Frostbite (Full Version)

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goldslayer1 -> Frostbite (2/11/2012 2:31:08)

so recently i have been getting blocked alot while enemy still deals frostbite even tho he blocked.

does anyone else find it messed up that u received a frostbite while enemy blocks?
do u think frostbite should when when enemy blocks u?

ngshuyi94 -> RE: Frostbite (2/11/2012 3:15:11)

I really wonder why effects like these are implemented in the first place. It makes the game a lot more luck-based.

5 energy per turn could make a huge difference in battles especially for classes which cannot regain energy.

Yeah, frostbite shouldn't be activated if theres a block.

Remorse -> RE: Frostbite (2/11/2012 3:16:16)

How about this for an idea.

Frostbite can be very game changing and another anoying Luck factor, BUT what if frostbite was given a 100% chance IF you got blocked BUT NEVER when your not blocked.
If this causes fostbite to be too frequent it could be 50% chance IF your blocked only.

This means It will reduce the anoyance of a blocking equalling out bad luck rather then just another Luck factor that can cuase people to lose.

NOTE: It will also cast Frostbite if your yeti is blocked (Includes the special , if you have the frost destroyer)

Omega325 -> RE: Frostbite (2/11/2012 3:52:24)

^Ya thats a nice idea whos with him?

goldslayer1 -> RE: Frostbite (2/11/2012 4:08:53)

do u mean me inflicting frostbite if they block me?
or do u mean i get blocked and their armor inflicts frostbite on me?

cause i was referring to enemy's with armor still inflicting frostbite on me when they block me.

DeathGuard -> RE: Frostbite (2/11/2012 9:52:00)

Not only frostbite works that way, curse does it too so if they take frostbite when it is blocked, the other special effects as well should go throught it too.

Remorse -> RE: Frostbite (2/11/2012 10:06:38)

@ gold
Oh in that case being blocked shouldnt give frostbite form the armour,

No need to make blocks worse.

But my idea would still be useful as it would reduce the negative impact on luck.

@ Death that is the idea yes.

ND Mallet -> RE: Frostbite (2/11/2012 12:03:51)

Sometimes logic steps into the game too you know. If I throw a snowball at your face and you block it with your hand, do you still get cold? What if you punch a metal pole? You still get cold. You can't block the effects of cold like you can block a punch or sword swing, nor would the effect go away if the other object blocked you or not.

Battle Elf -> RE: Frostbite (2/11/2012 12:17:31)

Same thing with me "blocking" the Gamma Bots energy attack, would make more sense for a deflection.

Not everything can make sense :P

sylar67 -> RE: Frostbite (2/11/2012 13:35:39)

as much as i think this is wrong and more importantly the time when support tacts owned and delta dealing the -20 support even if blocked i asked the same question ...
and here is the answer i got from a mod : its like malfunction and smoke :) so even if its blocked you still get the effect :D

rej -> RE: Frostbite (2/11/2012 17:19:03)

No. Frostbite should not occur if:
You use baby yeti or a frost weapon and are blocked.
You have one of the armors that give frostbite aura and you block your opponent.

nico0las -> RE: Frostbite (2/11/2012 18:09:15)

It's the same as a curse. Even though you're not hit, you still lose support.
Maybe it makes no sense, but it's the way the game works and there's little we can do about it.

Gepard Acht -> RE: Frostbite (2/11/2012 21:14:54)

they should make frostbite occur if they do hit , if its blocked you shouldnt get it otherwise the chances of getting frostbites are very high

supermasivo -> RE: Frostbite (2/12/2012 6:52:18)

Are u talking about frostAura or frostbite? couse if its frostbite? ALL debuff still works even u block... and frost aura? its a defensive (11% low chance) skill from ur armor that obviously MUST to be active even if u block. couse ur weapon make the block but this is still an "AURA" surrounding u... i mean ranged protection.

Remorse -> RE: Frostbite (2/12/2012 9:38:07)

^ Yes but when you think of this in terms of whats best for balance,

LOGIC shouldnt have to make sence, (often it doesnt for balance reasons)
A block is a bad enough disadvanatge and should not be made worse by on top of it losing 15 energy overtime.

If they continue to follow this path ED will get worse and worse with luck.

So no the armours should not still give frostbite if they block an attack.

As for the wepon frostbite,
I actuly think it should be changed to Only being able to give frostbite when the attack is blocked cause like I said luck is getting worse and worse,
If you could only frostbite if you were blocked then it reduces the fact blocks are so bad thus slightly reducing negative impacts of luck.

BUT the forstbite chance when and ONLY your attack is blocked should be about 50% chance.

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