Super Charge (Full Version)

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Zizo -> Super Charge (2/25/2012 14:37:24)

How come close to no one uses it? Of the mages I've faced today, I didn't see it on anyone's skill tree...


Ranloth -> RE: Super Charge (2/25/2012 14:44:03)

They prefer other builds? You faced chars between Lvl 21 and 31 if your char is Lvl 26 (under avvy).
SC is not as effective at lower Lvl as Caster build. At higher Lvls, 30s range, SC is more effective as you can get better equipment which gives more stats thus improving your defensive + offensive capabilities.
Mind telling us more data on Lvls of TMs, skill tree, or something. It'll help answer the question somewhat as it's not really a discussion. TMs use it but at higher Lvls. Lower Lvls - Caster > SC.

Whirlwindstorm2 -> RE: Super Charge (2/25/2012 14:46:45)

Lol.. almost EVERY high level tech mage uses supercharge. Due to it improving with dexterity, these mages block a LOT. As to you not seeing any supercharge mages, it's either coincidental that your fighting non-dex mages or you've just not fought enough battles yet. When you level up and able to fight those level 32-34 mages, I'm sure you 'll see one.

Zizo -> RE: Super Charge (2/25/2012 15:07:12)

idk what the caster build is xD
And why not justdo it from early on? xD

And yeah, I've only faced lower-level mages :P I've yet to see one that uses what I use xD

I lack plasma bolt, but I love overload and supercharge :P

I don't mean for this to turn into a question thread, but is this good to prepare for supercharge mages for my level? Any way to improve(I know I need higher dex)?

Ranloth -> RE: Super Charge (2/25/2012 15:11:21)

Caster Build is usually high Energy + Plasma Bolt + Multi. Both skills at maxed and high Technology crushes opponents most of the time. But if they survive, you might be screwed. :P
It's not done early on, SC build, as you need Lvl 10 to train SC. Early on, its damage isn't enough to compensate for Energy cost and you're better off with Caster build.

About your build, post it in Battle Strategy forum as they'll help you more there. :3

Oba -> RE: Super Charge (2/25/2012 15:12:14)

Before you reach level 30-isch is the "ultra-skills" (so to speak) not really good. For any class, due the low amount of stats. You should use a plasma bolt build, those are pretty strong in that level you are in. (Note that I am for from a Tech Mage expert, I have actually never been good at them xD)

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Super Charge (2/25/2012 15:42:27)

What kind of a thread is this?, I also didnt see a CH with Venom Today than discuss this too :/

Whirlwindstorm2 -> RE: Super Charge (2/25/2012 18:15:33)

^ LOL. +1

Wootz -> RE: Super Charge (2/25/2012 18:34:05)

I don't get it Turkish.
On the other note, I am a Venom Strike Cyber Hunter...

DeathGuard -> RE: Super Charge (2/25/2012 19:16:53)

@Wootz: You failed at me my friend XD IT was a deadly build though, if it wasn't because of my SC I would be dead against you.

@On topic: Long before the caster builds were buffed, I started using a plasma bolt build and some other skills, at the end I used SC and I have several builds of it in Battle Strategy Section, it is really good if you can manage it and use it well. A tip for making builds like that is that when you got leftover skills, allocate them on SC and not in malf, since that significant skill point in SC can regain a little more hp and make you survive. Anyways it is quite ironic that people say I "copy" their builds and it is quite foolish since I started using them with almost only nonvarium weapons before caster builds were buffed once again. SC indeed is a strong skill but not can't be compared to SS and Massacre

Zizo -> RE: Super Charge (2/25/2012 19:18:10)

what are ss and masscre?

DeathGuard -> RE: Super Charge (2/25/2012 19:22:28)

Surgical Strike: Ultimate Skill For Mercs and Tactical Mercs
Massacre: Ultimate Skill for Bounty Hunters and Cyber Hunters

Zizo -> RE: Super Charge (2/25/2012 19:40:29)

So it makes Mage weak that it doesn't have as strong of an ultimate move?

DeathGuard -> RE: Super Charge (2/25/2012 19:50:38)

Massacre is strong since it improves with an stat that can be abuse at max:strength and can get you a fast win plus their bloodlust (bounty hunter) or their energy regain ability because of static charge (cyber hunter), and surgical strike improves with technology which can lead to a high res tank and its special ability that recovers 30% of hp and takes away half of your rage bar. Supercharge's base damage skill is a bit low and that is what makes it weaker.

Remorse -> RE: Super Charge (2/26/2012 1:20:36)

Well I diasagree with this,

Its obvious MOST mages actuly use Super charge...
At least they would if they wanna compete agianst other power builds.

What you dont see is many TLMs or mercs use Surgical strike suprising IMO because TLMs dedint even abuse this skill when they had technician Missed oportuinty xD

goldslayer1 -> RE: Super Charge (2/26/2012 1:27:08)

i was using super charge tech mage earlier.
and most non var cyber hunters beat it. (because CH is OP)

a buff on both mages would be to, make deadly aim also increase aux damage (like it does to the gun)
would this be OP? no
str bloodmage, wont be affect by this because they use low lvls of deadly aim, and have low support. also their strike is stronger than the zooka.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Super Charge (2/26/2012 1:28:23)

Super charge build is risky build . how? most of the time opponent remove ur energy , best is to use lvl 1 super charge , at any cost it does 20 damage , as helpful as massacre .

super charge does minimum damage of 20 ( even with 0 dex ) should hve been 5 damage .

Remorse -> RE: Super Charge (2/26/2012 1:28:54)

Would this be Oped YES

NO classs do NOT need to be given more power, they need power dramtically reduced and this invloves removing CH plasma armour and TLMs mineral.

That would solve your problem without leaving balance in its current teriable state.

sha 2nd mage -> RE: Super Charge (2/26/2012 2:17:38)

supercharge build where made before and its a decent skill, but it works better in 1 vs.
if u really wanna see how good it is, then search for my name in YouTube (which was not made by me).
hope u will like it .

zion -> RE: Super Charge (2/26/2012 6:59:49)

I still don't see why supercharge can't stack with bloodlust? - then you would really see BMs use it! It already "stacks" with malf for mages... Overload gives 30% stun and 23% heal for a fraction of the price.
+1 for DA giving Aux boost as well.

MrBones -> RE: Super Charge (2/26/2012 7:13:56)

Well I have been playing with a supercharge built for a couples of weeks now. It is not a very powerfull built but it is quite fun. This is the best time I had playing since I had a TLM support built.

Now who do I lose to ? Str Cyber of course but only if they start. It is the same with str TLM. If I start, I have a reasonnably good chance to win against both. The same situation applies to the srt blood mage fire ball built. If I start first, I win 100 % of the time.

Again it seems to me that they keep nerfing support while doing almost nothing to strength. Strength builts typically have very low support. How in hell can they start a battle then ?? Anything over 100 pts in strength should go second automatically.

Remorse -> RE: Super Charge (2/26/2012 7:23:52)

^ I agree,

I think everyone and every build needs to be weakened by for example removing gun and aux enhamnets.

Then people wont be able to obtain such high power and create this teriable battlefield of LUCK and Destruction.

nico0las -> RE: Super Charge (2/26/2012 7:49:05)

At low levels, you are correct. No one uses supercharge. However, 33s and 34s ABUSE supercharge, with 7+ 106+ dexterity builds.

@Bones I noticed this as well, and it's starting to get on my nerves. Str builds have AT MOST 35 support, whereas my TM has 57 and yet they still go first.
Someone needs to fix who goes first, and like you said, if you have 100+, you should instantly go second.

rej -> RE: Super Charge (2/26/2012 8:45:34)

Perhaps TECH mages use supercharge, but I seen innumerable Blood Mages who use it as the main attack for their builds.

Remorse -> RE: Super Charge (2/26/2012 10:25:22)

I have an alternate low levelmage, I use super charge on it and it works a charm so I dont think it needs any type of change even for lower levels.

Except maybe make it stack with BL.

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