Cranium Phaser Series (Full Version)

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golden1231 -> Cranium Phaser Series (1/13/2012 18:17:36)


Cranium Phaser V4

Level: 4
Price: 1,200 Credits
Sellback: 120 Credits
Location: Tek's Mech's SC Heads

Equip Slot: Head
Damage Type: Laser
Damage: 17-19
Hits: 3
Energy: 6
Cooldown: 4
Bonuses: None
Special Effects:
  • Each hit increases damage of next by 12%
  • "Cranium Power! +X to Boost!" - Boost BoT of +10 per turn for 4 turns
  • Hit 3: "Armor Penetration!" -30 Defense for 4 turns

    Combos: None

    Description: This weapon fires a focused laser beam that deals large amounts of damage. Each successful hit buffs the damage of the next hit by 12% and the last hit reduces enemy defense by 30 for 4 turns. Concept by MachineMaster
    Images: Cranium Phaser V4, Attacking!

  • golden1231 -> RE: Cranium Phaser Series (1/13/2012 18:26:48)


    Cranium Phaser V8

    Level: 8
    Price: 2,400 Credits
    Sellback: 240 Credits
    Location: Tek's Mech's SC Heads

    Equip Slot: Head
    Damage Type: Laser
    Damage: 27-29
    Hits: 3
    Energy: 12
    Cooldown: 4
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • Each hit increases damage of next by 12%
  • "Cranium Power! +X to Boost!" - Boost BoT of +10 per turn for 4 turns
  • Hit 3: "Armor Penetration!" -30 Defense for 4 turns

    Combos: None

    Description: This weapon fires a focused laser beam that deals large amounts of damage. Each successful hit buffs the damage of the next hit by 12% and the last hit reduces enemy defense by 30 for 4 turns. Concept by MachineMaster
    Images: Cranium Phaser V8, Attacking!

  • golden1231 -> RE: Cranium Phaser Series (1/13/2012 18:27:36)


    Cranium Phaser V11

    Level: 11
    Price: 3,300 Credits
    Sellback: 330 Credits
    Location: Tek's Mech's SC Heads

    Equip Slot: Head
    Damage Type: Laser
    Damage: 33-35
    Hits: 3
    Energy: 17
    Cooldown: 4
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • Each hit increases damage of next by 12%
  • "Cranium Power! +X to Boost!" - Boost BoT of +10 per turn for 4 turns
  • Hit 3: "Armor Penetration!" -30 Defense for 4 turns

    Combos: None

    Description: This weapon fires a focused laser beam that deals large amounts of damage. Each successful hit buffs the damage of the next hit by 12% and the last hit reduces enemy defense by 30 for 4 turns. Concept by MachineMaster
    Images: Cranium Phaser V11, Attacking!

  • golden1231 -> RE: Cranium Phaser Series (1/13/2012 18:28:20)


    Cranium Phaser V14

    Level: 14
    Price: 16,800 Credits
    Sellback: 1,680 Credits
    Location: Tek's Mech's SC Heads

    Equip Slot: Head
    Damage Type: Laser
    Damage: 38-40
    Hits: 3
    Energy: 21
    Cooldown: 4
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • Each hit increases damage of next by 12%
  • "Cranium Power! +X to Boost!" - Boost BoT of +10 per turn for 4 turns
  • Hit 3: "Armor Penetration!" -30 Defense for 4 turns

    Combos: None

    Description: This weapon fires a focused laser beam that deals large amounts of damage. Each successful hit buffs the damage of the next hit by 12% and the last hit reduces enemy defense by 30 for 4 turns. Concept by MachineMaster
    Images: Cranium Phaser V14, Attacking!

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