=AQ= Wyvern Riders War Stories and Poems (Full Version)

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Eukara Vox -> =AQ= Wyvern Riders War Stories and Poems (2/2/2012 22:33:36)

Here is where you may post your War Stories. Have fun and please remember to follow the rules in both AE forums and the L&L rules.

For this thread :

1) One post per person. If you have an ongoing story, please just edit your post to continue it. Do not make a new post to add to your story. New major events in AQ will receive a new thread.

2) Please do not comment on the stories in this thread. If you wish to comment on the stories, please go to =AQ= Wyvern Riders War Stories and Poems Commentary.

Nessa Ellensse -> RE: =AQ= Wyvern Riders War Stories and Poems (2/2/2012 23:09:13)

Working title : war glitch as seen by my charater.

Artix Von Krieger followed Nessa Ellenesse to the war camp the two were talking.

“Artix I’m telling you the flaming undead are back, again,” said Nessa.

“You told me this earlier today and when I got here there was a distinct lack of undead flaming or not flaming,” Artix replied.

“They were there, lots of them. One minute I was fighting dragons, wyverns and varti. The next thing I know I’m surrounded by flaming undead. About half an hour ago it happened again,” explained Nessa.

“Well we’re here,” said Artix as they reached the camp. “Once again I see lots of dragons, no undead flaming or otherwise. I don’t even see any undead dragons.”

“But they were here, they were all over the place, flaming undead with burning skulls,” insisted Nessa.

“I think you need to take a rest from the fighting and go talk to twilly about the flaming undead you’ve been seeing,” said Artix.

“I’m not crazy and I wasn’t seeing things. They really were here,” insisted Nessa. Nessa turned to the others in the camp. “You believe me, don’t you?”

“Nessa why don’t you sit down and have some pie,” said Warlic. “I don’t think you’ve eaten in a while, people tend to hallucinate when hungry.”

“I wasn’t hallucinating,” protested Nessa, “though that pie does look good.”

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =AQ= Wyvern Riders War Stories and Poems (2/6/2012 17:47:44)

With another obnoxious threat to the peace between the dracomancers and dragonslayers, the dragoncommander strode forth.

Little did the rebel dracomancers and vartai heed him, for he donned the armours of both factions and so he was a traitor to them. Several of them tried to capture or kill him, though he knew that he was more valuable to Duke Daestis alive the swords and bolts struck awfully close to his vital organs. He slit the throats of two vartai who made the mistake of standing when they should be running and jumped at a couple of dragons as he casted a water spell who left them all but washed up. Just when he slashed down a vartai or two who stood between him and Duke Daestis, the unthinkable happened. A straight bolt hit him in the heart and deprived him of much of his strength. He called upon the dragonwings with the last remaining mana who blew him out of his enemies' reach, only to come crashing down several hundred yards further. About to faint, he crawled to a couple bushes for shelter with the screeches of wyverns in his ears as blackness closed in.

The wyvern riders soared past him high above, straight towards Battleon where the Dragonslayers prepared their counterattack ....

Sir Arceon -> RE: =AQ= Wyvern Riders War Stories and Poems (3/23/2012 23:15:09)


"Not again."

The leader of the Wyvern Riders, Duke Daestis, flew by on that monstrous Nightmare Wyvern of his.

Gripping the Runeblade of Auraxos, I scowled under my mask.

The venomous dragon landed ever so gently in front of me, its master chuckling.

"So, you are the so-called 'Dracomancer Supreme,' eh?"

"What's it to you, you impudent waste of a dracomancer?"

He lept down. It was all I could do to keep myself from giving him a Runic Blast attack smack in that smug face of his.

"I've heard of your talents, and I have a proposition to make."

I wanted to kill him. Truly, I did. But I wasn't about to endanger my Good alignment just yet.

"What is it?"

He walked forward calmly. Obviously he had no idea of what the massive, glowing blade in my hand was capable of.

"My Nightmare Wyvern has been a bit on edge lately. Fix it... or die."

That's it? He just wanted me to babysit his pet? There must have been more.

"What's the catch?"

"If you succeed... I'll teach you how to tame a Wyvern for yourself."

OH, PUH-LEEZE! He had to be joking! As if I needed advice on how to tame a Wyvern!


I cautiously stepped towards the overgrown chicken. It looked at me with those red, beady eyes.

I began to focus. Then, using a skill I developed, which I called dracopathy, I spoke to the great beast with my thoughts.

"Tell me, o dark master of the skies, what troubles you?"

The beast responded in a tone I did not exactly appreciate.

"Oh, great. Another high-and-mighty jerk who wants me to eat some Dragonslayer. You honestly think I can digest dragonbane? You guys are MORONS!"

"Hey! Who's the one using dracopathy, huh?"

"Oh, is that what you call it? Because I call it ANNOYING."

"Just listen , you overgrown, tar-feathered canary, I have to figure out what's wrong with you or that guy who was riding you's gonna kill me, got it?"

"You wanna know what's wrong with me? I have some big-headed jerk on my back 24/7, that's what!"

"The duke?"

"Yeah, that's what he calls himself. The idiot snatched me out of my roost in Darkovia right when I was about to go to sleep! Ever since then, it's been 'Wyvern, fly here,' 'Wyvern, fly there,' 'No time for sleeping, Wyvern, we have to go kill a Dragonslayer and shatter the Order!' I'M SICK OF IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I couldn't believe it. The Wyvern hated the duke too! This was too good to be true!

"Well, I have a plan that could aid us both..."

After communicating with the Wyvern for a few more minutes, the duke interrupted me.

"Hey! You just going to sit there all day, or are you going to fix it?"

I turned to him, grinning unseen under my helm.

"Oh, I think I've got it."

I lifted the Runeblade.

"Warrior of the Runes, come to me!"

The blade glowed. Before Daestis could gather his thoughts, the Paladin spirit materialized behind him and struck him down.

"Finally, free of that jerk!"

Then I turned to it.

"You're free now. Might as well return to Darkovia."

"Yyyeeeaaaahhhh... but, y'know what? You seem alright. Maybe I'll crash with you for a while."

I couldn't believe it. The Wyvern had grown attatched to me that easily!? Man, I must've been a better dracomancer than I thought.

"Sounds good."


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