MogZard Z (Full Version)

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Koree -> MogZard Z (2/1/2012 5:37:17)

MogZard Z

«Earth pet. May attempt to inflict Aftershock on the monster.»

Also see MogZard and MogZard G.

Level: 10
Power Level: 44
CHA Level: 35
Price: 600 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 540 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 300 Z-Tokens
Location: MogZards!

Element: Earth
Training Difficulty: 19

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Earth
Damage: 6-24 plus 293% Stats
BTH: 11 plus Stats
Rate: «See AI»

Hits: 1
Type: Ranged
Element: Earth
Damage: 3-12 plus 147% Stats
BTH: 11 plus Stats
Rate: «See AI»
Effect: If the hit connects, the pet attempts to inflict the monster with Aftershock. The level of the Aftershock is 44, Power is 0.2, and it has an equal chance of lasting either 1 or 2 rounds. Earth-element monsters are immune to this effect. The monster takes +0 to its save*:
    Level: 44 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourCHA vs MonsterDEX
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
If the monster is inflicted by Aftershock or is Earth element, the pet will always perform ATTACK #1.
If neither of the above is applicable to the monster, the pet will make a Training Difficulty check, which has a 67 + (CHA-19)/2% chance to succeed;
  • If successful, the pet will perform ATTACK #2.
  • If it fails, the pet will perform ATTACK #1.

*The monster is too nimble to be caught in the aftershock!

This young MogZard can unleash a quake attack on your foes which can sometimes create Aftershocks! Just don't feed it after midn- Oh right, this is a MogZARD. Never mind.


Image thanks to Dragoon23. Basic stats thanks to Xrai, AVA and Msyu. Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Write-up thanks in part to AVA.


Starts out as a standard pet, which is 6-24 damage plus 293% Stats, with 11 BTH.
  • Attack #1 is a normal attack, with no modifiers.
  • Attack #2 deals 50% damage to compensate for the Aftershock effect.

    In order to make the pet attempt the Aftershock attack whenever possible, 85 CHA is required.

    When inflicted, the Aftershock will damage the enemy after the duration. It's one hit of Earth damage that never misses. The duration of the Aftershock will slightly affect the damage dealt:
    Turns	Damage
    1	7-43
    2	8-44

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