RE: Shields - Read the first post! (Full Version)

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big E -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (2/16/2013 4:36:12)



This shield emits a dark aura that protects well against both Darkness and Energy attacks, but which is debilitating to those of Good alignment! If your heart is Evil, though, this shield will occasionally nullify enemy attacks completely!

Got this thanks! - Dragoon23

Ianthe -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (2/23/2013 4:08:43)


Now in the "play as Galanoth" quest shop: the Box of Chocolates shield!

Darkness shield.

Comes with a built-in skill (like Lt. Lore's). It deals three hits of Ranged Darkness damage. It deals *85/95 damage and gains +10 BTH. It also gets an "elemental compensation" boost to damage; see below for the approximate amounts.

This is treated as a normal player attack. Stat bonus to damage is STR/5 + DEX/20. Don't apply any of your weapon's effects.

The shield isn't MC, so it takes -3 to blocking (already factored in).

Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150	143	23
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G	Z	G
PLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153	153	30
Dark	-4	-12	-18	-21	-23	-24	-25	-25	-25	-12
Melee	-2	0	1	3	4	7	7	11	11	0
Ranged	0	4	6	8	10	11	13	15	15	4
Magic	-2	0	1	3	4	7	7	11	11	0

Price	72	214	1344	10470	84032	677110	5458704	44009394	12600	130
Sell	36	107	672	5235	42016	338555	2729352	22004697	Z	65

Stats of the spell:

Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150	143	23
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G	Z	G
PLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153	153	30

MPLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	152	150	28
SPCost	38	71	110	154	204	259	319	392	385	67

Base	11	26	43	63	86	113	142	179	179	26
Rand	23	50	85	126	173	224	283	358	358	50
Stat	166	298	430	562	694	826	958	1110	1110	298
BtH	2	7	12	17	22	27	32	38	38	7

EleComp	1.21406	1.28633	1.37235	1.46614	1.56512	1.61770	1.62345	1.68358	1.68358	1.28633

Got this thanks! - Dragoon23

Airenal -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (2/25/2013 17:39:13)

You can delete this post if needed, but I thought I should let you guys know that the Hydro Blaze Shield is also unobtainable from the rewards shops from Ballyhoo. There's no shop. Didn't know if that was intended still or not, but this also means we can't upgrade it unless we re-buy it.

What? It's there. BattleOn -> Ballyhoo and Upgrades -> [HeroMart] Rewards -> Hydro Blaze Shield. ~IMR

MidnightAQ -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (3/16/2013 0:13:42)


You can delete this post if needed, but I thought I should let you guys know that the Hydro Blaze Shield is also unobtainable from the rewards shops from Ballyhoo. There's no shop. Didn't know if that was intended still or not, but this also means we can't upgrade it unless we re-buy it.

Actually you could just inform IMR about upgrading your version of Hydro Blaze Shield.

Ianthe -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (3/16/2013 18:33:06)


Knotwork Shield

The old ones haven't changed; I'm just re-listed them here for completion's sake. The new ones are Lv129+.
Level	19	39	39	59	79	99	119	129	139	132
Type	G	-	Z	-	-	-	G	-	G	Z
PowLvl	27	39	59	59	79	99	122	129	142	142
Earth	-9	-12	-16	-16	-18	-19	-20	-20	-21	-21
Light	-9	-12	-15	-15	-17	-19	-20	-20	-20	-20
WI/DA	5	5	4	4	4	4	4	4	2	2
Else	3	3	2	2	2	2	2	2	-3	-3
Melee	5	6	8	8	10	11	13	14	14	14
Ranged	0	1	3	3	5	6	8	9	9	9
Magic	5	6	8	8	10	11	13	14	14	14
Price	52	231	1350	1679	13349	107436	865996	2458878	6981741	11300
Sell	26	115	Z	839	6674	53718	432998	1229439	3490870	Z

Done Thanks - Dragoon23

Ianthe -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (3/22/2013 18:13:06)


Updated description for the Golden Shield of Legacy:
Ancient folklore tells of a great paladin-lord named Sierra Nocturne who once rode to battle with this shield. Its defenses are mighty, excelling most against the forces of magic, light, and the undead.

Got this thanks - Dragoon23

Legendary Ash -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (3/28/2013 19:36:41)


In the Shields sections, by Element and Level, Level 131 Lt.Lore is misplaced between Level 111 Lt.Lore and 116 Exquisite Crystal Aegis.

Fixed. Thank you. ~B

MidnightAQ -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (3/31/2013 2:18:45)

In the Shields by Element and Level, the Lvl.133 Version of Fur of Igneus is not inserted in the Ice Section. It should be something like this:


Lvl. 133 Horo-Show Void Vindicator (Mastercraft)
Lvl. 133 Void Vindicator
Lvl. 133 Fur of Igneus (Mastercraft)

Technically, it shouldn't be, since the indices by element are based on highest resistance. -22% Fire is better than -21% Ice, so it is in Fire section only. ~Koree

Grixus Faldor -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (4/26/2013 18:09:24)


Bloodthorn Shield

Description: This frightening shield not only damages any foe you block, but it also provides great Earth resistance and outstanding defences!

Working on. Thank you. ~B

Ianthe -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (4/27/2013 9:24:33)


Bloodthorn Shield, shield-BloodThorn

It's an Earth Cutting Edge Guard. The damage is equal to 28.333*(HitsBlocked/HitsAttempted)% of a Melee attack, calculated the same way as the Fur of Igneus shields.
Level	50	70	90	110	130	150
Type	B	B	B	B	B	B
PowLvl	54	73	93	113	133	153
Earth	-18	-21	-22	-23	-24	-25
Melee	9	10	13	15	16	18
Ranged	8	9	12	14	15	15
Magic	7	8	11	13	14	14

Dmg	16-32	25-50	36-72	49-98	60-120	71-142
Price	369	2879	23108	186205	1501143	12102583
Sell	184	1439	11554	93102	750571	6051291

Got the info. Thank you! ~B

Tha Killa -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (5/16/2013 23:31:59)


Cosmic Ethereal Shield
Light Element level 150
This shield not only grants you Light resistance and Melee defense.It also has a generator that can harness the powers of Etherspace!Click the orb in the shield to activate the generator and lower your damage taken at the cost of some SP per turn.
(Guardian Only)

Got the info. Thank you. ~B

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (5/17/2013 0:32:39)


Cosmic Ethereal Shield (Level 150)
Light -25
Melee 18
Ranged 14
Magic 14

Shield's Ethereal Generator
SP cost 46 47
"Your shield partially phases you out of this reality, lowering the damage to 80%!"

Price 24205166
Sell 12102583

Got the info. Thank you. ~B

Koree -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (5/18/2013 5:10:17)


Image for the Ethereal Shield:


Got it. Thank you. ~B

Ianthe -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (5/18/2013 22:15:22)


Ethereal Shield

Good against Light and Melee.

MC: you can pay the listed SP cost per turn. If you do, then when the monster attacks, each hit has a 50% chance of doing 80% damage.

Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	22	87	120	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	Z	G	Z	G
PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	50	90	130	153
SPLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	43	89	127	152
SPCost	5	8	13	18	24	31	38	11	24	37	47
Light	-3	-11	-17	-20	-22	-23	-24	-17	-22	-24	-25
Melee	4	8	9	11	13	14	16	9	13	16	18
Ranged	0	4	7	9	10	13	14	7	10	14	14
Magic	0	4	7	9	10	13	14	7	10	14	14
MCPrice	39	117	739	5758	46217	372410	3002287	935	33801	11000	24205166
MCSell	19	58	369	2879	23108	186205	1501143	Z	16900	Z	12102583

Got the info. Thank you! ~B

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (5/18/2013 23:10:53)

Is the level 150 SP cost (47) a typo, or does the shield need to be adjusted? I double-checked with this character, and I only have a 46 SP cost.

v Edit: Thanks, IMR.

Ianthe -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (5/19/2013 0:40:57)

Oops -- it was bugged and was using buy level instead of MP level. Log out/in to get it fixed.

Avalonmerlin -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (5/24/2013 17:50:29)


Memorial Shield
A shield filled with the fiery fighting spirit of all the brave soldiers that have fallen throughout history. It has great Darkness and Fire resistance, and wearing this shield eases the restless souls of any Undead foes, lowering their damage to you.

Got this. Thank you. ~B

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (5/24/2013 18:09:07)


Old image, location, element:

Memorial Shield

Location: Yulgar's Beginner Shop; Yulgar's Advanced Shop
Element: Neutral


New (art/color) image, location, element:

Memorial Shield

Location: Limited Time Shop
Element: Darkness



Got the info. Thank you! ~B

Ianthe -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (5/25/2013 19:14:13)


Memorial Shield

Dark/Fire Hybrid shield.

MC: lowers damage of Undead enemies by 10%.

Level	5	25	45	65	85	105	125	145
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	25	45	65	85	105	125	148
Fire	-1	-7	-12	-15	-17	-19	-20	-21
Dark	-2	-10	-14	-18	-20	-21	-22	-23	
Melee	1	3	6	6	7	7	8	8
Ranged	1	3	6	6	7	7	8	8
Magic	1	3	6	6	7	7	8	8
MCPrice	35	81	451	3428	27439	221019	1781722	14364599
MCSell	17	40	225	1714	13719	110509	890861	7182299

Got the info. Thank you! ~B

gtkilla123 -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (5/31/2013 21:54:39)


asgardian thunderbolt's precision lvl lvl 120
sell back 1057377
special skill costs 288 sp

protects against ice and energy
-12 to ice
-23 to energy

shield reads
click on the shield to generate a dazing thunderclap!this ranged skill costs 288 sp.
your foe shrugs off the sonic assault on their senses.
the thunderclap from your shield's sparkling assault sends your foe reeling! (makes foe dazed for 2 turns with 38.2% chance of not acting)
Got it, thanks! ~Koree

Avalonmerlin -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (5/31/2013 22:39:19)


This shield has been imbued with the might of Thunder Mountain and all the past rulers of that sacred peak. It bolsters your resistance against Energy and Ice, and can unleash a thunderclap which can stun your foe!
Got it, thanks! ~Koree

BlackAces -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (5/31/2013 23:48:46)


Asgardian Shield.

Energy Shield. Has built-in spell as MC, so *2*1.1 for price. SP costs below are for Ranged, if it deals Magic cost is an extra 25%. Type is determined say way Tinkerer armour skills are. Spell is 1 hit.

Spell attempts to daze the monster if the spell hits. Numbers for those coming when I can figure it out or if someone else adds them in.
Level	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PLvl	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	153
Energy	-16	-19	-20	-21	-22	-23	-24	-25
Ice	-7	-8	-10	-10	-11	-12	-12	-12
Melee	8	9	11	13	14	15	15	16
Ranged	5	7	9	11	12	12	13	13
Magic	5	7	9	11	12	12	13	13
MCPrice	902	4094	19364	92435	442039	2114754	10118016	48410333
MCSell	451	2047	9682	46217	221019	1057377	5059008	24205166


One hit, Energy. It's either Ranged or Magic - this is decided the same way as Airenal. Stat bonus to damage is doubled (so STR/5 + DEX/20 for Ranged, or INT/4 for Magic; +LUK/2 on a LS).

Deals the EleComp*0.65035 damage. If the hit connects and deals >0 damage, then the monster becomes Dazed. It can resist with a save at a +0 bonus:
Level: PowLvl vs YourLvl
Major: YourEND vs MonsterEND
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

[YourEND was changed to either YourDEX or YourINT, depending on attack type.]

If it fails, then it becomes Dazed (Monster Energy resistance*33.3% chance of not acting, 3 rounds).

Level	11	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	150
Type	Z	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PLvl	45	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	153
MPLvl	36	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	152

Base	38	38	53	69	86	106	127	150	179
Rand	77	77	104	136	173	211	253	298	358
Stat	397	397	496	595	694	793	892	991	1110
BtH	11	11	15	18	22	26	30	33	38

EleComp	1.34425	1.34425	1.40815	1.43046	1.48841	1.53269	1.59202	1.66371	1.69176
Magic	103	125	164	208	255	306	360	419	490
Ranged	82	100	131	166	204	245	288	335	392

Costs for the Z-Token versions:
Level	11	40	62	80	95	110	125	143
Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
PLvl	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	153
MPLvl	36	55	71	87	102	117	132	150

Magic	103	151	196	245	295	349	407	481
Ranged	82	120	156	196	236	279	326	385
Added, thanks! ~Koree

lh47 -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (6/1/2013 2:49:47)

^You should probably list this:

Gold version SP costs

as "Token version SP cost" to avoid confusion

I clarified it a bit. ~Koree

Koree -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (6/1/2013 6:41:43)


Asgoldian Shield:

Done. ~Koree

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (6/3/2013 8:00:17)

the asgardian shield seems to be throwing up a weird pop-up with something like "1.6495950404959" on it after the skill is used.

Oops, sorry. I was testing that the eleComp was correct, and I forgot to remove the debug code. Clear your cache to get rid of it. ~IMR

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