RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (Full Version)

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Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (1/31/2012 4:41:52)

Ditt: Y U NO realize that they've said -multiple times- that they are gonna go on a sporadic release schedule, or Y U NO use the QandA thread?
Col: That is false, any rumor(s) like that are simply idiotic.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (1/31/2012 11:08:28)

@Croc, with regards to DNs, and their importance to the game: I agree, Croc. The DNs absolutely need to be updated. They need to be updated at least semi-frequently. That's actually sometimes the favorite thing about a game, when someone's playing DF, for example, though the releases and storyline are awesome, because you only have a short ammount of time to play something new (excluding player-made quests, which adds a very interesting new dimension to things, but I am unsure about the greatness of, because I haven't played on DF for quite a while), and all of the playtime otherwise would be grinding. The DNs provide a very valid source of entertainment, and help keep the game's popularity up, as well.

On morality choices and anti-villainous and -heroic possibilities for the game: I agree, anti-villainous or -heroic actions should indeed be possible. That's one of the reasons I suggested multiple options at any time during talking to NPCs, and that the chatting might effect your rep. It adds a unique experience, and yeah, I probably should have said anti-heroes could get the option of intimidating people, too, but it was just an example of the benefits of such a system... Though I am not sure how you would implement probability of success for anti-hero intimidation, if it is based on rep... perhaps a morality compass sort of thing, but that would be difficult to code and implement. It could, however, allow for reduction in reputation gains for good for anti-heroes, which would make for an interesting aspect of the game... especially if weapons also have morality requirements, sometimes... Hmm... but that could cause a negative reaction from the heroes that act nicely, but want brutal weapons... Something to think about, however. Thank you. Hopefully, this will be brought to the attention of the Developers.


@Linklink, with regards to the Twitter/DNs relationship: IKR, Linklink? I don't follow Twitter, so I actually have no idea what's being worked on. XD (Blame my parents; They won't let my get a Twitter account/feed)

On the leaderboards: I agree. Leaderboards on PvP should be much more diverse than they are. ED has a pretty good example for how it would be for optimal descriptiveness and public happiness/knowledge, even with the fact that their boards are corrupted by the fact NPC fights count towards the percentiles and kill counts. Because in this game, there are no such negative things to ruin those scores, other than testing builds out, which effects the scores on ED, too, it would be the perfect reference for how you'd want it to be.

@ Understaffment And yeah, that's true, so far as I know. HS is apparently understaffed, because AE is branching out on games too swiftly. It doesn't really need to increase the number of them right now, and yet it is. I can understand the want to have a 3D game, for example, and that they probably had the idea the second development started on the Zorbok moglin killing mecha minigame thing, but still. There needs to be enough activity on the other games to sustain them. Even on the lows of the other games, where the staff helped out on another project, I have not seen so little progress, other than in Epic Duel, which seems to have been even more understaffed (though it's hard to tell, seeing as not all of the background workers who get transfered over are mentioned untill/unless they do exemplary work).

In response to lag, both in release times and in-game: I reeeaally don't want to see this lag on releases to become as much as ED, which still had more players than we do, because of both more servers, and that it offered a unique experience, which as I said is something we need to work on. PvP lag wasn't as bad over there, either, but I can understand having troubles working the engine to make it compatible with all the different things in HS, when compared to AQW, which the engine was based off of, especially with the fact that the stat calculating algorithms could still be in place, just not doing anything other than discovering that you have no stats in this game over and over, along with the fact that this engine apparently has quite a bit of trouble calculating all the buffs and debuffs to things, the biggest of which is haste, and has trouble even on the best of circumstances allowing the skills with the lowest cooldown to launch on time, especially when the launch time should be quite a bit less than a second ( I have found extreme problems with launch time on Elastic fists, even [or perhaps especially] when I have Warrior Spirit and Gravity Warp [or Pulsar Power, alternatively] boosting its cooldown rate; The problem is it almost always "sticks" and refuses to activate for at least a half second more than it should, many times a second or more, because the engine can't handle the haste buffs, even on low graphics, which I ALWAYS am on [and have to be on in order for it to WORK correctly, or get anywhere near doing so] always, when I PvP).

Suspicions as to what causes the "pauses" in battle in PvP: I suspect that may have to do with the very coding of PvP itself, specifically the bit in the coding that makes players targetable. The game seems to respond as if players are not supposed to be able to be attacked at all, which may mean it is a result of complicated contradictory coding, and occurs when the game "realises" that you are attacking a player. The fact that it still refers to your enemy as a "target" when you are too far away from them in my mind supports that it is contradictory coding causing the error, do to not writing failsafes within the coding, so to speak, that make it recognise that PvP is a valid exception to its coding not to allow you to hit a fellow player. The fact that healing powers glitch when you are targeting your opponent, and refuse to activate, unless they only target you personally in all uses, or are Fashion Sense, which used to also glitch in the same way, but now does not, leading me to believe someone coded it differently in an attempt to fix the coding problems with PvP, because it was a legendary power, and came to their attention sooner/had priority. If I am correct, that code sequence may need to be gone over and returned to its original state at some later point. The fact that DoT's still function after it pauses seems not to be a contradictory coding error, due to the fact that they still hit you after you win a battle and return to the SmashDome, as well.
I very well could be wrong on this, as I don't know your game's coding, and would be underqualified to say for sure, but still. Things to think about, and to check out.


Yes, I am bolding and sometimes increasing the size of my subjects now, and I recommend that some of you do the same, as it has a good chance of making the staff that look over this thread have those things catch their eye, and also to have them read it, knowing what it is, and not skip over more in depth and long posts, which may be more useful than the short ones people scanning over the thread are likely to read, because of either not having the time, or the fact that it is not organized enough to put forth the effort, and is somewhat confusing because of digression.


Oh, and here's a screenie. It has thoughts on low level powers getting weaker at higher levels, which I find is unnecessary, and annoying:

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/2/2012 19:58:22)

Wall of text, incoming.
Your opinions may be different, but I feel these points need to be made.
Here's my look on what HeroSmash has been, is, and may or may not become.
If you feel the urge to flame in response to this, just leave now and save us the trouble.
I'm fairly inactive here on the forums, but I play the game itself frequently. These are my thoughts.

Being a non-alpha player, I can't have an opinion on anything that occurred before Beta began, but having started on the first day of such, I suppose I can claim that I'm a fairly "old" player of this game.
I came in a little confused, to be honest, it's a silly game. Large heads, tiny feet, very childish, I suppose. I was fairly sure I was gonna quit, the only thing that actually kept me were the players I met who were kind to me, most of which are still 'good' friends, so to speak.
Once you really look at the simple basics of HeroSmash, though, you can see where the true beauty is. The combat has so much potential it's ridiculous. You can customize every single slot with whatever ability you want, equating to endless possibilities when it comes to gameplay.
All went well for a while.
When Yercom was released, I was very pleased. Heck I remember when you guys dominated with the Park war, which also had a nice set of things to it. I enjoyed all of these, regardless of when they took place.
At about Friday the 13th, we had releases frequently, tons of new items... lots of things that just made the game great.
Movieplex item shops were amazing. Everything was amazing, actually.
Super Death gets released, which was probably HeroSmash at its golden age. Super Death, and all the missions/areas that came with it, truly made the game worth playing. It added something to do other than stand AFK in Overlook-1 looking cool for the others.
Then a little after we polished off the Super Death stuff, we got Pleasanton as the "start to a new story".
At first I was disappointed that it was so easy, but it's just the beginning anyways. It was a storyline, another epic tale for us to take part in that adds to the game.
Then it just stopped...?
We got Yergen's birthday. Halloween. Christmas. All the events you can think of.
When PvP was first released I freaked out, because it was what I always wanted. It was fairly balanced, too, which was awesome.
But what happened to Pleasanton? The Clock Blocker? They all just disappeared, those stories left unfinished. Leaving us, the players, hanging on nothing. Releases stopped.

Sure we got a couple new shops, fun. Cool gear in the movieplex. As early as January 13th we had the Friday the 13th event. But since then...? Nothing. At all. The game didn't even have so much as a design notes update in almost three weeks.
In addition, PvP has become the most unbalanced thing feasible to this community, but it seems that you guys refuse for it to be balanced. One move set ALWAYS has to be better than the others.
Yeah, okay, I get it, you farmed for your cool legendary powers. I have them too. Cool. But how about every single player uses Pandora's Grace, Fashion Sense, Ice Barrage, Pony Charge, and whatever other legendary they want in the last slot? Let's make those the ONLY way to be good to a point to where you are forced to use the exact same set in order to compare.
One of the things I was looking forward to the most... The leaderboards. They do not represent skill in any way, shape, or form. They show who could stay on the longest and spam legendaries. Those players who still have skill but can't log on twenty-four-million hours every day? They don't get any reward, at all.
I can say that, arguably, I am one of the most experienced, well-known players that is currently a part of this game's community outside of the forums. I say arguably because for me to make that claim is almost silly, despite how accurate I may think it is. Many may disagree, and that's fine. I know when things are wrong, and I don't lie to make myself better. Many players are evidence of that. The game of PvP is just a broken system altogether.
I have spent a very large amount of money on this game. In return, there are SC items. Membership has almost zero perks as of now. What's the incentive? Sure, I can't cancel, my membership doesn't end until 2014. But the new players may be scared away from it if there are no benefits. No money = no resources = no game.
To say that is generous. There is very little gameplay left for us end-game players. If you're not a fan of PvP, you're essentially stuck.
Beleen completely abandoned us here at HeroSmash, if anyone hasn't noticed. I'm not saying she's a bad person because of it, but we really have been left in the dust.

This is my favorite AE game, and yet we have about one AQW Server-full of players in our entire active playerbase. Why? Because the AE team is running this game wrong. None of you care anymore. Yergen sparingly updates his Twitter feed, let alone interacts with us on the forums...
My suggestion? Just do what you were doing before. Quit pawning off our developers to the other AE games, or pretty soon we'll have none left. The game is terminally ill, and only you guys at AE can do anything about it. Don't abandon us.

First things first, balance the legendaries. I don't care how difficult they are to get, good for the players who have them. One or two per set is more than enough to boost your abilities in PvP tenfold.
Second; More storyline. Please, just continue the Clock Clocker. Enough of this "only releases when there is a holiday" crap. Enough sporadic releases. We need a schedule, this game cannot be put on the high shelf or it will die, I guarantee it.
Third; "We'll be adding NPCs every week" <-- Right. Not even once a month, you guys should just shut the contest down if all the NPCs you're going to select are chosen randomly. When was the last time we had an actual contestant put in? Pre-July? I don't even know.
Fourth; Hire more people to work on this game. Heck, get volunteers if you claim that you (lie) can't afford it. This game has very few real developers left who work solely on this game. You already handed over one of our best animations artists to the AQ Worlds team. Don't even get me started on how disappointed I am in the story development team.
As for releases after long periods (20 days?) of waiting, you can do better than two half-tried pencil-drawn concept weapons. We all know the evil weapon is going to win, setting it to some huge war for two weapons that aren't too attractive in the first place is pointless and takes no effort on your part. (Opinionated, but you know most, if not all, of you agree)
Add some incentive to play this game, for cryin' out loud. All of your income is going over to AQ3D. You guys aren't even running this game correctly, don't start on yet another until this game is at least partially complete. We're still in beta!

Oh goodness the lag. The random server freeze-ups. The incessant "disconnects". These servers have less traffic than even the lowest populated AQ Worlds server. Seriously? Not even gonna elaborate on that because it's stupid and makes no sense.

Game moderation is complete crap since Venus left, as well. People are going left and right swearing their heads off with no repercussions. Trolls lurk the Overlook like an unstoppable parasite. Get more volunteers for this, please, the ones who actually receive reports, not just testers.

I suppose to finish this all off I just want to say I love Artix Entertainment. I'm not hating on you at all, and you've done well with every other game you've made.
Just please don't let HeroSmash die. Don't abandon the potential this game has.
Chances are this post will be ignored by most of you, but I don't care, it needed to be said. Hopefully somebody up top will see this and realize what it is they're doing, or more appropriately neglecting to do.

If that was too long to read, here's the summary:

Read it anyway.

Cheers. Here's to a better future.

Lord Hades -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/2/2012 23:47:38)

It's really sad to see the releases dropping off like this. The very sporadic releases that we DO get are usually fillers, like the thanksgiving shop or the battle polls. We haven't had a storyline progression in a very, very long while. The community is too small to have players helping newbies out on boss fights. The combination of sporadic releases and newbie-unfriendliness make me see HS as going down the same path as WF--a game with a ton of potential, thrown down the drain. Don't let this happen!

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/3/2012 4:06:10)

If the staff are stuck for storyline ideas, why not have something to do with Demo's dad? Or going to fight off the Clock Blocker? The way that spaceman acted, he was about to tear the reality of Terra apart. How do we stop him? What happens? I want to know!

Devastate -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/3/2012 8:16:43)

I actually logged back on and see Antithesis's post. Worth reading, for I too can relate and it pretty much sums all the things I wanted to stress out.

----Do not let this once marvelous and fun-filled game suffer a miserable fate----

citrinas -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/3/2012 10:42:54)

Everything Antithesis have said is (sadly) true.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/3/2012 13:13:30)

I think I shall speak of Anti's post, now.

Likewise, I most likely would have quit this game long ago, if it were not for the community. Even my drive towards NPCdom cannot sate my mental demands in such a case. I would be utterly bored, and I would have left long ago. I'd say the community, rather than the game, is the only reason non-noobs even stay in it at all. Frankly, while I do enjoy the game, and it has gobs of potential, for the moment, it's garbage, perhaps worse than that. It's irritating to play to a point that your only reason to keep going is so you can get great achievements in power and glory later on, as it were, if you participate in PvP, and many times in the boss soloing business.

So true; The features of the actual game itself were what initially drew me to it. Players becoming NPCs more often than the staff creates their own, and the promise of total power custimization (I word it that way seeing as I was an alpha player, if not he; I mean him no insult by that; It is merely meant to be a statement, and to some extent an expression of my irritation: I have spent over $100 on this game alone, and I have put so much time and interest in it you would not believe). The glory I could attain through the war and my activities drove me to become rank 10 good before the war was over, or even that close to over. I had over 1 million fame for ages, the only reason I don't have as much now being fees for legendary powers, and I would have had 2 million+ if they would let you get money after 1M with quests and kills.

Yercom was likewise for me a very entertaining release. We finally had an explanation as to what the Oblivion were, and we had spectacular new items to wear. I fought fleas for no reason other than to show my patriotism, as it were, to the war against them, and that was in Liberty. Hundreds if not thousands of fleas dead, most likely. This was back in the "Golden Age" of the game, when, while not everyone liked what was going on, and there were many complaints of there not being a flea-based armor, noone hated how the game was going with such a passion or dejection as some show now.

Releases were not that often, but at least they were good. We had more than 2 servers, then, and we had a great community of players to fill in the moments of boredom (and there were quite a few, with multiple weeks without releases). It was still great.

Ah, Friday the 13th, the original... That's when Comedy and Tragedy was first thought up. That's when such great items and weapons were released, and we had a new boss to entertain ourselves, aside from fighting the nasty canibals, which was fun in its own right. And there were great rewards for doing so, as well. I can understand why they'd rerelease things this time, but that is neither here nor there...

And OH, how the spirit of the game was alive in the days before Un Death's arival, and the betrayal of he who we would make our ally. Many had predicted that things wouldn't go according to how they seemed, and the ending it has was and is a good one, but the theories of the game's progress were ALIVE, and the activity in the wars and trials was beautiful, even if Evil came on top in the end.
Back then, Un Death was the most powerful boss in the game, and was stronger than any of us could imagine. Fighting him seemed unfair, unless you had Stupifacio, and oh, the irritation I had... but the pleasure, too.

Now, we have a mockery in a fair that is more powerful than the incarnation of frigging DEATH! How can that happen, when it is but an Alligator Man?

To be fair, I did quite a bit more than stand afk while I was in Liberty-1, as it was at the time the most popular place, instead of Overlook, as it now is.

Reading your comment brings back the horror and sadness that such things embodied, along with the irritation... Likewise, I was excited about PvP, as it had also been what I had always wanted for the game, and the anticipation of it helped me forget Pleasanton, but it is still there... and it's been months. How do we know he hasn't rewritten reality already, and this is not his result? A viod... filled with nothingness and horror... PvP I expected would become a huge part of the game since the very begining, as you'd be able to see if you had the ability to view the original thread that this was based off of... but this is just horribly sad. My great vission of the future- a future based on PvP as the main aspect of the game (and you would think you'd be able to choose to not fight people of your allignment, devs [which brings me to the question of why we can't choose it anymore... but whatever]) -parodied, almost, in what we have now... Hopefully, yes, the Battle Polls will help, but with how it is now, I question if the game will be able to bounce back.

I miss design notes. T_T (look at that smiley; those are tears of blood)

Again, I am reminded of how similar we are, Anti, at our cores... You have worded this post wonderfully, btw. I wouldn't be able to make one better, myself, even if I spent hours on it, most likely.

I agree with your point about being that experienced, btw. You are one of the greats, and sadly far too many of the older players in the community have just left. Were we to lose you, I despair to think how the game would function, let alone prosper, with the community how it is, now. Maybe, in all reality, it could, but you get my point. Such things should not be happening.

The leaderboards are a mockery, frankly, of what they could be. If they had a daily leaderboard that actually showed percentiles and ratios, maybe PvP would be improved as a whole to a point at which it would be worth playing, even in this lagfest, it is that much of a need. I, myself, have not been playing PvP, and I have very little hope of getting Ice Barrage or even Chuddling Rash any time soon, what with how difficult it actually IS to get that many kills with another level 20 in the room, now, without even taking into account legendary abuse, or people interupting matches with Ice Barrage builds and winning in 5 minutes, even if you have 800+ points already, and leaving little possibility of killing the interupter, even with 2 on 1 tactics.

I agree with you on your experience (yes, I will say this twice, because I want to), and sadly, such things do not matter anymore, so long as you are unwilling to actually use a build that doesn't have moral standards. Many others would claim such a title, but in truth, you have at least a slot in the top 5 people that are actually skilled at making builds- builds that SHOULD be able to be varied and would dominate the competition, if things weren't so unballanced and broken. Even the game itself agrees.The game screams with rage, shouting, "HOW CAN THIS BE POSSIBLE?!?!?!?! HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN TO ME, THAT I AM SO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" It MOANS with lag, shouting for attention to be brought to it, and that things be right, but they aren't!
No; Things must change. This is an insult that goes too far for my tastes, infecting this great game with the mediocrity and the poorness of the management of it. I appologize if that hurts your feelings, but you should not be spreading yourself so frigging THIN!!!
When there are problems discovered with things, they should be dealt with, not ignored.
I will accept that the move of some of your staff to AQW is a good decision. It is the workhorse game that earns you all your money, even if this game has greater potential. Moving even more people's attentions to yet another game, when you have so seemingly few cannot be acceptable, though. If you want to make money from a game, you have to put work into it.
Moving more people to AQW3D, or AQ3D, as it may be called, though I believe it is the first, probably just won't do much for it, overall, considering how little experience with such things most of your people have. Sure, they may have dealt with the subject for a bit in college, but their skills are probably so rusty in that field that they'd have to relearn huge chunks of information, and even then they will struggle not to impede the progress of the game, because of mistakes they make because of lack of experience on such things.
If you want that to work, hire more people; Hire people that have experience in such matters, and who specialized in it, and don't move people from your other projects that you need to make money, and don't want to fall of the map. I'm suprised I'd even have to say such things (no offence; I am truly sorry if you take it to that comment, or if something is happening that is not common knowledge, that is needing extensive work before release, and that is actually a good decision; If it is issues with coding for HS, I would entirely understand), as it seems to be common sense, as it were.

Seems yet again that we are similar in our train of thoughts, as you also indicated something to a similar effect as part of what I say in my last paragraph. That would be the part about making money.

You also yet again have thought of what I choose to say (to some degree) before I even typed it. I like that. Shows your intelligence, and you did it in a much more friendly way than I did, though I feel harshness and emphasis on this matter is needed.

And I have also seen quite a few errors in judgement on the part of AE staff with regards to the things of this game... :/

The first battle poll could be quite a bit better, and example of this. There is one weapon that is dramatically better than the other, when you'd want something provocative and huge when you first released something such as this, so you will increase player attention and the urge to do PvP, even with how horrible it is atm. HORRIBLE error in judgement.
*sigh* Sometimes I wish I was hired as a PR guy for AE in the HS community, telling them what the players want, and what's the best choice for how to proceed with things, and offering ideas. I draw pretty well, too.

I agree. PvP, specifically the Legendaries, should be the first priority, even with the objections as to the storyline. That will be a huge boost to player morale, and with how long it has taken, a bit longer on the storyline won't hurt as much as postponing that will.

If there were more releases, I would say that you were right about the need of NPCs, but to me it is adequate, for now, though it will later need to be looked at much more. On that note, I would like more player suggestion shop releases.

We have at the very least had a Lunar Eclipse, if not a solar one since the Oblivion said that, if I remember correctly. -.-

Already talked about the game needing more developers, but good idea, emphasizing it again. AE in general needs more staff, I think. I already gave a suggestion as to how to help with the current problem in my rant-paragraph earlier.

I already commented on the fact that the first Battle Poll is a farce, but I will say this again: The weapons drawn are mediocre. There is clearly one choice for the war, and that one will win by a landslide if the war meter is ever fixed. I do like the concept of the one on the left, but you should at the very least have made a better one to set against it, if you weren't actually going to do something big and provocative like the Vampire vs. Lycan war concept is, or Pirate vs. Ninja. The fact that you make one weapon seem evil completely insults the CONCEPT of Battle Polls, too. You know that the game has a bigger evil power-base, and you gave the one that looked evil a frigging red background, and the other one blue, to make it look like yet another Good vs. Evil war to insult us with. THINK before you act.
If you have a new feature that you intend to be a huge part of the game, try to make it have a good first impression. TRY AS HARD AS POSSIBLE TO MAKE THE GAME AS GOOD AS POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!! USE BUSINESS SENSE!!!!!!!!!

... And now that that's over...

To be fair, you probably decided to put this game aside because you didn't think it was worth it, monetarilly. There are only 2 reasons that is so is because you took the servers and put them on AQW and never returned them, after a supposed loan, and you put so little apparent effort into this one, and you definitely don't put a focus on it. No, because that would be risky, and you don't have enough experienced staff members, especially considering the fact that you could hire more.

If you had actually put the staff members who were working on AQW3D (since the time you decided to have your guys have a competition to create games, and had a whim to create an actual 3D one as a main game, after seeing the one made in such a short time, I would guess) on this game's development, you could have a second AQW. Yes, because you linked the memberships, there is not as much of a chance for profit as it would be if they were seperate (but hey, that's your choice; If it's bad, it's a bad choice), but there is still the income from SCs that you could get. With enough servers and regular releases (especially if you are thinking about doing what I think you are with the storyline, and how stale AQW's storyline has gotten), this game could make tremendous ammounts of money, and especially if you actually do decide to unlink the memberships, which I would strongly recommend eventually doing, once HS's player base is large enough to not need the boosts from AQW mems coming over here to actually cause people to want memberships on here for the merit the game itself has, not just as some added benefit from playing AQW.

AND YES, THE LAG!!! The lag is so bad you have to be on low quality to even reasonably HOPE to not get lag on PvP. I have not had too many disconnections, but then again, I don't play PvP often. PvP IS SO BROKEN THAT IT REFUSES TO ALLOW YOU TO ATTACK YOUR ENEMIES FOR AS MUCH AS 30 MINUTES ON END, AND THAT'S WITHOUT ACCOUNTING FOR LAGGY ANIMATIONS, STICKING FRIGGING SKILLS, AND PAUSES AFTER THE FIRST ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I miss Venus. T_T

To finish mine off, I will give a quote:

I suppose to finish this all off I just want to say I love Artix Entertainment. I'm not hating on you at all, and you've done well with every other game you've made.
Just please don't let HeroSmash die. Don't abandon the potential this game has.
Chances are this post will be ignored by most of you, but I don't care, it needed to be said. Hopefully somebody up top will see this and realize what it is they're doing, or more appropriately neglecting to do.

Edit: Looking at the new DNs, I like the concept of the actual choice of themes for the polls, but it should be made much more clear as to what the Battle Poll actually represents. People think it's only the weapon versuse the weapon, not Sci. Fi. vs. Fantasy. That needs to be improved, and the news in-game does not even indicate it is, I believe. Yes, I just checked, and in-game, it says nothing of the sort. That REALLY needs to be made clear for this poll to work well, and be a true representation of oppinions. I appologise as to my remarks as to not doing something provocative earlier, but I shall not delete them, so as to leave my post intact, and so that the oppinions will still be heard. They are still valid with regards of what needs to be done, if not the thematic choice, but as I said, that needs to be made clear. Absolutely noone I know in-game is aware that it's Sci-Fi. vs. Fantasy.

Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/3/2012 17:25:01)

I'm glad I read fast...[;)]Antithesis and Drakkoniss, you guys summed up every problem beautifully.
The community is the main reason why many Herosmash veterans, like me, haven't quit the game.

Staff seems to believe that PvP must be a focal point in the game and while I feel that it's not a bad idea, PvP has too many problems and is getting too monotonous to this point. The lack of story is indeed frustrating, but there isn't much players can do.

I've PMed Yergen a few times and tweeted several key issues with the game, but haven't gotten any responses. Staff seems to be unaware of the problems and criticisms that are taking place right in front of them.

I've played the game since day 1 and I have spent about $100 on it as well, but I'm seriously wondering if it's even worth it anymore. There are almost no Membership perks, especially when compared to AQW's surge in Mem perks. And the new items are just ways to make players waste Smashcoins.

Staff also needs to take suggestions from players more often. There are innumerable ideas in the past and present character discussion threads. At least do something to make the game fresh and exciting because at this rate, old players will quit, and newer players will quit soon after because there'll be no one to help with the bosses.

And there needs to be a better way to deal with the Evil>Good issue Battle polls are NOT going to cut it. I suggest weighing the war meter to compensate for the lesser number of Good players so the war will be a battle of devotion and determination, not numbers.
I tweeted this as an idea, but was ignored.

I know I barely scratched the surface compared to Anti's and Drak's posts, but staff needs to know the complaints of a number of experienced players so they can understand this situation. They need to use, not just business sense, but COMMON sense to know give the players what they're paying to have.

Qin -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/3/2012 20:13:03)

The first release of battle poll was stuck at 0% though everyone had cast a vote already. So, I was like *facepalm.*

zanathos -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/3/2012 22:03:33)

I have been on close to a 3 month hiatus, with only logging on once during Christmas, and from what i can see, all I missed was some Seasonal Rares, and the addition of a few new powers.

What happened to this game? I knew Yergen said there would be sporadic releases, but i thought that meant they would use the extra time to create larger, more substantial releases, but all I'm seeing in the sparse design notes, is that they've just done Holiday shops.

When I started this game back in Alpha, this game had a lot of potential, and it's disappointing to see it delve into a game where the only enjoyable thing is the broken PvP.

I really hope all these filler releases are just filler for a large gameplay update in the future, like Guilds, Housing, and Storyline updates.

Zeuzt -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/4/2012 5:16:21)

i'm pretty new to herosmash it's a cool game and i still play it although i'll say this it's getting less content and i'm almost done with the story remember the park? (i guess i'm not that new) but the point is my friends got sick of it ever since smashmas. It's always what i see when i go to the game they should add hero types not just powers and new weapons. I like this game better than aqw even yep I like heroes more than fantasy. This is a good game add more content that should keep more players playing and read the darn forums i feel like no one's even heard on this.


If you don't read HS forums AE team you're not getting more players

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/4/2012 8:23:58)

anti and draknosis , alot of what you said is what i often ranted about befor in very short comments (becuase i only hate being to descriptive and like being short sweet and to the point) in mostly pvp related threads....i am glad others feel my point of veiws about it

i might as well share why i enjoyed HS when i first played it. one i could use powers not "set" classes, two every one was kind til the trolls settled in and ppl boosting about things that is easly achiavable

i thought the big heads and small body was qorky lol

RemnantHS -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/4/2012 10:05:29)

I'm probably going to quit HeroSmash because now it's unplayable. Even I can't handle how forgotten it got. Well, back to AQW once my account gets re-instated.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/4/2012 12:14:15)

Still going to visit the game every once in a while, and post on the forums, Remnant?

As to new features for the game, I would like equipment such as armors to have adders on them (not the snakes; XD). I would also very much like a stat system, but that's obvious, and I am sure they are have that in mind, and may already have been working on it.

And yes, I would like factions. (by this, I mean guilds; we already have factions in another way; lol)

I'd say perhaps there should be bonuses based on your wearing more than one power of a type, but actually, perhaps it should be bonuses for wearing certain powers with an armor, or for wearing a single set of armor.

GriffinFire -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/4/2012 13:32:25)

I'd like to see HeroSmash return to its storyline. Without story content, I don't feel much incentive to play.

Arachnid -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/4/2012 15:16:34)

Well, it's awesome. The game isn't all SC or member based like aqw, and the Death trials were amazing releases, not to mention me and a few of mah friends got some items in-game.

Well...the game is too slow. We need a more exciting plotline, like the oblivion thing? Build on that. The few release we've been having have had nothing to do with the storyline, and that needs fixed.

PvP. Way too laggy, and a FEW of the powers are OP.
Another ugly is the HUMONGOUS LACK OF UPDATES.
I mean, I know yergen is working on AQ3D, but we need more than three whole people in charge of HS.
Three people a gaming team does not make.

~Lady Zafara

RemnantHS -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/4/2012 15:38:03)

If Yergen ever wants to keep me playing, update the Founder shop and do something about the legendary powers. e.e

Or have PvP balanced so you're facing opponents of equal power.

Keep the legendary power users away from the PvP newbs, like me.


Still going to visit the game every once in a while, and post on the forums, Remnant?

OFFTOPIC: Probably not. Seeing as Clown wants me out of the storyline, I guess I have nothing else to be a part of. And seeing as the whole team is ditching HeroSmash until the full release of AQ3D, I'll probably be knee-deep in advanced IT, and that's more important than MMOs.


As to new features for the game, I would like equipment such as armors to have adders on them (not the snakes; XD). I would also very much like a stat system, but that's obvious, and I am sure they are have that in mind, and may already have been working on it.

And yes, I would like factions. (by this, I mean guilds; we already have factions in another way; lol)

I'd say perhaps there should be bonuses based on your wearing more than one power of a type, but actually, perhaps it should be bonuses for wearing certain powers with an armor, or for wearing a single set of armor.

Adders, as in additions, right?

Factions, it's probably nothing good to me, maybe for everyone else.

Or having 3 powers of the same element being just as effective as Mutate on it's own.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/4/2012 17:38:56)

I meant adders as in effects that wearing them provides, such as defence modifiers, fire dmg increasing, ect.

Jessa K -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/4/2012 19:48:54)

Well, I've been playing this game for almost two months, and if it weren't for the people, I wouldn't play it at all. The few releases seem to require SC or a membership quite often, and it's no fun in PvP when most people are level 20 and have all these special powers.

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/4/2012 20:39:14)

Would linking to the posts on my Twitter help? Although the staff often ignore me on Twitter, so I'm not sure what would help, if anything. Emails?

Arachnid -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/4/2012 20:49:38)

Just read anti's wall of text...
And I agree with EVERY SINGLE WORD.
The game is broken, yet they are continuing to make a new game?
Why don't we actually get out of the beta first guys, c'mon.

~Lady Zafara

EDIT: Posted the link to this thread to Yegen's, Randor the Red's, Beleen's, and Dumoose's twitter.
Maybe we can get this game fixed...

RemnantHS -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/4/2012 21:00:23)

Well, this is my last post on anything related to HeroSmash (maybe).

I'm 100% with Anti's post, yet I doubt AE will do anything until they finish AQ3D, since they are trying to do everything so it's released this Summer.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/4/2012 23:14:18)

I concur. Post this on their twitters.

Somewhat off topic: No agreeing with my post afterwords? T_T (XD)

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (2/5/2012 1:57:37)

Ah, if any of you have Twitters, do link to this thread on there. I already have, but I am quite infamous among the staff, they ignore me most of the time. (Except Drakkoniss, but then again... Parents can be quite strict.)

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