Z-Blade Scythe (Full Version)

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BlackAces -> Z-Blade Scythe (2/5/2012 4:14:28)

Z-Blade Scythe

«Fire weapon. Can select between Melee, Ranged and Magic modes. Power scales with player's level, from level 0 to 20.»

Also see Z-Blade Scythe Replica

Level: 0
Power Level: CharacterLevel+[GuardianBonus]
Price: 50
Sellback: 25
Location: Z Blade Shop

Type: Magic
Element: Fire
Damage: 2-6
BTH: 0

Hits: 3
Type: Ranged
Element: Fire
Damage: 84% Base and Random each
Stats: No normal stats; 55.3% Lucky Strike damage each
BTH: +1 each
Rate: 20%

  • You can switch between Melee, Ranged and Magic mode by clicking on the weapon.
  • The weapon deals additional damage based on your Level:
      Normal Damage
    • Base: round((0.00375 *PowLvl^2 + 0.5625 *PowLvl + 5.25) / 2 / (1 + 0.03 * PowLvl)*0.75)
    • Random: round(2*(2*(0.00375 *PowLvl^2 + 0.5625 *PowLvl + 5.25) / 2 / (1 + 0.03 * PowLvl)*0.75-Base))
    • BTH: round(PowLvl/8)

      Special Attack
    • Base and Random: round(-0.000349*PowLvl^3 + 0.0552*PowLvl^2 + 8.01*PowLvl + 167)
    • Lucky Strikes: round(100+6.6*PowLvl)
    • BTH: (min(2.1462*PowLvl + 10.399, 200) / 8 + max(0.7123*PowLvl - 19.111, 0)/20 + PowLvl/8) rounded down
  • In Melee and Ranged modes, the weapon deals *4/3 Base and Random damage.
    *All of the information required can be found in the appendix below along with the special numbers being split amongst 3 hits.

    Assault your foes with a barrage of coins! Can switch between Magic, Ranged and Melee damage when you click on the gems! This weapon will also power up with you for up to 20 levels after the item's default level!


    Numbers thanks to Kalanyr and In Media Res. Basic stats thanks to Dreiko Shadrack and AVA. Description and write-up in part thanks to AVA. Corrections thanks to Dreiko Shadrack, Chii and Dragoon23. Addition thanks to Koree.

    DmgMel also applies to Ranged weapons.
    Level	PowLvl	DmgMel	DmgMag	BTH		SBR	SLS	SBTH
    0	10	4-13	3-10	1		84	55.33	5
    1	11	4-14	3-10	1		87	57.67	5
    2	12	5-13	3-11	2		90	59.67	6
    3	13	5-14	4-10	2		93.33	62	6
    4	14	5-15	4-11	2		96.33	64	6
    5	15	5-15	4-11	2		99.33	66.33	7
    6	15	5-15	4-11	2		99.33	66.33	7
    7	16	5-16	4-11	2		102.67	68.67	7
    8	17	5-16	4-12	2		105.67	70.67	7
    9	18	5-17	4-12	2		109	73	8
    10	19	6-16	4-13	2		112.33	75	8
    11	20	6-17	4-13	3		115.33	77.33	9
    12	21	6-17	4-13	3		118.67	79.67	9
    13	21	6-17	4-13	3		118.67	79.67	9
    14	22	6-17	4-14	3		122	81.67	9
    15	23	6-18	4-14	3		125.33	84	10
    16	24	6-18	5-13	3		128.67	86	10
    17	25	6-19	5-14	3		132	88.33	11
    18	26	6-19	5-14	3		135.33	90.67	11
    19	27	6-20	5-14	3		139	92.67	11
    20	27	6-20	5-14	3		139	92.67	11

  • BlackAces -> RE: Z-Blade Scythe (2/5/2012 4:21:33)

    Z-Blade Scythe

    «Fire weapon. Can select between Melee, Ranged and Magic modes. Power scales with player's level, from level 20 to 40.»

    Level: 20
    Power Level: CharacterLevel+[GuardianBonus]
    Price: 400 27 Gold
    Sellback: 200 13 Gold
    Location: Z Blade Shop

    Type: Magic
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 4-13
    BTH: 3

    Hits: 3
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 115.33% Base and Random each
    Stats: No normal stats; 77.33% Lucky Strike damage each
    BTH: +9 each
    Rate: 20%

  • You can switch between Melee, Ranged and Magic mode by clicking on the weapon.
  • The weapon deals additional damage based on your Level:
      Normal Damage
    • Base: round((0.00375 *PowLvl^2 + 0.5625 *PowLvl + 5.25) / 2 / (1 + 0.03 * PowLvl)*0.75)
    • Random: round(2*(2*(0.00375 *PowLvl^2 + 0.5625 *PowLvl + 5.25) / 2 / (1 + 0.03 * PowLvl)*0.75-Base))
    • BTH: round(PowLvl/8)

      Special Attack
    • Base and Random: round(-0.000349*PowLvl^3 + 0.0552*PowLvl^2 + 8.01*PowLvl + 167)
    • Lucky Strikes: round(100+6.6*PowLvl)
    • BTH: (min(2.1462*PowLvl + 10.399, 200) / 8 + max(0.7123*PowLvl - 19.111, 0)/20 + PowLvl/8) rounded down
  • In Melee and Ranged modes, the weapon deals *4/3 Base and Random damage.
    *All of the information required can be found in the appendix below along with the special numbers being split amongst 3 hits.

    Assault your foes with a barrage of coins! Can switch between Magic, Ranged and Melee damage when you click on the gems! This weapon will also power up with you for up to 20 levels after the item's default level!


    Numbers thanks to Kalanyr and In Media Res. Basic stats thanks to Dreiko Shadrack and AVA. Description and write-up in part thanks to AVA. Corrections thanks to Dreiko Shadrack, Chii and Dragoon23. Addition thanks to Koree.

    DmgMel also applies to Ranged weapons.
    Level	PowLvl	DmgMel	DmgMag	BTH		SBR	SLS	SBTH
    20	27	6-20	5-14	3		139	92.67	11
    21	28	7-19	5-15	4		142.33	95	12
    22	29	7-19	5-15	4		145.67	97	12
    23	30	7-20	5-15	4		149.33	99.33	13
    24	31	7-20	5-15	4		152.67	101.67	13
    25	32	7-21	5-16	4		156	103.67	14
    26	33	7-21	5-16	4		159.67	106	14
    27	34	7-21	5-16	4		163	108	14
    28	35	7-22	5-17	4		166.67	110.33	15
    29	35	7-22	5-17	4		166.67	110.33	15
    30	36	7-22	5-17	5		170.33	112.67	15
    31	37	7-23	6-16	5		173.67	114.67	16
    32	38	7-23	6-16	5		177.33	117	16
    33	39	8-22	6-17	5		181	119	17
    34	40	8-23	6-17	5		184.33	121.33	17
    35	41	8-23	6-17	5		188	123.67	17
    36	42	8-23	6-18	5		191.67	125.67	18
    37	43	8-24	6-18	5		195.33	128	18
    38	43	8-24	6-18	5		195.33	128	18
    39	44	8-24	6-18	6		199	130	19
    40	45	8-24	6-18	6		202.33	132.33	19

  • BlackAces -> RE: Z-Blade Scythe (2/5/2012 4:22:50)

    Z-Blade Scythe

    «Fire weapon. Can select between Melee, Ranged and Magic modes. Power scales with player's level, from level 40 to 60.»

    Level: 40
    Power Level: CharacterLevel+[GuardianBonus]
    Price: 2000 127 Gold
    Sellback: 1000 63 Gold
    Location: Z Blade Shop

    Type: Magic
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 6-17
    BTH: 5

    Hits: 3
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 184.33% Base and Random each
    Stats: No normal stats; 121.33% Lucky Strike damage each
    BTH: +17 each
    Rate: 20%

  • You can switch between Melee, Ranged and Magic modes by clicking on the weapon.
  • The weapon deals additional damage based on your Level:
      Normal Damage
    • Base: round((0.00375 *PowLvl^2 + 0.5625 *PowLvl + 5.25) / 2 / (1 + 0.03 * PowLvl)*0.75)
    • Random: round(2*(2*(0.00375 *PowLvl^2 + 0.5625 *PowLvl + 5.25) / 2 / (1 + 0.03 * PowLvl)*0.75-Base))
    • BTH: round(PowLvl/8)

      Special Attack
    • Base and Random: round(-0.000349*PowLvl^3 + 0.0552*PowLvl^2 + 8.01*PowLvl + 167)
    • Lucky Strikes: round(100+6.6*PowLvl)
    • BTH: (min(2.1462*PowLvl + 10.399, 200) / 8 + max(0.7123*PowLvl - 19.111, 0)/20 + PowLvl/8) rounded down
  • In Melee and Ranged modes, the weapon deals *4/3 Base and Random damage.
    *All of the information required can be found in the appendix below along with the special numbers being split amongst 3 hits.

    Assault your foes with a barrage of coins! Can switch between Magic, Ranged and Melee damage when you click on the gems! This weapon will also power up with you for up to 20 levels after the item's default level!


    Numbers thanks to Kalanyr and In Media Res. Basic stats thanks to Dreiko Shadrack and AVA. Description and write-up in part thanks to AVA. Corrections thanks to Dreiko Shadrack, Chii and Dragoon23. Addition thanks to Koree.

    DmgMel also applies to Ranged weapons.
    Level	PowLvl	DmgMel	DmgMag	BTH		SBR	SLS	SBTH
    40	45	8-24	6-18	6		202.33	132.33	19
    41	46	8-25	6-19	6		206	134.67	20
    42	47	8-25	6-19	6		209.67	136.67	20
    43	48	8-26	6-19	6		213.33	139	20
    44	49	8-26	6-19	6		217	141	21
    45	50	9-25	6-20	6		220.67	143.33	21
    46	51	9-26	6-20	6		224.33	145.67	22
    47	52	9-26	7-19	7		228	147.67	22
    48	53	9-26	7-19	7		231.67	150	23
    49	53	9-26	7-19	7		231.67	150	23
    50	54	9-27	7-20	7		235.33	152	23
    51	55	9-27	7-20	7		238.67	154.33	23
    52	56	9-27	7-20	7		242.33	156.67	24
    53	57	9-28	7-20	7		246	158.67	24
    54	58	9-28	7-21	7		249.67	161	25
    55	59	9-28	7-21	7		253.33	163	25
    56	60	9-29	7-21	8		257	165.33	26
    57	61	9-29	7-21	8		260.67	167.67	26
    58	62	10-28	7-22	8		264.33	169.67	26
    59	63	10-28	7-22	8		267.67	172	27
    60	64	10-29	7-22	8		271.33	174	27

  • BlackAces -> RE: Z-Blade Scythe (2/5/2012 4:24:06)

    Z-Blade Scythe

    «Fire weapon. Can select between Melee, Ranged and Magic modes. Power scales with player's level, from level 60 to 80.»

    Level: 60
    Power Level: CharacterLevel+[GuardianBonus]
    Price: 9,175 930 Gold
    Sellback: 4,587 465 Gold
    Location: Z Blade Shop

    Type: Magic
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 7-21
    BTH: 8

    Hits: 3
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 257% Base and Random each
    Stats: No normal stats; 165.33% Lucky Strike damage each
    BTH: +26 each
    Rate: 20%

  • You can switch between Melee, Ranged and Magic modes by clicking on the weapon.
  • The weapon deals additional damage based on your Level:
      Normal Damage
    • Base: round((0.00375 *PowLvl^2 + 0.5625 *PowLvl + 5.25) / 2 / (1 + 0.03 * PowLvl)*0.75)
    • Random: round(2*(2*(0.00375 *PowLvl^2 + 0.5625 *PowLvl + 5.25) / 2 / (1 + 0.03 * PowLvl)*0.75-Base))
    • BTH: round(PowLvl/8)

      Special Attack
    • Base and Random: round(-0.000349*PowLvl^3 + 0.0552*PowLvl^2 + 8.01*PowLvl + 167)
    • Lucky Strikes: round(100+6.6*PowLvl)
    • BTH: (min(2.1462*PowLvl + 10.399, 200) / 8 + max(0.7123*PowLvl - 19.111, 0)/20 + PowLvl/8) rounded down
  • In Melee and Ranged modes, the weapon deals *4/3 Base and Random damage.
    *All of the information required can be found in the appendix below along with the special numbers being split amongst 3 hits.

    Assault your foes with a barrage of coins! Can switch between Magic, Ranged and Melee damage when you click on the gems! This weapon will also power up with you for up to 20 levels after the item's default level!


    Numbers thanks to Kalanyr and In Media Res. Basic stats thanks to Dreiko Shadrack and AVA. Description and write-up in part thanks to AVA. Corrections thanks to Dreiko Shadrack, Chii and Dragoon23. Addition thanks to Koree.

    DmgMel also applies to Ranged weapons.
    Level	PowLvl	DmgMel	DmgMag	BTH		SBR	SLS	SBTH
    60	64	10-29	7-22	8		271.33	174	27
    61	65	10-29	7-22	8		275	176.33	28
    62	66	10-29	7-23	8		278.67	178.67	28
    63	66	10-29	7-23	8		278.67	178.67	28
    64	67	10-30	7-23	8		282	180.67	29
    65	68	10-30	8-22	9		285.67	183	29
    66	69	10-30	8-22	9		289.33	185	29
    67	70	10-31	8-22	9		292.67	187.33	30
    68	71	10-31	8-23	9		296.33	189.67	30
    69	72	10-31	8-23	9		300	191.67	31
    70	73	10-32	8-23	9		303.33	194	31
    71	74	10-32	8-23	9		307	196	32
    72	75	11-31	8-24	9		310.33	198.33	32
    73	76	11-31	8-24	10		313.67	200.67	32
    74	77	11-32	8-24	10		317.33	202.67	33
    75	78	11-32	8-24	10		320.67	205	33
    76	79	11-32	8-25	10		324	207	34
    77	80	11-33	8-25	10		327.33	209.33	34
    78	81	11-33	8-25	10		331	211.67	35
    79	82	11-33	8-25	10		334.33	213.67	35
    80	83	11-34	8-25	10		337.67	216	35

  • BlackAces -> RE: Z-Blade Scythe (2/5/2012 4:25:31)

    Z-Blade Scythe

    «Fire weapon. Can select between Melee, Ranged and Magic modes. Power scales with player's level, from level 80 to 100.»

    Level: 80
    Power Level: CharacterLevel+[GuardianBonus]
    Price: 38,900 7,407 Gold
    Sellback: 19,450 3,703 Gold
    Location: Z Blade Shop

    Type: Magic
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 8-25
    BTH: 10

    Hits: 3
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 327.33% Base and Random each
    Stats: No normal stats; 209.33% Lucky Strike damage each
    BTH: +34 each
    Rate: 20%

  • You can switch between Melee, Ranged and Magic modes by clicking on the weapon.
  • The weapon deals additional damage based on your Level:
      Normal Damage
    • Base: round((0.00375 *PowLvl^2 + 0.5625 *PowLvl + 5.25) / 2 / (1 + 0.03 * PowLvl)*0.75)
    • Random: round(2*(2*(0.00375 *PowLvl^2 + 0.5625 *PowLvl + 5.25) / 2 / (1 + 0.03 * PowLvl)*0.75-Base))
    • BTH: round(PowLvl/8)

      Special Attack
    • Base and Random: round(-0.000349*PowLvl^3 + 0.0552*PowLvl^2 + 8.01*PowLvl + 167)
    • Lucky Strikes: round(100+6.6*PowLvl)
    • If Power Level is below 90: (min(2.1462*PowLvl + 10.399, 200) / 8 + max(0.7123*PowLvl - 19.111, 0)/20 + PowLvl/8) rounded down
    • If Power Level is above 90: (200/8 + min(5*PowLvl - 400, 200) / 20 + PowLvl/8) rounded down
  • In Melee and Ranged modes, the weapon deals *4/3 Base and Random damage.
    *All of the information required can be found in the appendix below along with the special numbers being split amongst 3 hits.

    Assault your foes with a barrage of coins! Can switch between Magic, Ranged and Melee damage when you click on the gems! This weapon will also power up with you for up to 20 levels after the item's default level!


    Numbers thanks to Kalanyr and In Media Res. Basic stats thanks to Dreiko Shadrack and AVA. Description and write-up in part thanks to AVA. Corrections thanks to Dreiko Shadrack, Chii and Dragoon23. Addition thanks to Koree.

    DmgMel also applies to Ranged weapons.
    Level	PowLvl	DmgMel	DmgMag	BTH		SBR	SLS	SBTH
    80	83	11-34	8-25	10		337.67	216	35
    81	84	11-34	8-26	11		340.67	218	36
    82	85	11-34	8-26	11		344	220.33	36
    83	86	11-34	9-25	11		347.33	222.67	37
    84	87	11-35	9-25	11		350.67	224.67	37
    85	88	12-34	9-26	11		354	227	38
    86	89	12-34	9-26	11		357	229	38
    87	90	12-35	9-26	11		360.33	231.33	38
    88	91	12-35	9-26	11		363.33	233.67	39
    89	92	12-35	9-26	12		366.33	235.67	39
    90	93	12-35	9-27	12		369.67	238	39
    91	94	12-36	9-27	12		372.67	240	40
    92	95	12-36	9-27	12		375.67	242.33	40
    93	96	12-36	9-27	12		378.67	244.67	41
    94	97	12-37	9-27	12		381.67	246.67	41
    95	98	12-37	9-28	12		384.67	249	41
    96	99	12-37	9-28	12		387.33	251	42
    97	100	12-38	9-28	13		390.33	253.33	42
    98	101	12-38	9-28	13		393.33	255.67	42
    99	102	13-37	9-29	13		396	257.67	43
    100	103	13-37	9-29	13		398.67	260	43

  • BlackAces -> RE: Z-Blade Scythe (2/5/2012 4:26:55)

    Z-Blade Scythe

    «Fire weapon. Can select between Melee, Ranged and Magic modes. Power scales with player's level, from level 0 to 20.»

    Level: 100
    Power Level: CharacterLevel+[GuardianBonus]
    Price: 98,650 59,626 Gold
    Sellback: 49,325 29,813 Gold
    Location: Z Blade Shop

    Type: Magic
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 9-28
    BTH: 13

    Hits: 3
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 390.33% Base and Random each
    Stats: No normal stats; 253.33% Lucky Strike damage each
    BTH: +42 each
    Rate: 20%

  • You can switch between Melee, Ranged and Magic modes by clicking on the weapon.
  • The weapon deals additional damage based on your Level:
      Normal Damage
    • Base: round((0.00375 *PowLvl^2 + 0.5625 *PowLvl + 5.25) / 2 / (1 + 0.03 * PowLvl)*0.75)
    • Random: round(2*(2*(0.00375 *PowLvl^2 + 0.5625 *PowLvl + 5.25) / 2 / (1 + 0.03 * PowLvl)*0.75-Base))
    • BTH: round(PowLvl/8)

      Special Attack
    • Base and Random: round(-0.000349*PowLvl^3 + 0.0552*PowLvl^2 + 8.01*PowLvl + 167)
    • Lucky Strikes: round(100+6.6*PowLvl)
    • SBTH: (200/8 + min(5*PowLvl - 400, 200) / 20 + PowLvl/8) rounded down
  • In Melee and Ranged modes, the weapon deals *4/3 Base and Random damage.
    *All of the information required can be found in the appendix below along with the special numbers being split amongst 3 hits.

    Assault your foes with a barrage of coins! Can switch between Magic, Ranged and Melee damage when you click on the gems! This weapon will also power up with you for up to 20 levels after the item's default level!


    Numbers thanks to Kalanyr and In Media Res. Basic stats thanks to Dreiko Shadrack and AVA. Description and write-up in part thanks to AVA. Corrections thanks to Dreiko Shadrack, Chii and Dragoon23. Addition thanks to Koree.

    DmgMel also applies to Ranged weapons.
    Level	PowLvl	DmgMel	DmgMag	BTH		SBR	SLS	SBTH
    100	103	13-37	9-29	13		398.67	260	43
    101	104	13-38	9-29	13		401.67	262	44
    102	105	13-38	10-28	13		404.33	264.33	44
    103	106	13-38	10-28	13		407	266.67	44
    104	107	13-38	10-29	13		409.67	268.67	45
    105	108	13-39	10-29	14		412	271	45
    106	109	13-39	10-29	14		414.67	273	45
    107	110	13-39	10-29	14		417.33	275.33	46
    108	111	13-40	10-29	14		419.67	277.67	46
    109	112	13-40	10-30	14		422	279.67	47
    110	113	13-40	10-30	14		424.33	282	47
    111	114	13-40	10-30	14		426.67	284	47
    112	115	13-41	10-30	14		429	286.33	48
    113	116	14-40	10-31	15		431.33	288.67	48
    114	117	14-40	10-31	15		433.67	290.67	48
    115	118	14-41	10-31	15		435.67	293	49
    116	119	14-41	10-31	15		438	295	49
    117	120	14-41	10-31	15		440	297.33	50
    118	121	14-41	10-32	15		442	299.67	50
    119	122	14-42	10-32	15		444	301.67	50
    120	123	14-42	10-32	15		446	304	50

  • BlackAces -> RE: Z-Blade Scythe (2/5/2012 4:28:10)

    Z-Blade Scythe

    «Fire weapon. Can select between Melee, Ranged and Magic modes. Power scales with player's level, from level 120 to 140.»

    Level: 120
    Power Level: CharacterLevel+[GuardianBonus]
    Price: 263,675 480,626 Gold
    Sellback: 131,837 240,313 Gold
    Location: Z Blade Shop

    Type: Magic
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 10-31
    BTH: 15

    Hits: 3
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 440% Base and Random each
    Stats: No normal stats; 297.33% Lucky Strike damage each
    BTH: +50 each
    Rate: 20%

  • You can switch between Melee, Ranged and Magic modes by clicking on the weapon.
  • The weapon deals additional damage based on your Level:
      Normal Damage
    • Base: round((0.00375 *PowLvl^2 + 0.5625 *PowLvl + 5.25) / 2 / (1 + 0.03 * PowLvl)*0.75)
    • Random: round(2*(2*(0.00375 *PowLvl^2 + 0.5625 *PowLvl + 5.25) / 2 / (1 + 0.03 * PowLvl)*0.75-Base))
    • BTH: round(PowLvl/8)

      Special Attack
    • Base and Random: round(-0.000349*PowLvl^3 + 0.0552*PowLvl^2 + 8.01*PowLvl + 167)
    • Lucky Strikes: round(100+6.6*PowLvl)
    • SBTH: (200/8 + min(5*PowLvl - 400, 200) / 20 + PowLvl/8) rounded down
  • In Melee and Ranged modes, the weapon deals *4/3 Base and Random damage.
    *All of the information required can be found in the appendix below along with the special numbers being split amongst 3 hits.

    Assault your foes with a barrage of coins! Can switch between Magic, Ranged and Melee damage when you click on the gems! This weapon will also power up with you for up to 20 levels after the item's default level!


    Numbers thanks to Kalanyr and In Media Res. Basic stats thanks to Dreiko Shadrack and AVA. Description and write-up in part thanks to AVA. Corrections thanks to Dreiko Shadrack, Chii and Dragoon23. Addition thanks to Koree.

    DmgMel also applies to Ranged weapons.
    Level	PowLvl	DmgMel	DmgMag	BTH		SBR	SLS	SBTH
    120	123	14-42	10-32	15		446	304	50
    121	124	14-42	11-31	16		448	306	50
    122	125	14-42	11-31	16		449.67	308.33	50
    123	126	14-43	11-32	16		451.33	310.67	50
    124	127	14-43	11-32	16		453.33	312.67	50
    125	128	14-43	11-32	16		455	315	51
    126	129	14-44	11-32	16		456.67	317	51
    127	130	14-44	11-32	16		458	319.33	51
    128	131	15-43	11-33	16		459.67	321.67	51
    129	132	15-43	11-33	17		461	323.67	51
    130	133	15-44	11-33	17		462.67	326	51
    131	134	15-44	11-33	17		464	328	51
    132	135	15-44	11-33	17		465.33	330.33	51
    133	136	15-44	11-34	17		466.33	332.67	52
    134	137	15-45	11-34	17		467.67	334.67	52
    135	138	15-45	11-34	17		468.67	337	52
    136	139	15-45	11-34	17		470	339	52
    137	140	15-46	11-34	18		471	341.33	52
    138	141	15-46	11-35	18		472	343.67	52
    139	142	15-46	11-35	18		472.67	345.67	52
    140	143	15-46	12-34	18		473.67	348	52

  • BlackAces -> RE: Z-Blade Scythe (2/5/2012 4:29:29)

    Z-Blade Scythe

    «Fire weapon. Can select between Melee, Ranged and Magic modes. Power scales with player's level, from level 140 to 150.»

    Level: 140
    Power Level: CharacterLevel+[GuardianBonus]
    Price: 719,500 3,874,865 Gold
    Sellback: 359,750 1,937,432 Gold
    Location: Z Blade Shop

    Type: Magic
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 11-34
    BTH: 18

    Hits: 3
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 471% Base and Random each
    Stats: No normal stats; 341.33% Lucky Strike damage each
    BTH: +52 each
    Rate: 20%

  • You can switch between Melee, Ranged and Magic modes by clicking on the weapon.
  • The weapon deals additional damage based on your Level:
      Normal Damage
    • Base: round((0.00375 *PowLvl^2 + 0.5625 *PowLvl + 5.25) / 2 / (1 + 0.03 * PowLvl)*0.75)
    • Random: round(2*(2*(0.00375 *PowLvl^2 + 0.5625 *PowLvl + 5.25) / 2 / (1 + 0.03 * PowLvl)*0.75-Base))
    • BTH: round(PowLvl/8)

      Special Attack
    • Base and Random: round(-0.000349*PowLvl^3 + 0.0552*PowLvl^2 + 8.01*PowLvl + 167)
    • Lucky Strikes: round(100+6.6*PowLvl)
    • SBTH: (200/8 + min(5*PowLvl - 400, 200) / 20 + PowLvl/8) rounded down
  • In Melee and Ranged modes, the weapon deals *4/3 Base and Random damage.
    *All of the information required can be found in the appendix below along with the special numbers being split amongst 3 hits.

    Assault your foes with a barrage of coins! Can switch between Magic, Ranged and Melee damage when you click on the gems! This weapon will also power up with you for up to 20 levels after the item's default level!


    Numbers thanks to Kalanyr and In Media Res. Basic stats thanks to Dreiko Shadrack and AVA. Description and write-up in part thanks to AVA. Corrections thanks to Dreiko Shadrack, Chii and Dragoon23. Addition thanks to Koree.

    DmgMel also applies to Ranged weapons.
    Level	PowLvl	DmgMel	DmgMag	BTH		SBR	SLS	SBTH
    140	143	15-46	12-34	18		473.67	348	52
    141	144	15-47	12-34	18		474.33	350	53
    142	145	15-47	12-34	18		475	352.33	53
    143	146	16-46	12-35	18		475.67	354.67	53
    144	147	16-46	12-35	18		476.33	356.67	53
    145	148	16-47	12-35	19		476.67	359	53
    146	149	16-47	12-35	19		477.33	361	53
    147	150	16-47	12-35	19		477.67	363.33	53
    148	151	16-48	12-36	19		478	365.67	53
    149	152	16-48	12-36	19		478	367.67	54
    150	153	16-48	12-36	19		478.33	370	54

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