A Lonely Path to Follow Dearly - Discussion (Full Version)

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Stabilis -> A Lonely Path to Follow Dearly - Discussion (2/17/2012 21:24:15)

(ED) A Lonely Path to Follow Dearly

To discuss this latest story.

drinde -> RE: A Lonely Path to Follow Dearly - Discussion (2/17/2012 21:26:38)


Just one question: Whats with you and Caden? :P

Stabilis -> RE: A Lonely Path to Follow Dearly - Discussion (2/17/2012 21:31:33)

^ We have... a history. There is more than meets the eye between my past and his. He represents everything I hate, and I represent everything he wants to destroy. We met in battle a few instances back... I won most of the battles, but he demands vengeance against me still. I have been cursed.

Fay Beeee -> RE: A Lonely Path to Follow Dearly - Discussion (2/18/2012 13:20:30)

Well. Just read all three together and personally I think it is GREAT. :)
Make a good read, with a very interesting and continuing story line. Keep it up. Let me know when next one is ready to read. [:)]

Well chapter 4 was as good as the last 3. Left me wanting more. I am glad that the brothers found peace with each other. :)

Stabilis -> RE: A Lonely Path to Follow Dearly - Discussion (2/19/2012 12:04:22)

Thank you Fay Beee. [;)]

Its great to see positive feedback about a shared fantasy of mine.

When I am free to write, 7 hours from the time of this post, I should be able to add yet another aeon to the story.

The fifth chapter!

Fay Beeee -> RE: A Lonely Path to Follow Dearly - Discussion (2/22/2012 8:36:59)

I have now read ALL so far. lol
Well worth the time it took. In fact, I lost track of time. Very good continuing story line. Carry on and let me know when more is added.
It is a bit like reading a book in weekly instalments. lol

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