Ez_Ease -> RE: Should EpicDuel PvP be Controlled in Rock-Paper-Scissors Format? (3/3/2012 11:43:34)
What I dont like is the miss use of the word fair, people complain that this character is to strong and needs to be adjusted such as the (TLM & CH). In a Rock-Paper-Scissor Format, yes the outcome can be predetermined, but if you look at pokemon they use that formula but have made it interesting by the type of move sets one chooses or learns. The same can be done here. One thing I think people are missing is that life is fair, but some how we want to punish someone for being bigger, faster, stronger or richer if they acquired any of those asset honestly I dont have a problem. There will always be people who cheat and abuse the system get use to it, example why do people who drive buy a radar detectors it is because one they dont want a ticket for doing something wrong like driving to fast. I have beaten people who cheated in everything I've done in life, is it easy no, is achievable yes, but only after some time and effort. I believe that there should be clear advantages but also I believe in the human mind, that we are able to adapt and over come any obstacle when faced with a problem. When I started my TLM had technician, and smoke screen which I thought was cool, which I used appropiately based on a person build. if you had high defense I smoked you then attack. Just as if I saw that you was loaded up with energy I could first swicth my defense cant now stuck on physical and yes that does mean I can pour more into technology or buy armor, but I prefer to be balance and use my mind on what I need to do in a given situation, everytime I fight a particular build and if they beat me I learn to adjust my thought process on how I will proceed. Now I am penalize for looking at the other character and if they had a super strong energy build and is completely energy I would shift my shield and usually that meant asorbing a blow then heal and make them pay for relying on one style of fighting. Sorry for the long rant but I am tired of someone saying no heal, it is in the game, let me use this picture I have my hands around your neck and I am choking you you have two choices let me kill you or do what you can to survive. If the heal is in the game I will use it, if not then I dont have that option, but some of the in game boss are very hard to beat so you need to heal. Enough of the no heal already especially when you are first to say it then heal yourself when the battle takes an unexpected turn. Taking away points from defense or moves is not a good move raise the other guys ability is a better option than pulling someone down, you dont multiply wealth by dividing it. That means you take from some one who has worked hard for it, to give to some who has not; now you tell me how is that fair, because where is the incentive for me to continue to work if some says woe is me I dont want to take the time think for myself, so if you have disposable income to buy varium people want to say you are cheating or a freak. :-) That is all I have for now. Have a great day and weekend.