BlackAces -> RE: Z-Blade Scythe (2/5/2012 4:25:31)
[image][/image][image][/image] Z-Blade Scythe «Fire weapon. Can select between Melee, Ranged and Magic modes. Power scales with player's level, from level 80 to 100.» Level: 80 Power Level: CharacterLevel+[GuardianBonus] Price: 38,900 7,407 Gold Sellback: 19,450 3,703 Gold Location: Z Blade Shop Type: Magic Element: Fire Damage: 8-25 BTH: 10 SPECIAL Hits: 3 Type: Ranged Element: Fire Damage: 327.33% Base and Random each Stats: No normal stats; 209.33% Lucky Strike damage each BTH: +34 each Rate: 20% EFFECT You can switch between Melee, Ranged and Magic modes by clicking on the weapon. The weapon deals additional damage based on your Level:Normal Damage - Base: round((0.00375 *PowLvl^2 + 0.5625 *PowLvl + 5.25) / 2 / (1 + 0.03 * PowLvl)*0.75)
- Random: round(2*(2*(0.00375 *PowLvl^2 + 0.5625 *PowLvl + 5.25) / 2 / (1 + 0.03 * PowLvl)*0.75-Base))
- BTH: round(PowLvl/8)
Special Attack - Base and Random: round(-0.000349*PowLvl^3 + 0.0552*PowLvl^2 + 8.01*PowLvl + 167)
- Lucky Strikes: round(100+6.6*PowLvl)
- If Power Level is below 90: (min(2.1462*PowLvl + 10.399, 200) / 8 + max(0.7123*PowLvl - 19.111, 0)/20 + PowLvl/8) rounded down
- If Power Level is above 90: (200/8 + min(5*PowLvl - 400, 200) / 20 + PowLvl/8) rounded down
In Melee and Ranged modes, the weapon deals *4/3 Base and Random damage. *All of the information required can be found in the appendix below along with the special numbers being split amongst 3 hits. DESCRIPTION Assault your foes with a barrage of coins! Can switch between Magic, Ranged and Melee damage when you click on the gems! This weapon will also power up with you for up to 20 levels after the item's default level! [image][/image] Numbers thanks to Kalanyr and In Media Res. Basic stats thanks to Dreiko Shadrack and AVA. Description and write-up in part thanks to AVA. Corrections thanks to Dreiko Shadrack, Chii and Dragoon23. Addition thanks to Koree. Appendix DmgMel also applies to Ranged weapons. Level PowLvl DmgMel DmgMag BTH SBR SLS SBTH
80 83 11-34 8-25 10 337.67 216 35
81 84 11-34 8-26 11 340.67 218 36
82 85 11-34 8-26 11 344 220.33 36
83 86 11-34 9-25 11 347.33 222.67 37
84 87 11-35 9-25 11 350.67 224.67 37
85 88 12-34 9-26 11 354 227 38
86 89 12-34 9-26 11 357 229 38
87 90 12-35 9-26 11 360.33 231.33 38
88 91 12-35 9-26 11 363.33 233.67 39
89 92 12-35 9-26 12 366.33 235.67 39
90 93 12-35 9-27 12 369.67 238 39
91 94 12-36 9-27 12 372.67 240 40
92 95 12-36 9-27 12 375.67 242.33 40
93 96 12-36 9-27 12 378.67 244.67 41
94 97 12-37 9-27 12 381.67 246.67 41
95 98 12-37 9-28 12 384.67 249 41
96 99 12-37 9-28 12 387.33 251 42
97 100 12-38 9-28 13 390.33 253.33 42
98 101 12-38 9-28 13 393.33 255.67 42
99 102 13-37 9-29 13 396 257.67 43
100 103 13-37 9-29 13 398.67 260 43