RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (Full Version)

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Chosen 0ne -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/14/2012 19:27:13)

I swear if any of you take my name im gonna personaly kill you, XD.

Wraith -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/14/2012 19:29:54)

Still unreasonable. It would only be 20% behind Assault Bot.

I bought Varium for an advantage. True.

But still...I could play on my alt for a week and buy it. Meanwhile, AExtras for Assault Bot takes almost a month.

Different scenario ._.

StriderAigis -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/14/2012 20:09:40)


With mission rewards and power hour

Confused, does that mean no more power hour and no credit rewards for missions?

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/14/2012 20:10:51)

No.. It means that Arcade drops (Credits) are gone because we have means above to get them + drops.

ngshuyi94 -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/14/2012 20:40:58)

Great, i can finally get myself a bot. Idc if its rusty, lol.

Thanks for the bot! [:)]

Hatsuka -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/14/2012 20:44:23)

Awesome! 5th Bot in game :D
More Collecting Beep.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/14/2012 21:25:19)


We will also be slashing prices on home items! This means there's never been a better time to decorate!

Finally... I'm waiting forward. :)

streetnaruto -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/14/2012 22:20:56)

20 000 creds is reasonable and gettin assual bot would take me 2 days got 500 varium (1000 pts) from ae xrtas in 1-2 hours with downloads i got cyber hunter armor with it havent done any offers since then so i dunno what the fuzz about getting the assualt bot in a month is when we know it takes far less time. maybe ill do offers again -,- anyways negawraith and a bot and drops seems preety good. crosses fingers for 20 k pricing.

WhiteTiger -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/14/2012 22:46:18)

This looks like an awesome release, I'm really glad a credit robot is being released this week. I also can't wait to see what the high level drops are, and the continuation of the Heartbreaker Saga sounds interesting.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/14/2012 23:05:45)

I think having the drops as exclusive drops would make it more special. With the current low level drops, one can buy it at the shops as well.

Sageofpeace -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/14/2012 23:06:13)

sure why not improve a house feature on a pvp game when we have plenty of balance to go around(SPECIALLY ON 2VS2) what was the reason again why they couldn't release this last week?

ND Mallet -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/14/2012 23:25:43)

@sage Because 1. Players have asked for improvements to housing and definitely in the restricting people from entering them variety and 2. They can't think up, test, and code new balance changes in every week. It takes much longer than a week or it will just be crappy balance and time spent fixing the problems they made by not testing effectively.

Wraith -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/14/2012 23:25:47)

@Above: Raymus's house paint was wet lmao.

Ninja'ed by 4 seconds :/

Luna_moonraider -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/14/2012 23:33:06)

finally an all credit bot took ya long enuf but who care it it is rusty. rust can be gotten rid with some rust removing stuff. overall i think this would be a gr8 update. also good bye *scam* arcade u will never be missed. now the problem here is tokens are only used for flag and cheevos. also hope there is a all credit house sold at raymus but i dont think there would be an all credit house this early so oh well anyways the houses are well pretty useless.

Joe10112 -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/14/2012 23:53:04)

@^: Couldn't have put that better myself.

Except, I already got the Assault Bot from the Arcade. Now, do I have x2 chance to get the Hoverbike, or do I just get my chances of getting a reward slashed? -.-

I hope those dropped weapons sell for alot of, at least 2,000 credits each. :D

Rusted Bot = Interesting look. Predictions on what it will look like? I think it'll be a dirt-covered Assault Bot.

King FrostLich -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/15/2012 1:01:47)


For more information, please check out, your source for all things AdventureQuest 3D, and the future home of the Artix Entertainment portal.

Does this mean all my points in will turn into zero? If so, I'm using my last points RIGHT NOW.

Joe10112 -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/15/2012 1:05:31)

@^: Highly doubt it. Like, HIGHLY. They'll probably just change the name of to or something.

If they do wipe all your Artix Points, they literally just "scammed" so many users out of a bunch of points.

King FrostLich -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/15/2012 1:10:45)

That happened when AExtras was removed on and turned into portal although it is still available in AQWorlds but in a different way. Alot of people got disappointed and I want to make sure I don't end up like them.

Ashari -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/15/2012 1:12:25)


Does this mean all my points in will turn into zero? If so, I'm using my last points RIGHT NOW.

You don't have to worry about your Artix Points. You'll still have them. The move won't have any effect on your game accounts or your master account besides putting everything under the same domain name. EpicDuel made the move to several months ago, and nothing's changed because of that.

King FrostLich -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/15/2012 1:21:41)

Well good. Anyways, I'm willing to buy the rusted assault bot if its debuff is 60%-65% when malfed. It would be unbalanced if it was 50% since many players have smokescreen and malf that decreases 35 to 40+ points.

Darkwing -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/15/2012 2:31:38)

credits bot? pvp drops for evry level? great. if u make some balance changes 2, this will be the best update...ever

Remorse -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/15/2012 3:56:56)

Great release.

Glad to know they are trying to solve the housing issue.

And as always :P I am bit disapointed they werent able to fit in the trend of small baalnce changes.
Balance is still the greatest problem and just because they do a few balance changes doesnt mean the focus should be shifted.

Remorse Less.

drinde -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/15/2012 4:30:33)

Bot -> Happy -> Win!

If the Rusty was Physical, I'd be dying in heaven.


Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/15/2012 6:50:47)

Small query on the house blocking.

Is it going to be there for all of your houses?
eg. Block or admit friends only - house 1 and 3
rest left open to all?

Or if you apply to one does it affect all?

Hope you understand what I am thinking here. lol

Colarndo -> RE: =ED= Feb 14 Design Notes - A Lovestruck Design Notes (2/15/2012 7:11:32)

I can has a nerfkitten(from AQ) to guard my house? It will be so pretty!

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