RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (Full Version)

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sajid9 -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/19/2012 4:40:52)

Im king of the third page

@Jinchuur1ki (Got it right!)
I use Adobe Flash and a little bit of photoshop

@Alpha Seagull
I'm working on your plushie

Aztek -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/19/2012 9:36:46)

the santa claws plushie that you have on the main post has had the santa hat and what i can tell the hair head area ripped and modified from my previous work...
which i dont really appreciate if i may say...


sajid9 -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/19/2012 10:52:16)

Srry, i dont think the group knew that it was ripped. The plushie maker who made that plushie doesn't work here anymore. The artist was SM0U5H or something.

@Alpha Seagull
Your plushie is done
Normal Sized:
Avvy Sized:

Alpha Seagull -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/19/2012 14:49:36)

Thanks bro

Renegade Reaper -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/19/2012 23:06:02)

Preferred Artist: any, they are all good
Signature, Banner, Avatar: signature
Render: correct link
Render Placement: in the moon
Background: this
Text: Whatever you do, don't fall asleep.
Text Placement:in the water and/or sky whatever looks better
Font: link
Font Size: big enough that everyone can read it but not too big
Font Color: whatever looks good to the artist
Dimensions: as big as possible
PM When Done?: yes, please

hmm its not showing the render. ill get it right in a minute.
alright everything is correct now.

sajid9 -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/20/2012 2:18:51)

I tried making the signauture, so here you go

Renegade Reaper -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/20/2012 8:40:27)

it looks awesome, thanks a lot! [:D]

Aztek -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/20/2012 12:04:08)

sajid9 - yeah im still alive decided to start checking back on this forum might start up shop again not sure

sajid9 -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/20/2012 13:28:01)

btw, the "being alive" thing was just a joke. You just didnt go on the forums for a long time. wb

Aztek -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/20/2012 17:55:11)

i know it was haha well anyways keep up the good work mate

Jason -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/21/2012 14:20:44)

Hey Guys. I just need a new signature, i've had my current one for a few years. This signature is basically a recolor of my current signature.

Preferred Artist: Giga
Signature, Banner, Avatar: Signature
Render: Like this, , but if you can, get as close as it is in my signature here;
Render Placement: Left, please.

Background: Alright, same style as my signature here; , but different colors. A white and Red mix. Where it is black on my old signature, that will be White. Where it is purple on my old signature, that will be Red. (Same shade as Naval Commander, please.)

Text: Same text as in the old signature; "I like white hair", but spell it like that.
Text Placement: Above the Skull Cane, like the old signature.
Font: That sort of Digital font that is going on in my old signature is okay. If that can't be done, a kind of Cursive is okay.
Font Size: same size as the font in the old signature.
Font Color: Black, please.
Dimensions: Same dimensions as the old signature, which are 400x100.
PM When Done?: Yes please.

Thank you!

G.I.G.A. -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/22/2012 21:39:54)


Okay, I'll get working, but I'm pretty sure you realize that the exact background will be impossible. I'll try my best, though.

Look for it in the next day or two.

random fun 12 -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/23/2012 2:04:06)

You could just recolour it. I mean, that's basically what he's asking for ain't it?

G.I.G.A. -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/23/2012 10:15:07)


Come on, you of all people here should know that it's practically impossible to JUST recolor the background given without remaking it. Or, if it is possible, it's not worth the effort that I could use to just make a newer, better one. If you just try using a paint bucket on the purple parts to make them red, you get huge, solid, pixelated blocks of color that look nothing like the original brushes there. If you try adjusting the hue and saturation, you'll end up affecting the entire piece rather than just the section you want, giving colors different than the ones Jason asked for. I suppose you could select the section you want and adjust the hue and saturation of that, but even then it wouldn't look nice and smooth, because the purple smoke has varying transparencies throughout most of it. Even if you went through, section by tiny section, to recolor the whole thing, it STILL wouldn't blend as perfectly as it would by just remaking the whole thing in the same style.

Winged_Destiny -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/23/2012 12:16:11)

G.I.G.A: Right on! However, making the same sig is practically impossible if you don't have the original .psd. So you're stuck with just creating a new sig. Whether it'll look like the original is anybody's guess. Albeit, similar but not the same.

Jason -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/23/2012 14:19:10)

Yeah, I'm aware it wont look exactly the same, and i'm alright with that. I know you guys are good at what you do, and will do your best. That's all that really matters. I'll appreciate whatever you craft :)

G.I.G.A. -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/23/2012 20:19:50)





I gave it my best shot with the brushes I already have installed, since I was too lazy to find new ones to better match the style of your old sig =/.

Nevertheless, I think I did okay for what time I spent on it.

Desmodus -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/24/2012 0:21:16)

Prefered Artist: G.I.G.A.
Avatar or Signature: Sig
Render or picture link: THIS!
Text: Desmodus
Text Placement: Iin the upper right area.
Background: Thunder storm at Night (lightning flashes, not arcs; like this, but with more realistic colors)
Font: Jokewood (w/e color you think would be best)
Text Size: I think size 16 would fit nicely
Render Placement: Focus on his head (speaking of his head, could you give his eyes a stop-light red glow to them?) and what would be his left wing so that the T-storm BG could be seen?
Dimensions: Maximum size.
PM?: Yes, plz.

Jason -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/24/2012 5:53:01)


Thanks man! Love it!

BadHulk -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/25/2012 15:25:26)

Preferred Artist: Destiny
Signature, Banner, Avatar: Siggy
Render: (Left) (right).
Background: that with something awesome combined with it. Creativity is yours.
Text: "Evil shall bow down for the mighty Ryujin"
Text Placement: Right
Font Size: Anything that fits
Font Color: Anything that fits
Dimensions: 500 x 100
PM When Done?: Yes.

Winged_Destiny -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/25/2012 16:23:53)

BadHulk: um, "Left and eevee right?" There's no image/render. Please provide me the renders you want in your sig.

BadHulk -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/25/2012 18:01:22)

Whoops... Lemmy fix that for ya.

*Edit* Fix'd.

G.I.G.A. -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/25/2012 21:30:53)


Urg, This was a nightmare. I tried to stick to your request as best I could, but I couldn't let myself call it "finished" with so much I didn't like about it. So, I changed the font and font size, so now I'm at least content with resigning and calling it terrible. Here it is if you want it, though:



A few things happened here, I think. First, the render is very large width-wise, and due to the nature of the sig size mandated by this forum, it ends up covering about 90% of the background. That can't be helped, though, and there should be ways around it. Second, I was slightly baffled as to how to create lightning "flashes," as opposed to arcs. The technique I ended up using just looks... well, I'll let you decide that.

Desmodus -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/25/2012 23:22:38)

^Actually, I like that one a little better. It's kinda hard to see the text though. Perhaps make it a light gray (sorta like the moon) and big enough to fill that lower right corner? About the "flashes", I was thinking something like Jason3's sig, except the red parts would be very dark blue and more like clouds; and the white would be a blue-ish white, like lightning.

I'll take it any way though.

Winged_Destiny -> RE: [Flash][GIMP][Plushies][Sigs][Avatars][Banners]Trank's Studio II (1/26/2012 0:50:57)

BadHulk: Finally finished it! I hated rendering that Evee with the green glow all over the place. It's too bright, it hurts the eye if looked at for too long. But no biggy, I just felt like complaining, even though it didn't really matter. Anyways, here's your signature. Hope you like it!

Note: Notice I didn't use the font you specified, or made it in the size you wanted. For the font, it didn't go well with the sig, so I chose a different font. For the size, I don't like 500 x 100, there's too much gaps to fill up; and if I do fill them up, it'll look like it's cluttered. Also if you want me to change anything feel free to ask. I'm willing to even do a remake if you don't like this one.

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