Most Powerful Builds (Full Version)

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ultrafried -> Most Powerful Builds (2/20/2012 22:47:55)

Was just wondering what people though were the most powerful builds right now. Don't discuss how much better certain builds are or how we can make them all equal just say your opinion on what you think the top 10, or however many you want to say, are.
Here's my opinion:
1. Dex CH
2. 5 focus CH
3. Str BM
4. 5 focus TLM
5 Str CH
6. Str TLM
7.Dex TM
8.Str BH
9.Tech TM
10. 5 foucs TM

AQWPlayer -> RE: Most Powerful Builds (2/20/2012 22:55:11)

Let's see...
1. Tech CH
2. Dex TLM
3. Support Merc
4. 5 focus TM
5. Support BM
6. Support BH

goldslayer1 -> RE: Most Powerful Builds (2/20/2012 23:02:28)

1) 31-38 def/res +9 physical armor + 12 plasma armor 5 focus super tank CH.

2) Dex CH

3) STR ch

4) str tlm / tank focus tlm

5) SC tech mage

str BM would be 5th on that list, but sadly as of the recent pointless nerf to deflection change to tech, str bm overall % and effectiveness has gone down due to deflections. (specially against malf dealers, and tanks) and gun was one of their key main attacks.

Lectrix -> RE: Most Powerful Builds (2/20/2012 23:13:43)

Please keep in mind that this Forum is meant for discussing EpicDuel related topics, not simply creating lists. If the latter proves to be the case in this Thread, I'll have to lock it up.

This Thread should not become a balance discussion either, since we we have an entire Thread devoted to that.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Most Powerful Builds (2/21/2012 9:24:49)

For ratio:

1) 126 dex, energy armor tank-str-heallooper CH
2)+135 hp heallooper str TLM
3)Dex tank Multishot CH
4)Str CH / SC TM

For killing speed:

1)Str BM(gun-fire-strike-gun-fire)
2)Str CH(malf-static-strike-massacre)
3)Str TLM(spaming Smoke-DS-Frenzy)
4)Tech abuse TM (Bolt-Rain-gun-bolt-rain)[another version of str BM, didnt tried yet]

Oba -> RE: Most Powerful Builds (2/21/2012 10:07:25)

I'd have to say that high dex CH (120+) is the strongest build right now, as I played with that before I changed to BM.

supermasivo -> RE: Most Powerful Builds (2/21/2012 18:14:31)

dex CH is the best... my build ryt now =)

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Most Powerful Builds (2/21/2012 18:28:51)

Heal Loop Tank CH. A user named BlueFire X is the first CH I seen use that build. And I must say it works perfectly. He destroyed me Max Heal, Max Plasma Armor, Max Static Charge, lvl 3 cheap shot and lvl 1 def matrix. Beast.

nico0las -> RE: Most Powerful Builds (2/21/2012 18:38:19)

My personal top 10 (I'm using historical facts here. Some of these builds are weak(er) now, but they were once amazing)

1: Strength TLM (this one is debatable, I understand, but think about it. The one reason we're in this mess is because it was too OP).
2: Strength BH (historically, it's probably the best build in this game).
3: Support Tech Mage
4: Strength CH
5: Dexterity mage
6: Dexterity BH and CH
7: Strength BM
8: 5 focus/Heal loop TLM
9: Support TLM
10: 5 focus CH

rej -> RE: Most Powerful Builds (2/21/2012 19:12:20)

Heal loop, 5 focus ch with all enhancements in dexterity. They are nearly impossible to hit, and they heal every few rounds.

Stabilis -> RE: Most Powerful Builds (2/21/2012 20:18:14)

5 Focus for all classes.

STR builds for TlM, CH, BM, and BH.

Sipping Cider -> RE: Most Powerful Builds (2/21/2012 21:28:58)

For level 20-30 I would say blood mage as that is what I have been playing. Caster skills are great at this phase due to low health apponents and blood mage has the most caster skills out there.

Remorse -> RE: Most Powerful Builds (2/22/2012 1:46:43)

I dont understand why most people say dex CH or focus CH personally I find those builds easy to beat.

The builds I strugle with are STR TLMs providing they dont get blocked.
And STR Blood mages providing they start.

WHY? Becuase these are the builds which you can almost definately NOT play defensively and win, and I like to play defencively and outsmart my oppnent.

Does not work agianst these builds hence I think they are the most powerful to verse (Not as powerful to play because they are suscpetiable to constant bad luck) for being highly counterless, having constant high damage, forces the player to match their dmagae or be dead, simple easy and effortless.

I also think they need to be changed and that its effortless builds like these ruining the game.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Most Powerful Builds (2/22/2012 2:38:46)

i think u need to mention that ur lacking stat points.
if u have gear that isn't fully enhanced, ur at a disadvantage against tlms with full enhanced gear.
and that ur defense is considerably low (altho still very high) compared to ur resistance.
u also have low hp.

ur average build now has a range between 95-109 (even focus builds have 109 now) u have 89

u also have 26 base resistance from tech stats alone, along with +9 from armor, and + 10 from plasma armor.
thats a total of 45 resistance. while u only have 30 defense.
its no wonder that ur loosing to tlms, they are ur only weakness because of ur own low defense.
and IIRC, i suggested that u move ur armor to physical. and u said no because then str ch and mages would beat u.

i think what ur not realizing is that every build has its weakness. and urs atm is defense, along with low hp.

and u shouldn't compare urself to a full var tlm when ur outclassed by stats. ur build is alright, just lacks hp and maybe a physical armor if u want higher chances against tlms and BMs.

Remorse -> RE: Most Powerful Builds (2/22/2012 4:02:05)

^That is true,

And honestly I would have high HP if I could.
I would prberly try the phsical armour if I could aswel.

Unfortunately I lack enahcements and decent phiscal armour and If I want 5 focus I have to have 89 Hp for my build to be effecient.

But even still classes without passive armour usally have one defnce being around 30 so its unfair that they should automatically have weaknesses just because they cant tank and lose to effortless spammers.

Thats why you practically never see any classes play a defecne build that DONT have a passive defence. And I think it shouldnt be like that it shouldnt constrict variety like that, but thats just my opinion.

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