Opti-P w/A mg Series (Full Version)

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Icy -> Opti-P w/A mg Series (2/10/2012 22:11:12)


Opti-P w/A 10mg

Level: 10
Price: 50 Nova Gems
Sellback: 45 Nova Gems before 24 hours, 13 Nova Gems after 24 hours
Location: Vend-O-Tron Mod Shop

Equip Slot: Mod
Bonuses: +2 Luck, +4 Perception, +1 Accuracy
Special Effects: N/A

Description: Ever watch Toned Runehawk and dream of being him? This product will colorize your dreams. (Do Not Crush!) Created for you by EbilCorp, it contains the nutrients you need.

Icy -> RE: Opti-P w/A mg Series (2/10/2012 22:12:02)


Opti-P w/A 20mg

Level: 20
Price: 100 Nova Gems
Sellback: 90 Nova Gems before 24 hours, 25 Nova Gems after 24 hours
Location: Vend-O-Tron Mod Shop

Equip Slot: Mod
Bonuses: +4 Luck, +8 Perception, +2 Accuracy
Special Effects: N/A

Description: Ever watch Toned Runehawk and dream of being him? This product will colorize your dreams. (Do Not Crush!) Created for you by EbilCorp, it contains the nutrients you need.

Icy -> RE: Opti-P w/A mg Series (2/10/2012 22:12:53)


Opti-P w/A 30mg

Level: 30
Price: 150 Nova Gems
Sellback: 135 Nova Gems before 24 hours, 38 Nova Gems after 24 hours
Location: Vend-O-Tron Mod Shop

Equip Slot: Mod
Bonuses: +6 Luck, +12 Perception, +3 Accuracy
Special Effects: N/A

Description: Ever watch Toned Runehawk and dream of being him? This product will colorize your dreams. (Do Not Crush!) Created for you by EbilCorp, it contains the nutrients you need.

Icy -> RE: Opti-P w/A mg Series (2/10/2012 22:13:46)


Opti-P w/A 40mg

Level: 40
Price: 200 Nova Gems
Sellback: 180 Nova Gems before 24 hours, 50 Nova Gems after 24 hours
Location: Vend-O-Tron Mod Shop

Equip Slot: Mod
Bonuses: +8 Luck, +16 Perception, +4 Accuracy
Special Effects: N/A

Description: Ever watch Toned Runehawk and dream of being him? This product will colorize your dreams. (Do Not Crush!) Created for you by EbilCorp, it contains the nutrients you need.

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