funny thing to show the lies :) (Full Version)

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sylar67 -> funny thing to show the lies :) (2/24/2012 13:05:53)

Devs said there will be only 2-3 promos in each year so there will be no big diffrence in damages ... what i see is 2 promos in 1st 2 months of this year funny eh ? next week there will be eggzookaz then st patrick then ... then ... -.- and yet they dont let us sell the promos in the time they are here so we dont benefit of 200 vars when were paying hundreds of dollars on a 2d game ... EPIC FAIL

Ranloth -> RE: funny thing to show the lies :) (2/24/2012 13:14:58)

They are annual promos, makes sense to come back every year. Calm down? They meant individual promos, not seasonal. Winter Event was big and it replaced Delta until late January. Current one is annual as well so will be back next year with no buffs to it (there won't be anymore). Eggzookas, not the +38 damage ones as they are perma-rare so that's why I bought them, ones in this package will probably be weaker ones.
Your examples are annual/seasonal promos which are here since even 2 years ago, problem? Most are available in-game, hard to use your bought Varium to buy them?

Think before you post.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: funny thing to show the lies :) (2/24/2012 13:21:53)

Dude really? They meant the individual promos. The promos we got this year was for Winter and Valentines day they are seasonal promos. I mean honestly you expect them to skip all the seasons? And not have any promos for them like they have every year? That makes no sense at all.

Think before you post.

Stabilis -> RE: funny thing to show the lies :) (2/24/2012 13:26:18)

It doesn't affect your gaming how many promotional offers they display... its really the positive change in stats upon every promotion is what I would say could make promotions look bad to you and I.

However, we don't even have level 35 and we are already at 35 weapon damage... THAT, is a development issue, and a concurrently ongoing issue at that.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: funny thing to show the lies :) (2/24/2012 13:29:44)

@Void How is that an issue? The Caterpillar Aux has 39 damage. And we are nowhere near lvl 39.

Ranloth -> RE: funny thing to show the lies :) (2/24/2012 13:33:28)

Auxillary weapons have higher damage than normal weapons. :P Usually +4 more than the Lvl of the item + bonuses; weapon might get +1 more damage but -4 less stats (exchange) and Varium items have 2 Lvls advantage so it can be +1 damage and +4 more stats/+2 damage only/+8 stats only.

Stabilis -> RE: funny thing to show the lies :) (2/24/2012 13:37:13)


First time I've needed to say FAIL on this forum, as auxiliary weapons require an excess in damage for having the largest cooldown.

Does that not make sense? Why do you think betazooka has 31 damage at level 25?

Auxiliaries were designed to have higher values of damage then primaries and sidearms.

Remorse -> RE: funny thing to show the lies :) (2/24/2012 13:50:14)

Higher damage is not an issue...

Its is a level 34 wepons with sacrifised stats for damage.

The same way night wraiths gun (whatever its called) Has bonus stats but sacrifised damage.

The same with the frost sword AND MANY lower level wepons.

The problem is when wepons like BETAs are plus 28 and ALOT more stats for their level.

But those wepons are passed us now And I think the devs have released reasonable wepons to follow the level.

But I do think the level cap raises to quickly, it seems level 33 went really quick thus reducing the effectiveness of all the level 33 gear.

Stabilis -> RE: funny thing to show the lies :) (2/24/2012 13:56:49)


My issue isn't damage so much as it is the general boost of power for every next item development, similar to what you said about your lv 33 gear being obsolete in a short timeframe.


You can still sell new weapons even if they are only as powerful as the current top gear. Instead, please take your time to balance, your priorities of feature development to balance fixes is quite slim. I would recommended taking a whole release to simply balancing the game.

Customer satisfaction! !!

The Game -> RE: funny thing to show the lies :) (2/24/2012 14:04:01)

The entire premise of this thread has already been refuted and shown to be incorrect in relation to the ED staff's promises and intentions. It is perfectly fine if you disagree with what the devs are doing or if you think what they are doing is inconsistent in some manner. It is, however, not permissible to be discourteous and quite frankly rude to anybody. Such conduct cannot be justified and is against the very rules that one agreed to when signing up to participate in this forum.


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