. He focused some electricity to his legs. He sprinted down the street at an incredible speed. He easily caught up to Mr. Purple, who was clearly shocked. Amperage released a surge of lightning unto the machine; it was quickly overload and exploded. The woman who was being held hostage went flying. Amperage quickly chased after the woman and caught her while Mr. Purple ran away.

“Are you okay?” Amperage asked the woman. She was visibly shaken by the ordeal.

“Ye…Yeah…” She stammered. “Why’s it always me that the villains go after?”

“I really have no idea. See you around Melissa. Try to stay away from villains.”

With that, Amperage raced after Mr. Purple. That discolored idiot couldn’t get too far on foot. Amperage spotted him trying to get another hostage. Amperage quickly created a ball of energy and tossed at Mr. Purple. Mr. Purple’s body became rigid from the intense shock before he fell to the ground unconscious.

“Well you won’t be stealing anytime soon.” Amperage said as he stood over Mr. Purple’s body. He grabbed the bags of money and returned them to the bank. He was greeted with applause for his heroics.

“Thank you for your help! Would you mind coming to the station tomorrow? We would like to ask you a few questions.” A police officer said while vigorously shaking Amperage’s hand.

“Sure thing.” Amperage said while waving to the cheering crowd.

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