Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (Full Version)

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Matrix77 -> Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/8/2012 18:33:29)

I've been wondering for quite awhile now, and I would like to hear what the community got to say about this.

Given the fact that players at the level cap can not gain any experience for the next upcoming level. Do you all, the ED community of players (mostly targeting players at cap) think that players at cap should be allow to continue gaining experience until they hit the experience needed for the next level? Of course when the cap players hit enough experience for the next level, they wouldn't level up because the next level simply hadn't been release yet. Reason I want to ask for the input of the community on this idea is that most of AE's games have this feature whereby players at cap are still allow to continue gaining experience so as to not have to feel compel to go and work rlly hard quickly for the sake of keeping up when a new level is added, and all this time that they have when the cap has not been raised can be use for collecting/gaining the experience needed for the next level. This may sound like a beneficial idea to players at cap only, however it generally benefits anyone who reaches the level cap.

So do you think players at cap should be allow to gain experience for the next level?

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/8/2012 18:35:39)


Basicball -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/8/2012 18:42:22)

nah, where's the fun in that?

Stabilis -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/8/2012 18:43:56)

Experience is a reward from every battle you finish. When that perk ends, would that not mean that you have been punished? This is one of the few cases I would say demands compensation. Sure, some players have lived or played like the way it is now since the game's birth... but do you mind, even just a little bit, that battling has degraded slightly from being one of the most experienced?

Being cap-level players, we COULD earn bonus credits, or experience that is tacked onto the total. Even credits wouldn't be bad. Non-varium level-cap players earning extra income? So? Do they not usually have the best gear already? We could help this group of people out by handing them more credits for enhancements. They play hard.

In all, in my opinion, us players should be treated one more perk if we managed to achieve the highest level.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/8/2012 18:46:47)

Yes. I completely agree.

Matrix77 -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/8/2012 18:48:47)

@basicball - so you would prefer to play days and days non-stop (if you were desperate not saying you are, just an example) to reach the next cap rather than earn it gradually over time so that when the next level is out all you got to do is win a battle and level up to see your hard work payed off?

@ depressed - I agree, experience or not all players at cap should be rewarded somehow, for example, players at cap right now aren't allow to gain any further experiences yet we still have to work as hard as any other player(not so hard against lower level players) and end up getting the same cred they get while they can gain exp when they won while we can't, and then when cap is raise, we got to work even harder if we want to reach cap quickly for the extra 4 stat and 1 skill to add to our skill tree and stats?

Master Volcon -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/8/2012 18:49:25)

No, leveling is the most fun in the game. Battling after I level is okay but not the same as having a fun goal to look forward to. So if you look away that goal then I would not be nearly as motivated towards getting to the next level when it came out, because I could be 3/4 of the way or even there already.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/8/2012 18:52:20)

With leveling, regardless of how many victors one has, everyone is equal from the prior cap to the current cap. The journey in reaching could be a passive goal or a frantic race, and that element is an enjoyment for me. By adding continuous experience, it would loose this aspect and possible passive or immediate goal. Thus, one element would be eliminated in common community spirit.

rej -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/8/2012 19:33:01)

100% supported. They do this in Dragonfable and Mechquest. It's a wonderful feature.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/9/2012 2:29:49)

I like the "race" when level cap is raised, many of the 34s would become 35 instantly with this new suggested system.

although I don't support the idea, here are my suggestions for it :P

what about if level capped players got 1 xp per 1v1 win and 2 xp per 2v2 win. it would reward active players without ruining the race to new level cap.

Basicball -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/9/2012 2:59:53)


@basicball - so you would prefer to play days and days non-stop (if you were desperate not saying you are, just an example) to reach the next cap rather than earn it gradually over time so that when the next level is out all you got to do is win a battle and level up to see your hard work payed off?

yes, quite, it's fun n.n besides, you may still use months to slowly get it if you wish

Ashari -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/9/2012 3:00:45)

The different between EpicDuel's leveling systen, and DragonFable or MechQuest's is that ED only raises the level cap by 1 level at a time. MechQuest has raised it by 5 levels each time, and DragonFable has raised it by 10. You can only get part of the way to the level cap with rollover experience, no matter how much experience you have from playing at the level cap, it will only give you one level.

That still leaves something to work for, which is the point of raising the level cap in any RPG style game. If ED has something like this, I don't think it could allow you to gain experience all the way up to the new level. That would defeat the point of raising the level cap for a good chunk of active players.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/9/2012 3:37:14)

No, it wouldnt be fun.

Now: ohh new lvl come, i need to play hard to reach next lvl quickly

If your idea be real: new lvl come, lets play 1 battle to be next lvl :/

see no fun

TankMage -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/9/2012 3:56:05)

I'm personally not much of a fan for overlapping XP into the next level, simply because leveling up is something very enjoyable. I don't know about anyone else, but for myself whenever a new level cap is announced I get really really excited just because I can't wait for the challenge of grinding through the XP and battles to get to that next level and hit the cap again. Without the XP grinding I think we would be losing something very enjoyable for a lot of people.

Also to add on, if we we're to introduce overlapping XP, it would take a very very long time for the XP to catch up to some people & would most likely not ever catch up with others. I myself in 1v1 wins have somewhere close to 300,000 XP (25,000 x 12) without any XP boosts & I'm one of the many who are in that situation. We would be stuck for years without having the option to level up
which a lot of people enjoy.

gangster a -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/9/2012 4:00:57)

not supported beacuse it would be unfair to give people a head start and a advantage it should feel like you acheived something at the end of winning loads of battles. the community wouldnt feel that exciting

nico0las -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/9/2012 18:30:46)

No. The fun of leveling is having to get used to not being at the cap.

Oba -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/9/2012 18:39:22)

What would the "use" of having a cap be then? Nah, I wouldnt like this... not at all. Imagine though if it always had been like that, wonder what level comicalbiker would've been :p

AQWPlayer -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/9/2012 18:52:18)

There should be a minigame that only players at the level cap can play...and it rewards battle tokens as well as credits :3

goldslayer1 -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/9/2012 18:53:37)


What would the "use" of having a cap be then? Nah, I wouldnt like this... not at all. Imagine though if it always had been like that, wonder what level comicalbiker would've been :p

obviously lvl 34 >.>

i dont think people understand what matrix is trying to say.

Oba -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/9/2012 18:55:55)


obviously lvl 34 >.>

Oh, right.. My bad. Its really late, the reset is placed at a very bad time ^^

Correction: I wonder how much EXP comicalbiker would have.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/10/2012 3:08:09)

^ he means you will get exp till you finish the next lvl.

like now we stop at 92500 exp and 35 lvl is at 115200 exp so he suggest we will get exp till 115199 so after new lvl come 1 battle will make you lvl up

he is not saying endless exp

goldslayer1 -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/10/2012 3:58:18)

i think Turkish summed it up pretty good.

so players like comical wouldn't have the worlds biggest exp. just 115199.

what this means, is that when lvl 35 does come out, all he has to do is win/loose a match and he lvls up.

now some people may say its not fun, or that its effortless.
ur still doing wins whether at lvl cap or not. all this does, is gain exp until the next lvl cap. so while u would get nothing atm u would actually get something.

Oba -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/10/2012 11:00:41)

Aha, now I understand. But its still basically the same thing as I wrote earlier, what would the point with having a level cap be then?

Matrix77 -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/10/2012 16:57:52)

Thank you gold and turkish for pointing out my point that some of the players did not get :)

@playarn - The level cap is there to prevent you from leveling up, to show that, that is the maximum level in game currently. The level cap has nothing to do with gaining experiences. Even if you have over 1m+ exp you still won't level up.

@Ashari - can you please clarify if possible why ED do not raise more than 1 level when they raise the cap? For players already at level cap, when the level is raised by 1, the excitement and enjoyment is only there for 1 level, after we hit the cap again, that excitement is all gone :/

As Depressed Void has mentioned, everyone else is allow to continue gaining exp which is a feature of this game, but once hitting level cap, we are not allowed to gain any further exp, being so, it feels like cap players are being punish for being at level cap. Everyone else before the cap is allow to gain exp, except the cap players.

Also cap players have to work just as hard like other players in battle provided that there is no one huge advantage over the other, and yet cap players gain as a reward is cred, influence and tokens, now possible drops from the upcoming update, and other players who aren't at cap are able to reap the full benefits of exp and everything else?

rej -> RE: Continuously gain experience for the next level cap... (2/10/2012 17:52:11)


The different between EpicDuel's leveling systen, and DragonFable or MechQuest's is that ED only raises the level cap by 1 level at a time. MechQuest has raised it by 5 levels each time, and DragonFable has raised it by 10. You can only get part of the way to the level cap with rollover experience, no matter how much experience you have from playing at the level cap, it will only give you one level.

That still leaves something to work for, which is the point of raising the level cap in any RPG style game. If ED has something like this, I don't think it could allow you to gain experience all the way up to the new level. That would defeat the point of raising the level cap for a good chunk of active players.

Actually, Mechquest often raises it's level cap by two or three. They have only raised the cap by an even five twice before.

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