RE: BS15's Idea bank + The Corrupter set! (Full Version)

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Sphinx Jevoha -> RE: BS15's Idea bank + The Corrupter set! (11/1/2021 12:40:48)

Battlesiege has been making suggestions since 2012, impressive! This dude has made more contributions to the Suggestions thread than Harry Kane has done all season at Tottenham xD

Just wanted to say, some of these ideas are really nice! For instance, an omni-elemental weapon that inflicts Prismatic Burn? A big yes from me :)

I hope some of your ideas come to life soon!


battlesiege15 -> RE: BS15's Idea bank + The Corrupter set! (11/1/2021 14:58:57)

Hehe thanks. I do this just for the heck of it. I need to finish the last one though, just busy with work and didn't want to lose the giant wall of text.

I'm glad you like them! I have had a few of my suggestions make it into the game so I am very happy about that so far! I just like unique items and effects to add some pazzaz to the game :D

battlesiege15 -> RE: BS15's Idea Bank (11/11/2021 8:08:37)

New idea (I think): Rage Counters. For every 5*[HP player lost/ExpHP for 0 END character]% by Monster attacks (so no using Essence Orb or other self-damaging damage), player gets 1 Rage Counter. These reset at the end of the battle and cap at 20. Rage Counters can be used for various effects for these equipment:
The Scorned Seer
«Mastercraft Fire FO Armor. Damage depends on number of Rage Counters and health. Mastercraft Bonus is Skill Compression.»

  • MC: Hell Hath No Fury: Deals EleComp*[# Rage Counters/5] Fire Damage and has a -10 BTH lean (-10 BTH for *85/75 damage). The damage depends on how much HP you have left. It is a Overcharged Skill so costs more but deals more damage. This skill consumes all of your Rage stacks.
  • Flavor Effect toggle: Blinded by Rage: Global -10 BTH lean for Player, Pets, Guests, and Monster
Hits and lean: 1 hit with Neutral lean
Animation: Same as Overlord
Appearance: Looks like Overlord but with a darker red and black color scheme and fire burning in the eyes.
Description: With hatred comes power. Fuel your rage as teh
Damned Defender
«Mastercraft Fire Shield. Skill effect depends on number of Rage Counters. Mastercraft Bonus is Skill Compression.»

  • MC: Click on the shield to reduce incoming damage by 5*[# of rage counters]%. This consumes all rage stacks.
  • Flavor Effect toggle: Blinded by Rage: Global -10 BTH lean for Player, Pets, Guests, and Monster
Hits and lean: 1 hit with Neutral lean
Animation: Same as Overlord
Appearance: Looks like Overlord but with a darker red and black color scheme and fire burning in the eyes.
Description: Channel your rage into your defenses by clicking on this shield.
Note: With a full stack of 20 rage counters, you can get 100% damage reduction.
Enraged Eviscerator
«Mastercraft Fire Melee/Magic Weapon with a +7 bth lean. Burn skill effect depends on number of Rage Counters. Mastercraft Bonus is Skill Compression.»

  • MC: Click on the weapon to inflict an auto-hit Burn for 1 turn. Burn power is 0.85*0.5*[# of Rage Counters]. This consumes all rage stacks. PlayerSTR/INT + PlayerLUK vs MonsterEND + MonsterLUK for saves. Costs standard STR or INT skill in SP.
  • Flavor Effect toggle: +20 for PlayerBurn infliction at the cost of 10% SP of a Melee skill per turn.
    Appearance: Looks like Irolustre's Claw but dark red claw tips and fire animations on the palms. The gem is dark red as well.
    Description: Use your seething hatred to burn your enemies.

battlesiege15 -> RE: BS15's Idea Bank (1/18/2022 12:17:02)

Slowly getting the creative juices flowing again! Just finished my rage set that uses Rage counters for special effects. I also changed it so that it is 5% HP lost for 0 END character for 1 rage counter which is more fair to those who did invest in END.

Also, I'm not sure there are items that have a SP toggle for extra potency to status effects so thought this would be a fun way to incorporate it.

battlesiege15 -> RE: BS15's Idea bank + The Corrupter set! (3/25/2022 14:19:27)

Staff of Destruction

Level: 150
Location: Archmage Shop o_O
Type: Magic
Element: Darkness
Weapon Lean: Random Heavy
BTH Lean: -5 BTH

Rate: 100%
  • MC Effect: There is a 1/8 chance of regaining X MP each attack.
  • Charge: Gain a Cataclysm Counter. This will take 1 turn, cost 100% [Lvl 150 MP Spell] MP, disable your spell menu, and inflict you with Darkness Burn with a PowerLevel of 1*[Cataclysm Counters]. You can store a maximum of 4 Cataclysm Counters per battle. If you try to gain more than 4, a message pops up:The staff cannot hold anymore power!
  • Release: Spell that deals [100% Random Heavy spell damage]*1.01*.85*[Cataclysm Counters] Darkness damage and has +300 BTH. Cataclysm Counters are reset.
  • Recharge: Heal MP like a regular "Draw mana" skill.
  • Charge: Dark swirling energy beams enter the orb on the staff.
  • Release: A giant sphere of darkness appears on the monster's side of the field and deals 1 hit of Darkness damage.
  • Recharge: No special animation.

battlesiege15 -> RE: BS15's Idea bank + The Corrupter set! (8/9/2022 13:10:41)

Infernal Conduit

Level: 150
Location: Heck-related quest
Type: Magic
Element: Darkness
Weapon Lean: Base Heavy
BTH Lean: -5 BTH
  • MC Effect: When the pet has a Lucky Strike in charge mode, it gains an extra charge instead.
  • Toggles between "Damage" and "Store" mode
  • Damage mode: Deals [# of Charges]*0.85*[1 + # of stored Charges] damage. This auto-hits and is split evenly in 3 hits.
  • Charge: Instead of attacking, the pet "stores" 1 charge. It can hold a maximum of 10 charges and will automatically use its attack after 10 charges. Charges reset between battles.
  • Attack: Shoots a beam of darkness at the enemy.
  • Charge: Dark aura surrounds the orb.
Appearance: A small tower with a flaming dark eyeball in the center (Sauron's Eye vibes).

battlesiege15 -> RE: BS15's Idea bank + The Corrupter set! (9/19/2022 9:02:14)

Spiritual Retribution

Level: 150
Location: Paladin related quest or the Paladin Shop

Element: Light
Cost: See below

Hits: 2
Type: Magic
Damage: Base heavy Light damage; Base heavy Heal damage on the player
BTH Lean: -5 BTH

  • Triggers: Undead: Deals +20% damage | Demons: Deals +10% damage | Anything else: Deals -10% damage
  • The damage depends on how much HP you have left. It scales linearly from 0.5 to 1.5, which means that you multiply damage by: [150 - (% of HP left)]%
  • The cost increases as the damage increases, too. It starts out at the listed cost, and increases to the maximum. In between, it scales linearly, which means that you pay an additional: Additional MP = (Base Cost)* 8 *(1- [current HP]/[Max HP])
  • You get 1 hit of Heal damage equivalent to 1 turn of Magic weapon damage.
  • After casting, the player is inflicted with Exhaustion ("The powerful spell has drained your essence") which is just a renamed Paralysis.
  • Analysis: There is 1 hit of Light damage at the monster which is paid by the MP cost. The Heal damage at the player is "free" of MP cost but comes at the cost of the player getting a guaranteed paralysis hence losing an entire turn of damage (and also weakened pet and guest damage since they deal less damage when the player is immobilized).
Description: A spell used as a last resort by Paladins of the past. It deals greater damage (and costs more MP) the more damage you have endured in battle and can heal you. However, this powerful strike is known to leave your spirits drained temporarily.

  • Attack: A ball of light grows from the center of the player and then engulfs the player before shooting out towards the monster.
  • Heal: Sparkles surround the player.

battlesiege15 -> RE: BS15's Idea bank + The Corrupter set! (9/24/2022 12:33:30)

Titan Colossus (Re-imagined)
«Fully Offensive Energy armor. Has a "built-in" shield that disables your shield menu. MC is a chance for Celerity for getting hit by Energy attacks.»

Level: 150
Power Level: 153, Mastercraft
SP Level: 152
Price: 72,615,500 [basically an armor PLUS a shield]
Sellback: 36,307,750
Location: To be decided... Maybe LTS... Maybe Hoards of Alqeumada! [where else can you put a giant golem like armor? :O]
Element: Energy

COMBAT DEFENCE [see notes]
Melee: [(Standard Melee defense for Armor + Shield) - 3]
Ranged: [(Standard Ranged defense for Armor + Shield) - 3]
Magic: [(Standard Magic defense for Armor + Shield) - 3]

Fire: 75%
Water: 110%
Wind: 85%
Ice: 85%
Earth: 75%
Energy: 13% (39% for a standard Energy armor - 26% for standard Energy shield defense with minimal MRM)
Light: 85%
Darkness: 85%

Hits: 1
Type: «As weapon»
Element: «As weapon»
Damage: 742.69% Base, 742.69% Random, and 1473.69% Stats each
BTH: +14 plus Stats each

  • You receive Armor Lean x1.25: You take 25% more damage in this armour. The 125% damage multiplier has already been factored into the attack damage above.
  • Attack 2 takes -5 BTH and deals *85/80 damage. (Already factored into above numbers.)
  • Armor + Shield combo takes a -3 MRM penalty for compression (also fits thematatically)
  • Player's Shield slot gets locked out.
  • MC bonus: You gain 1 "Charge" every time you are hit with an Energy attack. After 20 "Charges," you get 1 turn of Celerity for player attack. Charges do carry over between battles and cap at 20 and attempting to trigger Celerity.
  • Additonal Effect: Built in quick-cast spell that inflicts an Energy burn on the player. This essentially gives you 1 free Charge per turn. It does not cost anything because there is no benefit to it other than building 1 charge and deals no damage to the monster. This is paid for by the additional -3 MRM on the armor.
Wear the mantle of a Titan Colossus and tower above your enemies to show them what fear truly means. Even though it restricts you from using other shields, it provides excellent Energy defense. You can even use Energy attacks against you to power up your engine and strike another turn after enough hits!
Looks like the redone Iron Golem except more steam-punk color and maybe a different helmet. There is no shield because the shield section is locked.
You wield your regular weapon in both hands but it's size is increased by 190% or so. Like the Pit Protector's weapon size.

When using this armor, the Shield inventory is locked and can't be used when in the armor.
In order to compensate for this, it gets a "built-in shield" stats so it costs 1.5* an MC armor (so it ends up including the shield as well). The built in shield and armor provides low MRM because it's a giant armor with limited blocking potential since it's an easy target.
Assuming an average of 2 hits per monster per turn and getting hit 90% of the time, you gain 1.8 charges each turn. Over 20 turns this is 18 charges so about 1 Celerity per 2 battles.

battlesiege15 -> RE: BS15's Idea bank + The Corrupter set! (12/9/2022 13:18:01)

Random Axe of Kindness
«A shifting-element weapon that deals less damage to boost Pet/Guest damage. The special can boost CHA.»

Level: 150G, MC
Location: Aria's Shop (She needs more CHA-based weapons >_____<)
Type: Melee
Element: Shifts randomly between elements
Weapon Lean: Base Heavy
BTH Lean: -5 BTH

Rate: 20%
Damage: N/A
Effect: Gives the player +x* CHA
  • Pays MC and 20% of weapon damage (so 25% weapon damage total) to boost damage dealt by pet/guest attacks by +25%.
  • The weapon forgoes the *132/109 bonus for shifting elements to give an additional +21% damage to pets/guests.
  • The damage penalty still applies regardless of whether you have an active guest or not (just to keep things simple).
  • *x = (Standard 20% Melee special damage converted into equivalent stat boost)*0.85 (for auto-hit) for 1 turn.
  • If it is triggered twice (Celerity), then the CHA boost is increased accordingly and only lasts for 1 turn.
Design: An axe that looks very regal and dignified. Up to the artist's interpretation!

Special Animation: Just a bright swirl of rainbow colors on the player's side of the field.

Brighten someone's day with a Random Axe of Kindness because after all, one of the best ways to treat your enemies is by ~killing them with kindness~ UwU

battlesiege15 -> RE: BS15's Idea bank + The Corrupter set! (2/6/2023 13:20:54)

Accursed Angel

«Mastercraft Spellcaster Light Armor. Mastercraft Bonus and additional penalties to compress 4 skills.»

  • Has -6 Melee and -12 Ranged defense to help compensate for effects. Maintains Magic defense. Has worse Ranged defense because it's an angel exposed to ranged attacks. (This should work out to be equivalent to -6 MRM right...? Pls)
  • Player is inflicted with Accursed Anima, a permanent status that prevents healing of any kind while in the armor, including HP, MP, and SP. Not sure if it's possible or if this affects SP regeneration at all, but Player Heal resistance could be set to 0% to make this effect possible?
  • Blood Bind: Standard HP cost skill that targets monster HP. -100% Melee damage to inflict Health Stasis, a renamed Disease that prevents healing of X HP. Deals Fire damage.
  • Mana Manacle: Standard MP cost skill that targets monster MP. -100% Melee damage to inflict Magic Stasis, a renamed Disease that prevents healing of X MP. Deals Water damage.
  • Spirit Shackle: Standard SP cost skill that targets monster SP. -100% Melee damage to inflict Spirit Stasis, a renamed Disease that prevents healing of X SP. Deals Earth damage.
  • Seal Shatter: Non-standard skill. Has 0 cost but can only be casted when the monster is inflicted with Health Stasis, Magic Stasis, and Spirit Stasis. Deals standard amount of Light damage and removes all Stasis effects from the monster.
Appearance: Looks like the Angelic Robes but bigger wings and the face is the same as the characters. Color scheme is more of a mix of Blue, Green, and Red. The player is floating in the air but there are chains shackled to the floor holding onto the player.

  • Attack: Same as the Angelic Robes.
  • Skills: All 3 skills have an appearance like Runic Binding except the colors are different. See color scheme above.

Description: This powerful but cursed robe prevents healing of any source and is able to transfer some of that curse onto your foes to prevent them from healing their health, mana, or spirit. Legends say it is also able to release a powerful skill on those who are completely cursed.

JhyShy -> RE: BS15's Idea bank + The Corrupter set! (2/7/2023 0:32:49)

I really love the idea of Accursed Angel, I have to ask though, is seal shatter basically an eater skill where the more stacks the status has the more damage it does or is it just normal damage?

battlesiege15 -> RE: BS15's Idea bank + The Corrupter set! (2/7/2023 8:29:32)

Thank you!

And no, I was going for just a normal damage spell mostly because it comes at a significant cost (3 different statuses that require 3 different resources to inflict) and can only be cast with that present. I consider an Eater-like status but figured it would be a nightmare for the staff to implement probably (more so than how annoying this armor would be to code by itself lol) so figured I should keep the last skill be simple.

Also, technically there should be Ele-Comp for these skills since they are all different Elements being cast in a Light armor, but I figured that can be waived for the 4 skill compression.

battlesiege15 -> RE: BS15's Idea bank + The Corrupter set! (2/18/2023 14:34:24)

(Blazing/Quenching/Typhoon/Frigid/Terra/Voltaic/Radiant/Eclipse) DataMog Gadget
(Misc Item that gives +CHA, compresses a Pet, and has a built-in CHA-based Skill)
Location: (?_?;) I'm not sure
Element: ELEMENT (Fire/Water/Wind/Ice/Earth/Energy/Light/Darkness)
Level: 150
Cost: (SP cost for +50 CHA)
  • Gives -3 MRM to the Player for Pet Compression
  • Gives +50 CHA
  • Gives +50% PetDMG to ELEMENT
  • Click to summon a DataMog pet. Summoned pet is the same as the misc element. Unequipping the misc makes the pet disappear.
  • Click on the misc when the DataMog is out to use a Skill.

  • Costs 490 SP. (Equivalent to a CHA-based Skill)
  • Only usable when the DataMog pet is out.
  • Pet does not attack in the round this skill is used and transform into one of the forms listed below.
  • Uses CHA instead of MainStat for both BtH and Lucky Strikes.
  • Treated like a SPell with an additional +40*[PlayerCHA/ExpectedCHA]% damage to compensate for Pet not acting. 0.9* penalty does not apply (if it even applies in this situation?) for being "always useful" because it requires a specific Pet to be active.
  • During the next turn, the pet will do [CHASkillDMG]% attack. If it is possible, the attack will have an additional effect tied to it (listed below) (but also this may be too much coding so apologies).
Description: This device allows you to call forth an adorable and trusty companion to help you in battle. Share your SP with your companion to help it transform and deal immense damage!
Appearance: Looks like a DigiDevice from Digimon with the border colors being the same as the ELEMENT.

Element: ELEMENT
Attack: 3 hits

Appearance: Moglo-Habilis but the ear, eyes, nose, and paws are different colors (respective to ELEMENT)
Attack Animation: Same as Moglo_Habilis. Pls look at how cute the animation is! (CUTE! CUTE! CUTE! AARRRGH!!!)
Skill Animation: A giant light surrounds the pet. It then transforms into a different monster from Lore as below for the attack animation. Then it reverts to its normal form.

Please refer to this website for a general idea of what each form is: Digimon Final Evolutions!

Blazing --> Reign Phoenix (Lore version of Phoenixmon line). Additional effect: X% chance to deal 200% damage (similar to Reign phoenix attacking twice at times).
Quenching --> White Howler Beast Form but deals Water damage (Lore version of WereGarurumon line). Additional effect: X% chance to inflict fear.
Typhoon ---> Harpy but deals Wind damage (Lore version of Seraphimon). Additional effect: X% chance to inflict Buffeted (renamed Choke).
Frigid --> Frost Colossus (Lore version of Vikemon line). Additional effect: X% chance to inflict Daze.
Terra --> Spring Dryad monster (Lore version of Rosemon line). Additional effect: X% chance to inflict Entangled.
Voltaic --> Scarab pet but 400% bigger and deals Energy damage (Lore version of HerculesKabuterimon line). Additional effect: X% chance to inflict Bleed.
Radiant --> Dragoncat (Lore version of Magnadraon). Additional effect: X% chance to inflict blind.
Eclipse --> Ziragat the Undead Dragon (Lore version of SkullGreymon). Additioanl effect: X% chance to inflict Erosion (- MRM).

battlesiege15 -> RE: BS15's Idea bank + The Corrupter set! (5/9/2023 15:17:11)

Empyrean Emporer

Type: Magic
Element: Light
Stat distribution: 300 INT/CHA, 250 LUK, -100 END
Modifiers: 75% flat resistances except for Light (-100%), while in Celestial Form
Combat Defenses: Equal MRM
NOTE: Uses CHA instead of DEX for stats

Celestial Form

Hits: 1
Rate: 75%
Damage: Low damage. Attempts to Inflict Choke.
Animation: Lunges at the player

Hits: N/A
Rate: 25%
Damage: 0. Howls to increase LUK and inflict Fear on Player, Guest, and Pet.
Animation: Sits and howls

  • Howl: Monster doesn't attack for the turn. Instead, it charges for one turn and raises it's LUK by +25. This can happen multiple turns in a row and will stack. It also attempts to inflict Fear onto Player, Guest, and Pet to not act (save with CHA/LUK vs. player CHA/LUK).
  • Radiation Burn: This burn cannot be 'cured' and starts off at a Base power. Each turn, the radiating energy from the wolf will attempt to increase the power of the burn (save with CHA/LUK vs. player STR/LUK).
  • Iridescence: Each turn, inflicts a Blind on the player that starts out at -1 BTH and the power increases with each turn (save with CHA/LUK vs. player DEX/LUK).
  • Choke: Each time the monster attacks, it attempts to inflict a Choke (cosmic entity creates a vacuum every time it's near you) for 25% player effectiveness (save with CHA/LUK vs. player END/LUK).
  • Regal Presence: When beginning the battle, there is a 100% chance the monster will attack first (save with STR/LUK vs. player LUK/LUK).
  • Volatile Burst: When the monster dies, it does [Expected # of turns]/[# of Battle Turns]*[DAMAGE CAP] damage to the player and auto-hits. This can kill the player and make them lose the battle.
Description:This Cosmic being from the depths of the Void is brimming with astral energy. The energy it emits is blinding and can leave a nasty burn, so hope you brought your sunglasses and SPF 12000 sunscreen.

battlesiege15 -> RE: BS15's Idea bank + The Corrupter set! (4/19/2024 11:09:23)

Updated a few of my "recent" stuff :)
Supersonic Thrasher

Type: Monster
Element: Wind
Stats: 300 STR/DEX/LUK, -150 END
Defenses: Very high MRM

Gimmick: Auto-Hit with chance for Celerity. Does self-recoil damage equal to X% of damage dealt.
SP Skill: Spends {overcharged skill cost} SP to deal even more damage. This is also auto-hit but has an additional X% chance to inflict self-Daze on the monster itself. This means the more damage it does, the higher the Daze % rate. Also, it lowers the monster's defense to essentially 0 (The powerful attack left it dazed and unguarded).

Appearance: Looks like a Peregrine Falcon but has a shield on its head (to help protect itself from its attacks).
Animation: Just a basic charge attack
Skill animation: It develops and aura that looks like a fist and charges at the player. (Make it look like a punch as a reference to Falcon punch which might be trademarked (?) tho)

Description: This small avian creature is known for its strength, speed, and clumsiness. Although very strong and nimble usually with a 100% hit rate , it can do a falcon strike that leaves it confused and vulnerable to attacks.

Reward: Supersonic Strike
Reward: Summon Supersonic Trasher
Supersonic Strike

Type: Spell
Element: Wind
Cost: Overcharged MP

Gimmick: Stats based on CHA and LUK
Effect: Auto-hits with 0.85* penalty
Supersonic Thrasher

Type: Summon Spell
Element: Wind
Cost: MP guest

Gimmick: Deals 200% damage at 200% of the cost of a regular guest
Effect: Auto-hits with X% chance of celerity similar to the monster

battlesiege15 -> RE: BS15's Idea bank + The Corrupter set! (8/15/2024 14:20:17)

The idea for this set is very heavy equipment that trades defenses for offensive capabilities.

The armor takes a turn to muster the energy to use your weapon leaving you open for attacks but a powerful additional Daze when the attack does land that affects the entire field (similar to the Platopulse's ability). Your Daze becomes more powerful the more berserk you become. There is also a FSB skill that inflicts Aftershock, is Earth-element locked, and leaves you totally vulnerable to damage the next turn.

The weapon is a standard damage focused weapon with extra incoming damage and additional Daze chance if you land a lucky strike.

The shield is a little weird in that it is a heavy shield that can throw a monster off guard due to the recoil from blocking their Melee attack (does not work with Ranged or Magic monster attacks).
Madamantine Destroyer
Type: Fully Offensive Armor
Element: Earth
Combat Defenses: Melee focused

Element Modifiers: Primarily Earth with no secondaries

Attack 1: 0% with -MRM modifier
Attack 2: 200%*2.01 damage with -10 BTH lean and deals [X*]% less damage for Daze effect

  • On the first turn and every other turn, you deal no damage to "charge up" and get -6 MRM "Unguarded" status effect (because you are leaving yourself wide open)
  • On the second turn, you deal 200%*2.01 damage with an inaccurate damage modifier when attacking with the armor. It deals -[X*]% damage to inflict Daze. Magic attacks do not get an additional boost.
  • [X*]: The daze effect gets stronger the lower HP you have: [150 - (% of HP left)]*[Daze %] (similar to Drakonnan's Fury with 50% Daze modifier at 100%, 150% chance at 0% health). Inflict with STR/LUK. Resist with [Standard value]/LUK (not player or monster stat dependent because it also affects Pets and Guests).
Full Set Bonus: Available if you have Armor, Weapon, and Shield equipped:
  • Titanic Tremor: Earth-locked skill that does 200%*2.01 damage and inflicts a level 150 Aftershock (renamed Spiritual Seed)
  • After the attack, you gain the "Exhausted" status effect (100% paralysis and monster auto-hit). (You no longer have the energy to move or defender yourself. Take some time to charge up.)
  • Aftershock: 3 rounds, power: 0.25, dealing 100-600 Earth damage (????)

Madamantine Cleaver/Glaive/Quarter-Staff
Type: Melee/Ranged/Magic Weapons
Element: Earth

  • Deals +15% damage, takes +(MagMod*15/1.4)% damage (MagMod being 1 if Melee/Ranged, 0.75 if Magic)
  • Lucky strikes have a chance to inflict Daze for 1 turn.

Madamantine Great Shield
Type: Shield
Element: Earth
Combat Defenses: Melee focused

Element Modifiers: -26% Earth

Effects: There is a [Blocks/Hit Attempted]% of inflicting "Unguarded" for 1 turn of - 15 MRM. This only applies to monster Melee attacks. (Making contact with the study shield is required to throw them off guard)

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