=HS= February 23rd Design Notes - Package Supremo & Hero Heart Day Ends (Full Version)

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Ashari -> =HS= February 23rd Design Notes - Package Supremo & Hero Heart Day Ends (2/23/2012 20:36:53)


February 23, 2012
Hero Heart Day Ended
Hope all enjoyed the Hero heart Day items! The shop now gone until next year. Keep an eye out on the Daily Shop as I will be throwing in some special items called Basic and Legendary Power Cores for both Good and Evil doers!

So what are Power cores for? Will they will be one of the pieces needed to forge (merge) an upcoming item, which will be hard to get as the rest of the pieces could be anywhere (drops, quest, etc.). The rest of the parts needed will not be ingame just yet (will post when that happens) but since the Daily Shop is random I giving you the chance to hunt for the first part starting after Midnight EST (Eastern Standard Time). So after that check the shop each day. More about this will be posted here soon.

NEW! Random Shop has been updated once again... happy hunting!

TIP! Did you know some items are clickable and are clickable while previewing item in shops and inventory!

Tags: Randor the Red Hero Heart Day Daily Shop


February 23, 2012
Package Supremo gets a MEGA UPDATE
The Package Supremo set was a huge success and you all look great in your SkyFrost set. But the time has come to update the package with a new set. And this set defines the word HEAVY METAL. Dage the Evil, of AQW fame, created another amazing set. This set included multiple stages of transformation to fully customize your character to the extreme. Expect this set to go live this friday. So if you have not yet purchaced the SkyFrost set, get it before it's gone for good.


Once you purchase the 6000 SC pack, the items will get immediately get put in your bank (you might want to refresh first), and get delivered to all your characters. You only get ONE set of the items. If you purchase the package again you will receive a special bundle of 15 PvP Tokens. Remember – you will only get ONE set per character. If you delete or sell the items, you will not get them again, unless you purchase the package again.

Tags: Yergen Rares Dage the Evil Spool

Master Kage -> RE: =HS= February 23rd Design Notes - Package Supremo & Hero Heart Day Ends (2/23/2012 20:56:10)

Looks pretty good. Wish I had SC's or whatever the armour requires. :(

First to post, btw.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= February 23rd Design Notes - Package Supremo & Hero Heart Day Ends (2/23/2012 20:56:59)

Thanks for tackling these Design Notes, Ashari. :3 We can run up a flight of stairs together sometime.

I am SOOOO looking forward to that armor!

Jae10 -> RE: =HS= February 23rd Design Notes - Package Supremo & Hero Heart Day Ends (2/23/2012 21:41:01)

Wow that is some swell mecha-wear!

blank452 -> RE: =HS= February 23rd Design Notes - Package Supremo & Hero Heart Day Ends (2/24/2012 6:34:11)

The scale of the wings makes it look like a Chibi-transformer. Although, it is very different from almost all other armours, so at least it will stand out.

guilhermebright -> RE: =HS= February 23rd Design Notes - Package Supremo & Hero Heart Day Ends (2/24/2012 13:15:47)

Very expensive .... wanted to lower the 'price PLIS

BadDream Productions -> RE: =HS= February 23rd Design Notes - Package Supremo & Hero Heart Day Ends (2/24/2012 16:10:17)

This set does look amazing but I think im going to wait a while till I get it (If it stays for a while that is) still Not sure puting any money to a game thats not Improving :/


Dragon Immortal -> RE: =HS= February 23rd Design Notes - Package Supremo & Hero Heart Day Ends (2/25/2012 13:23:32)

Come on villains. Are you seriously going to let the goody two shoe heroes take away our awesome sword. We only need 7% while they need 2%. Let's show them just how us villains take our part in the grand scheme of taking over this world. Buahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!

blank452 -> RE: =HS= February 23rd Design Notes - Package Supremo & Hero Heart Day Ends (2/25/2012 14:36:34)

@Dragon Immortal
FYI, the poll is not hero vs villain. It's sci-fi vs fantasy. Vote for what you feel is the superior genre, not what colours you fly as a character.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= February 23rd Design Notes - Package Supremo & Hero Heart Day Ends (2/25/2012 14:44:09)

Dragon's post is evidence that the colors of battle polls need to be changed, and that each side of the war needs to have their subject known.
For instance, it should be "sci fi" versus "fantasy" on a double yellow bar in Smashdome. Not blue and red. Everyone immediately associates these colors with good and evil.
There should be no item previews next time around, either, as that causes the war to be a fight for the item and not the subject.
People don't seem aware that it is actually sci-fi versus fantasy, not good versus evil...

Please take this into consideration, Randor or somebody else up top.

Devastate -> RE: =HS= February 23rd Design Notes - Package Supremo & Hero Heart Day Ends (2/25/2012 22:36:47)

I should start farming for fame now for the core is a tad pricy!

LemonStrike -> RE: =HS= February 23rd Design Notes - Package Supremo & Hero Heart Day Ends (2/26/2012 23:28:07)

Basic & Legendary core what's is the difference besides the price and??

Charries -> RE: =HS= February 23rd Design Notes - Package Supremo & Hero Heart Day Ends (2/27/2012 0:45:33)

@Lemonstrike: Currently the only difference is that Legendary Cores cost half as much as the basic ones and are member only whilst the basic cores are available to anyone. There may be a difference in the item/power that they unlock when combined with other objects at a later date.

Phoenix Myth -> RE: =HS= February 23rd Design Notes - Package Supremo & Hero Heart Day Ends (3/1/2012 19:23:25)

I bought the package and did not get the armor.


FBI -> RE: =HS= February 23rd Design Notes - Package Supremo & Hero Heart Day Ends (3/24/2012 17:21:43)

I dont like the set.. its weird.. The set blocks the whole page.. So huge[&o]

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