RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (Full Version)

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Alanna Zelen -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/8/2012 9:04:41)

*appears, dusts bits of topic off* ... I was trying for the other thread! Ah well, heya again :P
Hey Alanna ^^
Does this count as stalking?
If it did, everyone would be a stalker :p
*frowns, neatens up feathers* They haven't been too hard on you? Yes that's right, I'm talking about you guys! :P
Nah, everyone is nice here ^^
*hands Raven his lunch* Next time don't forget it ;) ... I hope you haven't eaten anything bad, have you?
more like I haven't eaten at all save some cheese and cookies :3
How many posters does it take to answer a question?
I prefer 0 but I think others wouldn't like it :p
Need any duct tape? (what? Its good for taping topics together...)
I haz buttons :D
*looks around, quickly glomps before teleporting again*
*is glomped* bye ^^

TitanDragonLord -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/8/2012 9:19:20)

*flies in* Had enough yet?
Well I don't care, because there's more torture questions! coming up!
What weapon do you use?
A sword of course (IRL and RP)
Are you considered a warmonger?
Depends, I fight a few thousand waves in a war but I am nothing compared to the real guys here :p
Well, I won't be too harsh this time so, later! *flies away*
Bye ^^

epic pie -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/8/2012 9:33:08)

Hiyas Therril!
Hey epic pie :)

So...Science or Magic?
Magic of course ;)

Congrats on becoming an AK.
Thank you ^^

Do you like pie? What is your favorite kind?
No strangely I do not like pie :p

Favorite DF weapon?
A sword, but the one I would really love has yet to be made ;)

What religion do you practice (if you prefer not to answer, fine with me)?
None, I do not believe in gods though I do respects others believing in a god or any special way of living :)

Well, I guess that will be all for now, Bye!
Cya :)

Fingerman -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/8/2012 9:37:10)

Lookit! My sig is purple!
And fileld with black :D
Is that bad?
the black? of course not and it fits that lil' bit of purple ^^
Lucky for you, I don't side with Mritha and/or M4B (though purple is my favorite color)
Good luck to stay that way ;)
Unluckily for you, I'm neutral.
Why? I am neutral myself :p
This time, instead of questions, I'll tell you a scary story.
I like stories :3
Scary is good for the nerves.
True, but only to a certain degree :)
*Ahem* I stand before you. A rope comes out of thin air, and takes out both of your wings. Your feet are heavier than lead. A devilish grin plays across my face. Black ooze pours out, surrounding you, and you eventually trip and fall in it. Your first mistake. Instead of hitting the floor, you fall right through into a black (oops, you like black. Lets see... YELLOW!) void, full of evil pwnies, mad laughter, and bad hygine. You land hard on an unforgiving floor, in a room where every wall is a mirror. In the mirror, you see your worst nightmare in the place of yourself, taunting you....
What do you see in the mirror?
Myself, all alone without my friends.
Did I go overboard with the story?
I had worse :p
Bye :p

San Robin -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/8/2012 9:46:59)

Welcome back for more useless questions! :D
are you ready?
are you sure?
are you a raven?
I prefer to call myself a half raven since I am also half human
Lets go!
what's your favorite food?
FOOD! of course :p
What's your favorite drink?
Cola :p
from the top of your head what is 7429357 divided by 13?
A number different from those 2
I dont know either :3
Congratulations :D
That's enough questions for this page.
ok :)
I'll be back [8D]
*Terminator steps away once again*

Voodoo Master -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/8/2012 12:09:39)

So you're an Archknight now, huh?
I guess I am :p
I remember you when you were just a lil' raven with a lot of numbers after his name...
Good times good times :p
Anywhoo, congratz on the new shiny title!
Thx ^^
Questions, questions...
Indeed, they keep comming :p
1. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A chuck amount of wood chucked wood :p
2. Since when do you have your ravens obsession? Was your life once saved by a giant raven or something?
Hmm, that all started in... I think...5 years ago ^^
3. Do you like reading? If you do, which type of books?
I LOVE reading ^^ Fantasy books of course :p
4. What's your favorite food?
FOOD! (I know, I say it every time) :p
5. How're your new chains? Should I call the SPCA already?
they are comfortable with all the feathers ^^
6. What new super raven powers have you gotten from the promotion? (except from the normal AKs ones such as bans, locking threads etc.)
Nothing new realy I am still the same old raven741852 just a bit shined up :p
7. Are you tired from my questions?
Maybe... jk jk
8. Is the zebra white with black stripes, or black with white stripes?
Black with white stripes on 1 side and White with black stripes on the other side :p
9. How much time can you open your eyes without blinking?
Pretty long for I can win over my cat
I am out of questions, so I'll take my leave now. I'm sure you'll be a great AK! Cya![:D]
Thank you, I won't dissapoint you :)

Gingkage -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/8/2012 12:25:52)

Wow, this thing's really taken off running (or perhaps I mean flying).
Indeed, I didn't expect that ._.
This is the most important question you will ever be asked.
"Will you marry me?"
I would advise careful attention.
It's mindblowingly important.
*puts a counter-fan on*
I'm going to ask it now.
*is at the edge of his chair*
*falls from chair*
How amazing are those buttons? [:D]
They are... very... buttony :p
That's all I've got. Bye for now!
ok, bye ^^

SonicTbear -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/8/2012 13:36:17)

Hello again Therril...
Heya SonicTbear ^^
Ready for more torture?
I am getting used to it :p
Of course you are...
Just one question...
How many nibbles does it take to get to the center of a TwillyPop?
a nibbled amount of nibbles :D
ok, seems like I can almost hang in my hammock :D
Well, bye for now. ._.
bye ^^
*continues playing with DmK*
Have fun :p

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/8/2012 14:05:21)

A quote from Edgar Allan Poe? Interesting choice.
I give the credits to my friends for they asked if I choose Raven because of that poem. :p
Well Salutations and greetings fellow Archknight. I assure you, even for us transformed individuals (dragons and wolves alike) each set of shackles is specifically made for us.
Yes, I noticed that, and hello to you too Dragonnightwolf ^^
So I will ask 3 questions and I shall than leave ye to your tasks.
*puts serious face mask on* go ahead

1. If you would be so kind to show me all your char pages so I might see your loot?
Just check the links under my posts, those are the only ones I use. Other Characters are for testing reasons and my special loot is on a VERY special place *shifty eyes*
2. How long have you been a player of AE games?
hmm, that would be 7 years ago? I remember AQ when it wasn't all that old yet (perhaps a year). And I knew DF from the day it was born (sadly I had not the privilege to check the beta out)
3. Will you be planning to visit on irc often?
I will come by every now and then if not too many things distract me ^^

Thank you very much and have a wonderful time joining us.
Thank you, I already love it ^^
~Therril Oreb

Master K -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/8/2012 14:16:13)

*Poof of Glitter and Paper Shreds*
I knew you would get the hint ^^
I'm Backkkkk!
Welcome back in... wait is this a shop?
I got some glitter by shaking down some faeries. Should I be worried of Mritha and Melissa attacking me?
Depends, you should ask them yourself :p
I like trains... *trains rolls over the thread*
Do you visit the RP Boards often?
Never been there before really
<('<'<)(>'^'<)(>'>')> RAVEN DANCE.
wasn't that the kirby dance? ._. except they now have beaks?
Thats all I have for now.
Alrighty then
See yah around!
bye ^^
You now get graced with my ossim hand drawn signature.
*Poofs out with more glitter and paper shreds*
Make sure to have enough in reserve ;)

Starstruck -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/8/2012 21:47:52)

Congrats on the AK'ness :D This makes another person I now becoming a mod here in the DF forums ^_^
Thank you, well technically I am not a mod, but I do help them ^^
It's great that you got such a wonderful promotion! :O Is the whole dungeon black or did they let you have a torch?
I got a torch... they did forget the fire though -_-'
Do you...have a cellmate...?
Yup, Faerdin joined together with me ^^
Anyway...Mac, Windows, Linux?
All got their ups and downs but I am using windows :p
Which chess piece is your favorite? (I have a hunch I already know, but I figured you wanted to say it for yourself XD)
The knight or the tower :D
"Once upon a midnight dreary
A night only for the weary
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
Where the moglins keep hugging for more
As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
And someone else cleaning the floor
Only this, and nothing more.' "
The end. :p
Join with me and we'll beat the purple...beat it black and blue >:D just kidding, M4B and I are BFFs XD I would never want to kill the purple. I just want it.
Nah, I will not fight purple as long as it doesn't attack me or my territory :)
I can't remember if you're part of APR but we should totally petition to temporarily change it to ARR in honor of your promotion :O
No thank you, the Beacons are my family and always will be ^^
What kind of music is your favorite?
I don't really have any, I listen to a wide variety of music.
Which forum areas have you visited so far?
Well, all DF fora have been visited by me at least once and the artistic forums, L&L forums and a few others but those less.
That's all I have for today, so congrats and ttfn.
Thank you, see you some other time ^^

Elryn -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/9/2012 8:59:38)

One down, one to go. It is good to have you, Therril. Congratulation on your Archknightship.
Thank yo~ Wait one down? ._. who else is/was on the list? D:
How about a raven hug?
*Elryn crush Therril in a bearhug*
*breaks his back but if further alright*
Hopefully, that did not count as a question. Now, onto the questions that are all about warmongers and war.
I doubt I could say no to you
Are you a warmonger?
No idea, do you think I am?
You are from Falconreach. Have you fought wars in Battleon as Chisagen first did with the Mostly Harmful War with his kith?
Yes I did, but only since recently to my sadness and shame [&o]
How do you feel about the near constant warring?
Not enough wars D:<
All time record in Battleon and Falconreach wars?
hmm, I think I am at a total of 10.000 waves or something.
Proudest achievements in a war?
My huge level achievement. from lvl 31 to lvl 62 in the ravenloss war :D (might be a level on or off, it were too many to count)
If I were to offer a spar, what would you do?
I would ask for rules and restrictions.
Say the enemy had hired Cataclysm in war and you found yourself face to face with him on the battlefield, what would you do?
Look for it's weakest points
What would you do if Mystical Warrior offered a war race?
Sure, but he should not complain that I am faster thanks to my flying ability :D
What is Prosperine's weapon of choice?
What kind of fighter are you (warrior, ranger, mage, something else)?
I fight a bit like a warrior but I excel in both air and ground combat (air more then ground though)
What abilities do you have and use in war?
I can change every part of my body in a part of a raven as long as the biology is kinda right making me very flexible in any situation.
Have you been given a name/title as a consequence of your warring (to give you an example, Mystical Warrior is dubbed by many as the War Master and Cataclysm as the Scourge of the Battlefield)?
No not really, I fought on my own so few noticed what little I did.
Tell me a bit about yourself, Therril?
What would you like to know?
Your favorite Battleon and/or Falconreach war?
Even though Ravenloss isn't my favorite spot, its war changed me a lot.
Your warmonger's dream?
To become worthy to be called a warmonger and that wars never end [8D]

Veranex -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/9/2012 11:42:00)

Therril!!!! Congrats!! *hugs and gives a cookie*
Heya vera ^^ *noms hug and accepts cookie*
Okay, let us see if I can ask some questions with my brain still sleeping on me...
No need if it is that much of an eeft :p
If you had a magical snail that could grant wishes, what would you name it?
Least favorite type of books to read?
Romantic novels or something like that. Or those impossible to understand books.
So, how goes it?
It goes well, how about you?
So...what is your favorite type of dessert?
An apple :p
What is your least favorite food?
Chcolate and pie (please don't shoot me)
And that's all I got for right now XD Congrats again, buddy! =D You better use your AKship for good! Or I will find you! *fistshake*
Yes Ma'am!! *salutes*

Nightly -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/9/2012 13:56:37)

Congratulations on your promotion!
Thank you ^^
Have fun and good luck!
Will do, I will not dissapoint you :)
I would give you your tags if I knew what they were ;P I'm guessing bold and italics, but it may be a weird font to!
You are Sherlock Holmes, you should have already deducted my whole life because of my font[;)]

Giviet -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/9/2012 14:52:56)

Looks like a new sheriff is in town...
Make that 2 new sherrifs ;)
Hi Therril! :P
Hey Giviet ^^
Congrats on your AK'ship. (Is that how you spell it?)
Thank you, you can spell it however you like :p
Well, I won't bother you.
Nah you're not :p
Cya ^^

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/9/2012 16:19:14)

*A cloaked figure rises from the shadows.*
Where do you guys keep comming from?
Greetings once more, Therril Oreb.
And a greetings to you too Dwelling Dragonlord.
I know about thy legacy.
you do?
Though if my memory serves me right, it was altered ....
It is only a tiny bit different from what I made as entry for that contest :p
I recall a mother, a tyrant and no clan other than the one to which you were born.
Well there are other clans, but they play no part (yet) in it :p
For my first question this time, was Ginkage really that mean to you?
Gingkage is more like the typical "worried but will never show it" character in the story.
She cares about Therril Oreb, but for that reason she wouldn't show it out of fear others will hate him even more.

I will now play a game I played with Mritha, I will show thou a card and you will tell me thy first thought.
ooooh, Magic Tricks :D
*A pitch-black card rises from the shadows.*
I like black ^^
Farewell Therril Oreb, may I one day heal thy legacy.
My legacy will one day continue, be sure of that :D
*The cloaked figure bows as it succumbs into the shadows.*
*Slowely walks away, waiting for the next encounter*

Seiyou -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/9/2012 17:38:02)

Hi Therril! :)
Hello Seiyou :)
Congratulations and good luck!
Thank you very much, I will do my best ^^
Beware of the purple... *shifty eyes*
Will do *stares around himself*
No questions from me, seeya around. :D
Very well, cya ^^

agent212 -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/10/2012 13:26:22)

I'm back!
Hiyas :)
Do you know what this means?
I can finaly get some food?
That's right (Or possibly wrong *narrows eyes*), it's question time! *theme music plays*
That's... alright... I guess?
Welcome, today we have Therril here on the show, say hello Therril.
*waves* hello
Are you ready for the first question?
Considering the effects of dark energy and dark matter, do you agree with the fact that this is in a way Einstein's cosmological constant, meaning that he was in fact correct...
I lost you somewhere around the "Zinstein" part...
I am kidding, that isn't the question!
oh... ok then
No, what I am going to ask you is the following.
A real question?
You go to a secluded forest, there are 100 dragons there, all with green eyes. They welcome you and show you around, a human hasn't visited in ages. You find out if a dragon finds out (s)he has green eyes, they must go to a forbidden altar which turns them into a tog, however they can only go there exactly at midnight. You leave the secluded forest and tell them (this is something they already know as they can see the colours of the other dragons) that at least one of them has green eyes. You leave the island. If all the dragons (all 100 of them were there when you told them) are logical, what happens? And if something does happen, what as the new information?
They all start fighting saying they don't have green eyes but the 99 others do >:D
I shall leave you now, but not before this. In one of these boxes (black and opaque boxes) there is a cookie. In which box is the cookie, you cannot open them or look inside, they are perfectly sealed and nothing is coming out.
*shakes boxes*
Bye now!
bye ^^
P.S. Here is a cookie anyway.
YAY! *noms cookie* ^^

Shadows Morgenstern -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/10/2012 13:33:09)

Mwahahaha I am back! *looks at Raven hungrily*
*gulp* I am not tasty D:
Let the torture begin....
Would you ever go swimming with sharks?
Why go swimming in water if you can swim in the air? :D
What about sky diving?
Anytime ^^(not IRL, I am afraid of heights ._.)
Do you play any instruments?
I can play flute a bit
Is there a particular one you would learn to play?
perhaps piano?
Worst movie you ever seen?
Valhalla rises
Would you be a werewolf or a vampire? (none of the sparkles)[>:]
A vampire then :p
Do you like popcorn?*nomming popcorn*
*steals the popcorn and noms it for himself*
Favorite fruit?*Noms an apple*
I like so many fruit ._.
...yeah that's it![:D]
Have fun! And take care Therril![:)]
Thank you, take care yourself too ^^

chisagen -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/10/2012 15:05:52)

Hey there my old bird friend :D
Hey chissy fishy :D
How's the AK life treating ya?
Still new, meaning the chains are still well-oiled :p
here you go *gives Raven the AK fish*
uh...thx... I guess ._.
So I guess you and Fae are going to be the new AK tag team?
We will do our best ^^
That would be soooo cool :D I have a couple of name you could use for the team :D
Well that's all for now just wanted to say congrats and good luck :D
ok, Thanks and see you again ^^
~Therril Oreb

Fear Scythe -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/10/2012 17:36:08)

Hey Therril!
Hello Fear Scythe :)

Congrats accept my gift!
*takes the gift*

You seen to be the second post to put in a MtAK today.
I do? Don't forget about my companion Faerdin then ^^

Now for the Questions.
Go ahead ^^

What is your favorite animal?
A raven without a second thought :D

You know i did a real life 360 noscope?
If I knew what it was I could congratulate you sincerely :p

Do you know the name of the most beatiful Angel in the world?
No I don't :( Does she have black wings? :p

Ran out of questions.
That's ok ^^

Subscribe, comment and put a like on my signature.

jdcool2008 -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/10/2012 18:38:08)

*Hooded figure erupts from a huge burst of fire* Hello Therril...
Watch the trees will yah D:< oh and hello ^^
Dang....*tries to burn chain with strong fire* Wow!
Sorry bro, won't work
So... are you ready?
I guess so...
Bold or boldybold?
Bold I think
What does black and red make?
A crimson colour? otherwise just MOAR black :D
What happens on Dec 21 of this year?
Winter begins again :p
You shall now be spared...
Thank you? ._.
Alright Therril im out and congratz:)... *Jd melts into lava and sinks through the ground
Thank you and bye ^^

zeppyzeppy -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/10/2012 20:17:24)

Good day to you zeppy :)
Do you believe in 2012? I mean the end of the world.
Aren't we living in it right now? ._.
Whats your favorite AE game?
Dragonfable of course ^^
Are you awesome?
Am I?
Whats your favorite moglin?
Twiggy :D
Cya ^^

wolfmansbro -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/14/2012 1:27:15)

Hi. ._.
*shakes hand, throws both in the war* hey ^^

Selutu -> RE: =MtAK= Therril Oreb says Nevermore, Nevermore! (1/14/2012 1:42:59)

*appears out of nowhere*
*Turns around slowely*
Hi... Congratz...
Hey, thanks ^^
How did you learn to fly?
A nutcase with a fish kept throwing me in the air untill I flew decently ._.
Do you like to think (use your brain)?
ehm.... I do... I think...
What do you preferred to be addressed as? Human or Raven?
A half-raven, I am not a pure blooded.
If you were chained to a wall, how would you try to escape?
I would just shapeshift in a smaller raven form :p
Angels or Demons?
I like both :p
Black or White?
Black ^^
Once more... Congratz... *fades into the night*
Thank you again :) *walks further on*

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