RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (Full Version)

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Darkeroid -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 11:53:33)

@luna-It should be (if it even will be here) a molten frostbane ;)

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 12:04:01)

That time will come whenever Devs have time to work on extra gifts for Betas onwards (and Alpha, they got nothing yet). :P But I'm for it, my alts will gain from it unless they make gifts for everyone who registered during Beta and before; if I'm a Founder, I should be able to access all shops after that as I have badges but didn't buy Varium which could make me miss out BUT I think they will make it depending on the cheevo or register date. Shouldn't be hard to do, just separate shops by making them available for characters made between X and Y. Either way, I'd still have access to all on my main but my alts wouldn't. :P
And if rewards won't be affecting game or maybe bonus weapon - we shouldn't moan right? If Beta gets weapons, everyone before that will gain on it but also more people will get the items because Beta was after merge with AE and there was more players. Just like AQW gave shop with Beta Berzerker for Beta players only - sounds fair as we were there during Beta and got the badge. If they make different weapon for Gamma's then even more gain on it!
Although weapons would be unfair as they affect gameplay and for free it would not be fair in any way *free weapon, as good as Varium/Credits one - not fair right?*. If they make rewards like Bikes for all but different art, it's still a gift of appreciation. Who knows, they could look better than Founder (hopefully not). ;) Or maybe it could be Varium gift like we got for free? Even 1K is nice, just one item but it's like $10 gift for you and with broken weapons - they could work together nicely. :P

Remorse -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 12:55:00)

^Persoannly I think it would be unfair to the other stages if beta were awarded seprately.

I am from beta but I dont think apart from apreciation gifts that people who supported should be split up.

I know how it feels for founders to get stuff, So I dont think the other stages would like it if betas were singled out to get seperate stuff.

I Persoannly would Like it, But I try to keep my responces seperate from what I want and what I think should be done, even if it doesnt benefit me.

Xendran -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 13:06:43)

Its a friggen bike that doesn't do anything. Stop complaining. You still have your varium gear.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 13:06:43)

I thought about it and probably even buying 500 Varium during the stage should make you able to access the shop with rewards. You technically supported ED during that stage, even if just that much. And same would apply for other stages in which my main would get all rewards either way as I bought Gamma and Delta packages. :P
Well I went for "stage support" idea as Founders have their own one. But it could be done as main reward for all;
- Depending on how much Varium you bought, you get access to better shops
- Better shops = better rewards

AQW players should know, you get special shop with like Set of items for buying total of 6, 12, 18 and 24 Months of Membership so same could be done here but changed to amount of Varium. Mind that, 12 Months of Membership is 11.6K Points compared to 10K Varium for 10K Points. So buying 3 Varium (biggest packages) would be equivalent to about 2.5yrs of AQW Membership which should get you highest reward possible really to not make it money scam for an item which gives you advantage over everyone. That's $150 which is a bit, but compared to heavy spenders and how long Varium lasts in ED, it could be raised to perhaps 50K Varium bought to get top price. That's $250 which is considerably more and not everyone spend as much.
Rewards should also be available for that one char only if you spent that money on it. As if it was whole account, then you could get free item of PLvl 34 at Lvl 1? It's fair as AQW does that too - new char = new account so new 'spending spree' for items.

Yes I do realise they are 2 different games but I reflected on it in this above paragraph when I posted it (they are different).

vegitix -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 13:32:55)

@Trans:Never compare ED to AQW pricing or rewarding system... [:D]

To those who have a lot of complain because we Elites and the Founders are getting a bike...Well its like having a promo and you already know what to expect(advantage).

If most of you complain because you didn't know that this things(giving freebies) is going to happen well it's not our our lost. In the 1st place we bought during the PROMOTIONAL OFFER. If you spend a lot of money after the promo and not getting complimentary well its not the games fault. Rememebr we elites are promised unlimitted varium before Artix merge but it was taken away (Titan broke hhis promise). That instance didn't stop us Elites from playing and we are still here I know some are not playing anymore. But hey removing our unlimitted supply of varium didn't made us run to the forum and flame Titan. So to those players who doesn't have any understand for the game we love "just wait" who kows maybe Titan will soon be giving us a share in this game.

Well that's just my point of view to those flammers who doesn't even have the right to flame in this thread...

Thanks and Enjoy the Game

"If you ain't like the game Just Hate the game"

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 14:09:43)


Charfade ‏ @Charfade
oh hum, testing testing testing.... :3

From 10 mins ago. ;)

Digital X -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 14:11:49)

Tweets like that get me a little pumped up, it's good to know they keep us IN the know regarding releases, even if it just say how testing is going, or this bug or that needs fixing before this or that can happen etc.

Remorse -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 14:22:17)

^ I agree,

Thats why I made a thread a whle ago saying the should involve themsleves more :3

But if they cant they cant.

Wootz -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 15:17:03)

Most of you people here don't know about Artix Entertainments traditions.
On every game they make they have Foundership which makes you one of the first upholders in the game which means a lot to the company which at the time of this idea was still small and their Secret Underground Lab was Artix's house.

It means a lot to every game Developer as it helps them out a lot and means that some people are willing to pay for the game to continue growing and that means a lot.

If you guys can't understand that. You aren't for this game, nor company.

Solargeo -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 15:24:49)

um i may not be the best to hear an opion in you eyes since i am a beta founder but founders get the rewards because what if the elite players never bought and Ed never got to come to Ae
Also what if Aq Ae's first game never had founders who helped them
if you can see what i am saying then thank you if not then list up
without founders beta's and alpha's most online games that are around today would probley not exist today
because beta's and alpha's spread the word about the game it became more popular there for drawing ing more revanue for the game which meant it got better and got more money you see the cycle if not

Alpha/beta/Founders help the game in earl;y stages if it is good they spread the word which helps the game grow and grow because its getting better and better and people are telling others about it
so basicly they lay the ground or in other words FOUNDation for the game helping it become a succes or a failure

ashtonsdad -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 15:52:15)

thank you for showing us Founders appreciation, can't wait to see the new ride! :)

Lord Nub -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 15:56:20)

I just enjoy how the community gets so sidetracked from real issues. Apparently it seems we have roughly 4 players or so reposting over and over the same thing, "I'm not a Founder so imma keep posting everywhere how wrong this Founder bike release is and once the phase I started in receives something I will put on a :) and say forget later phases!"

What about something that affects PvP? Why is it that the developers Titan, Rabblefroth, and Nightwraith seem to believe that balance is that of a 9 year old being able to defeat a fully competent 18+ year old?

Is balance suppose to be where all classes are effective and where skillful players can defeat the less skillful regardless of class? Or is it that regardless of skill level, any player can win any given match thanks to luck thanks to such little player control?

Why can't players control these luck factors? There is no need for minimum percentages! Let the players decide what they wish to do with their characters! Get rid of this EpicDuel destiny luck garbage and let the players make their own percentages/luck! For the love of God let the players have a little control and strategize in something that is suppose to be a PvP strategy game!

Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 16:08:35)

From Charfades twitter


Charfade ‏ @Charfade Close
BTW, Superbowl cheevo will go rare in the next release update!
8:59 PM - 24 Feb 12 via web · Details
Reply Retweet Favorite

DeathGuard -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 16:21:33)

Im still asking myself why does servers gets that stat abusers should have first turn...

Anyways the complaining about founders getting a stupid bike is ignorance, I would be mad if it had be a weapon or an armor but a simple bike won't hurt me. I do agree in something with Bones, high varium payers should be rewarded also by something nice, not only a several group of people.

There should be three rewards in appreciation week:
-Founders' Appreciaton
-Varium Payers' appreciation
-Nonvarium's [All Players] appreciation
It is the most fair appreciation since each group is being rewarded by what it has do/support.

streetnaruto -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 16:27:40)

Ahem im still mad and its not the bike it`s the morale.
Also i HIGHLY doubt gamma,alpha,delta(if its not the final phase) will EVER get a reward because you could just buy the cheevo without paying $.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 16:29:57)

Keep doubting.
Who said it'll be based on cheevo? Supporters are ones who paid real money to buy Varium. Was cheevo buyable for Varium? No, therefore you're not a supporter. c:

streetnaruto -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 16:30:29)

Also even if they do it would be in the 2020`s when the company would be run by some chinese dude.
Also why thell they named it player appreciation week

Uhh what does that have to do with it? im (my old acc is beta and lvl 8 (stolen password but i have it now but dont use cuz i got a new one) The new is gamma he paid in gamma but even if you do it with ¨creation dates° its same thing cuz you could have bought the cheevo in the first place.Again HIGHLY unprobable for gamma aplha delta rewards

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Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 16:37:35)

They made a special thread for the Robots. Why not make a thread for the bike.?

streetnaruto -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 16:38:24)

O im not here to argue cus it`s impposible to change someones belief

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 16:39:11)

street, Cindy confirmed there will be rewards and I said it loads of times today. Give it some time, it's not like a good reward (like a bike or a weapon) can be done in hour or two, coded and added into the game.

streetnaruto -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 16:39:37)

^^to avoid flamming

Laces -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 16:40:11)

Alright. So Founders get a new bike? Thats awesome. Wonderful. I have no bike so yay!

I don't see why you people are arguing so much over a bike. Honestly. Its a bike. Does it help Founders in battle? No. Does it give Founders extra stat boosts? No. Can Founders sell the bike for Varium/Credits? No. So why, pray tell, are you complaining? Now, if Founders were to get a weapon/bot, you could prove your case that everyone else who supported this game after Founders should get something. But if your honestly going to whine about Founders getting an item that is simply for looks, that sir, is pathetic. This is really sad to see people complaining about not getting a bike.

streetnaruto -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 16:49:35)

Coding isint that hard i made a mini mmo as a graduation project with a free server site(cant remeber name but it only lasted 5 days for free) and it only took me 2 days to code draw and flash.(comp classee pay off)

i made 5 "streets(battle zones), 35 weapons, 5 character models , 40 pieces of clothing(cc) and made it possible to get to lvl 15 (stat coding is a bit confusing)

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Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Feb 22nd Design Notes - More Heartbreaks and broken items! (2/24/2012 16:56:50)

You cannot compare the two. Then show your coding skills and make an item, and code it in whatever program ED uses and see if you can do it. You said stat coding is confusing in your game, so ED is easier if you think it's that easy? Also please use edit button as it saves you time double posting everytime or add everything in one post.

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