RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (Full Version)

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2046808 -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/9/2012 16:53:20)

I'll start on [loh87]'s request.

And [RemnantHS] I don't mind at all, just PM me the picture you desire.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/9/2012 17:04:24)

Siggy, Avvy, Background?: Siggy
Dimensions: The normal dimension..the one in my current siggy.
Image/Render: [URL=]
Background/Color Scheme: I dont know..hell-ish and fiery
Text: On the top right, down I want ''Black Knight'' written and above it in small letters ''You owe the world and apology''
Font: Roman-ish type.
Font Color: Black-red-ish. Hope this isnt too much.
PM When Complete?: Yes please.

2046808 -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/9/2012 17:54:01)

Here is your request, hopefully it's fine.

black knight 1234567
Here's your request, hopefully it's fine.

Worse Doughnut -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/9/2012 19:27:07)

Ok, I call the next one Brian :l stop hogging all the fun to yourself!

RemnantHS -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/10/2012 5:23:26)

@2046808 My avatar example should be good.

@Worse, when 2 more arise, me and you do one each.

loh87 -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/10/2012 5:31:17)

well thanks you guys
and yes its awesome :D

Fish -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/10/2012 11:04:14)

Hey 204, nice to see you again.

Siggy, Avvy, Background?: Signature, please.
Dimensions: 500x100
Image/Render: Bass EXE
Background/Color Scheme: Black/Light Purple
Font: Urban Jungle
Font Color: Anything that looks nice.
PM When Complete?: Sure.


RemnantHS -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/10/2012 17:50:55)


Dunno who accepted to do yours, but I done it anyways.


Reply back if you need any changes to it.

Worse Doughnut -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/10/2012 18:27:32)

@RemnantHS @Fish

Well, I was bored, made one too, oops :3


RemnantHS -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/10/2012 22:03:21)


Don't worry. We'll let Fish choose one. :)

Fish -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/10/2012 23:13:03)

Ahh they're both amazing! *Head Esplosion*

I know...I'll rotate every week in no particular order. >:D

Thanks guys, your the best!

2046808 -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/11/2012 4:21:13)

Hey there [Fish], it's been a while, lol. Anyways I was bored and decided to do your request as well.

Fish -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/11/2012 9:59:52)

Thanks 204, I like that one too! :D

Kramlor -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/13/2012 7:31:21)

Brian, thanks for the sig. I suggest you put your 204 thing with the arrows in there, so everyone knows who did it =3

ApPeNDLoKE -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/14/2012 6:35:21)

Siggy, Avvy, Background?: Signature x3
Dimensions: 500x100
Image/Render: ( pls 204 remove the background in the picture the blue thingy and purple )
Background/Color Scheme: Black,Orange and Yellow
Text: Append Loke
Font: Urban Jungle
Font Color: Orange and Yellow (mixed it )
PM When Complete?: YES!

2046808 -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/14/2012 17:28:59)

Would you be so kind to use the template provided on the first post. It helps us, help you. Thanks.

evil_babyha -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/15/2012 5:23:27)

Can I has Signature~? :]

2046808 -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/15/2012 6:04:04)

Here it is. Hopefully it's good.

And [evil_babyha], yes you can have a signature. Just be sure to use the Request Template provided in the first post.

ApPeNDLoKE -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/15/2012 6:05:11)


Siggy, Avvy, Background?: Avyy x3
Dimensions: 100x100
Image/Render: (remove the black bacground x3
Background/Color Scheme: black,orange and yellow with LEO sign
Text: LOKE
Font: Urban Jungle
Font Color: Yellow and orange
PM When Complete?: Nope

Please do not double post, if you have an addition to make to your post, please use the [img][/img] button. Moreover, please use your signature once per page only. ~ AlphaAtom

2046808 -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/15/2012 23:57:57)

Here it is. Hopefully it's good.

UnityDestroyer -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/16/2012 8:34:25)

Siggy, Avvy, Background?: Siggy
Dimensions: Normal. 100x100
Background/Color Scheme: Any that fits.
Text: World's Predator
Font: Any that fits.
Font Color: Red.
PM When Complete?: Yep.

nikietrbg5 -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/16/2012 14:27:27)

Siggy, Avvy, Background?:Siggy
Dimensions: normal
Image/Render:Love weaver :D (female)
Background/Color Scheme:Any that fits
Text:Everything goes pink
Font:any that fits
Font Color: pink
PM When Complete?:Yes pls ^^

2046808 -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/16/2012 20:51:46)

Here it is. Hopefully it's good.

Here it is. Hopefully it's good.

Slash -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/16/2012 21:55:05)

Siggy, Avvy, Background?: Siggy
Dimensions: normal
Image/Render: this
Background/Color Scheme: The sky that matches with it
Text: "...'cause after all those wings will take you up so high... '
Font: any that goes with it
Font Color: sky blue/ any that matches with it
PM When Complete?: yea.. sure..

*can i have different kinds of my sig. from other people from your shop?

2046808 -> RE: [GIMP][Sigs+Avatars+Background] The Potato Factory [New] (2/16/2012 23:05:31)

Here it is. Hopefully it's good.

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