(Pre-DF) Blood streams on the streets (Full Version)

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margus20000 -> (Pre-DF) Blood streams on the streets (1/14/2012 8:40:56)

Blood streams on the streets

I have had idea for this story very long time already...Now it's time to write it down :D:D:D


Note: My mother tongue isn't English...


20 years before the born of Lore's savior, great dragonlord...

..at midnight in old, shabby and muddy Falconreach, wind was howling and wooden houses around me were creaking from it. Only a few people who still weren't in bed were outside, shivering in the winter winds. Me, the poor merchant who recently came back from South and hadn't found any vacant rooms in a small decaying inn, where I would have liked to stay at night, Frida the young pet shop owner who talked to almost everyone about her dream of having many children and grandchildren and who was out at night-time, searching from bushes for a recently opened shop that sold a new species of pets...I think pointlessly..,and the moglin Twilly who liked to sleep on his precious stump even durning harsh winter and they were all cursing about the cold winter weather and hoping for better days with warmer wind and sunnier days in future. But what we didn't knew at the time, was that these winds brought not only cold but also a war, bloodiest war in Falconreach and whole Lore's history. Our childish dream of better weather and sunnier days proofed us the childishness of it very very soon...

Turning that cold night someone came to our hometown, someone strange and foreign on a road from capital StoneFang. Guy with hooded cloak on his shoulders and rusty muddy old knights armor defending his hunger-worn and way-worn scraggy body. After entering to town he came forthrightly toward me. He watched me as he walked with blear-eyed vision as he was recognizing something in me. Had I seen him before? Even if I had, his scrawny face with mud-brown hair covering his eyes didn't seem familiar to me. Maybe I knew him before some kind a downfall, that ruined him and wiped out his previous gallant and brave characteristics. But suddenly it hit me.. It was no one else than previous king's guardians' leader Alteon, brave and young man. But what happened with him? Why isn't he defending his king? At the time when I was still reasoning over my question he had already got to me and started to speak with me.

"...and so I started to come to you. At first I searched you..."

"Wait...what??" said I, who didn't had heard his first part of speech.. I heard but very briefly..

"From start I saw that you were strangely dreamy..."said Alteon, who was little bit blue because of pointlessly speaking to me, who had previously been in head-in-the-clouds state..."Anyway as I said before I came here because I quit from king Slugwrath's defending position. I started to dislike him because he started to act sadistically. He ordered beating of innocent people, whose only crime was not bowing to him, when he passed crowed turning last ruler's birthday celebrations. He also lopped off arms and legs from neighboring king, who opposed him, when he wanted to occupy that country by brutal force. I said that I didn't become a knight and guardian of king for seeing brutal people murders and sadistic tortures. He didn't say anything against it to me face-to-face, but I fear he plans to kill or even torture me for this deed. I wasn't the first one...Tom, who also left from guardian position, has strangely disappeared. No one has seen him after quitting from his position. I fear the worst and I fear the same will happen to me too. So I ran off from capital in hope to find more time to live as a free man with hands and legs strongly attached to my body.... At first I didn't know where to go, but then I remembered you, my good friend from the past. That's why I came to you... At first I searched you in Moonridge, where you were last time, but there I heard that you had already left. But then I remembered that you talked about some old wooden shabby town with very few houses, that hardly stay up very against the strong northern shore winds. The town where you were born(?). The town was called Raven... Eaglereach or something like that...Anyway I found my way to here and here you are..But why are you on streets?? What happened with your parents' house??..."

"I left from last town some time ago"..I started to answer to Alteon's questions.. "After I had reached back to my home town I heard that my parents died in house burn, what was caused by strange Elementals behavior, who usually don't come to settlements.. So I decided to find another place, where to spend my night. But when I wanted to stay in inn, then to my surprise innkeeper said that all rooms are taken.. All rooms taken in this remote area to where hardly anyone would like to journey?? Strange... But I didn't started to fight over shabby room in old fusty inn... That's why I am spending the night on the streets. It isn't so bad as you might think so... If you want you can stay with me on the streets at night. We both can ask some question about eachother, because we haven't seen each other in ages..."

"Good Idea, I will probably stay with you then. When you can't even find a place to stay in your own hometown, then how am I as a stranger supposed to find one? .."

Friends, who hadn't seen each other in a long time talked all-night-long. Alteon spoke about his heroic deeds and harsh journey to me. I envied him because for the bravery he showed on his interesting adventures. I spoke about not so interesting economy problems and about me having hard time to find clients for my merchandises. But at the same time, when we were distracted by our dialog, someone was lurking in Falconreach. Someone sneaky and deadly. But we didn't know about it at the time. We only heard time-to-time branches cracking and rustle from bushes near of us. We thought that it was only wind. But it wasn't. It was a farewell gift from our beloved king, Slugwrath....

margus20000 -> RE: (Before DF) Blood streams on the streets (1/14/2012 11:42:59)

I PART - Isn't it sleeping time??

After we had spoke with each other hour or two, we fell asleep. I didn't know how long I had seen dreams on rocky cold ground when I suddenly woke up because of strange branch cracking noise that came next to us. I slowly opened my eyes and I saw a strange hooded man with dark red almost black clothes with silverwhite Snake symbol on his cape's pauldron ......assassin.

He jumped out from bushes holding rapidly with his two hands onto silver dagger with snake-shaped ornament. I momentarily rose up. I stopped him by crabbing him from shoulder and bulling him back to the ground and thus stopping sneak attack attempt. Because of loud noise Alteon too woke up. His eyes widened because of sudden awaking and he bulled out his longsword from scabbard. When assassin saw that he would need to face with two strong ready-to-battle guys, he gave up and started to save his life at all costs if necessary.

"I am sorry, it was not my idea to attack you guys. It was a clever plan from Slugwrath who deep inside still seek revenge on you because of your deeds, Alteon." shocked assassin us with his apology.

"Don't worry. Because you gave up on your initial we can look over your attempt of murder to me" said Alteon straightforwardly, even though he was still little bit sleepy because of his sudden wake up. "But when I think again, I remember that you still wanted to kill me..."

"I am sorry, I am sorry. I can defend you. I can kill your foes secretly," said assassin, who made with his apologies himself equal to small afraid bunny. "You will not regret saving my life."

"I don't know..."

"He can be very useful to us. Don't forget, that we still need to face with hordes of enemies before we even can see a small glimpse of Slugwarth.," said I, who started to feel sorry to a men, who made himself so puny with his apologies and feeling sorry about what happened before.

"Yes Ican be useful, very useful" rushed previous assassin into our conversation.

"Okei, I don't know what else to do with you than save your life and take you to our companionship," said Arthur, who also had softened. "Also we need to rest."

"By the way, my name is Septimus," said he after positive conclusion to previous little problem.

"I am humble merchant from this exact town and this is my friend, future king Alteon" introduced I ourselves to new group member.

At the same time Alteon slowly nodded his head and slowly got on ground and turned back to us for getting rest a bit before next day. We did same thing.

"Tomorrow we will go to adventure for getting revenge on Slugwrath.." whispered I to Septimus before getting to sleep.

"I have taken part of some of these. Once I..."started to say Septimus.

"Someone tries to sleep here," stopped Alteon our little conversation and by thus got us to sleep.

We all slept very good. At least I did. I saw in my dreams my mother, who was playing with me at shore with the sand, when I was still a small toddler. Sadly this nice dream was short lived and not reality.

margus20000 -> RE: (Before DF) Blood streams on the streets (1/21/2012 12:43:02)


"Again I was called to meet with the king at midnight," thought guy, when he was walking in halls of Slugwrath's castle. "Everything here is just ugly. These dark gigantic stone walls and wretched arches, that try uselessly to keep walls from falling apart, are just awful. It was not a long ago when almost whole segment of eastern wall fell apart. Thank God, my chambers are at western side of this ugly ruined castle. Otherwise I would still sleep in freezingly cold windy room and hope every time before I go to sleep to not to die this time. Our king is so greedy that I probably will need to wait until he is dead for to see this wall repaired" At the same time he passed the corridor, that was one of those rooms that lost eastern wall. He took a moment and looked down. "Wow, that is most likely more than half of league of fall" Wind was dishevel his moldy gray hair when he eyes widened because of fear of long fall."I better get going or else I would be late for meeting or worse slip on floor and fall down to certain death" thought Slughwrath's adviser.

After walking a bit he finally was facing a king's chambers' door. Two guards recognized adviser and let him to enter. First room after entering was assembly hall, where king and other advisers were waiting already him. Only agricultural adviser John was not here. He was probably in hinterland's village dealing with pointless peasants' problems like starvation in some regions.

"At last you found time to show up. We were just discussing about our fear about guardians.." said gray-bearded doddering cultural adviser Nugget Bardie

" ...we fear that they might upraise.." finished his sentence his obese redhead younger purblind brother, economy adviser Steak Barney.

"Same topic as yesterday?" asked he.

"Yes. It concerns me most, that is reason why we discuss it today too, " said deep-voiced king wisely.

"It is probably only an urban legend, that he is feebleminded and lunatic," thought humble adviser.
"Let's get on business then" said he to king and everyone else in room..

"I forgot to tell, that we sent out a assassin to kill a previous guardian," said Zorbak, king's adviser of no one knows what..

"What did you dd??"said surprised king.

"I felt that it is good to everyone, to get rid of this previous guardian's captain," said Zorbak, who tried to find reason for his unreasonable act.

"As like you felt better to get ride of some of my prisoners without my permission previously.." said king.

"Sorry.." said Zorbak.

"I will overlook it this time, but not when it happens again.."said king to Zorbak, who at the time had villainious grim on his face. "Anyways, as I said before, I have a feeling that guardians will most likely upraise. I hope that they don't hear about finding of dead body of previous leader, or else it most likely will happen."

"We will get ride of the body happily" said fragmentally dark spirits at the corner of room.

"Where king found these guys I wonder.." thought humble adviser by himself..

"Good that you guys will help me with that" said king slowly and stone-heartly, although room started to become ghoulishly cold

"He is like in another dimension" thought adviser..

"Maybe we can somehow prevent this upraise from happening? Have you guys any ideas?" asked king..

"Maybe we should but some spies into their ranks. Maybe??" offered humble adviser.

"I already have some in there," said Zorbak shockingly. "As much as I know they don't have it in their minds...at least not now.."

"I hope you will report your findings to me, hen he here something what's about planning upraise," said king, who wanted at any cost to prevent upraise from happening. "Because we found at least for now a solution to our problem, I announce this meeting to be over. I hope you guys are able to find a door to outside by yourself" said a king for ending advisers meeting.

King raised from his chair and one by one he said good bye to advisers. At the time, when king was busy saying his parting words dark spirits mysteriously disappeared without bothering to say goodbye to king. Other advisers left from king's chambers like bunch of foolish chickens, because many of them would have wanted to have a bigger meeting and they were shocked by it's sudden ending..Others were even dumber than chickens and so it was not a surprise, that their leaving reminded more march of dumb chickens that smart advisers..

--- Will continue ---

margus20000 -> RE: (Before DF) Blood streams on the streets (1/21/2012 16:30:20)

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