Latest signature. (Full Version)

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brockmecha -> Latest signature. (12/27/2011 16:16:04)

I have changed my signature so that it hopefully works.

It's not a link/url(what does URL stand for anyway please?) referal or otherwise, so it should be safe/allowed.

It's a quote from the favourite film of mine and my friends.


Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Latest signature. (12/27/2011 19:04:47)

URL (Internet shortcut) stands for Uniform Resource Locator

Devastate -> RE: Latest signature. (12/27/2011 22:22:29)

That would be perfectly fine :)

brockmecha -> RE: Latest signature. (12/28/2011 9:36:01)

Thanks for the answers.

Related:- would a friend of mine be able to put the word "damn" in their sig please, as long as there's no swearing in it please? (It gets stopped by the AQW filters, but some swear words get through unchallenged.)

The Forgotten -> RE: Latest signature. (1/2/2012 0:02:20)

I am of the impression that "damn" is considered mild enough to pass on the forums.

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