5 Nights of Pure Magic (Full Version)

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.Discipline -> 5 Nights of Pure Magic (12/29/2011 7:51:03)

1st Night

A crack of liquid lightning on the black walls illuminated the etchings and scrawlings which kept this realm from collapsing, the first night of magic had begun, yet no mortal would ever witness the majesty of it. Such a sight to behold, it became, as the electric slime twisted and contorted into the shape of a small glowing cube. Hopping across the floor, a strange residue stained the charcoal cracks the brightest shade of white as a grey fog swept in across the immaculate pillars which had each been inscribed with a unique rune.

Across the first pillar the fog swirled, gusts of wind buffeting the clean stone as part of the cube evaporated, becoming gaseous and mixing with the rough breeze, creating cracks of lightning, a localised thunderstorm in one spot.

As the fog swept into the second pillar a loud crack was heard, the sizzling volts linking in several lines to create some form of electric fence. The fog swept across the fence, obscuring it from view, with a faint hum the only reminder of the powerful current as both pillars glowed brightly, bringing more of the enchantments on the walls into view.

The third pillar appeared to do little apart from a small circle of red light with emanated from the base. As soon as this light had reached the fourth pillar, however, loud roars of anger could be heard, a catastrophic symphony of wails which would have caused even a deaf man to recoil in horror.

Through the misty scene, an avarian head, with ruffles of feathers appeared, then another and another, each with a display of the finest rich purples, greens and blues which shone in the red light which by now had entirely bathed the southern pillars and the area between. Innumerable heads appeared through the fog, jostling and biting at each other in an attempt to devour the what was left of the voltaic gelatine on the floor.

Alas, this creature, halfway between this realm and another long forgotten world, would fall short of it's goal as a lone beak began to sip on the cool electric current of the first and second pillars. The cacophonous shrieks were replaced with a single chirp as the fronds of the feathers lit up with the azure energy now coursing through each creature, leaving them soothed and producing a low hum.

Lo, a glorious sight it was, the swirling fog dancing in a muted red glare as the beautiful and exotic feathers all shone with ten thousand amperes of crackling blue light. The low hum reverberated from the etchings on the obsidian walls which altered the pitch with each echo, creating a song of magnificent harmony and bliss while each head of this gargantuan creature changed the pitch to match.

Such brilliant colours and wonderful sounds filled the once pitch-black room with vibrance, joy and life. Possibly the most beautiful and entrancing display that had even been created, and nobody would ever witness this or bask in the warming glow of a rich light and a richer symphony of tones.

The eyes of each feathered head widened as the pitch of the bouncing hums became inaudible, before they burst into an array of coloured feathers which collided, creating a maelstrom of vibrance as the winds of the first pillar picked up the crackling confetti of extradimensional material before all four pillars crumbled to dust, leaving the room bare and lifeless once again, but now with the charged colorful particles stuck to the fall, floor and every dark surface.

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