Nati (Full Version)

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Peachii -> Nati (1/6/2012 17:50:14)



Location: Falconreach Auction House

Quests given

Shops owned

Nati: Hello, and welcome to Travelling Treasures Auction House! Currently there are no auctions happening, but maybe soon.

  • Quests!
    Nati: We are not yet operational, but if you fancy yourself a mercenary I might have a job for you...
    Nati: Gris, the owner, is looking to hire someone to hunt down a few exotic. Are you any good at treasure hunting?

  • Yeah, let's go! - Takes you to Gris.
  • Not really. - Takes you back to the three options.

  • Talk
    Nati: This is an Auction House. When we open, you'll be able to bid on certain items. Right now we're collecting some exotic pieces as we prepare.

  • Heal & potions - Heals you fully and refills your potions.


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