epic pie -> RE: =MtAK= The Fishmonger returns to his roots! (2/11/2012 12:24:30)
Hello, my name is Epic Pie...you stole my pie...Prepare to Die. :O pretty good rhyme I'm kinda jealous now! Congratulations on a new board Chis! Thanks, Epic! How are you today? A little busy, but overall great :D How are you? Are you in school? If so, what kind (college, grade, high, preschool, etc.)? High School! Do you like 3.5" floppy disks? Believe it or not, I still use them :/ I haven't used a floppy disk, but much respect for still using them! Have a nice day! Have fun storming the castle! (it would take a miracle) Thanks :D By the way, I am not left handed. It's ok most of my fishies are either!