EbilCorp and Artix Entertainment : is it really happening or a joke ?? (Full Version)

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Hatsuka -> EbilCorp and Artix Entertainment : is it really happening or a joke ?? (2/9/2012 17:49:37)

EbilCorp's Website
AQ3D Website

Just wondering, is it true that EbilCorp stoke the AQ3D Files or just a joke ??

nico0las -> RE: EbilCorp and Artix Entertainment : is it really happening or a joke ?? (2/9/2012 17:51:56)

AQ3D is a legitimate project. The Alpha is supposed to come out some time this year.
As for EbilCorp, I don't know what to make of it.

DeathGuard -> RE: EbilCorp and Artix Entertainment : is it really happening or a joke ?? (2/9/2012 17:55:22)

Ebilcorp concept and idea come from AQ and AQW, the "ebil" moglin Zorbak which objective is rule the world, if you have heard any times of ebil games manage somehow by Zorbak, it is legal and it is just a fun project which they somehow want to be involved with AE.

Hatsuka -> RE: EbilCorp and Artix Entertainment : is it really happening or a joke ?? (2/9/2012 17:59:50)

from Artix' Twitter and the AQ3D Site, it says, the file have been stolen ??? Is that true ??

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: EbilCorp and Artix Entertainment : is it really happening or a joke ?? (2/9/2012 18:00:23)

It has to be a joke. Because after looking at both websites and reading the text it is absolutely ridicolous it can not possibly be serious.

Calogero -> RE: EbilCorp and Artix Entertainment : is it really happening or a joke ?? (2/9/2012 18:02:20)

Actualy Ebilcorp is a concept of MechQuest...
It's run by Zorbak as CO

Hatsuka -> RE: EbilCorp and Artix Entertainment : is it really happening or a joke ?? (2/9/2012 18:02:37)

Ya, thats what i was thinking too. BUt for a short time, i thought thats really happened xD

Kinzdor -> RE: EbilCorp and Artix Entertainment : is it really happening or a joke ?? (2/9/2012 18:03:40)

Actually it comes from MQ where Zorbak runs Ebilcorp. Not to long ago AE started to create videos were Ebilcorp would try to take down AE. The videos lead into certain references to Ebilcorp in the DNs which led into this.

DeathGuard -> RE: EbilCorp and Artix Entertainment : is it really happening or a joke ?? (2/9/2012 18:07:26)


Actualy Ebilcorp is a concept of MechQuest...
My bad, I confused anyways it is just a little prank but nothing more, as I said

it is just a fun project which they somehow want to be involved with AE.

The Game -> RE: EbilCorp and Artix Entertainment : is it really happening or a joke ?? (2/9/2012 20:49:58)

Please use the =AE= AQ3D - Full 3D AE MMO thread to continue discussion on this topic.


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