Terni (Full Version)

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Voodoo Master -> Terni (2/11/2012 4:33:04)



Location: The Boss Bear, The Culprit

Quests given

Shops owned

The Boss Bear

Terni: Stephan, so we meet at last!

Terni: You win this time... but mark my words, even if our rage has to hibernate for a hundred years... the bears will rise!

The Culprit

Terni: <Character>, so we meet again!

Terni: Oh, I'm convinced you can! But you're too late! The spam letters have been spread and Big Daddy's emporium is at an all-time low!

Terni: Chocolate?! Nooooooooooooooo! My brilliant plan! You shall pay for this, <Character>!

Terni: Not yet... You win this battle but I WILL return! Mark my words!


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