Do we need security question? (Full Version)

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huuduy1 -> Do we need security question? (2/8/2012 6:35:09)

With this security question. When someone hack or scam your pass -> they wanna change it. They must answer 3 question that only owner know the answer <- hope u understand :D

Fay Beeee -> RE: Do we need security question? (2/8/2012 6:48:24)

Yes I understand what you are saying. :0
Nice idea.

It could be the end of pass scamming. For if you give your pass to someone (for whatever reason) You would also have to give your security questions.
This would make it ENTIRELY your own fault for getting scammed. If you KNEW you would not be able to het it back EVER.
May be a bit harsh. But one of the rules is NO SHARING.

midnight assassin -> RE: Do we need security question? (2/8/2012 7:15:17)

but the thing in here is the scammer will ask for the security question.

rej -> RE: Do we need security question? (2/8/2012 7:42:41)

Supported: But you should only have to answer the security question when you click "change pass" or "change email" or "forgot pass", that way it isn't too much of an annoyance.

huuduy1 -> RE: Do we need security question? (2/8/2012 7:52:48)

.... If we share an account. The scammer will ask for USERNAME and PASSWORD <- they won't be stupid to ask security question and answer
.... If you forgot your security question and answer, you can request artix entertainment send it to your email <- they can't change your email if they don't have security question/answer.
P/s : If you use fake email this is 100% your fault. This new idea would helpful for people trustless to scammer.

P/s 1 : We smart enough to save our Email pass + Security Question out of scam.
P/s 2 : If pay 1 mins to finish answer all question ( you won't usually change your pass and email anyway ) then it doesn't cost you much time

midnight assassin -> RE: Do we need security question? (2/8/2012 7:57:55)

Wrong because AE will announce that thing unless they send it to us in email but since most of us only use fb, I feel a bit that emailing is dead because everything is already possible with fb so why open email?(Exception is if you're using it to register on a gaming site, networking site or other things you are required to use an email in registering). Revise your idea a bit.

Remorse -> RE: Do we need security question? (2/8/2012 8:48:58)

I Have sugested this alot!! of times.

If it becomes to comlicated to do security questions on password change, they could always do it to email change.

I have no idea why they alow the email to be changed with the exsisting password..... What is the point of that?

Email change should definately be security questions so you could alwys get you account back by sending the account info to you email which will be unchanged.

But yes I obviolsy support any form, and im suprised my constant reminders never lit up a light bulb in people heads until now..

Oba -> RE: Do we need security question? (2/8/2012 8:56:44)


Wrong because AE will announce that thing unless they send it to us in email but since most of us only use fb, I feel a bit that emailing is dead because everything is already possible with fb so why open email?(Exception is if you're using it to register on a gaming site, networking site or other things you are required to use an email in registering). Revise your idea a bit.

Are you for real? If not by email, do you suggest him, Artix, to put your secret questions/answers on your facebook? Ridiculous.
Ofcourse it should be through the email your AE account is registered on, not through facebook, if thats what you suggest, I did not really understand what you wrote.

midnight assassin -> RE: Do we need security question? (2/8/2012 9:10:04)


First of all I didn't mean that they will post it in fb. What I mean is the possibility that they will post it in design notes which means that the security will be useless because scammers will read the announcement too. Of course they will ask for the password + the answer on security question. I just want it to be built in game which means that the player must implement the security questions + answers before playing the game. They will also give the player an opportunity to create their security question in mail then the link on where to add the security question on your acc.


You are going to play ed the first thing that will appear is that:

Artix Entertainment is increasing it's security capacity due to the increasingly alarming rate of scamming. Before you can play you will need to make your own security question and the answer on those question.



I'm still thinking of my question so please send the link by mail.

This thing will help even if the player forgot their fake email. And also the game will stop the player from saying the answer.

Wootz -> RE: Do we need security question? (2/8/2012 14:44:41)

The idea is good, but I think three questions is a bit too much.

Lets take Runes of Magic and their security password. There isn't a player there who doesn't hate it because it slows them down.
Even if you get hacked both on EpicDuel and RoM the Help team will get it back because they have records of everything assosiated to your character and e-mail used with Artix Entertainment. Artix Entertainment team is hugely better in the player support.

So, all in all.
My response would be:

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Do we need security question? (2/8/2012 15:33:30)

I think this feature will benefit the most with players who have younger siblings who do not understand the buying/selling system. Players could, for better or worse, account share.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Do we need security question? (2/8/2012 16:13:37)

Good idea imo.

Just dont use it for paying for varium, because then they'll ask for those questions too, and people will still fall for scammers.

nico0las -> RE: Do we need security question? (2/8/2012 18:26:42)

Supported. Provided you can actually remember the answer to your questions, this seems good to me.
Scammers will still ask for the answers to the questions. It's not something we can fix. Some people just don't understand the concept of scamming.

Cinderella -> RE: Do we need security question? (2/8/2012 18:43:35)

A big issue with this is that many "hackers" get info like your mother's maiden name or the year you graduated Hugh school to retrieve a password for your account. If this were to be implemented it would be up to you to make the answer something that is an unrelated answer (eg. Who is your favorite cartoon character? Donkeys sing during times of peace)

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Do we need security question? (2/8/2012 18:59:23)

^^This would only be in order to CHANGE your password, once youve allready logged into your account.

Remorse -> RE: Do we need security question? (2/9/2012 0:18:03)

Then why not place a security question with the current password change layout double the security its unlickely the hacker/scammer will know both inofrmation.

Lord Nub -> RE: Do we need security question? (2/9/2012 0:37:13)

Why not just not give away your password or username? Why is this so difficult?

If players are giving those out then they will be giving out their security question answers as well so others will fight for them or whatever the case may be.

This idea just makes it more difficult for the rest of us because as Cinderella stated, the answers could be fished around for which means it would be best to keep them completely unrelated to the question meaning it players would end up forgetting the answers.


Remorse, account sharing is against the rules. If players give away their info, they deserve to have their accounts locked, items sold, or whatever the case may be.

If anyone is scamming, it is the players by whining and getting their items back after attempting to have other players play for them. No need to help scammers on both sides any further and make it harder on everyone else that is doing the right thing.

Also, it's a lot easier to catch younger players off guard and casually get the answers to the security questions than it is to ask for someones password and username.

Remorse -> RE: Do we need security question? (2/9/2012 1:43:37)

^ Why would they also give away the security question aswell..........

If people do fall for scams which they do often of break the rules and account share WHY would they give them the security question allwoing them to CHANGE the password.

How is it not a good idea, It will solve alot of the account recovery mess the Devs have to deal with which means more time for them which means more relases for us.

And if they forget the answer they could send it to their e-mail e.e

Please dont tell me that people will also give away their email aswell, NOTE: Secutiry question would also be on the email change so the scammers cant change the email then find out the secuity question.

Ashari -> RE: Do we need security question? (2/9/2012 2:51:06)

If someone is willing to give away their username and password, there's little to stop them from also giving away their security questions. The chat already prevents you from directly typing in your own username or password, but if someone has the will to share account info, they will find a way. I don't see the extra set of information preventing scamming if someone's already decided (or was tricked) into giving their account information away.

The password change for the Master Account could use an email verification, but once again, someone that will give out their account info probably will also give out their email info, or worse, be using the same password for their account and email. You may be surprised, but quite a lot of scamming victims have given away not only their account info, but also their email info. So neither are going to be an end to scamming entirely.

endtime -> RE: Do we need security question? (2/9/2012 23:18:21)

Thing is, scammers will ask for the security question and hackers will crack through the security question. The best way to deal with scammers is to increase awareness (don't give away your login info) and ED needs to improve its security to deal with hackers. I doubt such questions would help in a significant way and in my opinion the extra time to answer the questions will be annoying.

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