Planet Liath - Rescue Quest (Full Version)

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Thiefboy109 -> Planet Liath - Rescue Quest (12/30/2011 21:52:45)


Location: Planet Liath --> Zeke --> Rescue!
Objective: You defeated a monster that was attacking the city!
Requirements: Completion of Artifact Hunt.
Release Date: 12/30/11

  • Giant Gorilla
  • Terrible Rex
  • Terrible Claw
  • Mutant Spider
  • Mutant Mosquito
  • Mutant Scorpion

  • Zeke
  • Zeke's Friend

    (Once you hit button to start mission, says one of the following)
    Zeke's Friend: Oh thank goodness! You're here to save me, right?
    Zeke's Friend: You have to help me! Please!!
    Zeke's Friend: If anyone could save me it would be FANTASTIC! Please!?
    Zeke's Friend: NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE!! Somebody get me out of here!
    Zeke's Friend: Help! Help! I am in need of some serious assistance now!
    Zeke's Friend: Oh please, oh please, oh please oh.. OH! You there! You have to help me!

    (After battling 1 enemy, and successful roll, says one of the following)
    Zeke's Friend: Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!
    Zeke's Friend: I never would've imagined that you were the one to rescue me. Thank you very much.
    Zeke's Friend: You rescued me! I had you pegged all wrong. You're a hero!
    Zeke's Friend: I can't believe you decided to save me! Thank you very much!

    (After battling 1 enemy, and unsuccessful roll, says one of the following)
    Zeke's Friend: Oh no! Please don't give up! Help meeeee!!
    Zeke's Friend: I don't mean to sound demanding, but can anyone actually help me!?!?
    Zeke's Friend: Ahh!! Keep trying! I don't want to be monster food!!
    Zeke's Friend: No no no! Please save me! Pleeeeeaaassse!!!

    Rewards Shop:

    Note: For every failed roll, you will receive a stacking +5 Persistence Bonus for the next one.

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